
Skill Prompt



7 Years
12-26-2018, 07:26 PM

Dance with the Devil

Seasonal Skill Prompts - Intellect - Autumn Year 12

The sunshine has warmth in its brilliance, reflecting a shimmer from the ends of her eyelashes, deep black though they were. acting as a veil to the luciferian woman amethyst orbs, measuring planets in size with their own magnetical pull. The sun invites her eyes to rest, so that she may see the strong rays even when she appeared to be sleeping. The falling leaves bid farewell to sweet summer and beckon the autumn in. Like the moving hand of a clock they mark time in their own chaotic way, the only way nature comprehends. For the flora and fauna they are simply part of the triggers nature brings to warn them of the changes afoot: coolness, longer nights and the sun lower in the sky. It was almost upon them and mama raised no fool; it was time for her to make considerable preparation for the winter to come. Slowly opening her magnetic orbs, she took in her surroundings and the brilliant shafts of sunlight caress the carpet of reds and golds before her, laid out like a carpet for a royal. Each breath of the fresh air fills her with a sense of life that almost makes her want to shout out loud, just to hear her voice echo amidst the bushes that might be found upon the mountain - like a brave warrior of old.

From the outside one might find her choice of location peculiar. It is true, yes, she favored the West for the resemblance with Egypt but the cold desert night where almost unbearable in the winter and the only possibility for here where to stay underground and barely protected at night from predators such as venomous snakes. "This will have to do." her voice was only above a whisper as the luciferian woman encouraged herself. This was not the first winter she has to spend together but she would be lying if she said it was not harder for a lone lupine to survive during harsh times like those. "When winter comes the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.." she bit through bared fangs. " ass." her jaws bit upon an invisible opponent, aggravation and anger setting deep into her orbs, flaring and undying. She knew the Mountain due to her last visit in Boreas, she knew it was semi-active and that might play in her advantage or disadvantage at any moment but for the time being, she was willing to take the risks if it means she will remain warm and away from the winter frost.

The volcano has been simmering as long as she had been alive maybe even more. The white wisps rise from the top like the fumes that give away a secret smoker. The sides are much like any other mountain, covered with old growth forests and one day it will blow, of course, it will, but for now the air is sweet and the spot is good. It's a slice of heaven no-one else seems to want and it the meantime this shall be her home for these harsh events of nature. One graceful teacup paw in front of the other, calculated, finite as the luciferian woman walks the side of the mountain and encounter it like an old lost friend. Her wet snout encounters the ground from time to time as she needs to find a pleasant enough cave in order to prepare. One that digs into the mountain would be preferable, maybe the lava from inside the volcano will reach through the stone walls and maintain her warm, it was her closest bet and she was determined to see it through.

Small, loose stones littered the floor causing the luciferian woman to trip as she got closer to the rock face. No matter the incident it was good that it happened as a cave came into view, the entrance was so small she almost missed it. The cave was built into the muddy brown rock of the cliff, the stone guarding the entrance was jagged and uneven, arranged in such a way, that it would be difficult for passers-by to spot. "Not bad." her melodic voice rose upon a whisper, amethyst gaze inspecting the entrance and her nostrils flared, trying to detect any scents coming from the inside. Of course a nice, deep cave would be a most valuable prize however there were other predators in the area that she needed to beware. And if such predator already made a home of this cave she would not stand a chance to claim it as her own. A couple of moments passed by as the woman wondered if she should explore the insides of the cave and with small hesitation, she went in. Her orbs took in the blackness that surrounds her as her nose guided her. A couple of steps in and her optics adjusted to the absence of light however before she knew it a hiss penetrated her auditory system. "Snake." she cursed under her breath and her crown slowly rotated in every possible direction. Unfortunately for the luciferian woman the darkness was to deep to notice the predator around her but she certainly was not going to remain. It could be venomous, it could be not but she was not going to take the risk to stick and find out, not today; with a spring of her paws she returned from where she came from, light and the warming sun welcoming her back to the world of the living.

The woman continued her path on the trail, determination burning in her optics like flames. It was not long when she came in contact with another cave carved into the volcano. The cavern wormed its way half a mile into the mountain, enough to reach the warm spots to its core. Its general shape was ovoid, the walls below the ridge smoothly curved to the floor, the walls above arched another hundred feet up to giant stalactites and the bat roosts. She could live with the bats and as far as she could tell it seemed that this one was untouched so she did what she knew best; a low howl erupted from the back of her throat, deep and grave, announcing anyone with ears that could hear that she made of this her home for the time being. "Not enough." she murmured to herself. As a lone lupine she needed to take extra precaution to ensure her small piece of territory and to announce other possible animals and predators that she was the lady in charge of this site. Without hesitation she started to rub her bushy tail across the stone walls and to rub her reptilian bodice across the floor and entrance in order to implement her scent and mark her territory. They will scent her and then they will know.

It took a while for the luciferian woman to scent not only the inside of the cave but also the surrounding terrain of her den site but she was successful in achieving the best results. Upon a last long, life-giving breath her scent was so potent in the air she could almost taste it. Her perfume was surrounding her and they will think twice before approaching her cave. She might have gone overboard, yes and she might have become a bit paranoid, that is also true but who could blame her? Her whole family abandoned her. She was a rogue lupine and from what she could tell this might as well be a hard winter. She wasn't going to take any chances. With a nod of her beautiful crown she knew what she had to do next. Stock. Stock. Stock. She needed to hunt and stock on herbs and meat. "Herbs now, food later." she murmured, taking another glance at the sky above in order to figure out the moment of the day before she took off. She still had time as it was middle of the afternoon but she had to make it quick. She still had some days to prepare therefore this trip shall be for only those that are necessary.

It was as if the breeze carried her spirit and gentle ways. A small way further up the woodland track a flurry of leaves became free of their boughs and fluttered down in their unhurried way, tumbling to join their sisters on the earth. Together they made such a carpet of vibrancy and texture. Each paw brought a crunch and she made sure not to stray too far from her den site for she had no way to carry too many herbs back with her, there might be the possibility of more than one trip. But she was lucky enough to find an abundance of Elderberries that will aid her immune system during the cold winter days. She made sure not to lock her strong jaws on the fruit per se but instead take several small branches within them in order to secure the fruit and bring it back in one piece. The luciferian woman brought the valuable berries back to her cave, making sure to store them in a dry and cold place before she went out again for more. There were not an abundance of herbs near her site and perhaps this will not work in her advantage but her crown was in the air, nostrils flared and it did well for amethyst gaze spotted these tiny blueberries that could be nothing else but Juniper. A smirk grew upon the side of her pretty maw but it was soon replaced as scorn painted her facade. The sun was setting and with the setting sun came a sky of fire, the orange of every wintry hearth. It was the battle cry to the gathering night, that the only achievement of darkness is to show starlight all the more clearly. She decided she shall return for the herbs another day and with a mouthful of Dandelions she returned back to her cave to drop them safely.

It was not the time for task number two. When the last sunrays of the day kiss the heathland, when the greens and purples melt into grey under the moonlight, that's when the rabbits are out to forage and play. They moved slowly, lolloping in their ungainly way, grazing as they went. At the slightest noise they're up on their hind legs, black eyes staring in more directions than the predator animals can. Sometimes the luciferian woman would watch them for a while, just because she needs to eat and storage, it doesn't mean she did not appreciate nature. Then she took aim, one bite of the throat, one fat rabbit for dinner, job done. They scatter after that and she doesn't have the patience or energy to stick around for more, therefore, she decided to drag her fat rabbit back to her cave and consume its carcass. It was a long day and she was sure more like this are to come but for now, she shall feast knowing today was productive.

Word Count: 1841


html by castlegraphics; art by wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together