
Sprouting new growth- KESALI recruitment!



4 Years
Extra large
11-06-2018, 09:25 PM

It was finally time, he felt it strong within his heart. He felt like his great grandmothers were guiding him, pushing him. Though he only had his sister by his side (unaware that his brother was here also) he felt it was time to raise his pack from the dirt and bring it to life. He had at least one pack that he had spoken to already and Shaye seemed more then happy for an alliance. He had begun early in the morning heading towards the battlefield. His plans were simple to call those seeking a home, seeking a pack. He would tell them of his pack and hopefully find the souls that would fit. He was optimistic and he was filled with hope. He would honor his family and create a place that his family could join him if they would want to settle. He knew it may be far stretched thinking, but he still hoped that his family would join him.

He didn't rush his travel even though his nerves wanted him to. He wanted to run to the place and get his call over with, but he had to take time to think over what he would say. What questions other would ask of him. He did have to prove that his pack would be a desirable home. He had to be prepared, yet not stiff enough to turn others away. His smile grew as he eased his mind trying to focus on getting there and making his call. Focusing on happier thoughts and memories to help calm his nerves. When he finally reached the battlefield he took a moment to look around at the barren land, a land that looked like it lacked any life. Here he would hopefully find others. Pushing on he headed deep into the middle of the battlefield, finding a rather flat spot.

Lifting his head a deep calling howl bellowed from his deep chest. Calling fourth any loners looking for a home, anyone interested in joining a pack. Calling anyone nearby and anyone a distance away. He howled until he was out of breath and lowered his head, huffing and looking around. Remaining alert as he waited to see if any would come, would answer his call.

"Speech" 'Think'



3 Years
11-06-2018, 10:14 PM
Noemí had been alone for some time now.

Her parents and siblings had disappeared… she couldn’t recall how long ago that was now. She waited for them to come home. Waited and waited… but they didn’t come back. Eventually waiting became too hard… she was growing thin. She didn’t know how to properly hunt and any meals she came across were by chance. Generally game that something that someone else had hunted and left unattended.

Eventually Noe had wandered away from the East, mostly on the hunt for food or someone that might be able to help her. The girl’s blue eyes did not show fear, however. She wasn’t afraid… she was sure help would come eventually. She just had to keep holding on until then.

A howl, unfamiliar, rose into the air. Noemí didn’t know anything about packs… but the hope of meeting someone else had her heart racing excitedly in her chest. Paws hit the barren terrain below her hard as she raced towards the owner of the call.

...and who she found was big.

Bigger than her daddy, even. Noe’s eyes widened a little but she approached with a smile on her face. Her tail wagged behind her about a mile per minute and the girl happily greeted the stranger.

“Hiya mister! Are you looking for friends?” His howl had been calling for others, right? So he had to be!



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
11-06-2018, 10:48 PM
The howl changed everything.
She had been feeling trepidation over the coming winter. The last had been terrible, leaving her feeling weak from chills, and her herb stash unstocked for the assist she was duty bound to offer to others. Ss the call washed over her, she found herself wondering 'could there be another way'
She wouldn't jump all in of course. She had grown up as a line wolf, and her mentor had harshly struck home the lesson of living alone. She would be going against that, and it would be a long journey before she felt wholly comfortable with the idea.
And yet.. she did not have to live her life to the old healers whims. Whatever her reservations had been about Riva, they where her own.

She had dedicated her life to healing, and there was a chance that she could do that better within a pack. She was willing to give it a go. Her paws had begun the journey of following the howl, even before her mind had been made up. She increased her pace now, bounding across the earth in a comfortable run. The wind rushed through her coat, and set her blue ribbon fluttering.

She slowed as she approached him, and she would see that she was the only one to answer him. She stood politely to the side, and waited for the other to acknowledge her. Once he did, she would take a step forward. "I am Riva Nightingale. I have dedicated my life to the healing of others. I am interested in joining your pack, but before I can confidently do so, there are a couple things I need to know. Would you ever demand of me that I can not heal another? Would you prioritize the health of higher ranking members over others?" This was her first and foremost question, and she asked with caution in her eyes.


11-06-2018, 11:01 PM
Their parents had disappeared and the boy hadn't seen hide nor hair of his siblings since the disappearance of his parents. Though honestly he was only adopted so he figured maybe they had grown tired of him and just left him. It wasnt like they ever truly had to care anyway.

He was a wanderer now a days anyway. He was also a loner when it came to social situations as well. Though he enjoyed his time as much as possible. For food he was honestly able to hunt some stuff, mostly small game, by using the trees and his unusual coloring as a perfect camouflage. He moved in the direction a howl came from, unsure of what compelled him to do so but towards it nonetheless. Wasn't like he was scared of anything anyway. In fact he figured nothing else he could just see what the howl was about then if he didnt like it slink off.

Though when he approached from behind and downwind from a familiar looking pelt all thoughts of trying to leave left him. No instead he dropped to the ground in a much practiced and perfected crouch. His paws then fell silent as he stalked closer to her. His ears pressed and everything screamed predator about him in the moment. Then with a flourish after he reached a short distance of two meters away he leaped, not even aiming for the girl but for directly beside her. "Surprise Noemi!" he ignored the other two that lingered here for the moment in favor of giving his sister a huge smirk. He always did like surprising and scaring others, though he didn't do it to be mean or anything.

After a few moments then he turned his face to look at the other two canines here. Noemi had already asked the important question so he just sat and aimed to lean against his much bigger sister. His ears were perked as he waited for his sister's questions to be answered, he knew he wouldn't be accepted into any packs though so he didnt ask or butt in. He did however have an interest in learning about the area packs.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Fridooh


11-07-2018, 09:06 AM

Aspen Wreckage

The howl that ran out a few miles over, nearly caused Aspen to choke on her spit as she stumbled over her path. Had that been... Branch.. calling out? It had to be, there was no mistaking her elder brother's voice, even at this great of distance. She knew he had been planning on building his pack, but today was the day? Out of all the days? Aspen could nearly strangle her brother for not letting her know sooner. After hacking up some of her spit and settling herself on all four limbs, the charcoal woman would finally calm herself enough to look for a direction that would get her to her destination quick. She was nestled deep within a mountain side, leaving large trees and boulders in her path, but thankfully Aspen was a master at agility due to her many travels. Silver locks flicked violently in the surging wind as she tore through the mountain side; leaping at full stride over fallen trees and bouncing off the sides of mountain stones to reach the other side. It was exhilarating, like a race against old father time, and Aspen was enjoying it in full.

When the deserted battlefield came into view, Aspen slowed her pace as she panted to cool her heated body. Why would Branch do this here of all places? It was a land filled with death and not at all where she would expected to make a call out to... the living. After a few minutes, she thought perhaps she had turned in the wrong direction, gotten lost along the way or something, because there was no way in hell he was here. But just as she was about to turn and leave, sapphire orbs caught the glimpse of life in the distance. A grin spread across her maw as her burning muscles carried her forward once more, closer and closer to the gathered group. When she could more clearly identify some of the shapes and individuals, Aspen found herself almost giggling at who had answered her brother's call.

A young woman, deep in coloring similar to that of the Wreckage siblings, a little pup, and a strange looking feline of some sorts. It was not at all what she had imagined, and she would have burst out laughing had her eyes not turned to Branch's form. Her brother, a man she looked up to since she was only a few months old, stood before her with a look of strength and determination that nearly gave her chills. Branch was a silly, kind, childish boy before today... and now... Aspen saw what he had always seen in himself; a leader. With her laughs gone and pride filling her chest, the younger Wreckage strode up to the group with a smirk on her lips.  "You know if you'd warn me about this little stunt earlier I would have planned to be here on time." She joked, shaking her head a little as she approached her brother. She ignored the others for a moment, taking the time to properly greet her elder sibling by tugging at one of his perked ears. "I'm proud of you big brother." She would then whisper, a gentle tune for his ears only, before turning to the rest of the gathered bodies.

They looked like quite the little troop already.




5 Years
11-09-2018, 07:17 PM
ooc: sorry for the short reply!

As cooler weather swept in from the north Lydia set off toward the south, intent on following the warmer weather. She'd packed her dried herbs carefully into her pack and after awkwardly slipping it onto her back she was off and traveling. Her mind wandered as she walked. She was just skirting around the edge of the battlefield when an unusual call rang out that stopped her in her tracks. It was a call for joining a pack. Furthermore it sounded like the voice was familiar but she couldn't quite place it.

Lydia hesitated. She'd hoped for awhile to join a pack but it just never seemed to work out. She couldn't bring herself to take the necessary steps and burden the risk that came with it. Not after her captivity. Yet, if this was who she was thinking of then maybe… well, surely it couldn't hurt to check it out?

Lydia altered her course and moved swiftly across the battlefield. She didn't care to be stopped by anyone looking for a sparring match. She spied a group of wolves and figured this was the source of the call. She approached carefully, stared for a moment at the odd little feline of the group before her eyes fixed on a familiar man. Yes, she remembered him! Blast it all though she could not remember his name. "I uh, hello there. What's going on?"

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
11-12-2018, 09:21 PM



Alright, so maybe he'd gotten himself sick. Maybe. He wouldn't dignify the question with an answer either way. Birch was the son of many healers, and he knew how to avoid getting sick. Thus, there was no way he could have possibly spent the past few weeks sniffling and coughing in a cave to the south. Nah. That was preposterous.

Regardless, he was out and about now. Not a sniffle in sight, no roughness to his voice from all the coughing. The pinnacle of health. The world was his oyster, and he was looking to shuck that bitch. With a jovial spring in his step, he wandered from place to place without much of a plan in mind. Somewhere along the line, he'd lost Riva. Fair enough, he wasn't exactly pulling his weight in their little friendship there. Some part of him hoped he'd run into her again, and they could spend more time together. He could make it up to her, too. Find her some food, pay her back, the whole nine yards. Yeah, that sounded awesome.

Hold the phone. Was that.. ears shoved forward, the male stared off into the distance. That voice sounded very familiar. Could it really be his brother? Excitement bubbled in his chest, heart thrumming with anticipation.

Only one way to find out!

Cantering forth, the male headed straight for the central territories of Boreas. Oh man, he was so excited to see Branch again. It had been so long! He missed his big brother. He missed his whole family, really. It didn't take long for the young male to arrive on the battlefield. Brows drawn together, he took in the sight. Blood soaked ground, the stale scent of death lingering all around. There's no way Branch would pick this dump to call the family forth, right? This had to be a mistake on his part, not recognizing the voice. Better safe than sorry. He pressed onward.

Sure enough, there was his big brother. Surrounded by a small group. Hey! Aspen was here! Big sister by age, little sister by size. He lumbered towards them, a broad grin on his face and tongue lolling from the side of his maw. "Hi guys!" he called out jovially, eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's good to see you again! Long time no see, huh?" Tail wagging, he closed the distance between himself and his family. Of course, he made a point to carefully weave his way through the group assembled. Don't step on anyone, you lumbering brute. He sought to affectionately nuzzle his sister, and then his brother. If they would let him, obviously. It'd been a while. He wouldn't blame them if they didn't want him all up in their business.

Out of the corner of his eye, a flash of blue. Matching bow to the eyes. "Riva!" he bellowed in delight, forgetting almost instantly where he was and who he stood among. He'd found her already! And she wanted to follow his brother! How fantastic! "You thinking of joining the Wreckage clan, now that you've seen what kind of wonderful wolves we turn out into the world?" He was only teasing, but he was so happy to be among familiar faces again. Not to mention, he hadn't seen another wolf in weeks. He was starved for attention and affection.


Art by pimsri



4 Years
Extra large
11-14-2018, 09:27 PM

He briefly closed his eyes trying to ease the anxiety welling within his chest. Trying to keep away the negative thoughts and worries. If this didn't work out he would not give up, he would continue to work until his hard work would pay off. His ears perk as he heard the approach of another, pulling him from his thoughts and making his bright blue eyes open once more. It wasn't what he was expecting, a pup approaching him with a friendly smile. With a brief glance around he looked for sign of her parents, but seeing none he focused back at her with a warm smile. He nodded to her words lowering himself to her eye level while wagging his own tail.

"I am! I would also like to provide a home for those friends. Are you interested?" he said.

Not long after another wolf approached, this one young but close to his age. He raised himself his eyes immediately being drawn to her blue bow. Vary similar to the blue that he had planned for the wearables for his higher ranks. He couldn't help but also notice that she was a pretty wolf with vary noticeable markings and blue eyes. He would smile and dip his head in a quiet greeting to her watching as she took a step forward. Ears swiveled forward taking in her words, listening carefully at her questions. It hadn't been the type of question he had prepared for, but how could he prepare when his beliefs were the easy answer. Once she was finished he straightened himself slightly.

"To put it in a short answer, no to both. I come from a family where healing and the skills around it helped up safety survive as a wandering clan. Healing is what began are art in trading our talents in order to help create more peaceful interactions with others and to provide something others needed. I will never deny anyone from healing another and all members of the pack will be a family, a team. So priority of healing will start with those that need it the most, not who has the higher rank," He answered.

He didn't know if that is the answer she was seeking, but it was what he believed. He had been so focused on Riva that he hadn't seen the leopard appear. It wasn't until he spoke that Branch's eyes drew to the unique pelt of the Leopard that now sat beside the young pup. He acted as though he knew her. His eyes then fell on the familiar form. His sister had arrived and he couldn't help but let a smile creep onto his lips as she strode right up to him.

"You're not late," he said his smile turning to a more silly looking one.

He lowered his head allowing her greeting, the type of greeting he was used to from him. Her words made his tail gently beat the ground. If Aspen was proud then so would the rest of the family. He was so happy she was here and was supporting him. As her attention turned back to the group so did his and he noticed yet another joining the group. She was familiar, one he had a brief encounter with and he smiled at her. He was just about to tell her when to his surprise another familiar form burst onto the scene. His smile grew even brighter to see Birch here, not even knowing he was in the area. Branch allowed the nuzzle and he would gently bump his shoulder into Birch with a light chuckle. Then just like that Birch's attention was pulled elsewhere as he called out Riva, someone he must have known. Branch couldn't help but chuckle at his brother's teasing comment before straightening himself he cleared his throat addressing the whole group knowing he had some explaining to do and questions to answer.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I am Branch wreckage I have called seeking anyone looking for a home. I have claimed Weeping woods and Tall grass plains in the name of my pack Kesali. A pack that seeks to form alliances with other packs, live in peace and share our skills with others," he said addressing everyone. "If everyone is interested I will gladly lead you to our home, if you have any questions I will also gladly answer them."

"Speech" 'Think'

Ivy I


4 Years
11-17-2018, 11:49 AM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2018, 08:57 PM by Nyx.)
It'd been far too long since Ivy Wreckage had seen Branch. He'd concocted a foolish plan, going against nearly everything that they had been taught since birth. He wanted to find somewhere to settle down, and to work on forming trading alliances with neighboring packs rather than continue their clan's way of wandering. It was a stupid idea, as far as Ivy was concerned, and she'd warned him time and time again against it. What she hadn't expected was for her other siblings to follow him, and recently it seemed more and more were leaving. Though she had expected Branch to return home, when he didn't she knew she needed to find him. He could be resolute in his thinking, and this idea hadn't been a spontaneous one, so she doubted she could change his mind... but at the very least, she wanted to watch after her siblings and ensure they didn't do anything completely ridiculous.

She'd been trailing after Cypress, one of the most recent to leave for these lands, though she'd lost his scent somewhere along the way. Luckily for her, she caught the sound of an all too familiar call along the way - a call to gather, for any who wished to join him, from none other than Branch herself. Huffing softly, Ivy picked up her pace as she headed toward the Battlefield. By the time she arrived she was torn between being interested and appalled, disgusted with the stench of this place but quite curious about the trinkets that littered the ground. Lavender gaze was cautious as it scoped out her surroundings and she sought to find the group that had gathered.

She was pleasantly surprised to see Aspen and Birch there, along with Branch and a handful of strangers. Ivy tipped her head skyward as she approached, her expression one of keen observation and mild scrutiny. "Don't tell me you plan to make this place our home," Ivy drawled stiffly to Branch, wrinkling her nose in distaste - but in her eyes shone a warm affection that she didn't bother to hide, glad to be reunited with him at last. "Happy to see you've all made it here in one piece... if not a little worse for wear," she noted, quite characteristically of her, wandering toward her younger brother Birch. She swatted a stray leaf from his leg, trying not to dote too much on him in the presence of wolves she didn't know.



5 Years
11-17-2018, 02:36 PM

Lydia remained quiet, just watching the going-on's. She felt just a touch out of place, it seemed most of these wolves knew each other and as a young man mentioned the Wreckage clan she suddenly wonder if she'd stumbled onto a big family reunion. Her eyes turned back to the man who had called as he started to address the group. He introduced himself as Branch Wreckage and he was starting a pack named Kesali. Her ears flicked forward. The man seemed to be of a gentler spirit and she was pleased that the pack wished to live in peace and share their skills. She'd had enough of war-mongering packs to last her a life time.

Lydia cleared her throat and spoke. "I'm Lydia Kaltharsis. Could you discuss more of your values and goals with this pack? What do you expect of pack members and are there any skills you're in particular need of?"

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
11-17-2018, 03:20 PM
He answered well for himself, this new Alpha, and Riva already found herself approving of him. She offered the blue eyed brute a smile, and a dip of her head. “Thank you, then it sounds like your pack will be a good fit for me.” she explained, but had little time for more than that before others appeared. It seemed he would be drawing in quite a crowd. The healer wasn’t uncomfortable with large groups of people, but she was accustomed to being more on the outskirts of them then right in the middle, in front of this Alpha.

It would be all a part of this new experience she was drawing herself into. A healer of a pack. Only time would tell how good a fit that would turn out to be for her. She was considering the implications of being a healer in a pack when a familiar voice cried out her name, surprising her. She turned in time to see the friendly giant, and she grinned up at his familiar face. “Birch - oh, I should have seen the familiarity in two giants with woodland names” she laughed happily, even more certain that joining this pack was right. If Branch was anything like his brother, then this pack would be the compassionate, homely place she was hoping for.



3 Years
11-19-2018, 09:09 AM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2018, 09:10 AM by Noemí.)
The skinny girl’s smile only widened upon seeing the man’s reaction and hearing his words. So he was looking for friends! Though his words for making a home for his friends didn’t make complete sense it sounded good… and now was as good a time as any for Noe to find out the world was bigger than just the Mangroves and the life her parents showed her. She canted her head to the side, about to ask about how he planned to provide a home for his friends when something landed beside her and scared her out of her skin.

Noemí squeaked loudly and jumped, shying to the other side as she cast a quick glance at whomever it was who had landed beside her. The familiar voice, the familiar face… it connected a moment later.

“Brother!” She girl’s accent was even more obvious as she spoke again. She drew closer again, her fur mingling with his own as her gaze swept back toward the man. He was speaking, addressing them all. Noe felt happy… she was around others for the first time in a long time… and one of them was Ambrosio.

When the man, Branch, finished speaking, Noemí spoke up softly. “Excuse me, Mister Branch… but uh, what’s a pack? Is it like a group of friends who live together?” The girl canted her head to the side. “So we’re all going to be friends… and we’re going to live in those places you mentioned, right?” Noe’s gaze brightened. “...and we’re all welcome? Me? My brother?” She leaned into Ambrosio gently and glanced at him with excitement welling up in her heart.

This could be a fresh start for them.


11-19-2018, 10:14 PM
Noe was happy to see him and he her. He had thought his family had all disappeared on him. His tail twitched as he listened to the Male that had called them. Then all the others started in with their questions, even noe had hers. He took the liberty to answer some of hers though. "A pack is a group of wolves that are like minded and claim a place to call their territory. It's not exactly a good thing for us other predators, since packs dont like us hanging around and hunting on their lands but for you its definitely worth it. Since they'd probably teach you to hunt, heal or fight." he eyed the man, curious as to what he would say to the questions being asked. He knew this man's choice of territories took some of his most frequented hunting grounds, but he couldn't exactly fight a whole pack to dispute the man's claims.

He pressed his ears back as more arrived. Of course he definitely should have known that the man probably already had alot of support for his pack. It didnt sound like a bad pack though he could honestly scoff at the notion of complete peace. "And what happens when one of the other packs around here decides that you are trading more with another pack and giving better stuff to someone else? What happens when they bring war to your borders over it? Do you intend to train warriors to defend it or let them take what they want to avoid a fight?" mouthy as he might of been with that he figured he had a point. Peace was a nice thought but there was greed in this world that wouldn't allow for it. That and he didnt want his sister in some pack that would let others walk all over them. She needed to be in some place that knew peace wasnt always an option. He had waited patiently for branch to answer the other's questions though.


11-23-2018, 07:56 PM
Branch seemed very pleased with her approval, which made her happy as well. She looked up to Branch, admired him like a father figure almost, so seeing him succeed in his dreams filled her with pride and joy. After their greeting, a few more wolves came to the gathering and my oh my the wolves that came were quite a surprise. First was a lovely woman, who had the familiar aroma of herbal scents over her coat, reminding her of the many healers. After her, came a most familiar looking brown hued giant, also known as their younger brother, Birch. "Birch you slippery mongoose! How the heck did you get all the way out here?" She laughed, accepting his nuzzle with one of her own, her tail wagging ferociously behind her. He was a tower compared to her, which he pointed out frequently, but his height made up for the fact that he was actually younger than her. That little fact, she would never let him forget. He seemed familiar with one of the women there at the meeting, and she had half a mind to apologize for anything he might've done, seeing as it was Birch after all.

After their sibling's arrival, Branch started the meeting, first by introducing himself and then announcing the creation of his pack sanctuary and the mission he has created for it. It was everything he said he would do, and it made Aspen realize just how much work he put into it. She was all ready to get up and follow Branch to the pack land, but a late comer arrived, and it just about had Aspen's heart leaping out of her chest. Of course big sister Ivy would have tracked them down. Older than Aspen by a year, as was Branch, there was an annoying... mother-like feel about her. Which became all to evident in her less than cheerful greeting, but deep down the charcoal woman knew she meant well. "Ivy, so happy you came to join us!" She cooed, offering her big sister a warm smile while she picked on Birch. It was great having the siblings gathering together, it almost felt like home all over again but with a new generation of Wreckages to pave the pathway.

She couldn't help but wonder what exactly her role would be in this pack, this new generation, second settlement, pack of Branch's. Kesali. She didn't really have a role when she left home, and since being out on her own she had picked up a few skills, none she thought would ever be helpful back at home. But maybe... maybe in this new pack there would be something she could do? Hopefully there was something that continued to allow her to journey beyond the confines of their pack land, because even though she loved Branch dearly, her desire to see the world had not yet been quenched. Blue eyes turned to the individuals gathered around, her gaze settling on each one for a moment or two before going to the next. She wondered who each of the new faces would turn out to be, and what they would mean to the pack. Would they become high ranking officials? Or would they be gone by the end of the day? Only time would tell, she assumed.




2 Years
Extra large
12-03-2018, 01:09 AM



His family met him with warm greetings, the familiar wash of affection a balm upon his soul he didn't know he needed. Branch didn't shy away from his affections in front of the growing crowd, and returned his nuzzle with a light bump of shoulders. Yes, right. They were men! Manly men! His soft laugh harmonized with the rumble of his elder brother's chuckle. Aspen readily absorbed all the love he had to offer without hesitation. Her tail wagged fiercely, and he couldn't help but feed off of her energy. His own tail swept uncontrollably across his heels as he tried and failed to contain himself. "Birch you slippery mongoose! How the heck did you get all the way out here?" She questioned as loud as could be.

Brows shooting upwards, he glanced away briefly. "Hey, all the moms said I could go! I'm grown now, Penny! I'm a big boy!" he assured her, puffing out his chest proudly. Yes, he was definitely a big strong man. Not like Branch- no one was as manly as he was being right now.

“Birch - oh, I should have seen the familiarity in two giants with woodland names” Riva said, and he remembered that he had started shouting at everyone he recognized. Today was Embarrass Branch Day, and apparently no one had gotten the memo. Or maybe he had gotten the date wrong. Whoops. "Yes, yes you should." the brute teased, the tip of his tongue catching between his teeth in a friendly taunt. After all, they had distinctly similar names.

Speak (think?) of the devil, Branch picked himself up and began to speak in what the male could only assume to be his Big Boss Man voice. "Thank you everyone for coming. I am Branch wreckage I have called seeking anyone looking for a home. I have claimed Weeping woods and Tall grass plains in the name of my pack Kesali. A pack that seeks to form alliances with other packs, live in peace and share our skills with others," he began, pausing to make sure everyone fell under his cool gaze. "If everyone is interested I will gladly lead you to our home, if you have any questions I will also gladly answer them."

And how! Without thought, Birch was ready to go. He picked up his paws and looked around for where they were supposed to go. He had no idea where these Weeping Woods or Tall Grass Plains were, but he was ready to go! Get some rest, regroup with the family, and then get some more sleep. Maybe a meal in there somewhere, too. "Don't tell me you plan to make this place our home," drawled a familiar voice, prim and proper and no nonsense. Ah no, Ivy was here to ruin their fun with all her responsible adult nonsense. Who had time for being responsible? It was lame, and no one ever had fun or got covered in mud. A travesty, really. "Happy to see you've all made it here in one piece... if not a little worse for wear," she emphatically swiped a clinging leaf from his leg with a forepaw. He pouted, brows furrowing in her general direction.

"I'll have you know, those leaves bring out my eyes." he quipped, lifting his chin with a feigned air of disgrace. It didn't last long, he was right back to being a doofus in record time. He bumped his sister ever so lightly, leaning his weight towards her so their shoulders just barely touched. He missed her, just like the rest. Since it clearly wasn't Embarrass Branch Day, he would hold off from rounding everyone up and forming a dog pile of sibling love. For now. "Ivy, so happy you came to join us!" Penny cried, being a grown adult who knew how to properly show appreciation.

“Excuse me, Mister Branch… but uh, what’s a pack? Is it like a group of friends who live together?” A tiny voice piped up from amongst the gathered wolves, trying its hardest to be heard. Trying to break all of their hearts as well, apparently. What kind of kid didn't know what a pack was, at least vaguely? Someone needed to take care of her. Right now. Me. It's me. Branch immediately thought to himself, despite a complete lack of knowledge on child care and rearing. The girl tipped her head to the side. Oh. She was a cutie, all right. He was unfamiliar with the accent, though. Same with the markings. They were foreign, for sure. “So we’re all going to be friends… and we’re going to live in those places you mentioned, right?” Not wrong yet, kiddo. “...and we’re all welcome? Me? My brother?” Brother? The... kitty? Could kitties be brothers? He guessed so. Verdant gaze drifted to Branch, wondering how his brother would respond. Much as Birch wanted to get the hell out of here, he wanted to see how this played out.

The little feline spoke up in response. "A pack is a group of wolves that are like minded and claim a place to call their territory. It's not exactly a good thing for us other predators, since packs don't like us hanging around and hunting on their lands but for you its definitely worth it. Since they'd probably teach you to hunt, heal or fight." Strange, that the feline saw himself as a sibling, but also distinctly "other". The feline continued to speak, little regard for the group of wolves towering around him on all sides. Brave. "And what happens when one of the other packs around here decides that you are trading more with another pack and giving better stuff to someone else? What happens when they bring war to your borders over it? Do you intend to train warriors to defend it or let them take what they want to avoid a fight?"

Birch definitely raised his brows at that one, eyeing up his older brother. That was quite the question. One might even call it an accusation. How would the elder Wreckage respond?


Art by pimsri

Santa Paws


12-03-2018, 11:09 AM
A Wild Santa Paws Appears!

What's that? Is it Lil Ardy dressed up as Santa? No, silly, it's Santa Paws!

Already in the Christmas spirit, Lil Ardy - err, Santa Paws, can be seen dragging a large bag of gifts behind her. As she approaches Birch, she rummages through her things and tosses a bundle of gemstones at him.

100 Gemstones have been added to your credits!


12-28-2018, 10:07 PM

speech & thoughts

He had been pretty far away and would only faintly hear the call from his younger brother. He was in the middle of a hunt and just about ready to launch his attack when the call gently reached his ears. It drew him away from his current task to look in the direction it came from, recognizing the voice and knowing it was one of his kin. He had decided he better go see what kind of crew his brother had formed and wondered how many other siblings had joined him.

It of course took him a long while to get there, with a steady pace he tried to cover ground quickly. He didn't want to wear himself out, but he didn't want to show up at the end of everything. He had no clue what was in store, but he did know Branch was calling for members to create a pack and that Huck was very proud of. He always hoped they could prove the elders wrong and this would be the first step in doing so.

When he arrived he quietly stayed behind all the rest, listening to words and questions asked by the gathering wolves, to the answers his brother had come up with. He could see a lot of his family and was relieved to see them all in one spot. This meant he would be joining Branch within his pack.

Art by Bleuzye


01-01-2019, 11:17 PM
Life hadn't been easy for the yearling for the past two months. Though she was firmly clinging on to life, her already slim build had become even thinner, and with every passing day she desperately hoped she would stumble upon an opportunity to find a new pack to live in, even though she missed her family bitterly. It seemed that today was the day the chance would finally present itself.

She had been very far away when she heard the low howl. Her effort to arrive at the gathering place was great, but she was already weak from lack of nutrition and travel, so her limbs weren't as fast as she would have liked them to be at all.

By the time she arrived, several wolves had already gathered. Am I late? she worried. Oh well, better late than never. She wasn't going particularly fast to begin with, but still allowed her speed to lull to a slow, steady walk once she was close. Her ears perked up, and caught one of the female wolves questioning a dark male wolf - she assumed that was the wolf that howled - on his group's values. She figured she didn't need to ask any questions that weren't already being brought up, so she simply stood in the back of the crowd and listened.