
A place to rest



4 Years
01-01-2019, 04:37 PM
Snowflakes fell heavily as Sky padded, slowly and softly along in the frozen wilderness. She was exhausted by her long journey so far and shivered in the biting winds. Suddenly she came to the edge of a forest and decided to try and take some shelter under the trees. Sky entered the forest cautiously and took refuge under a particularly large tree. She sniffed the air and caught the scent of wolves, although in her exhausted state, she could not tell how far away they were. "At last I have found a pack. I can only hope that they are not as hostile as some of the other packs I have met on my journey." she said, thinking aloud to herself, sitting down slowly and looking around.

Sky let out a long howl which hung on the air for a moment, before being carried over the forest on the wind. She then stood up and dug a hollow in the snow right in the base of the tree. Sky then laid down slowly, taking care not lie on her injured leg and curled right up into the base of the tree trunk to keep warm. She licked her wounded leg which was still bleeding slightly from time to time, listening out for any sounds at all. "Right let's see what happens." she thought to herself, once again looking round at the forest.



3 Years
Extra large
01-05-2019, 01:14 PM

Winter had come at last, bringing to the north a thick blanket of snow. The pack was lucky to have the forest for shelter, who's thick trees kept the drifts of snow from massing too deeply. Of course, the occasional minuscule avalanche plunging down from the heavens after a stiff breeze was something she could do without. She'd yet to be hit by one, but they were startling none the less. It was just one of the many gripes she had found with that morning's patrol, but she was undertaking the task all the same.

Things in Fyri had been quiet for the most part. Seph wouldn't complain about a bit of peace, time to allow the pack to grow. Ig seemed to be doing well too, which as his sister was nice to see, regardless of how she might tease him in his lordly new seat of power. She was broken out of her thoughts by a howl, near enough that she would assume herself the closest to it. She pursed her lips, curiosity flaring, and turned her course. It was only a short while at a lope before she was slowing her pace, able to smell the stranger but not quite laying eyes on them.

The wolf she found at last was natural in color, perhaps a bit unassuming, and confirmed that female as her howl had led Sephira to assume. She waited patiently at the border, so Seph wasted no time introducing herself. "Afternoon, stranger. I'm Sephira Agnivo, Jarl here in Fyri. My brother Ignatius is the alpha, but he's a bit slow at times." She winked at the other shewolf. "So what brings you to our border?" Sephira quirked her head. If she was looking for a pack, they certainly had the room. Although the winters somewhat thinned the number of wolves rugged enough to survive these parts, the forest and gorge were both rich with prey and resources. Well, if the she wanted to ask her questions, she had the audience.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
01-16-2019, 04:51 PM
Sky sniffed the air once more and caught the scent of wolves again, only this time they were a lot closer and female. She scanned her surroundings and spotted a inky black wolf approaching her through the trees. Sky didn't move as the wolf came to a stop near her and spoke to her. Looking at the wolf, Sky felt nervous. Keeping her head low in a submissive pose, Sky spoke."Hello my name is Sky. I have travelled from my homeland far away where the small pack I was born into, was wiped out by a much larger pack which was looking to expand their territory. I only survived because my mother who, was teaching me about herbs and myself were away in another area of the territory at the time. When we returned, we were chased to the border by the invading pack and a fight took place there.

During this fight, my mother was killed and I received a wound to my left shoulder which has recently healed. It was then that I decided to look for a new pack to call home. fled my homeland. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I had been living on the outermost fringes of other packs' territories and I was keeping myself alive by catching rabbits and other small prey. One day I came across a pair of pack wolves that had caught some salmon and although I was keeping well away from them and was outside their territory, they spotted me and thinking I was going to trespass, they attacked me. They attacked before I had the chance to escape, giving me the bleeding wound you see on my right hind leg. I eventually managed to escape and after fleeing for a long time, ended up here. I hope you guys will let me stay, I can be useful to the pack."
she said licking his leg weakly. Though she was a tough wolf, she had lost a bit of blood by this point and it showed when she sat up shakily, still keeping her head low.