
Be sober, be vigilant



4 Years
Extra large
10-13-2018, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2018, 05:30 PM by Dea.)
After her talk with Archon, Dea felt a bit better. She still felt guilty about beating up the other female, even though she would never apologize to her. The devilish woman was born of wrath and misery, she was a demonic goddess clothed in mortal skin, and hell has no fury quite so powerful as hers. Dea felt in her heart that she did the right thing, even if she had been baited into the scuffle. There was no turning back on that point, nor would she be convinced she could have taken any other route when dealing with the girl. Hell, the woman had practically begged her to fight.

Walking alone now, Dea wandered west. Crossing a small river and then traveling into the murky lands of a swamp. Wrinkling her nose in disgust at the landscape, the demon snorted and moved through, avoiding the water and the peat moss. There was an instant dislike for the area and she planned to move as quickly as she could through it, though she had to pick her way carefully. Her senses were on high alert here, unable to fully use her eyes thanks to a thick mist that wouldn't let her see five feet in front of her. The damp and stench of the air and water made her nose all but useless, only allowing for more stink to enter and exit than any other scents. It was her hearing that she relied on, tracking the tiniest twig snap down and making sure there would be no threat within earshot. Her progress was slow, but she was trudging through the best she could.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!


10-14-2018, 05:40 PM
Demons resided here. Marek knew as much. His sisters had abandoned his side, his father their home. His mother was gone, vanished into the veil of death. The reaper had come back to the lands seeking his crown. A Male of two now he had blossomed into a huge monster of a man. His scent was of death and decay. Zeviah would be along he knew. His mate would not resist the trail he left her.

He padded up to a rock, the swamp eating at its base. It would be a good perch to watch from. He was still a silent and deadly killer. His body sprung, making more noise than he would have liked to land upon the rock. His mismatched eyes then scanned about the lands. He was concealed in darkness here. His haunches settled as he eyed the form of another. Her curves and details so familiar but a scent lacked in the air as it brushed towards him. "Sister lacks what the devil gifted her. Does she shy away from her roots? Does it scare her to eat as we always have?" his dual toned voice carried a deep pitch. It was raspy with underuse and his eyes were wild, like a feral beasts.



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2018, 04:33 PM
Dea was unprepared for the familiar, yet scratchy voice of her littermate brushing against her ears. Quickly she whipped her head toward where his voice had come from and peered into the darkness that concealed her sibling. She had no real response other than what had really happened to her, and why it came to be that she was somehow lacking. The word crawled over her psyche and she growled softly. "I have never been one to balk from our roots. Since my abandonment, I have had to adapt. Father and Mother both left me. Our new brothers seem to have disappeared as well." She shifted the attention from herself, hoping that her brother would be more interested in these new contenders for their father's seat as patriarch.

Looking around, Dea had hoped to see Zeivah, even though they hadn't truly gotten along. If Marek was here, the strange sibling wouldn't be far behind. The girl had always shadowed their brother with an eerie intensity. "And where have you been?" The expression in her eyes grew sharp, and she lashed her tail. Hunger was beginning to gnaw at her, "Tell me and we can hunt, like we used to." She hadn't had a game in so long she had almost forgotten the skill.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!


10-19-2018, 12:22 AM
The wraith watched as his sister became surprised by his sudden appearance. It gave him pleasure to know he could easily surprise and upset her all in one moment. There was still a problem though, she lacked the scent of cannibal, instead he could scent it, a Male had mingled with her. Jealousy seated itself within him but he kept it from his features with a well practiced mask. His eyes glinted with it though momentarily. It wasn't a secret, he thought, that he was incestuous.

Her answer was less than pleasing. She had known that he would of welcomed her by his side. Though the fact that they had new brothers was less than pleasing. There was a small displeased snarl that passed through the heirs lips. He would not be dethroned by some wannabe that got bigger than his place allowed. He would be destroying them as he had Lyle. "Their pelts will become as Lyle's has. Death embraces those that seek to dethrone the true king." the death threat was there and he was serious with wanting their pelts for his bed.

Dea had signed their death warrants.

Her next question had him moving, climbing down the rock gracefully. He might be the biggest of his litter but he still was able to be as graceful as his smallest sister. He moved towards her coming from the shadows that sheltered him. "We have ventured far, finding many lands and places where we are deemed monsters. Not as interesting as where, or rather who you've been. He smells delicious sister, perhaps we should hunt him." he came to a stop and nosed at her neck, taking in the faint scent on her of the Male then he stopped when the fading scent of pack hit him. She had truly taken on being mortal it seemed. "Have you cast away your demon completely sister? Or just fooled these mortals into believing you one?" there was much catching up they needed to do.



4 Years
Extra large
10-26-2018, 01:45 PM
They had all left her, abandoned her to her own devices, and Marek had the gall to flash jealousy at her. The demonic woman stared at her brother knowingly, guessing he had scented Archon and perhaps Abaven still in her pelt. Archon would stand out more, as she spent the most time with him. She was also aware that she hadn't actively hunted another wolf in ages, and none of her family remained in her pelt. There wasn't a word spoken about it however, and Dea listened as Marek took the bait. Her brothers would be excellent distractions, though he would not be distracted long.

She said nothing on the subject of fratricide, having no care for the younger siblings, just as none of her family had a care for her. As he moved from the rock he had perched himself on, Dea realized just how big her brother had gotten. While he didn't exactly tower over her, it did make her feel small somehow. There was no intimidation, just that she felt as though she lacked something. Her throat closed as she stifled a growl for making her feel inferior, though she showed no sign of the war within herself. She was a demonic goddess born from the Asmodeus line, and she hated feeling smaller than anyone, even her oversized brother. The demon's words to his sister almost had her fall for the bait he cast, though she was smarter than that by now.

"I do hunt him, though...I do not plan to consume him. He is...useful to me. And off limits. I gave you our brothers, but he is mine." He dug his nose into her pelt then, just as quickly, he pulled away to ask another question. She was unsure of how to answer, her family had abandoned her and so she had abandoned their teachings in lieu of better advice. Her new God called for her, but she could never tell Marek that. "I still have my bite, but I do not strictly adhere to the family ways. All of you abandoned me, left without a word. Mother is gone, father has disappeared, you and Zeivah left me, and I never even saw our brothers. Why would I keep our ways when it was so easy to see they wouldn't keep me?" She scoffed softly, though it was a sound born from pain and not derisiveness.

It was all she could do not to snap at her brother, all that anger boiling up to the surface. God had thrown Marek at her as a reminder of why she left, she was sure of it. "How is Zeivah?" Dea asked, wanting to change the subject before her carefully placed mask broke under the weight of her anger. While she was angry with them for leaving, Dea cared about them still. She had worried endlessly and searched for them for a year before she had to give up or die. The she-devil knew she was stronger for that, but she harbored a deep, festering wound about it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!


10-26-2018, 02:28 PM
HE watched her face for mere moments. He was aware of how to read the emotionless but he didn't dare speak of her shortcomings in size compared to his. She may be small and have abandoned them but she was still an Asmodeus and her bite would still hurt. That was if she even dared try to touch the king of demons.

He sat then beside her, as if he was familiar with her, like he had never left the hellhound he knew she was. His hellhound. Their father had bred them to be his army, and some to be his queens. Her words had him pressing his ears but that was the only emotion that manifested itself on his face other than a brief flash of guilt. "Mother rests with her demons, father will join her whence I find him. They will pay for their casting away of the king and his hellhounds....." He cast his mismatched eyes to her's looking seeking for something now. He wasn't good with apologies, he had been so young when he and Zeivah had run off together. His face showed his troubles with giving Dea what she was owed. "We do not say these words often sister, do not think us weak for saying them. Apologies are in order, we broke trust and love when we sought to conquer things away from the world here. Forgive us." HE watched for her forgiveness but then qickly turned his face from hers, a sheepish look found itself upon his features for a moment until he reeled in his emotions, bringing his emotionless expression back.

HEr question had him looking off into the distance, almost as if by speaking his other half's name she would miraculously show herself. He smirked at the darkness that lay in front of them. "Zeivah is wonderful, though she waits where we left her likely for our return. With any luck  we have gained father's virility and she keeps the next heir close. Though if she doesn't bear it will be upon these lands she does so this coming winter most likely." He turned his fce to look at her reaction to the news that she could already be an aunt to more demons.



4 Years
Extra large
11-08-2018, 03:16 PM
She hadn't expected him to apologize, though the gesture was welcomed all the same. It wasn't in their nature to admit they were wrong, even when it came to each other. She tried to carry some of the anger over, but it couldn't quite reach her again. While she would probably never come back to the fold, Dea knew she would have nothing if she left a sour note between them about their leaving. Marek seemed conflicted for a moment, but it was soon covered with his expressionless mask as if there had never even been anything said. Deciding to leave his apology where it was, she asked about her sister.

Marek got hearts in his eyes as he looked off into the distance, and though there was no actual emotion displayed, Dea could see the love in his face for their sister. Only she and Zeivah would have been able to see the affection there, or hear it in the cold tones of his voice. They had been raised together, for the most part. To hear that her sister was doing good was a balm on her heart, but Marek's next words about her sent a stabbing jolt of shock and happiness to her. She let her mask completely shatter then as her eyes grew wide and she gawked at her brother. "You guys are gonna make me an aunt!?" Suddenly, she was a bouncing mess of pup-like happiness, her tail waving joyously in circles at her hips. "I am so happy for you!" It was all she could repeat as she danced around in circles like a witch about a fire, whether she agreed with their ways or not, they were still her family. She was allowed to be happy about the chance to meet more demons. More fallen angels to add to the Asmodean Empire she knew was in the future, Dea could only imagine how thrilled her sister would be!

The only way Dea could have been happier was to have her own pups, though she wasn't currently thinking on that just yet. Even if she was, she would hope that Archon would bless her with their own little godlings. It was complete crush thoughts, but hey, a demon could dream!

Walk, "Talk" Think

Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!


11-08-2018, 04:29 PM
He gave her a debonair smile as she grew excited for him and zeviah. A smile he had perfected to get his way with Zeivah. He watched her body as she grew excited for him and Zeivah, as well as herself to become an aunt. Of course she had no clue about his visions for their families purity and empire. "Of course he shall not be the only heir, if you'd like that is. You could join us, make pure blooded demons with me. Our son too would be the heir. We would build a great kingdom. One that is feared through all of the lands. We would all three share power, you and Zeivah equals, my queens, the only two able to make me bow." he was sharing with her his vision of a perfect kingdom.

His eyes watched her now, a softness for his sister only her and zeivah would detect toying in them. He stood then his full height with his head held high like the king he was. He doubted she could truly turn down the vision. It was granduer in his mind.



4 Years
Extra large
11-08-2018, 05:51 PM
She celebrated, though it was rather short-lived as Marek proposed his ideas for their family's legacy. Once she would have leapt at the idea of sharing a crown with her brother and sister, she would have tossed herself into his embrace and followed him without question as she had been taught to do. It saddened her that she would have to tell him an answer he probably wasn't ready to hear. She couldn't simply jump back into the fold as soon as they feel like showing up and playing house again. Even though he had apologized, Dea still didn't feel called to serve Marek as she once had. There were other things in store for the young demon, and while there was still love for her brother, it did not go as deeply as it once had.

They had left her, and in their absence, she found her own calling. How could she tell him that when he looked so hopeful? She hid her conflict deep, simply watching him as his gaze grew just a hint softer. He stood a little taller then, proudly pitching his idea for her future. While she would be happy to see her family rise into the empire it should have been, Dea wasn't the same girl anymore. She had grown up on her own, with no one else to rely on or talk to but herself. For nearly two years now she had been on her own, answering to only herself. Archon wasn't so much a leader in her mind as he was a partner, though she let him wear all the pretty titles. While being queen did have its appeal, Dea still found herself shrinking from the idea.

"I don't share those dreams anymore, Marek. I haven't since I was forced to walk alone." While she made it clear in her tone there was no blame, she still felt she couldn't completely commit herself to a family who made it clear they weren't committed to her. "Zeivah will make you plenty of fine heirs for your kingdom, I know she will. I have a different vision for my future, I hope you can understand and accept this..." She let the sadness filter through in her voice, but also her own iron will. Dea knew what her rejection could do, he could turn on her and she would be forced to fend off a brother she had only just reunited with. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, but prepared herself anyway. Maybe he was different than their father, who she still remembered seeing fighting their mother in the northern lands, but she couldn't be sure.

It wasn't as though she had a reason to mistrust or to trust him, she was more careful now. Her fight with the mortal Caelestis had shown her that attacks could come from anywhere.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!