
Quiet night

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-18-2018, 03:46 AM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2018, 03:48 AM by Shaye I.)

Rhyme told her he was departing for the Alias Islands, and she let him wonder on alone. It wasn’t until some hours later that Winter, her newest companion, started to get restless. She didn’t often leave her perch on the back of Shayes coat (to Feathers despear) but now she was pushing off, circling in the air, before returning again, croaking her brothers name. It went on for some time, before Shaye gave in. “Alright, alright. Let me Tell Ace and Vail, they can be in charge well we go find Rhyme and his birds.” which seemed to be the magic words, the white Raven settled down against her dark coat once more, and Shaye took off and a gentle trot to do exactly as she promised.

Finishing her errands in Abaven, she made her way to Alias Island, which wasn’t far from her pack lands. The trek through the water was interesting, with Winter perched awkwardly in her neck fur, and Shaye doing her best to keep the weight of her own head, as well as the birds, clear of the sea.

They arrived in one piece, and Shaye shook out her coat roughly, Winter clinging to her coat to stay on. She began to investigate the island, searching for Rhyme, but she must have landed somewhere completely different, because she caught no whiff of him. She began to explore, which inevitably brought her to the cliffs of the island. She began to climb, decided they would be a good vantage point in which to find her Alpha Partner. Winter clicked her beak occasionally, still acting restless and distressed, so Shaye knew she couldn’t simply give this up for a lost cause and head home. The bird was her responsibility, whatever was making her restless… Shaye would figure it out.

She was half way up one of the smaller peaks when she heard a wolf how suddenly in alarm. She voice was wrong for Rhyme.. But still. It came from above, and Shaye leaped upwards in that direction, even as the ground began to shake beneath her. Winter gave a great cry of alarm and took to the skies, and then the world became a nightmare. She caught sight of the wolf even as the snow began to slide beneath her. She leaped onto a relatively clear rock, and watched as the strange slid past her on the snow. Shaye yelped in alarm as the sliding substance came towards her from above, knocking her from her perch. She tumbled downwards and lost track of gravity until another cry came from above her, a set of talons ripped into her coat, and she knew which way to go. She leaped in the direction the small bird was, impossibly, trying to drag her. Not easy to move on something that wasn’t stable, but she managed to launch herself to the side, rolling, free of the avalanche.

She panted as she watched the snow settle again. She was under a protected alcove, and out of the way. She had gotten out of this relatively unscathed. But the stranger? She looked upwards to Winter “Did you see where the wolf was buried?” she demanded, and Winter soared downwards once more. ”Follow.” the bird demanded. She didn’t hesitate, she moved free of her protection, steps cautious but quick on the snow as Winter guided her downwards. “Here. Maybe?” the bird said, landing on a patch of snow. The lack of confidence wasn’t comforting, but she had no choice. She began to dig. “Can you hear me, are you down there?” Shaye called out, digging frantically.


Ooc: if someone wants to join in, they can be the stuck wolf, or the stuck wolf can just be a random npc


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.