


1 Year
11-24-2018, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2018, 06:29 AM by Ery.)
Out-of-Character Name: Ronny
Age: 14

Character's Name: Ery

Character Age: 1 years old

Season of Birth: autumn

Adult Height: 5’6

Build: Medium

Appearance Description:Ery is a medium sized wolf. He’s all black with white bands around is front and back legs and a pair of big ram like horns. His toes are white and he has white circles around his eyes. His ears are tall and pointed with whit tuffs of the end. His tail is long and sleek with a whit tuff at the end.
(Fixing in a min)

personality:Monsters are created, not born. It took time to craft Liam into the cruel creature that he is today. Long ago were his virtues stripped away and warped, his naivety used against him until he grew jaded and bitter. His views of justice skewed, his heart darkened, and he turned cold and angry. The shell of a saber was left void, lost and lingering as all he believed in was burned away. In the darkness, the shadows of his personality seeped in; spreading like a virus.
Merciless - The world has not been forgiving to Liam thus why should he be? Mercy is a sign of weakness, a sign that you cannot do what needs to be done, even if it's something soul-crushing. Time has proven to him that he cannot allow his enemies to walk among the living, he must be precise in his decisions and ultimatums are the only choices.
Vengeful - Perhaps the leading trait that turned Liam into the monster he is today. He seeks justice against those who have done him wrong or those who were tools in such things. To betray him is signing a contract of demise. He will hurt you, only if you hurt him, He will take from you more than you took from him. He will leave you begging for death and only when he's had his fill of justice will he grant you your final wish. He trusts very few and to break his trust brings out a demon that knows no bounds. He will make you suffer, make you pay until you take your last breath. The highest offense to Liam is a betrayal by those he lets in.
Malevolent - To wish ill will on all would be foolish, he only wishes to punish and condemn those that do not follow under his law and rule. The world is his oyster and he the pearl for all to admire. He will take whatever measures necessary to ensure this. As that is how he was raised. He became zealous, drunk with the glory that was supposed to be his. At a time he was humble but when his birthright was stripped away is bitter.

Skills: Fighting,hunting

Proof of Purchases: i don’t have a link, but go ask sea

NEW MEMBERS ONLY!: new so first purchase free: ram horn-accessory. Was approved I think? Message me if not and I’ll fix it.



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
11-25-2018, 06:29 PM
Looking good so far, just a couple things that need touching up before we can accept you.
- Your appearance section needs some more added to it, to bring it up to the 100 word minimum
- your personality section needs some more added to it, to bring it up to the 100 word minimum
- Your 'played by' is for your name, which you have set to 'Ronny' here and 'Ery' in your profile, please pick one name for yourself
- Your height needs to be in 'Inches' with a maximum of 36" (unpaid)
- The ram horn accessory is acceptable, so long as its a headgear and not a mutation
thanks for applying, and let us know when these things are fixed! :)
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]