
Blow it all on hookers and coke



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-18-2018, 11:00 PM
Chaos paced beneath the big evergreen tree in frustration, his mismatched eyes glued to the upper boughs where a smaller pair of yellow eyes glared back at him. He had set out to ambush the lynx upon scenting it on his way from Niente s old lands to Legions new ones, but the ambush had failed and the short-tailed, tuft-eared cat had escaped to scramble up into the tree, with the accompanying scent of pine sap oozing from bark pierced by it's claws. Chaos, not having sharp claws of his own, studied the tree balefully for some way other than climbing it to get to the beast. He had wanted to add the warm pelt to his den with winter coming on, but it was starting to look like this particular pussy was playing coy. The tall wolf reared up to place his paws against the pine, earning himself a threatening his from the trapped feline.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



5 Years
12-18-2018, 11:15 PM
She had been out doing some gathering. Getting her things together to prepare for the move. She too was also looking for prey animals to get pelts for her den. Her smaller form looked to rabbits for her main source. She wouldn’t consider going for a lynx or larger without proper help. She was heading through the woods looking for rabbits, but what she came across was Chaos looking up into a tree. Curious as to what he was looking at she approached and when she was near enough she looked up to see the trapped bobcat.

“Trying to get this guy?” She asked.

If he was she knew of a little trick she was once told by a loner of how to get a cat out of a tree. She had never tried it, but she was willing to if it helped. Her gaze looked down to the ground searching for what she was looking for while she waited for an answer.
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
01-13-2019, 09:17 AM
Chaos spared a glance away from the hissing lynx, seeing Delaney coming up on him. He grinned at her despite his frustration. "Yeah, I'm having a bit of a problem with it. The little bastard took my new fur coat up a tree and now I can't reach him." He sent a scowl up at the lynx, who hissed again and made a threatening motion with one paw, claws extended. "Yeah, fuck you too you little gremlin! Get back down here and try that again!" If his owls hadn't damaged flight feathers in their little battle with Enrico's leopard friend, he could have had them attack the lynx in the tree until they either pulled it loose from the tree, managed to knock it off, or it dropped on its own accord and he could chase it, but he'd had to leave them at the ship this time.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



5 Years
01-20-2019, 09:29 PM
Looking around on the ground and pawing through the snow while Chaos kept his eye on the little furry beast she searched for a sizable piece of wood. Once she found one she picked it up within her teeth and strolled back over to the tree. Placing it on the ground she looked up to the Lynx. She was a little amused hearing Chaos grump and growl and curse at the animal and she hoped that this trick she was taught would work so he would be able to catch the animal and get his new coat like he had hoped.

"I have one trick that may work, a lone wolf told me about it before, but I never personally tried it before. You keep your eye on the lynx cause this is gonna make me a bit dizzy," she stated before picking up the stick.

She pivoted her body 180 degrees and backed up a few paces to line herself up. She was now on the left side of the tree facing the same way the lynx was within the tree. She got a firm, solid grip on the stick and closed her eyes. She had her legs evenly spread to keep herself planted in her spot. The loner had told her if you hit the trunk with a sizable stick the vibrations that would run up the tree would be highly unpleasant and should make any type of cat jump from the tree. It could take a few times and she was warned that she herself would get dizzy from the vibrations of the hit.

As long as Chaos kept his focus on the cat and ready to attack once it jumped they would be good. Hopefully the Lynx wouldn't aim to jump down on top of her either, but she trusted Chaos would try and protect her. Swinging her head right then sharply left she hit the tree once...... twice.... three times. Keeping her eyes closed no matter how scattered her brain began to feel. She would wait until she heard that the lynx had jumped before she would stop.
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
01-26-2019, 01:56 PM
While he and the lynx bickered back and forth, Delaney wandered off, coming back with a stout stick. Chaos broke off in the middle of his barrage of insults towards the hissing, furry asshole clinging so smugly in the tree, to eye Delaney with interest. "What's that for?" he questioned with curiosity at least as great as the proverbial feline. He didn't think she'd hit him with it but, well, maybe he was annoying her, who knew? She explained, though, that it was a trick she'd learned from a loner once, though she didn't detail what she intended to do with it. He did back away from the tree as she approached, though he kept his eye on the lynx.


She smacked the tree, sending reverberations up the lynx's tree and her stick both, and Chaos' eyes widened and a grin blossomed on his muzzle as understanding hit him fully as hard as that stick would have. "Hell yeah," he crowed, shaking his paws to loosen muscles in preparation for a dash. His eyes remained fixated on the lynx.

Whack. Whack.


That last hit was apparently too much for the lynx, who finally leaped from the trunk with a furious shriek. He hit the ground hard enough to drive the wind out of him, but was back on his paws and fleeing a beat later. That hesitation was his doom, though, because Chaos was ready and as soon as the cat hit the ground he was on it, fangs slashing.

The cat turned on him as well, though, slashing at his face with its sharp little claws. One came disconcertingly close to his eyes as it tore flesh and fur, and Chaos flinched back instinctively, giving the badly injured cat an opening to slip through his paws. "Catch him!" he cried out to Delaney as the lynx tried to drag its injured body away. Chaos had to swipe blood out of his eyes to see where it had gone before he could follow. Little bastard still had some fight left, but his fang had slipped between the feline's ribs into a lung, and it wasn't going to get far. They needed to catch it before it hid itself somewhere they couldn't get to it before it died, though, and preferably in time for them to give it the mercy of a swifter death.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



5 Years
01-26-2019, 09:24 PM
It took four whack's, each one sending vibrations through the stick, through her teeth, and rattling her brain. The fact she had cut of her sight by closing her eyes helped herself from getting a lot more dizzier. When she heard the shrieking scream she stopped and tried to regain herself as fast as possible. She could hear the fight between the two. Then Chaos yelled to catch him and her green eyes popped open. Searching for the lynx and when she spotted it she tried to run after it. Her run started off looking a bit like she was drunk, but soon her vision would clear and her path would straighten as she chased after the creature.

As she closed distance the Lynx knew that he couldn't possibly outrun her with his wound and turned around to face her. At the last second she veered sharply left as he attempted to strike out at her, missing his claws. Pivoting on her back legs she turned to face him quickly and launched herself at him with jaws bared, aiming for a bite just as he re-positioned to face her. Her muzzle angled downward as she aimed to grab a hold of the back of the cats neck. As she did so the Lynx launched upwards and as she got her bite mark he managed to land his claws across the front of her shoulder blade and drug them across towards the left shoulder.

Delaney didn't stop to give the pain a chance to alter her attack as she locked down on the back of the Lynx's neck. Violently she shook the Lynx and threw it into the ground. With his lung injury the Lynx took to long to recover from the slam to the ground and Delaney was able to latch her jaws around the lower part of it's neck to end it's life by pinching the airway with her upper teeth and her lower teeth piercing the jugular to swiftly end his life. She stayed there with her tight grip until the body went lifeless and then she began to drag it back to Chaos. She could feel the warm blood oozing from the laceration from the Lynx's claws, but she knew she would heal.
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-15-2019, 09:04 AM
Delaney had launched herself after the cat as soon as he'd shouted for her, despite the obvious dizziness that had her staggering. Chaos cleared his eyes in time to see her dive on it and clamp her jaws around the back of it's neck despite the way it turned to claw her shoulder. He gave a whoop of encouragement, charging across the distance to help her. She was doing quite well on her own, shaking the cat like a terrier with a rat until the stubborn little thing was stunned, then throwing it back down to get a better grip. The heavy flow of blood from a major vein colored the cat's pale neck fur red. Chaos knew he wouldn't be needed at this point even if the cat had managed to free itself - it wouldn't make it to cover before it died. So he slowed and watched the struggles go feeble and then end, and Delaney drug the cat the rest of the way to meet him.

He inspected Delaney's wound with a brief glance, but it didn't look too bad. She certainly didn't seem concerned about it, so while he felt a little guilty that she'd gotten injured chasing his new pelt, he knew she'd be fine. Grinning at her, he shook himself violently to settle his fur after the tussle, spattering drops of blood every which way. "Damn, I owe you one, Delaney. He'd have gotten away if you hadn't showed up when you did."

He glanced thoughtfully at the cat. Other predators weren't particularly good eating, even if the food would be worth the fight, but it also seemed a bit of a waste to just take the pelt and leave everything else. "Anything you want off it? The claws, the teeth? Skull?"

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write