
Let Freedom Ring



3 Years
10-10-2018, 09:40 PM
The young wolf entered this new land with energy to spare. Her well muscled limbs carried her at an easy trot across the soft grass. She had crawled upon the earth with her tail plastered to her inner thigh and her face groveled against the ground for the last time. She was free! Never again would she submit to another being or be forced to do unthinkable things. She could live a life of her own. But what did she want?

Treble had followed her mother and half brother to freedom but lost their scents a ways back. Now she was alone. Another new experience for her. But it wasnt all that bad. Lavander and blue orbs looked to the trees above her. Brilliant oranges, yellows and reds covered the branches like she had never seen. Small sparrows flew from those branches singing sweetly. They almost seemed to be welcoming her, celebrating her newfound freedom with her.

Her stride slowed as she took it all in. It was like her greatest dream came true. The ivory female held her head high with confidence and moved with a slow elegance. If a slaver seen her now, she would be unrecognizable. Her coat was free from the filth that hide its white base. She was no longer a muddy brown mess. Now she could sport her ivory pelt with ebony points without a speck of her old look. Yes, she was different. Inside and out, Treble was a new wolf. She was happy for the first time in her life. With a burst of excited energy the girl opened her maw and let out a melodic howl. As she finished her quick song a pleased smile crossed her fine features. She was content, for the first time in her life.



4 Years
Extra large
10-11-2018, 08:34 PM

He was returning to the orchard today in hopes of gathering more fruit. It was a sweet treat that helped him to lure opossums and raccoons for easy hunting. It allowed him to get frequent meals without having to do much work, leaving him plenty of energy to travel and collect. He still had to meet knew faces and get to know the other wolves that thrived around here. He had met a few already, but he wanted to meet more. The young male wanted to get going with his plans of pulling a pack together, but he couldn't do that without finding wolves who are looking for a pack.

Moving forward the large male strolled through the orchard stopping here and there to pick up some fresh fallen fruit on the ground and sticking them in his leather bag that was across his chest. It was a fairly cool day for the summer, which made his mood even better because his dark coat and the heat did not mix vary well. So the break in the hot weather was welcoming. He hadn't come across any scent trails yet, but not far from here a howl rang out. It drew his attention away from the fruit he was throwing into his satchel. Would the other wolf mind some company? The howl really didn't sound like a summoning howl.

He figured it wouldn't bother to go see and quickly shoved the last of the fruit into the satchel. Turning he headed off in the other's direction, satchel full. She didn't sound vary far from him. He let out a short deep howl in return to her's just a warning that he was approaching.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



3 Years
10-11-2018, 08:58 PM
The younger female soaked up the scene before her. Fluttering birds, lush green grass, clear blue sky and the sweet scent of ripe fruit above. She felt like she was in a paradise. Treble was happy for the first time since who knows how long. A gentle smile pulled at her inky lips.

But it quickly disappeared when a low short howl reached her auds. Her breath caught within her throat as she turned to quickly face the stranger. She could feel her muscles tense beneath her pelt automatically. But she forced her features to stay calm. But she could hear her own pulse quickening within her auds.

It was a male approaching. His voice gave that away and she could now smell him as he approached. Her mind battled with her old self and her new. Normally she would flee or drop to the ground begging for mercy. But no, she wasnt that wolf anymore. She was stronger. Her chin lifted slightly as she talked herself up. She could be over exaggerating. This new male could be like her brother, Rhyme. He was the only one that had kept her from writing off males as complete dark souls who just bring pain and torture. No, he showed her that some could be kind and caring.

So there Treble stood, tense. Her tail was only slightly elevated from its usual looseness. Her brilliant orbs shown with curiosity and slight uneasiness. She gave a quick woof as a greeting and to lead him to her exact location. It was now or never. It was time for the scared little pup to blossom into a confident wolf.



4 Years
Extra large
10-12-2018, 06:45 PM

Branch didn't rush his approach, he never did. His demeanor was calm, his gait and body language showing his natural neutrality towards the world. This would in turn give the female time to retreat if she wasn't in the mood for company. Her woof was a bit surprising and at the same time made his tail wag a little. It seemed she was in the mood for some friendly company and he always looked forward to meeting others. He always welcomed the chance to get to know someone even if they may only be in his life for a few short moments.

Gentle smile spread on his lips as she came into view and he dipped his head in a quiet greeting. He would stop with a few yards between him, giving her space and respecting the fact that she may not want him any closer.

"Hello" he greeted his tail wagging again. "Nice day today isn't it?"

It truly was a nice day in his opinion and he could tell that Autumn wasn't to far away. The nights were getting cooler and the daylight was growing shorter, autumn would be here soon. He reclined into a sitting position allowing the female to make the move weather things would continue into conversation or not.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'



3 Years
10-14-2018, 01:25 PM
The female stood stoic as a large male approached. His ashen color reminding her of her mother and brother. She could feel her shoulders release some of the tension within them. He smiled warmly at her. It made her heart quicken for a moment. She wasnt used to smiles feom makes that held good intentions. She was used to the cool malicious smirks from the other gender.

Her new companion sat a few yards from her. A respectable distance. Treble inhaled deeply before she walked forward slowly. Her steps held a certainty that was lost within her mind. She was terrified inside. But she needed to do this. She had to prove she wasnt weak. She closed the distance until she was only a few feet from the ashen male. She slid to her haunches gracefully before meeting his gaze with her own lavender and pale blue orbs.

He spoke about the day being nice. The question pulled a small grin to her lips. An ice breaker. She nodded her head in agreement, "Nicer than any day I have ever experienced." She crooned. She allowed herself to look away from the male and towards her surroundings. She watched as two sparrows fought over a small bit of fruit. The leaves swaying gently in the cooling breeze. Yes, it was like a dream to the young female.

She realized she was smiling again and quickly made it fade away. She looked to her company, "I am Treble Destruction. May I ask who is making my aquantaince this fine day?" She asked gently. Her nerves had calmed as the time passed. This guy didnt seem half bad. Maybe he new of others that weren't half bad. Maybe he even knew her mother and half brother. But first she had to know she could trust him. This was the first step.