
Along the Ledge

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-17-2018, 10:50 AM

Rhyme found himself wandering away from Abaven that day, Imperia flew above him as she scouted the miles ahead of him. She called out to him if she saw danger or anything unusual but as he walked she remained silent. Rhyme enjoyed the quick lope, and found his curisoity piqued as he began to scale the mountain before him. Malicious clouds of black smoke rose from the mountain’s zenith and even though he should have been cold in the chill Autumn air he felt comfortable, especially when passing a hot air vent. This place was like nowhere he had ever been before.

He tread carefully over the quasi-path, large herd animals obviously took this path during migration. More than once he wondered if one of the large animals had tumbled over the edge. Or more than one. His bright blue and lavender gaze peered over the edge as he reached the half way point and he was sure he could see some bleach white bones at the bottom. He shook his head, avoiding the vertigo such a view wanted to provide. Finding himself tiring from the long trek he decided to back away from the edge and take a seat, his gaze wandering the vast horizon before him. Imperia flew gracefully, her body catching the impressive thermals that the volcano produced. Rhyme sighed heavily, enjoying the semblance of a vacation here in the warmth with the cool autumn breeze at his face,



4 Years
Extra small
11-17-2018, 11:11 AM

With Elias gone and the pack disbanded, one would of expected Tana would of moved on and reveled in her freedom. This however was not the case. She was lost without having someone tell her what to do and when to do it. She'd been born into the life of a slave and didn't know what else to do with herself. So she stayed, waiting for the master to return or someone else to come along and force her to go. The herbs she'd found over the summer were stored in the cave that had been the lambs den. And today she was taking in the warmth from the heat vent outside the den. She didnt dare to too far.

She was sitting with her head low and body curled up as tight as could be. The sulfuric scents herd had been slowly dulling her senses, and from that hunting had been made almost impossible. Not that she was much of a hunter before that. Her weight had been slowly decreasing. As tiny as she was she doubted that she would last winter up here and would have to move to the maw soon. Though that was something that scared her. Elias had told her that she was not allowed to den there and had made it clear when he terrorized her. Of course she was still afraid even now as she sat there waiting for the praetors to come retrieve her. She had no way of even noticing the bird that flew in the heat drafts or the wolf that was slowly approaching. He was after all downwind of her.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-17-2018, 11:31 AM

Rhyme watched silently as Imperia circled and flew with a celestial grace. Her iridescent feathers glinted in the Autumn sun and Rhyme felt himself smiling absentmindedly. She whirled suddenly and sent out a call that meant she had spotted another wolf. Rhyme instantly braced himself as he tore his eyes from the beauty of the horizon and looked all around him. He looked upwind at first, a quick glance as he was sure he would have scented the wolf had they approached from that direction, when he found nothing his shaggy coal colored head turned the other direction.

At first he saw nothing, his sharp gaze seeking the creature that Imperia had spotted. He almost missed her she was so small, but after a second glance he caught her. He found himself appalled at her appearance, her ears were shredded and her eyes were obviously gone. Scars covered her tiny form, and Rhyme was reminded of some of the slaves he’d lived with in the slaver’s band. He felt his ears fall to his skull as he took a few steps closer, he was still rather far but he wanted a better look and to be able to call out to her and be heard.

"Hello?" he called out softly, but with enough force to reach her tattered ears. She was deadly thin, and he wondered when the last time she had eaten was. "Are you.. okay?"



4 Years
Extra small
11-17-2018, 12:02 PM

She had been listening as the silence stretched on. It was honestly so quiet here that when the call of a bird rang out she startled slightly. Her companions were quick to come running to her side. Alma, her mouse lemur was quick to cling to her throat to hide from the bird and Basil, her squirrel monkey was quick to seat himself between her legs. Tana scented for anything but found nothing but sulfur in the air. Basil and alma could see though and Alma was ready when the Male called out sending tana to startle and lower herself more than she already was. Her ears pinned as alma ran her fingers through tana's fur trying to keep the woman calm. Basil came to the front and stood on his hind legs with his chattering a warning to the Male.

They'd been trying to convince tana she needed to move on and find somewhere she could at least find proper carrion. She'd refused though. "That's far enough stranger." Basil was firm in his words and at least it gave tana a direction to turn her head. She gave a stiff nod to the Male to answer his question. Was he a praetor? She had hope for the moment that she hadn't been completely forgotten. Though alma quickly smashed that with a whisper in her ear. "Male, large, smells like a pack and definitely not praetor." Tana stayed silent aware that it wasnt her place to speak unless she was asked a question that couldn't be answered with a nod or shake of her head. Submission would easily be given to this Male for certain. Not that she wouldn't give it to any other wolf anyway.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-17-2018, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2018, 03:30 PM by Rhyme I.)

The slate marked wolf watched as two primates appeared beside their mistress, one smaller clinging to her fur while the other seemed to puff himself up to protect the poor she wolf behind him. Rhyme could have easily done away with the lemur, but obeyed the command and remained where he was. She nodded slightly, but he wasn’t sure if he believed her. Rhyme tilted his head, he had experience with blind wolves. His mother had lost her sight years ago, but she seemed to get along well enough.

Imperia finished her flight, and with her usual grace took to his shoulders. Her own bright eyes lingering on the primates, almost sure the small one was a squirrel to be hunted. "You’ll excuse me if I don’t quite believe you. You’re practically skin and bones."  He observed with sympathy in his voice. "How long have you been up here? Do you need assistance?"  He was a kind wolf at heart, and couldn’t bare the thought of suffering, especially one in a position he knew too well. "My name is Rhyme Imperialis, what can I call you?" He directed the question at the she wolf and her companion.




4 Years
Extra small
11-17-2018, 03:16 PM

When he stopped basil lowered himself back to his haunches and sat where he was able to put a barrier between the Male and tana. He wasnt scared even as the raven came to land on the male's shoulder. Alma however got as tight as she could to tana's throat and kept her eyes on the bird.

Tana shrunk as he said he didnt believe her. Lying was wrong she knew but what was she supposed to say. That she was starving because her master forgot about her? She was sure the Male would have some kind of rude remark and possibly even want to enslave her as well. Her ears flattened and disappeared into her scruff as he asked her questions she couldn't answer simply with a nod. "I-I'm not s-s-sure. A w-w-while I guess. I-I'm waiting f-for the master to return." she wasn't sure what else to do but answer him. She was quiet and almost whispered but was actually as loud as possible for her. She was just naturally a soft spoken woman.

He asked their names and basil answered so she didn't have to stutter more through another answer. "You can call me Basil, Alma is the small one and Tana is her name, forgive her stutter but she's had it rough since birth." he was more formal than tana.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-17-2018, 03:39 PM

The lemur seemed to relax slightly as Rhyme halted, though he couldn’t blame them for remaining vigilant. He found himself impressed with the loyalty the creatures held for such a sad looking wolf. Rhyme couldn’t help but be reminded of how Shaye had so easily accepted and helped the healer Spider. As the woman spoke he was reminded further of the timid male. Master. He knew that word too well. His brows furrowed and he felt his hackles raise, but he gained control of himself as she quieted and the first primate spoke for her again.

Basil, Alma, and the she wolf was Tana. If he understood the lemur correctly he had to assume she had been a slave from birth, much like his half siblings from the slaver’s band. An idea started forming in his mind, had she been abandoned? He felt confident in his abilities to fight her former master for her if it came to it. "A while seems too long. Are you sure he hasn’t left you?" The words felt harsh as they left his lips, but she was so frail and neglected. Even the lowest of saves he had been around were well fed. "What if I could offer you freedom? I would gladly fight the one you call master fr your possession. I.. was a slave myself, now I am alpha of Abaven and can offer you a safe home to recuperate." He didn’t even know if she would be willing to accept, but he was much bigger than she was, if it came to it he was sure he could grab her by the scruff and drag her back with him. "At least for the winter, you know you wont make it up here with no one to provide for you." He was becoming more and more like Shaye, bringing home weak half dead wolves into the pack. She reminded him so much of his previous life though, he simply couldn’t leave her here.




4 Years
Extra small
11-17-2018, 06:25 PM

He spoke and tana lowered her head further. By now she was almost kissing the ground with her nose. It sounded harsh like she had angered him with her stutter. "I-I'm n-n-not s-s-sure." he then offered her her freedom. What even was freedom? It wasnt his to offer her anyway, was it? He said hed fight for her though. Why? She was just a slave meant for sacrificing to demons or gods or whatever her master believed in. She was born to die.

"I-I don't k-k-know, t-they'd b-be mad." she brought her brows together with confusion. She wanted to, but knew Elias would kill her for leaving the area. She'd never been wanted by someone for anything more than to eventually kill. "I-I'm s-suppose to d-die to a-a-appease the d-demons." What kind of slave had he been though? Even if she didnt survive up here she at least wouldn't have broke the rules. That or made an unnecessary fight occur.

"W-why d-d-do you w-want me?" Alma was slow to climb down to the ground as Tana was starting to shake. Asking questions wasnt a thing she was allowed to do before and she was risking angering the male. Alma scurried towards the cave and retrieved the lavender stalks quickly. Once she returned the lemur began rubbing the flowers and pollen into Tana's fur. Basil of course was starting to move back towards Tana. "What kind of place is this Abraven?" Basil was hoping if the Male was willing to fight for her maybe they could tempt her off the volcano of her own free will.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-18-2018, 01:24 PM

She was incredibly submissive, and the more she stuttered out her explanations the more it made sense. Her purpose was to be sacrificed, to demons. He would have never believed such a story if her form were not torn and taken from so ruthlessly already. He felt a sympathy in his heart he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt for anyone. He suppressed a growl that tried to bubble up in his chest, the evil that had been done to her.. for what? More like the executioner’s own sadistic purposes than what she called demons. The only demons were the ones who could bring themselves to take from an innocent like the tiny she wolf before him. The same feeling of needing justice he felt for his own slaver’s he began to feel for the ones that had done this to her.

"What would they do that they haven’t already done? Why hold to rules created by someone who obviously wants you dead?" He tried to keep his voice calm, but he couldn’t help the hate that seethed into his words. He doubted she would be able to discern that they were for her masters and not herself. "I want to show you that life can be more than being a slave." His voice was much more calm and soft as he found himself kneeling on the ground as Basil spoke again. "Abaven is a gentle pack, we seek justice but aren’t warmongers or slavers." He tried to lock eyes with the larger lemur. "I don’t want you to die for some sadistic pleasure." He was feeling more and more like going to plan B at this point.




4 Years
Extra small
11-18-2018, 04:45 PM

His hatred being voiced was undistinguishable to tana. It quickly sent her to fully submitting to the man. Her belly quickly exposed to him and it sent Alma jumping away to avoid being squished. She exposed her throat to him and if she had a tail she would of been tucking it. The shaking had increased tenfold by now.

He described his pack as a gentle and justice seeking but she had a hard time believing that they were gentle with an alpha like this. He seemed like the angry sort. She didnt know if she could trust him. Basil turned to give a glare at the man. He didn't appreciate him scaring Tana more than she already was. "shhhhh it's ok Tana, basil won't let him harm you." alma moved closer and started rubbing more of the lavender into her fur on her muzzle. "Keep your head on sir or I might have to bite you." of course basil meant it. He was protective and Tana hoped he wouldn't make good on it since it could make the man kill him and attack her and alma. Neither female was a fighter. She was ready to do whatever to keep her companion alive though.

"i-i-i'll c-come w-w-with y-you, j-just don't h-hurt us." tana was willing to do anything to keep her companions alive and herself from further harm.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-19-2018, 10:08 AM
Rhyme watched with internal horror as the she wolf reacted to his uncontrolled anger. She was more afraid of him than some far off master that wanted her dead. He sighed at himself and lowered his body the rest of the way to the ground. She couldn't see his unassuming pose, but surely her companions understood. Of course the lemur went on to scold him, and though he was sure he'd received far worse bites than what this primate offered he did his best to listen. 

Rhyme took a deep breath and tried to regain his head. While he really had no intention of harming the creatures in front of him he wasn't doing a great job of convincing them with his emotions getting out of control. Actions spoke louder than words, and he was making a right ass of himself. This whole helping those less fortunate than you thing wasn't going according to plan. He'd have to leave Shaye to these missions from now on. "I wasn't going to.." He shut his trap as Tana finally relented. She sounded less than convinced about Abaven but she would follow him out of duress for her companions. He sighed heavily again, this wasn't exactly how it was supposed to go. The end goal was the same though, and she had agreed to follow him. 

"I promise you and your companions will come to no harm." He tried to speak in low calm friendly tones. At least he succeeded in keeping the violence from his voice. He turned his attention back to the raven perched uncharacteristically patient on his shoulders. "Find Shaye, and tell her what's happened here." Imperia remained silent, but nodded and took to the wing. 

While Tana might have thought she was being taken under penalty of injury that assumption couldn't have been farther from the truth. Rhyme just hoped she would eventually see Abaven as it truly was. Surely a talk with the gentler members... Shaye or Vail, might convince her of her safety and promise of a better life. 

"Well, come on." The words were impatient but his voice was much more calm than it had been earlier. "I'll carry you if I have to." He knew she might take the words the wrong way but he meant them. She was weak and only on three legs, he could outpace her 100 times over with her own weight on his back. The sooner we get there the sooner you'll realize what life is supposed to be like.



4 Years
Extra small
11-19-2018, 09:03 PM
He promised he wouldn't harm any of them but tana was a hard one to convince otherwise. She understood but knew that darkness laid in ever creature, it was just to what extent did it exist. He spoke to what she assumed was his own companion and the sound of the bird taking off confirmed it. Her companions both watched the bird leave while trying their best to sooth and calm Tana from the male's earlier outburst of anger.

His words had her instinctively rolling to her feet obediently. She'd been beaten and scared enough times to know that alphas expected to be obeyed and never had a problem with showing their dominance if they needed to. He spoke of carrying her and she shook her head. Alma was quick to jump into her scruff and get ready to help guide her. Basil of course was much to big to ride on her so he took to walking beside her.

She wasnt the fastest by any means but she had walked these paths enough to know which was more likely to kill her or not. She started hobbling towards where the males voice came from only stopping a short but respectful five feet from him. She was weak but she didnt expect any help from anyone. Her face stayed lowered but she held it in his general direction expectantly. She knew questions would come as he tried to learn about her, if he even cared to. "A-ask w-w-what you w-will"

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-20-2018, 12:52 PM

Rhyme felt himself sighing again softly at how quick she was to listen to orders. He had behaved similarly in his time as someone else’s property. He had unlearned the habits quickly, his devotion to Shaye was purely of his own free will instead of the forced loyalty of slavery. He too took to his feet as she drew more near, knowing she would not be as fast as he. She refused his offer to carry her, which made him smile. She retained a bit of her dignity despite everything that had been done to her. They were headed in the right direction at least.

He didn’t issue anymore commands, and figured she would stay true to her word and follow as he expected. Slowing himself to a pace he believed she could match he started heading down the path he had just walked up. Imperia was already a distant dot on the horizon, and Shaye would know about the stray he was brining home long before they made it to the border of Abaven. Tana stuttered out her own command, allowing him to ask her whatever he wished. He was slightly surprised at how open she was going to be with him. He thought for a long moment, unsure what else he wanted to know.

"Do you believe in the demons you’ve been tortured for?" He winced at the question internally, not really intending on it to be the first one. "What would happen if they are not appeased?" Why was taking her life so important?




4 Years
Extra small
11-23-2018, 09:47 PM

As he moved her ears perked for a moment, listening to his pace and where he was going. They were just as quick to be pinned once more though. She didn't need a command to know what was expected of her or to know that he wanted her to follow. She followed him keeping her head low and staying behind him. Scent trails were easy for her and this also kept most others with enough assurance that she understood her place was beneath them.

He questioned her master's beliefs and she wasnt sure how to answer him. She'd never really put much thought into it she did believe in the demons or gods of her masters. She did know vaguely what would happen though if they were not appeased. "I-I don't k-k-know. H-he would f-fall i-i-into darkness a-a-and c-commit horrid c-crimes though." if course she had no idea that the sacrifice of her body was also a horrid crime. She kept pace with him as well as possible and waited for the next question he may ask.

"Tana" "Basil" "Alma"

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-24-2018, 06:32 PM

She seemed to manage the pace well enough, though she was careful not to walk beside him. He had to continue to look back as they conversed, but their pace was slow enough the actions wouldn’t hinder him much. He sighed internally, being born a slave seemed to have much different effects than being taken as one later in life. Though their determination varied as well. He wanted his freedom, she seemed to shrink back into her captivity. He knew she didn’t consider herself free, only to have changed hands.

He wasn’t completely satisfied with her answers, but he wouldn’t push the issue. Her master sounded like a cruel one indeed. Prevent him from atrocious acts? Sounded like he just took his pleasures out on her instead of someone who would fight back. He wouldn’t be convinced otherwise that the man had been a coward. "Do you have any hobbies? What do you do to pass the time when you aren’t needed by your master?" Obviously she cared for her companions, and they her, but did she have any passions he could kindle for her?



4 Years
Extra small
11-24-2018, 09:30 PM

She wasn't aware that she was inconveniencing him with her slower pace or with her being behind him. She just kept at the same steady pace. With alma on her scruff and basil walking beside her it was easier to navigate the mountain especially with Rhyme leading them.

He asked her what her passions and hobbies were and she was unsure if she should ask what he wanted her to do as a hobby or if he wanted to know about her love of learning about anything. Well anything except fighting. "I like p-plants a-and to l-learn, a-and p-p-pups. J-just not a-a-about f-fighting. I-I will d-do w-whatever you w-want of m-me though." could he tell that she had once been a mother? What would he like her to do? Would he indulge her want to learn?

Everything was a mystery to her. A mystery that she knew would unravel itself for her l.

"Tana" "Basil" "Alma"

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-26-2018, 05:37 PM

Rhyme found the slower pace comfortable, in his normal day to day he always felt like he rushed. He moved quickly, especially compared to the blind Tana. Besides, taking your time down the mountain prevented any missteps. Rhyme felt a brief accomplishment that he hadn’t been reprimanded by her companions since they’d started the journey to her new home. He felt his ears swivel to take in her words this time, his eyes on a particularly rough patch of trail. She liked plants, he wondered if she knew more about the healing than hurtful. She liked to learn, and he knew then she was on her way to the right pack. Though pups didn’t seem to be a possibility very soon he hoped Abaven would eventually welcome new life.

She of course, would not forget the possibilities of him acting like her master. She added on that she would do whatever was asked of her, and Rhyme did intent on taking advantage of that statement. He stopped, and turned his head back towards her even though she couldn’t see him.

"I want you to do what Tana wants to do." He stood and tried to look into both sets of eyes of her companions before turning back towards the trail and starting the pace again. He needed them to know he was serious, surely the way to Tana was through her lemurs. He spoke again, "You’ll like to meet my cousin, Vail." calling back as he navigated a couple large drops in the trail. "Watch out for these drops," he couldn’t help but to intrude on her companions job. He continued his previous thought like it hadn’t happened though. "She’s mostly blind and a healer, she’ll be able to teach you all of the plants within Abaven’s border."



4 Years
Extra small
11-26-2018, 07:43 PM

Traveling at her pace for once was kind of nice. Especially since even when she slowed for breathers or to feel her way around something in the path, he didn't turn back and snap at her or bark orders. Though she still understood completely that he was the boss here and not her. Even as the trail got rougher she didn't slow. She was used to the harsh terrain and to moving at others quicker paces. This would prove to be no trouble for her she was certain.

When he stopped Alma proceeded to give a silent gesture to Tana by pulling on some of her scruff fur effectively stopping her and keeping her from walking into his chest. Basil starred into his eyes with his distrust clear in his gaze. He wasnt taking chances in trusting the male. Alma was certainly alot more trusting and had hope in her eyes as the Male made his order.

Tana pinned her ears at the order. What she wanted to do? She didn't even know what to do. She had no idea about where to even start with it. Maybe he would tell her what she wanted to do eventually. She would be reluctant to do anything without permission since the last time it ended in Elias threatening and scaring her more than she needed to be. And this Vail she might need to meet if she was truly going blind, since a blind woman could help her learn so much more about navigating than a wolf with sight. As she came to a ledge she paused to listen to him hit the ground first. Seemed short to her nothing she couldn't handle. She jumped down the ledge and stopped after she hit the ground, regaining her balance only to do so again and again until they were free of the ledges. The fact that this woman would so freely teach tana herbs was a shock. She was only a slave and slaves having knowledge was usually seen as a problem.

"Tana" "Basil" "Alma"

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.