
They Don't Love You Like I Love You



4 Years
11-08-2018, 10:37 AM

His meeting with his newly born sister had left many questions unanswered for the young leader, and there was only one wolf who could offer him any answers. He had set out West in search of her, following the path he had known she had taken to Lirium, carrying a heavy heart the entire journey.

Something was wrong with his mother, he had gathered that much from her apparent abandonment of her recently born daughter. It wasn’t like her to venture off anywhere without her children, much less to leave them in the hands of another, regardless of their familial connection. He stopped at the lake, letting the autumn wind carry the thick fur he had inherited from her and gave a low, almost mournful howl in the hopes that she would answer him.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



9 Years
11-26-2018, 10:02 PM

She had felt she was so close yet so far away from where her brother was rumored to live. Her plans were to go there, to rest and regain what strength would come back to her. Thora was safely with her older brother and wouldn't have to be near when Storm would come to her final moments. She didn't feel it would be right to put Thora through that at such a young age. She was also hoping that when she got to Lirim she would be able to get Frost's help in finding Ty, Corentine, Derecho, and Tempest so that she could fill her older children in on her health. She was certain they would want to know and even with both Tempest and Derecho being lost for so many years she had a big hope that they were still alive somewhere.

But once more Storm fell short of her plans and found herself bedding down towards the far side of the lake, far enough that she hadn't had knowledge of Corentine's den and pups. She had ran out of energy and had been denning here for a few days, Eli providing her with small meals and protection while she regained what she could. She had been resting outside of the makeshift den when the low call from Ty had reached her. It made her raise her head and listen to her son's voice, smiling at how grown up it sounded. Her lungs were still strong and she lifted her head calling back to him in a long howl, letting him have enough time to figure out where to go to find her. Letting him know that she was here.

Beside her Eli shifted, the full grown wolverine looking around, weary that she may also call to predators nearby. He was on guard and patrolled a large circle around her, almost anxiously. Even after her call finished did her companion remain on edge, keeping an eye on the surroundings. He would feel a lot better when the son she was calling to would arrive.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



4 Years
11-26-2018, 10:37 PM

He tore across the lake, running frantically to his mother’s call, his legs burning with effort as he closed the distance between them. He came to a sudden and abrupt stop in front of her, his golden eyes becoming more and more worried as he saw her, his eyes widening with unbridled fear. “Mother…” He said, his voice cracking with emotion.

He could tell just from her weathered appearance that she had become ill, and in spite of how much he loved her and how much he still believed she was the greatest healer in Boreas there was nothing either of them could do. “Are you-?” The last word caught in his throat, unable to voice what he knew would bring her inevitable death to reality where he would have to face it.

He had always been larger than her, but now she seemed so much smaller than he remembered, smaller than she had been when he first realized he towered over her, and more frail than he thought possible. He remembered the day in the redbud nook when she told him how he had been sired and how she had never resented him or his siblings for it. She had loved him in spite of how much his father shone through him. He remembered how she had left her home behind to join him in Dauntless, and how badly he had failed her, and now that he had found her again it was far from where he would be. Without another word he stepped toward her and slowly collapsed beside her to lay on his stomach, grief and regret tearing at him as he laid his head down on the grass, far too afraid to touch her in case he would somehow break her.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



9 Years
12-25-2018, 09:26 PM

She could hear him running as he drew closer to her, then stop. His voice cracked with emotion making her wonder how awful she was beginning to look. Although maybe Ty already knew, maybe he had run into his brother and was told the grave news as well. His question stung bringing the reality that he had some knowledge. That he at least knew she was very ill. She felt her own words clog within her throat knowing that this wasn't going to go any easier from when she had to tell Cloud. Ty already sounded emotional and it would make the truth all the more harder to tell to him. His voice reminded her of when he was a boy, so innocent and when he relied on her like any pup would. The days she had missed the most, when her kids were young and happy. When her whole world was constantly around her and not completely scattered like they were now. The silence drifted between them before his form laying beside her stirred the grass.

A light sigh managed to escape her as she tried to figure out how to start, how to break it to him slowly and keep him from getting to upset. Her heart dropped thinking how upset he may get, but she was so glad he was here. She reached out, gently toughing her nose to his neck if he allowed her and gently inhaled his scent. He had grown up so very much, but he still smelled just like he had as a pup. One of the several scents that lingered within her den and one that remained until she chose to fallow him to a new home and a new future. Even though the pack had disbanded she still felt in her heart he had been a wonderful leader.

"I've tried everything and I don't know how much longer I have," her words were almost a whisper.

She had to be honest and straight with him, he deserved it. He was old enough to understand and to process that so would be dying, unlike her youngest litter. She knew he didn't want to hear it, but he had to.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times