
Pups! Grab 'em while they still hot! CLOSED



8 Years
01-06-2019, 01:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2019, 07:31 PM by Hannibal.)
Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel x Hannibal Iber Klein
[Image: thysxhanniadopt.jpg]

one. The pups should linger around True Neutral to Chaotic Evil.
two. You may make your own designs. Mother has browns/reds/blacks. Father has white/black/grey/reds. Blue, Purple, and Gold eyes are fine.
three. Albinism will be 25% off.
four. Mother and Father are both large so pups should be anywhere from 32" to 40"
five. Names will be Egyptian or darker themed. Pick from the name bank below, but also feel from to DM Maria or Karabearrr suggestions.
six. 5 posts a month are required. 1-3 posts a week preferred. Both parents are very active so we expect pups to be as well.
seven. Creative freedom is very encouraged here. These pups will have a chaotic upbringing due to the nature of their parents. Please take a peak at both parents profiles to get a feel for them.
eight. Mother's Profile: link! Father's Profile: link!
nine. Potentially 2 pups will be available here, the litter will have 3 pups since we are purchasing slots.
ten. Pups will be members of Erovrare.

female names: Aaliyah, Adamaris, Anuket, Bast, Bastet, Hathor, Heket, Isis, Nekhbet, Dahlia, Lillian, Savina, Sabre, Yasha, Kendal, Styx, Minthe, Arai, Kore, Iber, Recluse (This is our favorite name.. nudge nudge.), Sable, Bella, Jezebel, and Venom.

male names: Osiris, Amon, Odion, Caden, Cadmael, Caesar, Anubis, Cael, Morchanthius, Set, Leviathan, Reaper, Salvatore, Eclipse, Famine, Arson, Hades,  Atlas, Titan, Tethys, Prometheus, Hamiclar, Hericulas, Bomiclar, Malchus, Seven, and One.

designs: more soon to come! click to enlarge!
[Image: thysxhannipup1.jpg] [Image: thysxhannipup2.jpg] [Image: thysxhannipup3.jpg] [Image: thysxhannipup4.jpg] [Image: thysxhannipup5.jpg] [Image: thysxhannipup6.jpg] [Image: thysxhannipup7.jpg][Image: thysxhannipup8.jpg]

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Design:</b> Pick one above of make your own!
<b>Appearance:</b> 100 word minimum
<b>Personality:</b> 200 word minimum. Include both pup and adult personality.
<b>RP Sample:</b> 150 word minimum.
<b>Other: Plans, Plots, Skills, etc.

NOTICE: We have the right to take these back if they happen to fall inactive. We will follow the rules here.
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years
Extra large

01-06-2019, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2019, 04:26 PM by Elias.)
App withdrawn. :] ♥

(possibly will edit with a different one later.)

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-06-2019, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2019, 02:01 PM by Amun Ra.)
OOC Name: Slash-GNR
Character Name: Recluse
Gender: Female or Hermaphrodite
Design: Design #1 or #2 or #4 going left to right...
Appearance: Design #1- Recluse is a dark beauty. Her pelt is enveloped in oak brown; obviously she takes after her mother. Lighter brown paints itself across her face, giving her almost a highlighted mask. Recluse's "eyebrows" are white, which is hereditary from her father. White also underlines the back, bottom part of her eyes. recluse's eyes are a bright, vibrant, and beautiful lavender. They stand out against her darkened pelt. The white markings only draw others into her orbs more. Recluse stands in at 32 inches. Her build is light, which gives her a willowy, seductive figure.
Design #2- Recluse has the body of her mother, but the eyes of her father. Her form is majority dark brown. However, Recluse's underbelly is off-white, which she has inherited from Hannibal. This off-white spreads up to her chin. In other words, the lighter color covers her chest. The insides of her ears are sprinkled with off-white. More off-white markings include: a highlight down the center of her muzzle, underlining of the back, bottom part of her eye, and "eyebrows". Black highlights Recluse's legs and rump. Her eyes are received from her father. They are a beautiful icy blue, which can stare into the soul of another. Her frame will reach 32 inches in height, and her build will be light... allowing her to sport a willowy frame. (I don't believe she needs albinism since the majority of her pelt is dark in color, but if so, then I cannot afford albinism currently and will have to make the nose dark.)
Design #4- Recluse takes after her mother. She hosts an oak brown pelt, but has lighter brown/tan highlights. These highlights wrap around the outlines of her legs and upper back. Her front legs are completely light brown/tan. Recluse gets her eyes from Hannibal, her father. They are a beautiful icy blue, which can stare into the souls of others. Recluse has a highlight down the center of her muzzle, and her "eyebrows" are the light brown/tan color as well. The insides of her ears are light in color as well. Recluse stands at 32 inches in height, and has a light body. This gives the girl a willowy, attractive figure.
Personality: Pup: As any pup, Recluse will be born pure and innocent. However, soon enough it will be clear the young female is anything but innocent. Perhaps she was born with a warped mind, or maybe something has effected her at a young age? Recluse will begin by growing distant. She will no longer find joy in the simple games that pups play. Instead, the dark beauty will become interested in the odd. She will thrive off of being different. Recluse will value and admire anything that is deemed unusual. At the start, Recluse will be a very quiet pup, maybe it will even concern her parents. This will become the norm for Recluse, though. All in all, as a pup, recluse will be once a happy and energetic girl, but will turn into a distant and silent girl. She will have a disconnection with her emotions. For an example, if Recluse is happy, she will come off as bored or uncaring. This will become more apparent as she ages. Due to her unusual personality, Recluse may lack in friends.
Adult: Ever heard of a Brown Recluse spider? It is a dangerous... Poisonous Arachnid. Just like the spider... This beautifully dark woman will be deadly. Her seemingly perfect frame being used to trap others within her web. She will be like her mother... A Temptress. However, she will also have the charms of her father. Able to slither her way into the hearts of others. Born with a silver tongue... Venom simultaneously drips from it. She is not afraid to speak her mind or say words that will stab others in the heart. Though she can be considered unfeeling, Recluse does have an ounce of emotion. This can only be triggered during certain situations. Recluse admires her family. Perhaps it isn't "love", but she will be very protective of them. Recluse will have a fascination with death and pain. Though she does not per say crave pain upon herself, she will enjoy watching others in pain. Her curiosity will peak when her eyes lay upon any creature writhing in pain. Curiosity is what feed her intelligence. The need and yearning for knowledge is great in the girl. She will be willingly to try everything at least once, and if she were to enjoy the adventure? Then Recluse will merely participate in the action again.
RP Sample: 150 word minimum.
Other: I plan on having Recluse, as an adult, having a moment of emotion, which will be strange for her. It will cause her to become angry with herself because she will believe herself to be weak. The effects will come later
Also, Recluse will be able to feel for others, but there will have to be a very good reason, and it will take time. Having feelings for another will be rare as well. However, due to being raised and loved by her family, Recluse will have emotions for her immediate family.
Also, I prefer to keep out how Recluse feels about being the daughter of a goddess. I'm not sure how Thys will tell Recluse about their heritage, so if I get the pup, then her feelings toward this will be developed IC.

WIP- RP Sample



7 Years
Extra large
01-06-2019, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2019, 04:20 PM by Torin.)
OOC Name: Lolaf
Character Name: Recluse (Dahlia as a back up name just in case)
Gender: Female
  [Image: thysxhannipup7.jpg]
Appearance: As an adult the siren will be a true sight to behold, while not a giantess by any standards she will still stand an impressive 36 inches and each and every inch of her form will be sensual, she is lithely and dangerously feminine. Her frame is light, delicate her bone structure is elegant angles that are just visible enough beneath her coat; though she is not unhealthily slim, no in fact she also has a slight aura of danger; lithe muscles rippling in legs and shoulders. 

As for Recluse's coat itself she takes most visually after her father, ghostly pale; enough so that her pale rose skin can be clearly seen as a tint to the majority of her body; though she doesn't just take her father's pale coloration; also laying claim to a myriad of black markings. Her limbs seeming to be draped in creeping shadows that clamber up her legs mostly up to her shoulder on her front limbs while being met with similar marks on her rump and extending down her tail a bit. Her face also has some such markings, the left of her face with her creeping shadows marking around her eyes and along the rim of her ears. 

As for her gaze, the undertone of pink of her skin seems to have overtaken her eyes, only a slightly darker pink color marking her gaze. 

Personality: Recluse will start as many pups do, endlessly inquisitive and full of energy, she will be attached to her parents out of necessity and siblings as they will be the first wolves she'll have met. There will still be signs of her burgeoning personality even then though; as she grows bigger she will start to become more excessively cruel, she has no regard for the pain or wishes of others; in fact, finding inflicting pain on others to be a good game; as a pup this will mostly extend to prey animals but if she feels she can get away with it her siblings as well, this will mostly manifest in rougher than needed play. Even still she believes she holds love for her family; she may simply show it differently; choosing to play favorites.

As an adult Recluse's name will come to be a bit of a prophecy; not that she hides herself away from others, in fact she craves attention, but that she simply cultivates an image about her; that of a mysterious spirit that stalks and finds others in the dead of night. Part of that being that as she's grown she's found the daylight is harsh on her eyes and skin and has thus taken to being more active at night and that she's found having the power of fear helps in getting what she wants. And what she wants is pleasure, both carnal and simplistic. In fact as an extension of her puppy obsession, she's started finding pleasure in pain; it gives her an exhilarating rush and has turned less from inflicting it on others to seeking it out for herself... though she'll never truly outgrow her penchant for torturing prey or those she assumes are weaker than herself.

Recluse tends to take after both her parents, she's slyly manipulative and endlessly flirty. She had a proud streak and doesn't take lightly to being insulted unless it's under the right circumstances.

RP Sample:
(Giving this an M rating just in case)
Recluse watched with growing anticipation as the sun dipped below the horizon; she lifted herself to her paws and started her usual prowl; this place was her domain right now she'd been slowly building her reputation here as that of a ghost that lurked in the shadows, pale as the moonlight itself. Find her and one might find fortune or disaster but they'd always find excitement... that was what she tried to spread anyways.

She'd left her last lover a day ago begging for more even as she licked his blood from her chops and now she was hungry for more... and also just plain hungry. She moved on silent paws; her prey a small robin that wasn't paying attention. It wouldn't be enough to keep the hunger at bay for long but Recluse loved birds, they were her favorite to play with, and as she jumped on it, pinning the little creature beneath her paws the woman began to salivate at the prospect of the little games she and the bird could play. She kept one paw on it's back, she'd have loved to flip the bird over, look into its round black eyes as she played with it but the last time she'd tried to maneuver a catch like that it'd gotten away and she didn't exactly feel like risking that.

Slowly and with deliberate movements she nudged the bird's right wing, dragging it open so that it was fully extended. The bird squirmed under her hold and she grinned as she lowered her muzzle to the wing, first gently prodding it with her nose then grabbing it near the shoulder with her teeth and biting down hard. The hollow bones gave a satisfying crunch though Recluse was careful not to bite all the way through. The bird's anxious tittering suddenly changed into a single sharp note of alarm. With delicate movements she shifted which paw was holding the robin down then, reverently, almost lovingly did the same with the other wing. By now she could feel the bird's rapid heartbeat beneath her pads and her hunger was taking her over. She decided that was enough fun and devoured the small panicked creature, not bothering to kill it cleanly first.

Slowly the woman lifted her head, licking the blood from her chops and scanning the forest. She wanted to find another bird to play with, with her hunger satiated more this time she could get more fun out of it but she knew the alarm call would have sent all of the easily reachable prey into hiding... so she'd have to make do with what she had for now and decided to turn her search to other wolves... that was the most exhilarating hunt of them all.

Other: As an adult I want her to eventually have many lovers, more than a few litters and maybe even get herself into intentional fights in as an attempt to seek out pain. I'm also planning on playing her as having some of the genetic issues with Albinism such as easy sun burns and finding light is harsh on her eyes; not quite blind though. Intellect and Fighting likely but maybe swap fighting for Hunting...

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



3 Years
01-06-2019, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2019, 10:44 AM by Carthage.)
Withdrawing, i dont wanna rp with myself when carrie meets his neices amd nephews!


01-06-2019, 09:04 PM
OOC Name: Alex
Character Name: Set
Gender: Male
Design: [Image: thysxhannipup5.jpg]
Appearance: Though Set seems to physically take after his mother at first glance, he is mostly a even blend of both parents. The male is predominantly dark brown, white his underbelly being a slightly darker shade, and his legs and tail pitch black as if shrouded in darkness. His inner ears break away from the dark colours by having a streak of white, along with his eyes, which have a similar streak framing them from underneath, and two white dots from above. As an adult, he will be on the larger end of medium by average wolf standards, but still slightly smaller than both parents, and his build will be of average weight and strength. His eyes are a pale shade of pink, and never seem to give away his emotions.

Personality: As a child, Set will be a typical energetic pup who loves his family. He'll have a strong preference for them over strangers, and while he'll be perfectly cheerful with them, he will become far more shy in the presence of anyone else. His adult personality will not take long to form, however.

Set will end up taking after his mother's nature the most, inheriting her chaotic neutral alignment and deceptive personality. He naturally radiates charm and charisma, and finds it incredibly easy to make others like him, or at the very least trust him. What's more, while he'll never admit it, he's very sensitive to the emotions of others, allowing him to understand exactly how people think, how they feel....and how to manipulate them. As a puppy, his head will be constantly in the clouds, thinking and thinking about both the factual and the hypothetical, and this quirk will never truly go away, though he does a fantastic job of hiding it. Because, most of all, Set is quiet and shy. His mind is, to put it simply, a mess, but his natural tendency towards never stating his feelings or voicing his opinion allows him to hide it from everyone, especially his parents.

On the surface, Set will appear to be a mysterious, charming, and laid-back wolf....but looks can be deceiving.  Had he been born in a stable, loving family, he would have been a pretty normal wolf. But the chaos of his life will have an incredibly negative affect on his psyche. His mood can change in the blink of an eye, to happy and cheerful to coldly furious, sometimes for tiny reasons. He resents his parents for reasons he doesn't entirely understand, while simultaneously admiring them, especially his mother. He fears commitment more than death itself, and while he'll probably have many casual flings and relationships throughout his life, he will never commit to any of them for even a second.

RP Sample: The dark coloured wolf slowly began to stand out in the light, as the sun rose in the horizon. Despite the approaching morning, he was determined to make what little he had of the night. The occasionally rumbling within his belly only made the fire stronger. It'd only been 8 hours since his last meal, but said meal had been pretty small: just some leftover hare. It was doubtful that he would find anything more, but it didn't hurt to try, especially since he had a rare amount of free time to kill away from his family. Perfect time to practise hunting!

His paws moved quickly and lightly, doing their best not to create any noise. It didn't take long for him to find a small bird - a finch, perhaps. A very stupid one, at that, since it didn't notice him, but all the better for him. With swift movements, he leaped into the air and landed his paw squarely on the back of the bird, crushing its bones. The little creature had noticed him at the last second....but it quickly realized it was too late as it struggled under his paw. To finish it off, he reached down and bit deep into its neck, waiting until it stopped moving to release. A sadistic grin split his face at last.

With his teeth, he grabbed the bird by its right wing and flipped it, so it was lying on its back. While his siblings tended to delight in torturing their kills, he preferred the simpler approach of just eating it. Therefore, with no further ado, he moved his snout to its left wing and took it within his mouth, just like the right, but instead of moving it again he crushed down. Sinking his teeth in as deep as possible, he yanked the piece off and set it next to the body, before biting down on the ribs and tearing off pieces of meat, this time actually eating them.

Other: Plans, Plots, Skills, etc. His skills are probably going to be Intellect and Fighting



5 Years
Extra large
01-08-2019, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 07:55 PM by Marvel.)
OOC Name: Denny
Character Name: Arson Ithuriel-Klein
Gender: Male
Appearance: 34" - Light build
Pup//A mottled bundle of pale fur dappled in vague hues of oak. Two toned eyes won't deepen into their adult hues until nearly a year has passed since his birth, and thus they seem to match for the beginning of his life. Oversized auds will eventually be grown into, but it will take some time.
Build// Svelte and delicate, a creature crafted of fine silk and porcelain. High born elegance culminating in the most eye catching creature imaginable. He bears a regal countenance, hard angles and sweeping limbs. Jutting hip bones frame his slender waist, tapering from a slim chest. An ancient lineage of desert wolves lends broad paws to his form, allowing him to grip on all forms of terrain and hold his own across the sand. A long, plush tail extends from his hind end, bordering on abnormal. Glorious crown is held aloft by the sleek pillar of his neck. Features sleek and severe, cheekbones like razor blades support his orbits.
Coat// A thin, sleek pelt bears his most regal colourings. He dons a coat of white, marred by the fine chocolate of his mother's lines. Underbelly painted in the hues of his dam, neck wrapped in a mimicry of her markings. Cranium dipped in darkened hues, but stained in mismatched white. A finely crafted marking from an archaic lineage decorates his right optic, while pallid hues slash across the rich brown around his left. Each limb is dipped in hues of oak, though his sire's genetics break through in the form of broken alabaster. Marring the socks upon his front left and hind right paws is the purest of ivory.
Eyes// Mismatched hues of whiskey and carmine, hellfire captured within each. Framed by thick, feminine lashes.
Scent// Sage, jasmine, roses, and ash.
Stance// One might describe Arson as cocky, for he holds himself with the assurance of a male who knows exactly who he is. Superiority and finesse bleed into his every movement, and he holds himself with the bearing of royalty.
Haughty// descended from royalty, the boy knows his lineage. He holds himself in high regard from an early age, raised under the assumption that he is superior to most other children with his high born ancestry. He walks, talks, and breathes a holier-than-thou attitude. Head and tail high, he moves as though the very ground is blessed by each paw that touches upon it. Worship him, mortal filth. Praise him, and you will know the love of divinity.
Snide// well versed in the art of tasteful sarcasm and backhanded comments. Arson is an artist, and his medium is the side eye. He tends to look down his nose at others, especially if they are doing something he doesn't like. He won't suffer fools, nor will he entertain pointless interaction.
Mischievous// somewhere along the line, he developed a taste for chaos. Causing mayhem and misery wherever he goes brings him endless delight. He finds joy in ruining the lives of others, be it brief or extensive. Dropping mud into their den, or destroying the things they hold dear, they all bring him great pleasure. A veritable trickster, he wears a divine facade and pretends to be benign.
Manipulative// a terrible little liesmith, the knows how to shift others desires to match his own. He learns quickly how to alter his wording so that his goals are met. Convincing others to do his bidding becomes a talent of his. As he grows, so too will his prowess. Arson is quite the chameleon; donning whatever mask will get him what he wants.
RP Sample: 150 word minimum.
Other: navigation / hunting



7 Years
01-09-2019, 06:51 PM
Kara and I decided to sweeten the deal and dig our own graves!

Therefore the potentially two adopted pups will receive a free table and avatar from Kara herself!
Let me remind you that these pups will be surrounded by m a s s i v e plots and drama. Excitement all around them!

You still have plenty of time to grab one as Nephthys is due on 5th of February!
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
01-12-2019, 03:32 AM
[Image: dcwusc3-5ce32015-df05-41f3-b19c-f004a319dc7e.png]
lips hit you like a drive by, frost bite, ice cold, i mean they cut you like a sharp knife -
The child is forged from the fires of hell, burned at the stake of conception and burned for an eternity. A simplistic dance performed by two individuals who had the darkest of intentions and even darker minds. She is a creature who suckles the fang of the viper; the venom injecting itself in her veins and causing the painting to become a masterpiece. She is not the one that goes bump in the night - she remains hidden in the shadows and retreats as the light trickles in. Recluse; named for her spotty appearance in the lives of others, she has grown to not become attached to individuals in the uncertainty of how it would end. She is a creature of a different time, perhaps the wrong era - perhaps of the wrong mind. Whatever it is, she is merely a fleeting shadow inked in mystery and curiosity. The child of the damned is no more than the spawn of a demon.

Perhaps, that is why she refrains from being seen in the light.

Her coloration is dangerous; a complexion that is regal, subtle and drool-worthy at the same time. Two rings are tightly woven around her neck, lighter than the surrounding area before fading into the coloration of her sire at her chest. The majority of her genetics are taken from her dam, however, it is noted that the markings of her father's face do, in fact, make an appearance on hers. Though, instead of it being on simply one side, the eye markings mirror each. Her eyes are a molted gold, cooked and protected by the dragon and the flame that kindles her heart. She is a titan in more ways than one, for her height is moderately tall - 36". It is not uncommon for her to use her height for intimidation alone. Recluse, like her name, however, prefers to not have it come to that if she can help it and often times enjoys solitude over conversing with others.

For some unknown reason, the girl picks up on her father's personality rather than her mothers early on. She enjoys her time alone and will often times let others know by snapping at them if they pester her enough. Her patience, surprisingly, holds strong in most situations and because of this, she has an eerie calmness to her. Stacked with her quiet nature, she can be seen as intimidating even when she doesn't mean to be. Perhaps one of the more approachable individuals of the litter, personality wise, Recluse actually has emotions but often times stuffs them down since she believes she will be shunned for expressing them. Perhaps one day she will obtain a breaking point, but she's comfortable with putting on a fake face for her family - isn't that what normal families did?

While she has the patience for some things, her temper is a completely other story. If she is pissed off at something or someone, she can and more often than not, lash out with a fire that can not be tamed. It is a flame that, if not controlled in a matter of time, can easily cause a wildfire.

Be careful you're not burned.


Her tongue rolled against her incisors, the stench of blood was nearly as potent as her desire to fill her stomach. It had been... how long since her last meal? Recluse, as her name stated, was alone yet again - she had time to enjoy what silence she could get without the constant pestering of her siblings or the demands of her mother. It was realized early on that if she wanted to survive, she would need to provide for herself, and once she was capable, she was taught the necessities of hunting. What a silly, odd, idiotic word. Hunting - could you get any more simple? Her ears fell back, muzzle crinkling with an obvious distaste for such wording.

Perhaps it was a silly little thought, and while she had all the time in the world to share her thoughts and ideas with others, she frankly did not give a damn about the opinions of her siblings. They were stuck-up, eager to please their mother in any way, shape or form. Recluse didn't care. She just didn't care. It would be a fib to tell someone that the solitude didn't get lonely at times - it always seemed like an obligation to return to the den.

A heavy breath tumbled from her ink-stained lips as she grasped the stringy meat that was of the rabbit, leaning back as it snapped from the muscles and ligaments right into her mouth. She continued to repeat the process until it was no more than hollowed out bones - the marrow, every content was gone. Recluse felt some sort of odd understanding toward the bones; empty. She felt empty. She didn't like these feelings - perhaps that was why her family had just gone and decided to not have feelings, so they didn't have to deal with bullshit like this. A frown set upon her lips as she stared.

It didn't change. Nothing ever changed and here she was wishing for some sort of distraction from the repeating world that she belonged to. Nothing ever changed, she repeated in her mind.

But nothing ever really did, did it?

other: tbd




8 Years
01-12-2019, 12:09 PM
We are deciding on Jan 21st to give the adoptee time to set up accounts and such.
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



7 Years
01-21-2019, 01:37 AM
After hard consideration Kara and I decided to offer the chance to Lolaf with Recluse

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

You may proceed to create the account and complete her profile as the pups will be due on the 4th of February and all the profiles need to be completed and accepted until then for the players to be able to play them.

Stay active and have fun!
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together