
Electric Feel



4 Years
10-11-2018, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2018, 04:27 PM by Tyranis.)

Lightning lashed across the sky, drumrolls of thunder roaring and grumbling furiously as the storm raged on over the nook. Rain poured over the lightning king’s back and head like a deluge as he sat at the base of a tree, his eyes closed as if he were deep in meditation. Storms helped him clear his mind, they always had, even before he had learned of the demons, and more importantly why his eyes were golden.

“Lightning lives in me.” He thought as another bolt illuminated the darkness for a brief instant only to disappear as quickly as it came. The nook had been a significant place for him. It had been where his mother told him of how he had been sired. "Of her rape.” He thought bitterly, though truth be told Tyranis now had his own suspicions of what had come to pass that faithful day, and the role Ruina’s demons had played in it. He took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, letting his hot breath mist in the damp air. He needed to clear his thoughts, more importantly he needed to find out what would happen next.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-19-2018, 07:42 PM

Despite the time that had passed, Kai had yet to stray far from these parts. The eastern lands were slowly becoming more familiar to him - to call any of these lands home would be a stretch, but he was certainly fond of these nearby lands as well as the wolves he'd had the pleasure of meeting thus far in these parts. Enough to keep him here, at least, which surely meant something. Today, of course, was less desirable than most days with a heavy storm rolling in, bringing thunder and lightning in full-force. The rain was hardly a deterrent though, despite how heavily it was coming down. Kai merely braced himself against it as he trudged on, weaving between the redbud trees. They were normally far more glorious in daylight, now concealed behind the heavy rain, and he could hardly make out more than their silhouettes.

Still, this place was easy enough to navigate and only briefly would he pause as a particularly loud crack of thunder struck, echoing through the forest. A brilliant streak of lightning followed, landing somewhere in the distance - the oversized male briefly dipped his head skyward to watch it as it faded, marveling in the way it illuminated everything almost blindly before the land descended back into darkness. Shaking some of the rain from his eyes, he continued on, though a rather familiar scent seemed to creep out of nowhere and grab his attention. Tyranis? It was no real surprise to encounter him here, as Mount Volkan was only to the north, but to recognize his scent over the damp smell of rain was slightly surprising. Sniffing at the air and still bracing himself against the rain with his head tucked slightly down toward his chest, he followed the scent, until another streak of lightning landing somewhere nearby showed the figure of someone up ahead. Curious, Kai let out a loud bark, hoping he could be heard through the rain.

"Ty?" He asked as he drew closer, a grin tugging at his lips, which could  very likely be heard in his voice. "I didn't know you were as foolish as me," Kai nearly shouted so that he could be heard over the torrential rain, squinting and struggling to make out his friend despite the distance between them closing rapidly. "To go out wandering in such a storm, I mean. Awful weather."




4 Years
10-19-2018, 08:17 PM

He felt the fur on his hackles stand on end as the figure approached him and weighed his options of fighting in the midst of a storm. He didn’t doubt his abilities for a second, only that it would be disorienting and most of all, distracting. When the shadowy figure called his name however he felt his guard fall and his heart instantly fill with elation. Kai. He felt a knowing smile tug at his lips and he stood to approach the familiar male. Speaking“Storms clear my head.” He said with just a touch of pride. Kai had a way of bringing out his arrogance, and of boosting his already inflated ego that was every bit as addictive as it was dangerous. Speaking“And you? What’s your excuse?” He asked, feeling his smile widen as he stepped closer to the male.

Another clash of lightning briefly illuminated both of them; Kai’s sooty coat cut through with two red blades that ran from his eyes to the edges of his muzzle, but most of all it was his silvery eyes that caught the lightning king’s attention; silver, like his mothers, and part way his brother’s although the same could be said about his own golden optics. He raised his head slightly, letting the rain pour down his face and for a moment he forgot everything; he forgot his father, and Ruina, he forgot Astraios, and Cloud, it was only himself, and Kai, and the storm.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-22-2018, 08:04 PM

There were few wolves he'd be more pleased to find in the midst of a storm, and though his spirits hadn't been particularly low before he felt them soar now. Being reunited with Tyranis sparked a pleasant warmth in him that was undeniable, a feeling that couldn't even be damped by the heavy rain. Almost immediately Tyranis recognized him even with the heavy rain, the grin on his lips only growing at seeing his friend's own joy. "Do they?" He replied easily, a rhetorical question and not one he expected an answer to. He couldn't deny that Ty sparked a similar feeling of arrogance in him - though generally he enjoyed the company of those that made him feel good and worthy in general, and Ty was no exception.

What was his excuse? Hmm. He was silent for a moment, eyeing the other male in the brief moment of illumination. He looked no different now, save for the way his pelt was now soaked and clinging tightly to his frame. At least Kai looked equally as bedraggled as Tyranis did, and he had to give his head a firm shake to rid his vision of excess water. "My excuse," he started, quite clearly taking a moment to come up with a good answer. "Is that... I was feeling too restless to sit around and do nothing, and... I don't generally think enough about the consequences of my actions? How's that sound?" Not that wandering out in a storm was necessarily super dangerous, though he supposed it could be if he ventured to more dangerous territories. He shrugged nonchalantly, though that playful smile didn't waver much as he shuffled a bit closer to Ty, aiming to move slightly beneath the overhang of a nearby tree.




4 Years
10-23-2018, 09:45 AM

He gave a low chuckle as Kai moved closer then met his eyes as he came to rest beside him.“Sounds exactly like you.” He said, his voice slightly raised to be heard over the wind and rain. He shook himself off and moved to join Kai under the overhang, abandoning the minimal cover he had been sitting under before.

He laid on his stomach, twisting his hips to let them sprawl away from his body and looked up at the male pleasantly, inviting Kai to join him. Never before had Tyranis appeared so relaxed in front of another wolf, save for his former mate when he was younger. Aranea still left a dull ache in his heart when he thought of her, but with Kai the pain seemed muted. He didn’t pretend to know what it was about the male that left him feeling so weightless, he simply accepted it and let his presence soothe him.

" How have you been?" He asked calmly, the tip of his damp tail flicking idly as he waited for Kai to speak. "Any grand adventurers?"

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
11-01-2018, 07:56 AM

Kai was not a terribly difficult wolf to read, nor to understand. He did what pleased him, when it pleased him, with no real goals in mind besides.. well, enjoying his life. Tyranis seemed to understand that, which pleased him greatly, making a comment about how what he'd said sounded exactly like him. "Doesn't it?" Kai chuckled under his breath, shaking his head in amusement as they moved together to seek slight shelter. There was no real shelter, not under these redbud trees, but this would do for now.

He willingly followed Tyranis's lead, moving to lie on the damp earth beside him. Perhaps the closeness might be uncomfortable to some, but thus far the other male hadn't seemed the least bit uncomfortable with it, and Kai wasn't one for dwelling much on things that came easily. "I've been well enough," he answered simply. Life hadn't been terribly exciting since he'd last seen Tyranis, but lat the same time he had no real complaints. "The life of a rogue always seems... more exciting in thought than in practice." He offered a faint, slightly wistful smile. The amount of trouble he could get into on his own was small, which was why he was always so eager to seek out like-minded wolves, for the possibility of some camaraderie and others to go adventuring with. "What about you, though? Your story is like far more interesting than mine. How is Ruina faring?" Even if personally uninterested in ever joining a pack, he couldn't help but be curious about how they worked, especially ones he had friends in.




4 Years
11-06-2018, 08:04 PM

In an instant his spirits fell and he was unable to keep himself from pinning his ears back in shame and outrage. “Ruina has fallen.” He said solemnly. “My fa- Elias- vanished, left his children and the rest of us behind.” He grumbled, attempting to hide the growl that climbed its way up his throat.

He snuffed and shook out his fur, attempting to shake the hostility from himself. Kai didn’t deserve it, he’d had no part in the lightning king’s predicament. “It seems like most of the pack left with him, that or I simply can’t find them, and none of them seem eager to find me.” He huffed dejectedly. “I suppose I’ll learn soon enough what being a loner is like. It seems I’m going to be one for a while.” His eyes became distant and forlorn, Tyranis had never really known life without a pack, he had never lived without the comforts or privileges of pack life, and to be on his own now, with no real end to life as a loner in sight.

Speaking Thinking You



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
11-12-2018, 09:26 AM

Kai hadn't expected Ty's mood to shift so suddenly - if he had known, he might've decided against bringing up Ruina at all. He wasn't exactly the best at consolation, or at cheering others up. He'd had so little experience in negative life experiences that he wasn't quite the best at empathizing; and according to Kai, life was too short to spend dwelling on such things to begin with. His expression softened, though, at Ty's obvious frustration. Perhaps this Elias wasn't as great a wolf as he'd once believed? The brief hunt they'd shared had made him think fondly of the wolf, but abandoning one's family wasn't at all honorable. Even his father wouldn't sink to such lows, and he shook his head in response to what had happened to Ty.  "They didn't deserve you, it doesn't sound like," Kai said after a moment, shrugging his wide shoulders. Kai was the sort of wolf to take charge of his own fate, and he hoped Tyranis could too - leaning on others hadn't seemed to bring him much luck thus far.  "You'll rise stronger from this, mark my words." All tough life experiences, if one could persevere through them, only served to make a wolf better and stronger. The weak might falter, but Tyranis didn't strike Kai as a weak wolf.

"Doesn't make it suck any less, though," he admitted somberly after a moment, letting a sigh spill from his throat. Though he couldn't properly relate to Ty's struggles, he often found himself missing his own father and wondering what life might me like if he'd struck a bit closer by him through his youth. Was he bitter? No. But it certainly didn't make the circumstances super awesome, either. A loud crash of thunder nearby briefly arrested him from his thoughts, though he focused back on Tyranis after a moment.  "Loner life isn't so bad. Personally, I prefer it. You've still got me, after all." Only hesitating for a moment, Kai briefly leaned to press his nose into his friend's shoulder. He didn't expect the other male to pull away, but knew the moment of affection might not be well-received by all wolves, but it felt right and he was willing to risk it.




4 Years
11-14-2018, 10:58 AM

He felt his heart flutter then soar at Kai’s words. Although he had given them with a shrug as if they were unimportant Tyranis felt touched by them. “Funny. Elias said the same thing about Abaven.” He said, the words leaving him more than being spoken. What he didn’t say was how those words had set his soul on fire when his father had spoken them, and how they set his heart ablaze again when they came from Kai. He felt a small but sincere smile tug at the edge of his lips.

"Loner life isn't so bad. Personally, I prefer it. You've still got me, after all."

Kai said and Ty’s heart felt like a trapped bird beating its wings against his ribs. “If I made my own pack…Would you stay with me?” He asked hesitantly. Kai had said again and again that he preferred life as a loner, free of laws and expectations, but Tyranis couldn’t help but want to keep Kai with him, even after he rose to power again.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
11-17-2018, 10:57 AM

Kai was inclined to think that most wolves had worth of their own, regardless of how successful they were in their endeavors or not. Likewise, he didn't believe in feeling sorry for those that abandoned their family, or their friends - even though he was a rogue, he had a handful of wolves he'd likely help, if they needed it. Surely Ty would be better off without them, or find a group that was worthy of his leadership, if that was the path he chose. He offered Tyranis a faint smile in return, another loud crack of thunder temporarily distracting him and breaking the somewhat serene atmosphere. Outside of their little bubble, under the very slight shelter of one of the larger redbud trees, the storm still raged on. Kai was still quite soaked, though now only a faint drizzle reached them rather than the torrential rain.

He hadn't expected Ty's question, and it caught him off guard. Would he stay? He knew he wouldn't, but likewise he had no interest in Ty being discouraged.  "I wouldn't," he answered slowly, far more carefully than usual.  "Nothing against you, but pack life isn't meant for me. If I could ever be tempted, it'd likely be to stay with you," Kai admitted, almost sheepishly. He was acutely aware of their closeness now - he was always quite giving with his affections but he suddenly felt a nervousness he wasn't at all accustomed to.  "I'm not hard to find, though. Call and I'll answer, if I happen to be near." He hoped that answer my satisfy him. He'd neglect to tell Tyranis of his plans to spend his winter further north, though Kai knew he'd always find his way back to these lands regardless of where tomorrow took him..




4 Years
11-22-2018, 01:42 PM

He had known, even before he asked that Kai would reject his offer to stay in a pack with him, but he hadn’t been anticipating the answer that followed. In an instant his face felt hot, in spite of his good looks, and in spite of his charismatic nature no one had ever offered to do something for him. His whole life he had done things for others or for himself; He had raised Dauntless for his family, and Aranea, and dedicated his life to Ruina for his father, even Aranea who had been so loyal to him and loving had betrayed him for her own selfish gain. Kai’s offer was small, but it meant the world to Tyranis that the rougish male would only join a pack if it meant staying with him.

“I- thank you.” He said lamely, his eyes downcast. He wasn’t sure how else he could express how he felt, he had kept his emotions bottled for so long that they festered like wounds, and now that he was given an opportunity to be earnest, he didn’t know what to do.

His eyes were wide as something slid down his cheek that left a burning trail as it went, far too hot to be rain although the steady droplets striking his face would most likely mask the lone tear to anyone who wasn’t looking for it. Tyranis had never cried, no matter how much disappointment he had faced, or how much turmoil had been in his life, not once had he been so outward with his emotions, but Kai’s selfless offer had moved him, and touched him in a way he thought no one ever would.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
11-26-2018, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2018, 08:48 PM by Kai.)

Though he wasn't quite sure how Tyranis would react to his answer, he was pleased when no anger flared up in his friend. Despite Kai's easy going nature he knew deep down he too had a temper, and had no desire toward the destruction of a valuable friendship over something so trivial to him. What surprised him, though, was the slight hurt that seemed to creep across his features, watching as Tyranis glanced down to the damp earth and away from him. He wasn't sure quite how to reply for a moment, and he too cast his gaze down to the earth as he let the sound of the pummeling rain wash over him.

"No need to thank me," he answered after a moment, unsure if Ty's words had been entirely genuine or not. It was difficult to read his expression, especially with his head tilted toward the earth and the light mist that drizzled down on them from above and partially obscured his vision. He shook the stray droplets from his face, leaning to tip his snout down and gently push beneath Tyranis's chin and gently urge his head back upward. It was difficult to tell if he was crying, but Kai had a faint suspicion he might be - the glossy look in his eyes said more than the sight of any tear would. "And there's even less reason to cry. You're far too handsome to cry over anything." Perhaps a different wolf might implore him to discuss why he was crying - perhaps talking it over might help him - but Kai wasn't good at dealing with the emotions of others. His desire to see Tyranis happy was partially a selfish one, but in truth he'd grown quite fond of the man and seeing him happy wasn't exactly something he wished for.




4 Years
11-26-2018, 09:01 PM

Without a word he pressed his chin down on top of Kai’s head, pulling himself closer to the grey male. His heart thundered in his chest, matching the tremulous storm above them in fervor. He had never considered loving a male the way he could love a female, but he knew that he had grown to care deeply for Kai and the that the thought of losing him the way he had lost Aranea chilled him to the bone. The thought of failing to meet Kai’s expectations of him scared the man who thought he had been fearless, the and the thought of losing him to another lover hurt him in a way he couldn’t explain or fully understand. Kai understood him, and that alone was something only his brother and his mother had ever done for him.

“Thank you.” He repeated, his voice raw with emotion. Kai was someone he needed after the loss of his father and the fall of Ruina, and even though he hadn’t agreed to join him in his own pack he found that he could settle for Kai seeing him between journeys.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
12-04-2018, 07:40 PM

Kai wasn't sure how Ty would react to his open affection, but it was a risk he was willing to take. Given how his friend had acted around him in general, he suspected he wouldn't be outright denied... but he couldn't be certain unless he tried. He was beyond pleased when he felt the weight of Ty's head pressing down on his own, pulling the two of them closer together. Perhaps quite unlike Tyranis, he didn't fear giving his love, perhaps more freely than most. He had more than enough affection to go around, though truthfully he'd never quite considered that monogamy was a standard for most in these lands. All he knew was the ways his father had taught him, and the what his own heart knew. Instead of dwelling on these concerns, Kai was instead stuck in the moment, grateful for the private moment they were sharing.

He shook his head at his verbal gratitude. "No, thank you," he countered gently, pulling away slightly to watch Tyranis properly. He needed to shake his head to rid himself of some of the drizzle that had accumulated around his cheeks to get a better view of the other male. "It's been a long while since I've met someone I've felt so... fond of," he admitted, unsure if he'd chosen the right word or not. "I'm eager to see what things you're capable of doing, Ty." That cheeky smile of his returned, his expression brightening from the somber moment. He wasn't one to spend very long dwelling on the past, and now he was especially eager to move on from the somber mood.  "Perhaps we ought to go somewhere a bit more..." Private? That was where his thoughts went, but he knew better than to voice his thoughts aloud so openly. He didn't want to destroy any progress he'd made with Tyranis during this meeting. "Dry?" He cocked his head, slight amusement visible on his features. It might be a feat to find somewhere truly dry right now, but perhaps if they moved closer to Mount Volkan they could find somewhere to dry off in the comfort of a cave somewhere.




4 Years
12-11-2018, 09:45 PM

“No” his mind pleaded, he felt rooted to where he was with Kai, in that moment, even with a storm raging around them. He didn’t want to move much less put even the smallest distance between them.“Yes.” He said in a whisper but stayed where he was waiting for Kai to be the first to move away. He would follow him wherever they went but for now he was content to draw out the final moments of them being so close to each other for as long as he could.

Kai awoke something in him; something he had never felt even in the wild and hormonal rush of his adolescence. He wanted Kai, and he couldn’t convince himself that Kai didn’t feel the same way. He felt as though every hair on his body stood on end, planted firmly in the moment yet somehow totally weightless. His thoughts became frenzied and suddenly, almost without him realizing it he drew his tongue over the top of Kai’s muzzle and pressed their noses together.

Reality set in quickly afterwards and he found himself totally unable to comprehend what he’d just done, much less with another male. Terror raced through him as he prepared for Kai’s rejection, and more than likely his disgust. He had always understood the taboo of males being intimate with each other and had never questioned that it was an unnatural urge, but in that brief instant when he had fully let down his walls he hadn’t cared, he had only seen Kai as someone he desired, and someone he could give his heart to openly. It had gotten the best of him, and now it was almost surely going to come to an abrupt and heartbreaking end.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  