
Sunrise Sunset [Nephthys]

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-02-2019, 11:17 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2019, 05:54 PM by Amun Ra.)
It was now dawn. A sliver of light casted upon the horizon, but nothing compared to sunrise. Amun Ra wanted a clear view of the god's rising. What better place than a land full of stones that towered above the ground? Granted, it was pure luck that the woman found her way here, but she concluded the luck was a sign from the gods.

Eyes that held a flame within locked upon a well built boulder. Etchings within the sides formed a natural staircase. Shaking her long, fluffy coat due to winter, Ra quickly trotted her way toward the base. Upon arrival, The sun has begun to kiss the horizon. It was time. Claws attempted to grip the hard surface as the wolf scrambled up the side. Once on top, Ra sat down with tail wrapped around her paws. Perfect.

The sun was just on time as its beams painfully stung the golden orbs of Ra. To lessen the pain, the woman squinted ever so slightly, but still able to see the sun. Sunrise was like a renewal for Ra. A new beginning. Nothing she had done the day or night before could harm her now. She was a new creature, pure in form.



7 Years
01-02-2019, 11:47 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2019, 11:49 AM by Nephthys.)

How often we see the dawn and take for granted the sun, that we see the blackness become a vista, the world, our home... yet after that, do we think of the light and how it brings our world to life? Do we think of how it shows us colour instead of only grey and warms us from our skin to our core, ignites our thoughts to beauty and sin. So, this dawn, as the blackish-greens took on their vibrant and verdant hues, the egyptian temptress let it soak in a little deeper, let her luxurious coat absorb the night and its stars before they were gone. As the sky changed from charcoal to soft dove grey she could not help but miss the night. Curves uncoil as ivory flesh will soon be heated by the sun raise as the sun ascends, fore voluptous hips and thighs shall quiver forth in their graceful envelopment. Spinal curve diving with each serpentine sway; sensual hips would roll in a tango, restless and allured. It seems this early trip came to fructioation, nostrils were invaded with the fragrance of another, a fine perfume, soft; womanly.The egyptian Goddess divided not only her attention towards it but also redirected her form with a flick of her bushy, braided tail. A arsenic melody, harmonious beyong belief, was the sound of her golden jewellery. Regal, royal blood poured through her veins, ichor one might dare to say. The golden adorning her feline-like body was a proof of that. "Blessed be you, child of sand." her vibrant violet eyes feasting upon the woman, as she approached. Remaining eight tails away from the sand woman as glacial, cold orbs, with their own magnetic pull, stared, burning a hole through her.

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-02-2019, 12:14 PM
Ears flicked as a feminine voice captured the flame pelted woman. Ra was more quick to turn her head than she was with the male last night. Women seemed to have more sense than men, and the Egyptian royal always appreciated a strong lady, not in any romantic way, though. The blessing was taken with a dip of her head toward the dark stranger. "And blessed are you Serpent of the Earth," she replied. Vipers and snakes were worshiped and praised in her culture. Beautiful creatures with power. The movement of the lady before her reminded her of such an animal.

The woman took a seat a respectable distance away. "Come to admire the rebirth of Ra?" she asked with a tilt of her head. Golden eyes traced the feline like frame of the stranger. She was decorated in jewelry, more than she. Amun Ra would have had the same riches, perhaps more if her empire had not been destroyed. All she escaped with was her royal necklace, large and beautiful that hung around her neck. It turquoise and golden sequence fanning out, with a large, blue stone at the center. The necklace was a sign of her position, which made it Ra's pride and joy. The only remaining part of her family, besides herself.



7 Years
01-02-2019, 12:29 PM

This morning’s sunrise was a breathtaking display of radiant colors. Bright streaks of red, pink, and orange slowly overcame the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. The sky resembled a prism; all the colors blended perfectly into each other. The sun itself was just peeking out of the horizon, and its brilliant rays already shined brightly and began to slightly warm the air. This land was cursed. Had she the ability, her mask would have cracked, made to blossom beneath the desire to laugh. She was bemused, she was tickled pink by this beautiful offer made by fate. Cursed. It was highly appropriate fore it could not be anything else; why would the Gods let her met another egyptian beauty if not only to remind her of the abandonment of her own family. The sand woman lineage was obvious, if not from her colorations than the jewlery she wore was a sure sign of it. She has seen such beauty before but not within her Empire. The Luciferian Succubus did not sneer, nor smile. Her ebon, voluptous lips only moved to part, allowing the melodic draw of foreign-kissed words to drift from her lips. If that was so, she'd shift her position, weight shuffled so her elongated, luxurious tail curled upon her slender, feline spine then I am not where I need to be. her orbs burned, fiery, aflame, a flash of venom; anger was growing within her as she was reminded of those that were lost. Ra was my father. melodious sonnates vaguely explained before her gaze returned towards the sunrise, illuminating, glistening into her eyes. She was a true Goddess, ichor flowing through her veins; her family belived they were Gods and Goddesses cursed and trapped inside mortal vessels, equally beautiful but curse nonetheless.

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-02-2019, 01:24 PM
Ra's heart tightened at the declaration of the serpent beauty. She understood being alone. Not understanding why she was left on this earth rather than ruling with the stars. Amun Ra did not claim to be Ra completely, but rather have some of his blood within her. She was his daughter, anyway. Somewhat of a demigoddess. She believed the gods had placed her upon the earth to rule for them. Perhaps the world had fallen wayward, and the gods needed a better grip. Ra was not completely sure because her religious lessons were cut short by destruction.

"Yes, sons and daughters of gods and goddesses should not be here without a reason," she paused trying to make eye contact with the fellow Egyptian. "Perhaps they have chosen you and I for a reason," she replied slowly. Her words were sincere and true. Then the name of the girl's father was brought up. "My name is Amun Ra Ramesses, named after my father," she stated. With a slight question in her tone, "My father's name is Ra," she continued. Though she was never told his last name. Her mother preferred to keep it a secret. Eyes searched for answers for what this meant. Could it be possible that there were two Ra's? Impossible, there is only one god, right? Again, Amun was unsure. The woman decided to fall silent and let the other female speak.



7 Years
01-02-2019, 01:44 PM

What is this sand beauty talking about? The egyptian temptress facade remained calm on the surfacebut inside her blood boiled; the only distinctive feature one was able to see was a surprise mini-expression, violet orbs widening for a split second, before returning to her ice, chilling exterior. Was this possible? Had her patriarchal figure done his biddings more than once? Had he procreated more cursed beings? Her words and her actions were divergent. They pulled in opposite directions as if her brain's narrator and navigator have entirely different ideas about the world and its inhabitants. Her patriarchal figure always talked the talk of the valiant protector, yet when push came to shove he vanished in the breeze of the night and she was on her own. Not once but twice has she met the man and he abandoned her like she was nothing, like she did not share the same blood. Over and over the egyptian temptress was left to her tormentors before they had their fill and throw her back. They all love her with words, resent her with actions - actions that slip from them more easily than leaves from the fall trees. So why can't this cursed fucking family just let her go? Why do they always find their way to her? Is it pride? Guilt? Curse? What are you saying, sand child. came the melodious vocals between parted, full lips. Either curse or destiny she had given up trying to figure them out. Describe him to me, she demanded, with a flick of her elongated, braided tail; the orange feather illuminating in the sun rays, almost looked eerie, out of this world. your Ra. she spatted, venom covered each foreign-kisses syllables, offering another annoyed flick of her tail.

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-02-2019, 02:08 PM
The appearance of the woman changed. Not in form, but more in spirit. Amun could sense her emotions, and they only brought negativity with them. Golden hues blinked at the request. It seemed they both were searching for answers, but in different areas. "My eyes have never seen him, but my mother says I resemble his features," she paused to recall the Queen's words. It was a painful thought to remember what the royal had but lost. Nevertheless, Ra continued on. "A pelt like the sun, thick and luxurious. He had what seemed like a lion's mane that flowed from his head. His form was elegant and powerful, like nothing the earth had seen. My mother claimed him to be a god, and named me after him since his blood is within me," she ended the description. It was difficult to give detail because he was gone as soon as he arrived.

"He abandoned my mother and I, though I suppose my mother could not let go," she said. Let go of Ra. He was a part of the Queen and was till the end. Silence fell upon the pair. The sun was now halfway up. Amazing how light could rise so quickly, overtaking the earth. Golden eyes turned to peer at the sun for a few heart beats. It was like her father was watching her, listening to every word. Her attention then turned back to the dark woman. Ears turned forward to give her all of Amun Ra's attention.



7 Years
01-02-2019, 02:27 PM

The sand woman words rock her mind, leaving it moving in foreign ways, ways she had become accustomed to these many years. She felt fragile, exposed and in a way humiliated by Ra's actions. It was no doubt in her mind that that was him, the mane was what gave him away; in all her years she had never encountered another lupine with the same distinguised aspect. Her words were an echo, but one with the power to tear down walls she had built high and deep. In their world emotions this strong were considered suspicious,weak and she had more priorities to think about than the health of her heart and mind. Now, if that isn't conflicted, she doesn't know what is. Hate colors her soul before the woman can finish her description. It spreads throughout the entire system, shutting down all other feelings, and becoming central to the life and the intent of her persona. Her violet gaze burned strong; anger rippling her up from the insite, gutting her. the egyptian temptress beautiful visage was cold before, so much is true, but now it become rigid, jaw clamped tight, sharp canines grinding; her busy tail flicking every now and then and her valm exterior slowly crumbled in pieces on the ground. The arrogant bastard! she spatted, venom spreading through her words, exotic accent wrapping, embracing each of her words, heavy on her tongue. Scortum obscenus villis. (Vile perverted whore) growling was the femme fatale, each syllable rose another growl form the pits of her throat; theatricality at its finest, she was, unwillingly, making quite the spectacle.

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-02-2019, 03:34 PM
Amun Ra was not the least bit taken aback by the rage that the dark serpent unleashed. It was understandable. However, what did catch the flame beauty by surprise was the fact that there obviously was some deeper meaning to what the other Egyptian spewed. Curious eyes watched as the female continued to tantrum. Her head remained high and regal, not showing any weakness. Her shoulders were back, and her stature straight. The sun was now three fourths of the way into the sky. Soon it would take its thrown over the world and rule. Amun Ra allowed the exotic beauty to continue growling. She would not speak until the dark rose was calm. Well, calmer than she was now.



7 Years
01-02-2019, 03:49 PM

Every word she spatted only fueled the fire that burned inside of the egyptian temptress. Every violated phrase and memory of the man-whore was like gasoline to it, her claws were erect as they began to dig through the terrain under her tea cup pads and her jaw rooted. When the final mento had been added to the coke inside of her she exploded with anger, with no control what so ever over in which direction her tail lashed. In was inevitable not to disturb the white blanket the winter so carefully placed; You were better off without him. she growled, venom spread through her canines, toxic tongue lashing, He is nothing but filth. her jaws parted, taking a feign feral bite of the winter air. The trees stand starkly in the winter morning like x-rays of their summer selves, only in reverse; black on white; and they besides the sand woman were the only witnesses to the Goddess lack of control. It took a moment, maybe more but slowly, certainly, the vampiric succubus life-given breaths were steady; inhaling and exhaling, her breast moving in gusto as she regained her senses. What did she thought? That she belong to the single, only litter the bastard God had? Of course not. Who know how many of them are out there, who knows how many he abandoned just like he did with her. It would seem sand child, that we unfortunately share the same patriarchal figure. she cooed softly, venomour words were left her full, ebon maw before she offered a sigh. Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel, is my name, she offered graciously. She manged to return to her state; rosing to her full height, she curled her bushy tail along her reptilian spine once again in a sign of dominance, of her status as more than a mere mortal. the first. she continued with another sight, her posture changing, back straightened as if nothing could touch her, as if she was so high she could eat a star if she so pleased.

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-02-2019, 05:33 PM
A furious growl rose up within the goddess' chest and escaped her maw. How could any man abandon his own children? Fury flashed like lighten within the golden orbs of the woman. What made the situation worse was that Amun Ra was named after the whore! Snout wrinkled as white teeth shown themselves in the sunlight. The great star was now in full view of the world. Flame-like head whipped around to stare at the burning rays head on. Her eyes did not squint, no not at all. A snorted shook her nose as her attention was once again claimed by her sister. Yes, half sister. It was like the woman had ran into a wall. Amun Ra was not alone anymore. She had once believed that her whole family was ripped away from her grasp. However, the gods had blessed her with one of her own blood. Perhaps Ra's unfaithful adventures paid off, though he still had no excuse to run away from the things he had created. He had created goddesses. The only ones left of the royal, Egyptian blood line, at least for now. Of course there could very well be more of them, but for now it was just the two. Eyes wandered back to the purple hues of her sister. "A lovely, powerful name," she replied with sincerity. What other lineage deserved powerful names other than theirs? A moment of silence enveloped the pair as Amun Ra took a few heart beats to think. "What are we to do now?" The whole ordeal was a real shock, and now the woman really had no clue how to continue on.



7 Years
01-02-2019, 06:04 PM

The sun that was orange only an hour ago, shining warmly upon the night-chilled soil has become a yellow inferno. There is no more softness to the world, no more hint of the night as it ebbs away. Now there is only the day.The opera from the frozen trees becomes all the more powerful, as if these golden rays are their conductor's wand, and together they are the song that calls back the atrocious winter that fell upon them. The path of life was challenge enough, without making mountains out of molehills, and it was indeed true that they all had seen the craggy mountain of ice when they were afraid, triggered, maxed out emotionally... Therefore instead of that high drama, one must breathe... And breath she did. Inhaling the life giving essence of oxygen, allow it to fill her lungs as her chest pulsate along with it. Perception was everything and she knew better. She had a moment of weakness, of anger and she was going to own it but she knew that the only thing you can ever truly control was herself. Audits rotated towards her, apparently, half sister, her mind registering each syllable and word, their accents similar but not quite. I am at a loss of words, Amun. her sonnates were just above a whisper, soft and serene, heavy accent still present, distinguish with each hiss of her voice. I have no pack to take you in, no Empire of my own. the egyptian temptress reassured her that she had no one and nothing and once again she was not only reminded that she was abandoned by them all but that she never did manage to raise their lost Empire from the ashes.

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-03-2019, 10:00 AM
For once, the royal had no words for her sister. A pity. However, it did not dampen Amun's spirits. "Then we shall figure what to do, together," she declared as her chin tilted up. They were goddesses, they could do as they pleased. Who was going to stand in their way? No one. That was the response. Heck, they could rebuild their empire if they wished. Amun's eyes brightened at the thought. A New Egyptian Empire. With two powerful rulers. The woman stood now as her bushy swayed. Was it time to journey on? The sun was high in the air, a new day had begun.



7 Years
01-03-2019, 08:42 PM

The egyptian temptress fell quiet, still. What was she supposed to do? This woman, she was a stranger that turned her life upside down with just a few words. But were they the Gospel Truth? Her violet eyes lanced their gaze towards the dirt, gathering their stare at the juncture of where claw met earth. Her full, ebon lips shifted, pursing gently as the crows terrible operas around her passed back and forth. She shall test this woman, to prove her words were true, to prove that indeed she Even the thought of it was bitter. Meet me in here in two days, with the statemate made, done: she stepped around the frozen terrain, rotating her crown towards her as she departed, at midnight.

exitus nephthys

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together