
Don't you dare



4 Years
12-31-2018, 12:01 PM
Basilia looked at her surroundings lazily. Water, coral, sand, it all seemed rather boring. Basilia craved entertainment, she hadn't seen another wolf since entering this land and that had made for a pretty boring existence. Where were the people who lived here? She swore the first person she saw was going to get a thorough questioning about where she was.

She spotted a shifting in the sand and turned her eyes towards it, as she watched what looked to be a crab emerged. She walked over to it and put her paw on top of the crab, making it struggle to get out from under the paw. Gradually placing more force on the tiny crab the large woman broke through its outer shell and essentially killed the creature.

Having been entertained for a short period of time Basilia began looking around for something else more...interesting to do.
Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
02-05-2019, 01:12 AM

He had spent too much time within the walls of the Empire, and now he thought it was high time to go out and revisit the world. Since he joined the pack, he had spent almost the entirety of his time patrolling and training. He didn't really think much about the world outside its walls...until today. The unusually dry season drove him out to search for fresh water and prey, his throat growing more parched as the days passed and prey within and around packlands becoming scarcer. He trotted out to the nearby coast, feeling the warm air brush his fur as he moved. Crimson gaze was peeled for signs of prey, or perhaps something of interest.

As his paws kissed the sand he could smell the sea water and gulls. Likewise the stench of washed up seaweed and crabs lingered in the air while the occasional gull squawked as it flew overhead. He eyed them with interest, briefly wondering if it would be worth his time to even try to catch one but promptly dismissed the thought. A gull or two was nowhere near enough to feed even the soon-to-be yearlings in the pack and he decided it more than likely wouldn't be a good use of his time. He carried on across the sand, the nearby water lapping at the shores and creating a lulling sound against the earth.

As the winds shifted, he could smell something else that was neither water nor prey animal, but a wolf. He stopped where he was and stood at his full height as he scanned the beach. There, several yards away stood a she-wolf that stood slightly taller than he was painted in various shades of chocolate browns and white. She was quite the pretty picture if he dared thought. He decided to approach her if only to find out who she was. As he drew closer he saw her crush a crab beneath her paw, and the sight only brought a rumble of mocking laughter from his chest. "Now surely there are bigger things you can kill instead of picking on poor little defenseless crabs," His gaze was intense as he watched her. Sure killing things was all fun and games, but there wasn't much satisfaction in stepping on crabs.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
02-05-2019, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2019, 03:59 PM by Basilia.)
After crushing the crab Basilia had been looking around her surroundings when her eyes set themselves on a male wolf much like herself in color and close to rivaling her height. They smelled of something repulsive, the scent of multiple wolves mingled in his pelt. She had yet to encounter any packs in this new land but that sure smelled like one. Packs were not her thing, being tied down in one area with the same likely annoying people and the same sights didn't give her a high sense of appeal.

As the male commented on her choice of entertainment she smirked. She didn't kill the crab for pleasure or survival, only for entertainment. There wasn't much going on at the moment anyways, but maybe now that this man had appeared she could have some fun.

She walked up to the man and held her head high; she was clearly the one in control here. "Maybe i wouldn't have to resort to such measures if there were other ways to have fun around here."

Him being the only wolf she had seen so far was a tough job to have. Through him she would gage what the other wolves of this land were like and thus whether or not it was worth sticking around for long. Gaze set on the shorter male Basilia smiled and said "Perhaps you can tell me of some."
Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
03-10-2019, 04:12 AM

The woman approached him, and he wasn't too keen on his personal space being invaded without his say so. His lip curled, a warning sign as he bared his fangs and stood tall. She was taller than him by no more than a couple of inches, but he wondered...who was more experienced here? "Do I look like your babysitter, wench? I don't answer to the demands of common rats!" He hissed. Crimson gaze glinted with malice as he stared at her. Yes, Azazel believed himself to be above all others, save for the Abraxas clan. He had lived among them long enough to know that they believed themselves to be descendants of their Fallen God, and he believed them. After all, were it not for Malleus, he would be nothing.

Although...gaze snapped to hers as he regarded her again. If she was really looking for entertainment..."What does the bitch call herself? Hm? Something tasteful I hope." He sneered. If she wanted to be entertained...he might just be inclined to indulge her. Azazel was many things. A gentleman was definitely not one of those things. If she wanted to be entertained, then so did he. Whether or not she wanted the entertainment he was starting to think about, he didn't care. She asked. And he was now obligated to oblige...but first, he wanted to perhaps toy with her for a few minutes, first.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
03-10-2019, 04:12 PM
The man refused to answer her request for things she could do, instead he came back with a fiery response. Calling her a wench and a common rat; this made Basilias’ eyes light up. If this man was anything like the rest of the wolves here she was bound to enjoy herself. She didn’t care much for the fact that he had insulted her but the fact that he had done it at all made her giddy. His display of masculinity made it clear to her that he thought highly of himself, Basilia could see herself doing one of two things with this male and she wasn’t sure quite yet where this encounter would lead.

He insulted her again by calling her a bitch and asking for her name. Tasteful? There was no question about it, her name was rather beautiful if she had anything to say about it. “The bitch calls herself Basilia, a name only tasteful to those with actual taste.  And what does the Weakling here call himself?” She full well knew what she doing and she liked it “Oh mister high and mighty pack wolf.” If he was going to get in her face she would get up in his. A pack wolf had no right to be questioning her superiority when they had the opportunity to sit back and depend on others besides themselves.
Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
04-10-2019, 03:51 PM

“The bitch calls herself Basilia, a name only tasteful to those with actual taste.  And what does the Weakling here call himself?” His lip lifted as he snarled. If there was one thing that generally set him off and often without fail, was when others dared to insult him. Was he a prideful creature? Most definitely. And while he was far from considerate when it came to the feelings of others when he chose to insult them, it was safe to say that he felt what he said was true about them. But her calling him a weakling? She was far off the mark. She might have been taller than him by a couple of inches, but he could tell that he had more muscle. She bore no scars that he could see and figured she probably wasn't as much of a fighter like he was. He could be wrong, however. And there was only one way to find out.

"I'll show you a weakling!" He snarled before launching at her without any other warning but that. He sought to slam the point of his right shoulder into the crevice of her left shoulder with the intention of causing her muscles to sieze if not dislocate the joint entirely. Simultaneously aiming to crash his chest with hers and leave a hideous bruise. Glistening fangs were fully exposed as he twisted his head upwards, aiming to grasp her throat in his jaws in an effort to crush the air from her lungs. All the while his defenses were set. Hackles were raised, eyes narrowed and his ears pinned to his skull. Tail flagged out as he used it for balance, toes splayed to cover more ground. He would show her who the weakling was...and if he ended up underestimating her and losing? Well...he'd track her down and make her pay double the price.

Azazel VS Basilia for DOMINANCE
Round 1/?
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Fight Skill Level: Advanced
Specialty: n/a


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
04-14-2019, 03:47 PM
OOC: Me and Dragon agreed to lenient deadlines on the first round

Basilias’ predictions had proven right, she was expecting a fight and she was more than ready for it. Despite her scarless body this wouldn’t be her first rodeo, she’d been getting into fights as soon as she knew how to walk.

Instantly falling into a defensive position as soon as she could sense the males’ intent. Chin tucked to protect her neck, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, weight evenly distributed, and toes digging into the ground beneath. Basilia could feel her blood begin to rush, this is what fun was and nobody was going to tell her otherwise. You could see the excitement in her eyes when through snarling teeth she said “I thought you’d never ask.”

The male rushed at her and collided with her chest and left shoulder, the pain that came from that almost made her smile. She knew for sure that this was where she belonged. Her shoulder hadn’t been dislocated but her left front paw skidded backwards making her fall over to her left. The fall would likely cause a bruise as well.

Taking the opportunity of being on the ground Basilias’ jaws went for the closest leg, which in this case would be his front right leg. Her goal was to disrupt any of his motion and perhaps bring him down to her level. She also used her front legs to try and make contact with his other front leg, with the hopes of further disrupting his ability to walk.

Azazel VS Basilia for DOMINANCE
Round: 1/2
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Fight Skill Level: Advanced


Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.