
Break...away from everybody...away from everything


07-06-2013, 06:27 PM
The mud sucked at his paws, like a vacuum sucking up everything in its path. The youth shivered, rain pouring down through the gaps of the trees, soaking his fur and chilling his bones. Spring was here...and with it the first showers of the new season. Prey would be bountiful, and so would floods. He remembered the most recent one...he happened to be sleeping in the wrong place at the wrong time. Water from the nearby river had over flooded, causing mayhem and wreaking havoc on the nearby landscape. The den had had found flooded, trapping him inside. He had to fight his way out against the angry current, as it tried to keep him trapped against the walls of the place he thought would be safe. He barely broke free from its angry clutches, scrambling with utmost determination to survive. When he had fought the current, he had been high enough to scramble up a tree to whatever branch he could reach. And with the water just mere feet under the lowest branch he was on, he sat huddled. Soaking wet and nearly suffocated, he sat hunched over and staring at the rushing water below. It wasn't like that when he had arrived in this forest, but anything could change in the blink of an eye when nature wanted it to.

Well, that was over now. Now he had to find another place to reside for the day...perhaps more dry and away from any rivers that might flood again. The pitiful boy pulled his legs through the slippery suctioning mud painfully slow. His body began to feel incredibly tired due to the effort it was taking to get out of this mud...everytime he placed a paw on top of it, he either slipped or it got sucked back in when his weight was pressed down. His lower half of his body was covered in mud, the top half remained less dirty thanks to the rain washing down on him.

After toiling for near an hour, and moving at a painfully slow pace, he looked back to see he hadn't gotten very far...his exhaustion began to overtake him, he pulled his front left up, resting it atop the mud. His soaked and sodden head rested upon his muddied leg, the rest of his legs stuck in the relentless mud who would not give up its victim so easily. He stood again after a few moment, trying to jump out to pull himself free. With a huge effort, he managed it...but it was short lived. The boys body slunk forward a few feet before he came across a very slippery patch of mud. As he tried to spread his legs for a wider stance, his back feet sunk in, dragging his body into the mud as well. As he tried to pull himself out again, his right foreleg sunk as well, leaving the pitiful creature stuck. His chest heaved from exhaustion...was this how he was meant to die? Alone in a world of cold? Shivering violently, he rested his head on his left leg again, a single tear dripping down his face. So this was cruel and unforgiving the world was. Leaving him to die without ever knowing friendship, or love. He pinned his ears back from the rain, least he wouldn't have to feel the pain of solitude anymore...He closed his eyes, and waited.


07-08-2013, 01:51 AM

Still searching, wandering all over Alacritis, going over to each individual territory, searching desperately for any sign of his wife. And still nothing. It was spring now, the light rain giving away as much. The land was beginning to reawaken, flora blooming all across Ala, decorating the landscape in brilliant colors as the life that had been suppressed by winter was now slowly making its way back. Desdemona was still missing and still heavily pregnant. She should've had the pups already. She'd been expected to birth any day now. Had she already given birth yet? Or was she denying her body the painful release it needed until she found herself back in her home territory? He desperately hoped that she was doing fine wherever she was and that their pups within her womb would not suffer any kind of injuries during her wanderings. If only she was home. He couldn't take being apart from her for so long. It was driving him to the point of madness.

Powerful ivory limbs, now darkened with muddy brown water moved easily through the soiled earth, throwing up murky water with step he took, porcelain locks clinging to his sturdy frame, mismatched gems dancing across the landscape he'd come across. So far he hadn't run into anyone yet, but the closer he got to the newer territory, the more he could faintly detect the odor of a second wolf. Pace was halted, frame coming a halt, dark nasals twitching this way and that way, fighting through the scent of the rain to locate the whiff of wolf he'd caught. Male. Rogue. Somewhere nearby there was a rogue male. Always curious as to others were and needing to know that the second lupine wasn't in trouble, Demonio set forth, gliding over the wet landscape, talons leaving deep imprints in the muddy earth as he came across a horribly muddy area, the figure of a small wolf coming into view. It was the young man he'd scented, trapped within the mud, lying down, obviously resigned to his fate of being stuck within the clutches of the mud. Hold on, I'm going to get you. He called out to the stranger, taking caution as he circled around the mud, coming around to the boys's right side. He needed to be careful doing this lest he get himself stuck in the mud as well.

Paws were placed carefully as the white man slowly began to cross over the mud, feeling the substance squeeze into the crevices between his toes. He wanted to jump back out and shake the disturbing mud from his toes, but he needed to help the lad stuck in the mud first. Each step earned him a wet squelch, muscles working over time as he pulled against the mud, refusing to let it pull him under. My name's Demonio and I'm here to help you. Try not to move to much to avoid getting more stuck. I'm going to try and push you out of the mud. Hopefully this works. He spoke in gentle tones, trying to reassure the young man that he meant him no harm. Forepaws struck at the mud, carving a hole beneath the boy's abdomen, big enough for him to stick his head underneath, that way he could get his shoulders against the boy's stomach, making it easier for him to push. Crown was tucked into the hole, nostrils flaring at the clogging scent of mud, shoulders pressing into the youth's abdomen, muscles straining beneath his dirtied coat as he pushed against the slippery mud, trying to hopefully dislodge the youth from the mud and get him onto firmer ground.

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07-08-2013, 07:47 PM
The dame of the forest at the moment. The dame who blended in. The dame unnoticed. But she still settled in. Maka watched the scene with her turquoise gaze settled on te two brutes in the mud. One was stuck and one was helping out. She stood there silently and wondered if she could help. Of course not right, she was way too much of a runt to do anything. She silently walked closer to the two behind the cover of the foliage. The small dame soon made her way just in front of the brute that was stuck and behind the brute that was trying to push him out. She stepped forward a bit so she would be slightly visible if someone looked. Only her front legs and face appeared as the rest was in the cover of the trees and bushes.

Maka remained quiet as she stood there. She looked on past the other brute facing away from her but at the wolf that was stuck in the mud. Of course she didn't find it safe to be out of home because she could still feel the heat radiate from her skin. The femme had learned to ignore her heat but it still bothered her sometimes. She best not roam around this time and end up like her sister and be raped. A shudder ran down her back as she took one step backward. Thinking of leaving she averted her turquoise gaze to her paws. The small dame looked back up at the pair and didn't give in to her urge to help.

Standing there, her mood was getting better but she still lacked hope. Having the curtain drawn all she could see was the broken girl standing on the stage, Maka. In the outside she used to be happy, bouncy, full of life and joy. But now there's not even a remnant of the old Maka. She was growing serious, like Keki serious. The femme wished she could have that bounce in her step again and then the bright innocent smile again. Maybe if she did smile like that again she would actually have some friends. But being here was a but dangerous and made her on edge. Her mood dipped up and down but yet she stood there still, looking with curiosity at the stuck male. So she waited and stood there. Maybe she would try to flash him a smile and see if that would help her gain a friend today. Or maybe she wouldn't, maybe she would be frowned upon for her attitude lately...she wasn't fun to be around anymore. Maybe she wasn't herself anymore. But the old Maka was in there somewhere...just waiting to be woken up...


07-08-2013, 11:09 PM
The youths ears twitched when he heard something approach, the squelching of mud nearby. Did another creature become a victim as well? He turned his head tiredly to the side, eyes squinted against the rain. He was shocked that another had found its way to him, he himself hadn't even scented the male...or the female lurking in the bushes. Mako gazed at the beast that approached him, listening to his words. The boy was resigned to accepting his fate, but here, a man had come to help him. Why? He didn't quite understand it. His old pack would have just left him, not even bother to look for him. But this complete stranger was risking his own life for the kid. He watched tiredly as the man came up to his right side, introducing himself as Demonio. Mako watched him as he began to dig underneath him. The boy didn't budge, even when the male called Demonio began to push him upwards. Why was he helping him?

He watched as the creature dug him out, the mud sinking away from his torso. He didn't exactly understand this...a stranger, helping him. It was not something he was used to...not something he knew. What was compassion? It was foreign to him...was that what this man was showing him? He thought for a moment...why should he give up now? Surely he had a purpose in this world...right? If this man was helping, then there was something for him. Or maybe he was just being nice...either way, it was time for him to get out of this. The boy turned away, rising to his feet. With the help of Demonio, he'd get out of this.

Mako glanced ahead of him, the mud seemed to be less thick there. Firmer even, but it was hard to tell. He'd just have to risk it. With the help of the male beside him, he struggled to get a good grasp on the mud in front of him, while at the same time he put a back foot on the shoulders of the beast to help him make a jump to dryer land. Placing his paws accordingly, the small boy bunched his weak muscles and pushed off, landing clumsily on the dryer land under a large oak tree that sheltered that part from the falling skies.
He glanced towards Demonio, waiting for the brute to get himself back to stable land.

Mako then turned his attention to the bushes in front of him, a scent hitting his nose. Strange though it was, he now knew that something else was there. He crouched low to the ground, body packed with mud and water. He saw something there...a wolf, standing half hidden in the bush. Questioning yet curious eyes fell on her, had she been watching this whole time?


07-08-2013, 11:49 PM

The rain pelting the land wasn't helping the situation, but the ivory man was trying to work around it. It was rather frustrating when the water kept refilling the hole he'd dug, soaking his pelt again and again, some of it trying to sneak its way into his nose. The ivory man chuffed, his pale lips flapping against his jaws as he worked to keep the water from finding its way inside of his nose while at the same time pushing against the slipper mud, muscles straining as he began to gain ground, the boy beneath him slowly beginning to come unstuck from the mud. It seemed the young man began to understand that help that help had truly come and was no determined to get himself out of the mud with Demonio's help. Still unable to see, the pale knight could only feel as the young brute rolled away from him, bringing himself to his paws, putting a hind paw against one white brute's shoulders, using it a stabilizer as he pushed off, leaping onto firmer ground before altogether freeing himself of the mud. Success.

Tongue lolled from gaping jaws, pants rolling heavily from his jaws as he took a few moments to recover himself before making the effort to get himself out of the mud. With a bit of difficulty, almost getting himself stuck in fact, the white knight managed to squelch his way out of the mud, returning back to drier ground. Stilts halted immediately upon reaching firmer ground, pelt being shaken to free it of as much clinging mud as possible before moving to the young man's side, mismatched gems flickering to his frame, looking it over for any injuries as he spoke. Are you alright? Audits rotated this way and that way, nasals catching the faint scent of a lingering wolf in the area. Nape craned, dual-toned pools searching out the owner, noticing a female hidden partially in some bushes nearby. Jaws parted, a bark erupting from vocals, calling out to the young female, one audit twisted back in the young man's direction.

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07-09-2013, 12:03 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 12:03 PM by Maka.)
Somewhat calmed by the talk with her mother she felt a but better. But standing here with two other wolves in front of her she became a bit scared. As the male in the mud was saved he then saw her after a moment or two. Her ears lay back a but but then went upright. He didn't look like a threat... Then the other brute saw her as well and let out a bark to her. Maka hesitantly took another step back and shook her head slightly. No, she couldn't, she wouldn't... Maybe she could....maybe she would. With a sigh the small runt of a dame stepped forward with no sound from her voice. She took another after another and soon wasn't far from the two brutes. Her mind told her to run, to flee. But she stayed.

Maka's turquoise gaze settled on the brute that was covered in mud. It looked like he needed a good wash. She then looked to the kind brute who had saved him then back at the other. She looked warily at then but quietly.

"Hello..." she said in a small voice as she averted her turquoise gaze towards the ground.

"My name is Maka, what are your names?" she said before looking back at the two makes.

Her black tail swayed behind her as she sat on her haunches. They were both much bugger than her. But the other brute wasn't as big as the other one. Maybe he was a runt too; maybe they had something in common. Letting that thought go did she turn her gaze back to her paws. Silently and patiently waiting for an answer or a reply....

OOC:short crappy phone post, excuse phone errors X)


07-09-2013, 08:54 PM
OOC//It's okay Maka :) (Also just a note, Mako is 2yr and small frame)

The boy flinched slightly when he heard the bigger male speak, turning to look at him, nodded the smallest of nods. Afraid to speak. His head whipped around when he heard another voice, this one belonging to the hiding she-wolf. He warily watched her leave the safety of the bushes, and saying a meek hello. His ears twitched nervously on his head, the rain no longer falling as it disappeared as quickly as it had come. He gazed at the girl, the one who asked their names. So...her name was Maka? His ears moved forward, somewhat uneasily but interested at the same time. Looking at the other wolf, Demonio, he turned back to Maka.

" name is...Mako." He replied shyly. He slowly sat up. Mud weighing down his scrawny frame, but hiding how horribly thin he was. He was definitely malnourished, but until the mud and grime was gone they wouldn't know. The boy didn't know how to hunt, didn't know how to fight. Wasn't taught to do anything in fact. He mostly fed on whatever he could find, a scavenger what they called. He had never experienced the taste of fresh kill, never experienced killing his own prey, nothing. He was a deprived soul, one that had been abused and neglected. Little did he realize his world would change soon...


07-09-2013, 09:03 PM

Leaving an ear towards the smaller female at the bushes, Demonio turned back to the smaller male, mismatched gems roving over his frame once again, noticing the nod that the youth presented to him in response to his question. He nodded to the young man, crown rotating back in the direction of the young woman, watching as she made the slow approach towards the two brutes, her steps shy and unsure. Both of these younglings seemed horribly shy and the white man's heart went out to both of them. Youth like them should've been out enjoying the world, not hiding themselves from it.

The young woman's voice was quiet as she spoke, introducing herself as Maka before asking for what their names were. The ivory knight was about to introduce himself but the young brute behind him spoke up first, stating his name as Mako. Ah, a name. Mako was the name of the young fellow he'd saved. Good to know. Pale crown was dipped in the direction of the young woman. It's nice to meet you Maka and Mako, my name is Demonio as Mako already knows. What brings you out here Maka? He made an awkward attempt at conversation, trying to instill confidence in the youthful pair, wanting them to feel comfortable around him and each other.

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07-10-2013, 02:44 PM
She learned their names, Mako and Demonio. Funny, Mako sounded like Maka...except with an o instead of an a. She averted her turquoise gaze to the shy Mako, they had a lot in common yes? But he was a bit dirty from the mud. She was used to getting dirty in the dirt and stuff but mud was fun too... So walking over to Mako did she start to try to lick the mud off of him. She spat out the mud from her mouth as she did so. But Maka still tried to clean the brute of the mud so his coat would be more visible. Her ears grew hot as she hadn't touched his face. But not carig at the moment she kicked his face as clean as she could for the moment of the mud.

Spittin out the last of the mud from her mouth did she answer Demonio's question

"Nothing really, just wandering for a bit today." she said casually.

Then turning to Mako did she say something as well.

"sorry for the sudden cleaning act, I think it is better now that you have less mud on you though, right? " she said with a small smile.

So the dame sat there on her haunches looking back and forth from Makonand Demonio. She waited for an answer or reply. But at he moment she felt a little more less worried. Maybe the mud masked the smell of her heat. She hoped so.


07-11-2013, 12:38 AM
Mako glanced at Demonio as he spoke, then turned towards Maka briefly as the man asked her a question. The boy stared down at his paws as they waited for the she wolf to answer. He flinched, jumping almost out of his skin when he felt something strange touching him. His eyes squeezed shut. What was she doing!? He felt something run along his body, was she...licking him? He crouched low, body cowering. This was unknown to him, foreign even. He had never been licked by another before...not that he could ever remember anyway. He felt her lick his face, shuddering under her touch. He had expected, for some reason, a blow or some kind of...punishment for getting into the mess he had been in. But nothing hurtful came, nothing...painful.

Ever so slowly, he opened one eye to a slit, in case it was some sort of trick. His ear flicked nervously, catching her voice. Slowly he opened his eyes, strange gold and pink infused orbs carefully glancing at the girl and the man. He looked at her, a question directed to him. He meekly nodded, he felt a little better now that the mud wasn't clinging so heavy to his coat. " you..."

The boy sat up, shoulders hunched, head low...a sad and dull look in his eyes. He felt nervous here, was it that he didn't know how to be around company? Was he so used to his mistreatment that he forgot what it was like to be around without abuse? He wasn't sure...his nose twitched. What was that strange smell? Was it coming from the wolf named Maka? He had smelled it before in his old pack, but he was never taught why some wolves smelled that way. Shyly, he turned to her and made to speak, but remained quiet. He didn't know what he wanted to ask...didn't know if she'd hurt him for saying the wrong thing. So he simply kept quiet.


07-11-2013, 01:49 AM

He was failing horribly. Both Mako and Maka -who's name's were nearly identical except for the difference in ending letter- were extremely shy, which made bringing about a conversation rather difficult for the white man. Her answer left him with nothing to go off, so he simply nodded in acknowledgement. A few steps were taken back, allowing a gap to appear between the youth so that he was no longer a physical barrier between them. And not even a few moments after he'd moved the young dame Maka stepped towards the smaller brute Mako, making her own personal task to clean him up. Demonio watched in quiet curiosity as the teal-eyed youth licked most of the mud free from Mako's pelt, even daring to go ahead and clean his face before stepping back, apologizing for having made such a bold move. A small smile curled the knight's pale lips at Maka's apology, watching as Mako gave her the thanks necessary. A particular scent caught the man's attention and he quickly realized Maka was in heat. It didn't bother him at all. He after all had his own wife, though missing at the moment, and wasn't the kind to stray. Maka had nothing to worry about Demonio, he just hoped that she could figure that out for herself because voicing would be rather awkward.

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07-11-2013, 08:05 AM
As Mako thanked her she gave a small nod and she smiled shyly at the ground as her ears became hot. Maybe having friend wasn't such a good idea. But it was good to have some right? Her only friend so far who wasn't in her family was Chanpion but that dame had hurried off after their conversation. The small Dane's turquoise eyes looked at Demonio as he gave her a nod after she answered. Maybe Maka should try coaxing her old self out. But she knew she couldn't, not alone. Her mother had made her smile again after their talk. Everything needed a bit of time yes? Maka knew she would either be back to herself one day. Either that or just a run of the mill dame. No, she wanted to be herself, not like another wolf. She then also remembered how Mako seemed to flinh at her touch. Maybe he thought she was going to hurt him. Darn Brown ears pinned against her head for a few seconds until she averted her turquoise gaze to her feet. This was sort of awkward. And she wasn't really helping.

Maka just wanted to go back to wherever her family was right now and sit beneath the nice tree she had found and just look around and think. Or maybe curl up in her den and listen to the echoes of her breathing as it bounced off the walls. She wished things were how they sed to be. She missed how her and her sister would snuggle up with their mother and brothers and sister in then big den in Glaciem. And now? She resided in a rather large den for herself. She could maybe fit her sister in and her nephews with her too...but she rather wanted to stay away from Keki for now as she cooled down. This was her den now right? With a sigh Maka looked up ad started to speak again.

"Do you two like catch the hare?" she asked

Maka knew it could possible be viewed as childish to suggest a game of tag but other wolves liked to play too. Maka hadn't done that in a while and this was just a peek of her old self. The femme's black tail wagged back and forth as she looked at Demonio and Mako with her turquoise eyes; hoping they would agree to a game of catch the hare(tag).


07-11-2013, 10:36 PM
Mako's ears twitched. The male called Demonio hadn't spoken after Maka had. Mako himself was afraid...but he should't be. After all, he had no reason to be...right? Lifting his head a little, he looked at Demonio. The male was big, but kind. He had saved Mako's life, showed him kindness and not once did he get mad or try to punish him for having gotten stuck in the mud like a moron. Ears slowly perked forward towards the brute. He seemed kind, gentle, powerful still, yet his aura was a lot different then what he was used to. Slowly, and ever carefully he picked his way across the ground, closing the distance between them. He reached out, small body stretching forward to sniff the beasts fur. His body posture insisted that he was unsure, but at the same time he wanted to discover. Stepping back after getting enough of the mans scent, he glanced at Maka. Should he go and sniff her too? Her scent now was...strong...and strange. Did she always smell like that? Perhaps not. Wolves who smelled like that usually stopped smelling that way. Maybe he'd get the courage to smell her later.

His ears perked towards her as she mentioned something about "Catching Hare." Did she mean food? His stomach grumbled then, loud enough for the pair to hear him. He looked down at his paws, hiding the embarrassed blush that rose onto his face. Glancing up, he looked between the pair. "Catching hare...? you mean hunting hare?" His shy eyes fell on Demonio, "Does she mean food?"


07-12-2013, 01:06 AM

His attention had remained on the smaller dame Maka for several moments after her cleaning, but a movement to his side caught his attention. Massive crown turned towards the movement, mismatched gems coming over Mako's figure as the boy rose to his paws, slowly approaching the man, extending himself out as much as he could without getting too close, dark nose twitching as he smelled Demonio. Hmm. No one had done that to him before. He supposed there was always a first for everything. He said nothing to the boy, merely allowed him to complete his investigation before Maka's voice stole his attention. Pale audits rotated in the girl's direction, maroon and icy gems dancing over to her teal ones as she asked if they like catch the hare. Catch the hare? She certainly couldn't mean the food could she?

At the mention of the hare, Mako's stomach made its presence known, announcing to the world its lack of nutrition. An amused smile curled the man's ivory kissers as the boy looked towards him, asking him if Maka meant catching the food. Pale brows furrowed, one audit falling back against his skull. No son, I don't think she means catching food. He turned to glance towards Maka. Is it a game? I've never heard of that name before. He hoped he was at least close to what she was really talking about because he knew for a fact that she wasn't talking about getting some food.

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07-12-2013, 08:57 AM
The dame looked at Mako as he sniffed Demonio cautiously. Her turquoise gaze averted to the bigger brute who seemed calm an well-mannered. Then Mako turned to her and Maka wondered if he would sniff her too. Hmm, odd... A small smile appeared at the edges of her muzzle as she tried not to giggle. With a flick of her black tail she looked at Mako he asked if catch the hard was hunting or something like that. Then she heard his stomach growl. Then Demonio said he didn't think it involved catching food. The brute then asked if it was a game.

With a nod she answered

"yup, it's a game. Sort of like tag but two wolves are the hare and there's only one wolf. That's why it's fun and challenging. Who wants to be it? If not then I'll be the wolf and you two can be the hares. But Im fine if either one of you wants to be the wolf. Then maybe after a quick few games we can go catch something to eat?" she said with a smile

Maka looked to and fro from Demonio to Mako. She wanted to at least have a turn being the hare as the wolf. Maka loved this game. Maybe after they cod all catch a real hare. The small dame looked up at the two brutes and flashes them a smile she wanted to play with them and have a little fun. It's been a while since she had played any games and it was nice to at every once in a while right? The femme's tongue killed out of the side of her mouth as she sat there on her haunches. She was ready to spring up and second and run!


07-18-2013, 02:51 AM

The shadow dame stalked the forest. Mud squelched between her toes, a look of disgust twisted her features...what was she doing out here? Well, she had scented several different scents around, and one in particular attracted her to this area...a girl in heat. The black maiden swept silently across the ground, following her nose to the location. Soon, she would some upon the unsuspecting trio that were becoming friendlies. But she wasn't here to make friends, no. She was here to see who was stalking on her lands. HER new pack lands. Sure, she hadn't been part of Seracia long, but she still had duties to fulfill, and what better way then to go on a lone patrol. She had left her son, Dilinger, back home. The unwanted whelp was left with fresh kill and told to remain in the den and not talk to anybody. Was it unfair? Ha! Life itself was unfair anyway. She had been forced to conceive that thing, something she despised and didn't want. If she could get her teeth around the neck of the brute that forced her to it, she would feel much better. Ah, but all that was in the past now.

Ears perked forward as she heard voices up ahead. Eyes narrowed to slits, who was that speaking? The voice was unfamiliar, though she scented the heat radiating from that direction, overpowering the scent of the other one that was with the female. With an expressionless air, she swept into a trot and caught the words drifting in the air. Like a phantom, she appeared behind the unsuspecting wolves, a trio of them she noted. Head tilted back in a scrutinizing manner, a smirk upon her maw. "A game you say? Who will have the misfortune of being killed like the prey this round?" She cut in with coldness. Her cold eyes fell on the little whelp who was between the she-wolf, and the larger male in front of her. The smaller one shrank back in surprise, fear evident in his eyes. This made her lips curl in a smile of mirth, oh how easy they were to scare..."My, My, My...would it be you that will be today's prey?" She sneered, thrusting her nose to Mako.


07-19-2013, 01:13 AM
The boy had finally begun to emerge from his shell, curious about playing this game with Maka and Demonio. He stretched his body towards Maka this time, Ears forward in intense interest. "That...sounds like fun. I wanna play, I wanna hide too! Is that al--" The boy startled when he heard another voice behind them. His words cutting off instantly as the coldness of her words chilled him. He whipped around to face the newcomer, the faint smell of blood tainting the air that followed her. His heart thudded against his chest, eyes locked onto hers with fear. What did she mean by killed like prey? Did this game involve being killed if you were found? Maka hadn't mentioned that...why was he so scared of this woman? Indeed, the color of her eyes struck him dead. His paws frozen with fear for a moment, locking him in place. "Wh...what does she mean Demonio?"

He gasped and scooted back a few inches when the woman stuck her face in his. His ears flew back and the boy scrambled backwards until he backed up into Demonio's legs. Startled from the encounter with the woman, he turned over, falling forward as he scrambled to huddle behind Demonio's front legs. He curled up tightly like a cat would, ears flat against his head as he peered out slightly from his hiding place. He swallowed as his hear pounded in his chest. He was sure the man above him could hear it, as well as the rapid breaths that parted his small jaws. This she-wolf scared him...and he didn't like her presence here...


07-20-2013, 06:53 PM

yup, it's a game. Sort of like tag but two wolves are the hare and there's only one wolf. That's why it's fun and challenging. Who wants to be it? If not then I'll be the wolf and you two can be the hares. But Im fine if either one of you wants to be the wolf. Then maybe after a quick few games we can go catch something to eat? Maka had just begun to explain what the game was about when suddenly there was another creature that decided to make its presence known. A game you say? Who will have the misfortune of being killed like the prey this round? Ivory frame was spun around rather slowly to face the new adversary, hackles bristling, pale lips curling away from his pearly daggers. Mismatched gaze flickered to the young man Mako, watching as he scrambled away from the obsidian woman, coming to hide behind his forelimbs, peeking out from beneath them to stare at the black woman. Demonio ignored Mako's question, knowing that he couldn't provide a good response, instead allowing his body to lower into a crouch, tail lashing behind his powerful haunches, a growl rumbling in the depths of his chest, ready to protect the two youngsters were this woman to decide and attack.

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07-22-2013, 10:36 AM
Dark brown ears pulled back as a mysterious dame entered the scene. For some reason she didn't seem that friendly.... Maka stepped back a few feet before lookin towards Demonio and Mako. The wolf seemed to be talking to Mako, teasing him or something like that. Then Demonio stepped forward as if he were to shield her and Mako from the hostile looking dame. Turquoise eyes settled once more on the dame before Maka stepped forward. She bared her teeth as a small pathetic snarl passed her lips. She knew she was a runt and rather small but the girl could still give a scratch or two. Maka came up beside Demonio and poked her head out to glare at the femme. A small growl rumbled in her throat as he snarl was rather high pitched. Perhaps she wasn't very intimidating but it made a point though...right?

The small femme swayed her black tail as she bared her teeth. Her silky soft fur rose and stood on end. Maka thought she looked like a little deranged animal, kind of like a raccoon. But how dare this dame come in and threaten her friend!

"I'm not in the mood for any of 'your' games!" she said as she so much as spat in the female's direction.

"Leave us be! There's no reason to come in here and start trouble!"

With another small growl coming from her; Maka wished her sister was here. Keki would know what to do...or not. Yet the wolf stayed there as she tried or attempted to defend whatever it was she was defending. Maka wasn't even quite that sure of what she was exactly doing.

Looking bak over her shoulder at Mako the girl walked back over to him and stood beside him. If it was a game this strange wolf wanted it would be three against one. Turquoise orbs glared at the femaleness Maka stood beside her new friend.


08-07-2013, 03:19 AM
"My, need to get all touchy. I just want to play" Cooed the woman in a dangerously calm voice. She cooly gazed at the terrified young boy hiding behind the males legs. A smirk stretching across her maw as she let out an eerie laugh. Crimson eyes watched as the heated female rose and spoke, and the blood stained femme listened nonchalantly when the smaller girl finished. "Was that a threat? Oh, I'm shaking in my fur!" She giggled again, rising to stand at full height as she walked circles around the trio. Her eyes never left the small girl as she made her way towards the boy. Her tail waved high in the air, the woman was completely bereft of fear. She knew she would be easily able to take out the girl if she attacked, and by the looks of the wet runt, he would either run or cower in the corner...she scoffed at the thought. He wouldn't fight her. He looked too pathetic, to fragile, too...scared.

Stopping at the half point of one of her many circles, she glared at the male who had taken up a threatening attitude. Her eyes reflected no fear, only a cold look with zero emotion. "What? You're gonna protect the runt? Just look at him! Why would you waste your time on a pathetic bundle of bones!? He looks more like a wet rat, a mangy street cur! He won't survive very long. Mark my words boy, nature will pick you off before you know it...unless I get you first." Her tone was dangerously calm, but filled with a menacing air. Mako was terrified, she could see it in his eyes. The way he huddled to the ground, the way his heart beat sounded in her ears. Though she had no beef with the boy, this would be an excellent target for her to terrorize in the future. She doubted he would ever toughen up...and that was perfect for her. Though she enjoyed a challenge, the chance to strike fear into the hearts of her victims always sent a rewarding chill into her soul. Steeling her heart even more into its icy depths.

She laughed one last time, glaring coolly at the small dame and the large male. Her eyes returning once more to her future target. Raising her head, she turned, flicking her tail at the trio as she stalked away. "Watch your back." She said over her shoulder before disappearing into the bushes. The faint stench of blood disappearing with her.

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