



8 Years
11-28-2018, 02:09 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2018, 06:43 PM by Hannibal.)

It had been a day since pledging himself to Tyranis and the male spent most of his time within the lustrous lands they would soon claim. Between hunting, patrolling, and lazing about the male was rather 'busy' for once. Hannibal found it nice to be a part of a cause again and perhaps this one would not fall so easily. The sun had fallen which brought forth the night, yet within the shaded thicket of this forest he could hardly even see the setting sky. The male was a bit of a night owl, having only awoken a few hours ago he was rather refreshed and ready to venture on into the evening.

Hannibal soon found himself lingering along the river that separated the shrine and the forest. His phantom like form slithered along the tree line with a look of mild curiosity. Thoughts of fishing crossed into his mind but he did not act on them just yet. Hannibal was far too full from his meal before bed this morning to eat anymore protein. Thus, the beast merely stood at the shore of the river looking downward at the flowing water below. His mismatched eyes feasted upon the rippled reflection of his own unique form before it got a tad bit too dark to recognize. Hannibal lowered himself onto his rump and took in the gentle sounds of wildlife and rushing water.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



3 Years
Extra large
12-04-2018, 11:20 AM

It'd been a while since Korinna had promised to join Tyranis in his lofty goal of raising up a pack in the wake of what Elias had left behind, but she was no less dedicated to the cause than she had been on that day. She wasn't sure what it was but the male was quite interesting to her - just as his father had been, and just as the rest of the family she'd encountered was. It was hard not to be curious about the slightly theatrical male, though it invigorated her rather than concerned her. Life was all about being entertained, after all, wasn't it? She had no qualms with following what she deemed most interesting, and she'd bet that this pack of his was certainly going to be interesting if nothing else. Not that her hopes were terribly high after what had happened to the first pack she'd joined on this continent.. but she supposed with low expectations, there was no way of feeling disappointed if things didn't work out, right?

She'd been trailing after Tyranis's scent, deciding she ought to catch up with him soon, wanting to update him on her progress in the mission he'd given her... or lack thereof. She didn't delay as she navigated the dreary forest, even as night began to fall and all hints of sunlight began to disappear. It left slowly at first, but before long the land was blanketed in darkness, causing the already quite eerie forest to seem even more sinister. Her attention was roused by the scent of someone nearby, and as she noticed the sound of a trickling river she saw the silhouette of someone up ahead. The stranger's coat was pale, standing out in the darkness of night, unlike her own murky grey pelt - and a grin split across her features as she drew closer. "Part of me feels like I'm looking at a ghost," Kori drawled - her voice wavering in its usual place, somewhere between playfulness and seriousness - as she took a few long strides closer to the smaller man.



8 Years
12-09-2018, 09:21 PM

Hannibal remained seated at the river's edge staring into it's depths. Expressionless within those moments the male was an empty canvas. A pale creature nearly glowing beneath the moon's pleasant gaze. Idly the beast kneaded the earth below with sensitive paw pads. Dirt clung to the caked fur between his toe beans, cooling his tender pads nicely. Other then the flexing of his front paws Hannibal was still. The slight Autumnal breeze lifting his thickening winter coat into a gentle dance. It was just chilly enough to notice but it was just perfect in the male's mind. He hated the summer and despised the winter. Autumn and spring were his favored seasons for many reasons thus it was time for him to rejoice before snow would fall in weeks to come.

Despite his silent focus Hannibal took in the sounds and scent of an approaching stranger. The wind brought for the delicate smell of a femme it seemed, but who it was he had no idea. There was no tilte nor name associated with this being, which made sense due to the fact that he knew close to no one within these lands. He remained still as vocals met his alert ears, "Part of me feels like I'm looking at a ghost." Pink lips curled into a slick smile as his head turned in order to face the scarred stranger. For just a few moments his eyes took in her deep brown coat and soft pink nose. The coloration resembled his own, but his nose was dappled with an ebony pigmentation where he was no inflicted by the albinism. Yet, soon his daring gaze moved to meet her own as she moved closer. "What if you are?" An inquisitive brow raised as his tail flicked ever so slightly. "Are you afraid of ghosts?" Did they even exist? Who really knew? Hannibal did not think much of the after life but when he did the male pictured paradise with babes and riches.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



3 Years
Extra large
12-16-2018, 10:38 AM

Amusement danced in Kori's pale eyes as she fixed her attention on the ghostly stranger, peering at him from behind her scarred features. He was certainly a sight to behind - which was why her attention had snapped to him the moment she'd seen him. She was always drawn to the unique ones, regardless of how they were unique and this male certainly had a unique coat if she'd ever seen one. The darker spots of color were a stark contrast to the rest of him, and when he spun around she decided he was even prettier to look at from the front.

As he spoke, her expression mirrored his, parodying that smooth smirk with one of her own. It was hard to fully decipher his features in the pale moonlight, even as she closed the distance between them slowly. "I'm not afraid of ghosts, nor do I really believe in them. But hell, maybe I'm wrong," she shrugged nonchalantly. Korinna had no trouble accepting that she didn't know everything in the world, and even though she hadn't fully believed in the Praetor family's demons she had been willing to play along, just for the hell of it. Life was about the journey itself, after all, wasn't it? "Tell me, does this handsome ghost have a name?" A single brow was raised as she peered at his pale features inquisitively, wondering.



8 Years
12-18-2018, 11:27 AM

The two danced with their silver tongues under the moonlight. Smirks and playful looks were exchanged between them both, a game Hannibal loved more them anything. His eyes caught the ridges buried within her dark fur, it was hard to make them out but he concluded they were delicate scars. His gaze moved from her legs upward towards her muzzle where the scars were much easier to see. Also, he noted that delightful pink nose which was much like his own. Hannibal was void of any scars or mutilation, he lucked out in the battles he participated in. Or perhaps his opponents were scared to scar a Prince? Though, he was a veteran in two wars and came out clean.

Delightful tones hit the air and the beast fled from his riddling thoughts. His eyes moved to connect with her own once again, that sly smirk remaining upon his pink lips. "Who truly knows what lies beyond death?" The male offered a shrug of his own. He liked to think there were Gods and Goddesses smiling down upon him and blessing him in times of need. But, the realist in him knew they were likely all alone in this world.

Once again his deeper thoughts were wiped away as her voice lifted into the air. A little growl of -delight- rumbled in his throat before he indeed offered his name. "Hannibal Iber Klein." He was quick to reveal his true name, there was no reason to hide it. One day the natives of these lands would be chanting his name in some fashion. The thought sent chills down his spine, though he snapped out of it to move his attention fully onto her now. "Now that I have shared mine, will this divine Lady grace me with her own?" A brow raised as he lowered his head slightly. Who was this scarred seductress?


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



3 Years
Extra large
12-23-2018, 01:27 PM

Her scars were things she bore proudly, symbolic of the kind of reckless, fearless life that she lived. Kori kept her head tilted toward Hannibal as she got a better look at him beneath the gentle moonlight, noting his own pink nose, which was partially intercepted with a darker hue.  "Exactly," Kori responded easily, shrugging her shoulders, clearly nonchalant. She'd been willing to play along with Elias's story about demons haunting his bloodline; she didn't care if what she thought was wrong, and likewise didn't mind going along with what others believed just for the hell of it. She most definitely wasn't going to waste breath on arguing with anyone about what they might believe, that much was certain.

The way he spoke his name sent a wave of delightful chills down her spine. His name was a strong one, and if he hadn't already captured her attention she found herself fully intrigued now. "My name's Korinna. But you, Hannibal Iber Klein, can call me Kori." Carefully she tested his name on her tongue, deciding she quite liked it. "Mind if I ask what you're doing in these lands?" Politeness wasn't her usual route, but she was curious about this handsome beast and found no reason to run him off quite yet.



8 Years
12-26-2018, 02:45 PM

Hannibal was pleased that his lineage was true and not riddled by silly ideologies. When religion is mixed with power it never ends well. When he led he led true, with his brain and not some silly verbiage from thousands of years ago as his reasonings. When he said march they marched and not because they felt obligated to but because they believed in him. That is how he wanted everything to work and one day when he rebuilt his Empire the male would aim to do the same as he did before.

It was easy to get the babe's name, Korinna. A beautiful and unique name to match her physical appearance. A polite dip of his head was seen as she spoke, a silent thanks for being so open. Many were reclusive with their identity and perhaps this woman was as well. Was Kori a fake name? Who knew. In his head she spoke the truth because he had no idea who she was. It was a constant game. Though, as she spoke her inquire the male let a little grin slip across his lips. "Soon these lands will be claimed by a Wolf I know." Perhaps she knew of Tyranis and he did not wish to reveal too much information all at once. "Until then I am exploring and learning my way around the forest." He was also meant to be doing some patrolling but he would wait until he knew his way around first. "And you?"


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



3 Years
Extra large
01-16-2019, 06:29 PM

Kori felt no need to lie about her identity or try to be evasive about it - and why would she? She was relatively new to these lands, all things considered, and despite wanting to build a reputation of sorts in these new lands, she hadn't done that quite yet. Soon, though... it was definitely on her agenda. Once she settled into Tyranis's new pack, of course, and gained some recognition among like-minded wolves.

"A wolf you know, you say?" She had no clue where Tyranis planned to settle his pack, but she couldn't help but wonder if Hannibal was speaking of the same wolf that she was thinking of. "Believe it or not," Kori started a bit hesitantly, testing her words before continuing,  "I'm killing time to join a friend as he creates his own pack. Tell me, does this wolf you know.. does he have a snake friend?" Surely if he answered that question affirmatively there would be no mistaking that they were talking about the same wolf, but she didn't feel particularly inclined either to reveal information she didn't need to.