
Let me live that fantasy


07-11-2013, 10:51 PM


Wind rippled through the snow-white fea, the sun warming her fur as she padded across the bridge of land that connected the main of Alacritis to the island she had spotted from the shore. She had heard talk of this Alias Island from one of her fellow rogues and couldn't contain her curiosity so here she was, trotting her way toward it with the waves lapping on either side of her. She had to admit it was a lot easier to reach this island than it had been to get to the Emerald Isle. That trip had been worth it, though. Her thoughts flashed back to little Talon and a smile crossed her muzzle. She wondered how he was doing and if he was still wandering off and getting himself in trouble.

Finally she reached the other end of this land bridge and she slowed to a stop. The island she saw in front of her was dramatically different from the emerald beaches she saw last time she ventured out to one of these islands. She saw vast amounts of trees over the landscape and if she wasn't mistaken she thought she saw a mountain in the distance. It was gorgeous, all the same. Definitely worth the hike out here. She could see herself living somewhere like this, if it wasn't so deserted. Granted, she had yet to even venture off the beach, but she could tell from the absolute silence that very few or no wolves were here. She shrugged. Sometimes it was good to get away for a bit, have some quiet time. She padded up the shore, her fluffy tail waving gently behind her as she walked. She slipped under the shadow of the trees, wandering aimlessly across the island to see what it had to offer her.



07-11-2013, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2013, 11:19 PM by Isardis.)


Unfamiliarity clawed at the fiends pipes, ricocheting through the chasms of his mind as he waltzed; strides as light and elegant as his size would allow, paws creating the near illusion of levitating wizardry as the creature would sweep the shores of the looming beaches. An image of near perfection the albino monster was as rightfully proud, chest expanding to impress an imaginary audience as naires would seek out the sweet perfume of a nearby femora. What better a way to welcome him to the lands than the gift of a babe and her body, hm? Looming upon the pallid sands of a wall-less breezeway stood a blood-stained pixie, her tempting interests dwindling before she would drift away again; perfect. A summoning bark would dart from the angel?s cherry lips, a suggestive call that would potentially draw the little fae to him, to persuade her to his two-man feast as he would hastily devour her pretty essence. He would continue to float towards her, body rocking with graceful ease upon his sickeningly striking approach. ?Hello, my little darling,? smooth vocals would crawl from the laneways of his throat, salmon tongue lashing thirstily at pale lips, ?Where might you be off to, hm??


07-11-2013, 11:46 PM


The fea's nose caught the scent of the approaching brute only moments before his quick bark. Her ears twitched at the sound and she turned her head curiously in the direction from which it had came. She was never one to turn away company, being the friendly wolf that she was. She was a little surprised that company had found her so quickly after her arrival on the island, but weirder things had happened. She took in the sight that was the brute approaching her. He was a handsome wolf to be certain, and like they say, confidence was the best accessory. This brute seemed to exude confidence. She could tell from a glance that he looked good and he knew it. The most interesting feature of this wolf, however, was the pink hue of his eyes and nose, tale-tell signs of his albino coloring. She had heard of wolves with this coloring, but had never actually seen it in person. He wore the coloring well though.

She turned to face him, giving him a sweet smile as her emerald green eyes met his. "Nowhere in particular," was her response to his question. Her voice was naturally gentle and soft, drifting from her chest like a breeze. She could tell he thought of himself as a charmer and she couldn't bring herself to disagree. "I'm Euphrosyne, but please, call me Syne. It's nice to meet you."




07-12-2013, 12:09 AM


First impressions were always misleading, should one lower their guard for even a moment they could lead themselves be brutally surprised; whether it be negatively or positively. Though in the angels case, it were more or less the initial. If they were bright, they might have even managed to see the sinister intentions beginning to bubble behind his ruby gaze, watch in dismay as the imposing creature began to writhe with an edifice darkness. However, there were always the stragglers, the ideal little souls that would cast a blind eye to the interior and embrace only what they saw. It was a bottomless error, and this little vixen would undoubtedly be one of them. And hell, what more could he want? She would unknowingly tempt him with her curves; guide his eyes to rest upon her narrow hips, to bask blindly in the shadows of her lithe build. He would devour her body with his ever-hungry gape, peeling back her skin to expose the oestrogen-fed clockwork beneath.

It were moments like these that the fiend found himself loathing his lack of province, and dreaming of how purely satisfying it would be dragging her back to his lair, where her body would be at the mercy of his blood. Alas, it wouldn?t be today, but perhaps that would not stop him trying? A shadowy cackle would bubble from pink lips, brawly chassis beginning to twist and turn as he would attempt to bring himself to her side, barely a hair from the ladies tender flesh. ?Oh? Well perhaps something more? particular could be arranged,? silky vocals would shudder with hidden intent, lashes beating at the base of ruby eyes as he would continue, ?And a sheer pleasure to meet you too, m?lady. It is not often one crosses the path of one so perfectly pretty.? Daring maw would threaten to reach towards her, bathing in her prospect discomfort as lips would hover the hairs of her fragile spine. They would stand in a rigid silence for a few painless moments, the beast absorbing the tempting stench of her femininity, ?Oh, how terribly rude of me. You may call me Isardis, and best not to forget it,? in all honesty, he had already forgotten hers.


07-12-2013, 08:19 AM


Syne's brow tilted up questioningly at the brute as he laughed, more like a cackle really, and moved closer to her till he was barely an inch from her body. She shied away from him a little, not sure of what he was getting at with the hinting words he practically purred at her. She was no stranger to brutes or their ways and had even entertained her fair share of them, but she almost felt like there was something not quite right with this one. However, he still had his charms, making her blush with his compliment. Her brown tipped ears turned back uncomfortably as he moved even closer, his muzzle above her back. She froze, refusing to move for fear that might irritate him. Euph wasn't sure what his intentions were or what he was planning on doing to her, but she was afraid it wasn't in her best interests. Finally he spoke again, introducing himself as Isardis. Oh, she certainly wouldn't forget his name any time soon, he didn't need to worry about that. He had made quite the impression already. Taking her chances with him, she spoke, her soft voice a little less confident than before. "Isardis... When you say something more particular... what exactly do you mean?"




07-13-2013, 12:42 AM


The taunting creature was undecided on the peculiar markings that laced the coat of his new friend, at first they had seemed a somewhat unfortunate tarnish against an otherwise lovely fleece, however the more the beast absorbed the bands within his mind, the more they seemed to appeal; wrapping forearms and dipping ears as if some form of tribal war paint. Still though, Isardis was the lover of purity itself, the betrothed spouse of beauty, perfection. He bore a tender area within his opinions for those who wore suits of untainted precision, and although the delectable fae before him was one of high standards, one he wouldn?t hesitate to combine his blood with, she was not perfection to him. Though were any? It seemed the unfortunate lands were deprived of the faultless images he so craved, but that was fine- soon his children would breathe life back into the grace-thirsty desert.

She would shy from his touch, and only further encourage him, a daring forelimb reaching out to bring him back to her side; nostrils quivering as he continued to absorb himself within her. She was a good little vixen, not lashing out as so many did, but rather attempting to find a barely existent comfort beneath his presence. Oh, how he would have loved to stake his claim on her body; to grasp her by her scruff and feel her crumble beneath his power, his ownership. He was sure she would have adored the pleasure of being his first little trinket, the first babe to signal the beginning of an army. Someday, perhaps he would find her and draw her to his Kingdom. Her question would encourage pale lips to tweak into a sinister smirk, muse playing upon his tongue as yet another cackle would roll free of shuddering pipes, ?All in good time, my darling- all in good time.? And that was all he would offer her, instead returning to his previous ambitions, and threatening to roll salmon tongue across her spine, ?Do not be anxious, splendour; when I am King, I will draw your luxurious being to my seize. Think of the things you could achieve? the life you could bare.? Audacious, teasing, he awaited her reaction with ever-buzzing ecstasy, ?Tell me does it excite you??


07-14-2013, 03:59 PM

Euphrosyne had never in her wildest dreams would have thought there was a brute that could put her on edge like he did. Typically all wolves could have instantly been her friend, but the way this male behaved made her skin crawl. She had to hold back a whine as he pulled her back to his side, making her escape almost impossible. Confusion touched her mind as a shiver ran down her spine and she wasn't entirely certain if it was from disgust or anticipation. The pale fea hated how easily swayed she was when it came to brutes at times like this. Part of her was scared of the albino wolf beside her while the more instinct driven part of her brain was telling her that there was a very well-built, good looking wolf that was interested in her. That part of her was trying to take over, tell her to play along with him, listen to his offer. The rational part of her said otherwise.

The answer to her question told Syne everything she needed to know about what his intentions for her were. Her ears flicked toward him, listening to his vague offer for when he became king. King? Of what? And the life she could bare? Did he mean the life she could have? Or was he referring to her... to her bearing his pups? She was almost certain he meant the latter. She was confused by this Isardis to say the least. She had never seen this man in her life, yet here he was, asking if she would like to bare his children. And she wasn't entirely certain she had much say in the matter. That instinctive part of her mind spoke up again, all for the idea, but she pushed it away. That was crazy! ... Right?

She gave up trying to get away from the brute. She stood still by him, her emerald gaze resting on his ruby eyes, her ears pinned flat to her head once more. The was a mix of confusion, half of her considering his proposition the other half telling her to run. "It is quite exciting," she replied, the instinctual, urging side of her mind slowly winning over her body. It was insanity, but she couldn't seem to be able to think clearly. That part of her kept saying that he would make beautiful pups and he said he was going to a king so maybe her pups could be pack royalty of sorts? She didn't know what had come over her. His presence was slowly twisting her thoughts, making her lose her common sense.




07-17-2013, 09:10 PM

The wench would shudder, a jolt of power-induced electricity bouncing her spine as the male forced her body into closer proximities. She seemed to resist for a few moments, brain ticking behind the shadows of her emerald gaze, but slowly she would begin to relax, perhaps coming to terms with the cold truth; unless she wanted to fight him, he most certainly wasn?t going to release her from his presence. His mind began to contemplate, wondering wordlessly whether he?d be able to fool the lady into believing he did in fact have a kingdom and that she were now his. The thought of losing such an exceptional and willing femora was not one the albino was willing to let brew, it would be madness to pass by such a prospect. Of course, that was not to say he wouldn?t simply track her down later, but why make life difficult hm?

A potential fear would begin to flutter her chest, radiating from her pores and infecting his mind; he fed from the fear, the unknowing, of those he surrounded himself in. To see a beast tremble beneath its skin in his presence were more than enough to encourage the pallid creature to bubble with observable self pride. Though unfortunately it seemed short lived, and Euphrosyne?s emotions would rapidly grow somewhat vague, as if the motivating banshee had suddenly accepted that terror would not save her from reality. It was a positive quality to have in not only a brood, but a warrior, however Isardis still found himself mildly disappointed.

And what was this? Harks would flicker with interest, ruby gaze crawling earnestly to the barely-notable expression that clutched her fa?ade; did she really just suggest she wanted to carry his babes, to become his personal toy and be subject to his twisted snider and puppetry? Did she fancy having the strings of her body and mind plucked by a stranger she barely knew, or had she simply misunderstood? A low cackle would tumble free of cherry maw, writhing with a growing execution and obscurity, ?Oh darling, stop-? voice would crawl forth with mock waver, ?If you keep speaking as such, keep encouraging me with such tantalizing language, I might just have to take you here and now.? Smirk would twitch with rising folly at his lips, skull drawing closer to the lady to rest over her hips, and courageously, the hefty being would withdraw salmon tongue; taste-buds dragging from hip down the contours of her slender hind leg. Would she try stop him? Indistinctly, the famished fiend would hungrily hope so.


07-19-2013, 12:09 AM


Syne stood stone still, her ears turned back against her skull as the white brute moved again, his head now over her hips. Her eyes shut tight through the agonizing moments that his tongue ran over her hip and down her leg, sending another confused shutter jolt through her body. As soon as his tongue left her skin her eyes opened again and she jumped away from him on a reflex, not running, but turning around so that her hips her turned away from his reach. Her emerald eyes were clouded with confusion. Her body was screaming yes, go with him, do what he wishes. Her mind, being the more logical of the two, was reminding her that he was a perfect stranger. Why in the world would she want to give pups to a wolf she hardly knew? Besides that, why in the world was he intent on pups? Why her? So many questions swirled in her mind and muddled her thoughts even more.

"Why?" was her simple question. Her mind needed a reason to give in to his temptations before it would let her eager body do what it wished. "I've never met you before, why should I let you have me? And what would I gain by letting you?" Her instincts called out at her, telling her that pups were good enough reason in itself, and of course her own selfish needs for him played with her mind as well. It had been some time since her last encounter with a brute that was so... willing and tempting. She hated her weakness for brutes in times like these. It had gotten her into trouble before, but never anything quite like with Isardis.




07-19-2013, 03:54 AM


As tongue departed from the tormenting flavours of her youthful pelt, a delayed response would cause the anxious babe to dart away from him; denying the swine the contact he so craved. Lips would twitch with pleasure, an imposing chuckle once again struggling between clenched jaws. Did she really have the nerve to test his patience? It would only be a matter of time until the truth was discovered. Extended tail would flip to his side, spine twisting as the beast seemed to engage in a concise, one-man ballet twirl. Now facing the lady he would begin to skulk forward, ever-so-light on his paws, the illusion of floating no more than irrefutable to the untutored eye.

Her words would spark satisfaction, warmth beginning to flood the caverns of his chest as his blood began to simmer with pride. Her unease fuelled him, drove him forward, it was exactly what he had wanted. ?Sweetheart, would you dare deny us?? his voice was a purr, and yet it?s edges were rasped, tainted by shadowed longing, ?Your mind is a betrayal to your body, you see-? and every word was true. ?I can smell the wanton yearning to please me oozing from your pores, beginning to rattle your spine and infect your blood stream; I can see it paralysing your core, and well, let?s face it,? in that moment he would connect with her tissue yet again, chest attempting to press her shoulders as maw reached ambitiously for her off-side ear. ?You couldn?t deny me my desires even if you wanted to, could you? Why not just accept the ways of nature and make this all far easier on yourself?? so many questions, so little time; a beast began to stretch within his core, fangs sinking into his heart as venom pulsed his veins.

?I find you far too striking to just let on pass, my belle; you should feel honoured,? a weak cackle burst from wry lips, tongue snaking past weapons to glide against the cartilage of her ear. It was a shame she weren?t in season, for the beast would want nothing more than to force himself upon her now. Alas, should he do so his life-giving potion would be wasted, and one simply couldn?t commit such a heartless crime. She were testing him, stretching her boundaries, hovering dangerously close to his limitations with her words and actions of denial. She would be a fool to reject his civility, for his foul side was one the wench should fear far, far more.


07-19-2013, 09:33 AM


Syne watched on in mild horror as her body locked up like a statue again and he came forward to trap her with his touch again. His chest pressed tight to her shoulder and his neck stretched over hers so he could whisper in her ear. His touch set her body on fire, the torching need raging through her system. It was ridiculous how he could effect her like this with just a simple touch. He set her on fire with a touch to her shoulder and scrambled her already muddled brain with a lick to her ear.

Her fears rose with every word he spoke. He was right. Of course he was. Her body was against her, the natural needs she had were fighting to take over and he worked those needs to his advantage. She should be honored? Honored that he refused to let her pass? She supposed maybe in his own way that was a compliment, but she felt trapped, unable to move, stuck in this game he insisted she play. Her instincts reminded her that just the other day she was thinking about how much she wanted to start a family and, well, here was her chance. It was staring her right in the face with wicked, ruby eyes and twisted sweet words. Of course, she was not in season so there was little fear of him giving her this life to bare, as he put it, right this moment, but she felt like he would wait as long as it took to do just that. And even still, feas sometimes did get pregnant out of season so his threats were very real.

She was trying to resist him, she really was. But her will power was fading fast. When her whole being craved him it was exceedingly hard to say no and run like her mind wanted to. On top of all of this, who knew how he would react should she anger him. He was already easily larger than her and could no doubt catch her if she tried to run. She thought that it was a smarter idea to appeal to pleasing him instead of angering him. Perhaps if she just went along with him and did what he wanted, they would all get what they wanted. She could have her family, no matter how strange and broken it would be, and he would have his blood line that he seemed to crave. Syne knew that it was her instincts talking now, but she was slowly losing her cares about the whole situation. "Maybe you're right," she said softly, turning her head to peer at him with one emerald eye. "Maybe I should be honored. But what would I get out of this? What would I gain by baring pups for you?"




07-19-2013, 07:11 PM


Anxiety and agitation continued to swallow the lady, her pulse-rate rising as the jaws of fate would persist to toss her ruthlessly about its endless caverns. She stood stiff as a board, her muscles rigid with ever-boiling fear, tolerating his contact though seemingly only through paralysation. His pride quaked, growing more and more dangerously potent by the second, clawing at his core as darkness thrashed to break free of angelic skin. Left fore-paw would reach forward, placed blindly upon the bones of the wench?s own; and slowly, weight would be applied- no, not enough to hurt her, just enough to inform her he was there. Her question brought forth another sinister cackle, rolling about his voice box in fluctuating waves of psychosis, and barely a bone would move as the cackle would cease; an eerie silence clouding the atmosphere as the males voice was lowered to a menacing murmur, ?Purpose.? And that was the only answer she would require, for it was the only answer he could give.


07-21-2013, 12:56 AM


The ivory, chocolate-marked fea had to come to terms with this situation. She was trapped. Utterly trapped. His paw settled on top of hers, seemingly emphasizing this point. It suddenly became clear to her that she had little choice in the matter. If he wanted her, he would have her whether she said yes or not. He would find a way to have her if he was really that determined she was sure. So what that brought her decision down to was is she going to make it easy or hard on herself. She could try to fight him, but all that would get her was beaten into submission. There was no way she could take on the larger brute in a fight, she would lose horribly and just make him angry. No, it was easier to try and appease him, do what he wished. But she wasn't going to just roll over and take it. She wanted some say in this crazy, twisted situation.

His one, single word was enough of a reason for the fea. It was probably the most honest answer she would get from the brute. She would have a purpose and in return he would have her pups. Syne wondered if she was making a horrible mistake, not even trying to run. It was too late now. She let her earthen tipped ears lay back against her skull submissively and she replied, "You can have me, do what you want with me. But in return I want the freedom to go where I want when I'm not carrying your pups. I don't want to be trapped to one place. I'll stay with you when I'm pregnant and I'll be a loyal member to this kingdom of yours, but I like to wander." Her voice soft, trying to state her terms as gently as possible so not to anger him. She felt that they were fair terms, but she didn't know how the albino would react. That little part of her deep down that craved him more than anything hoped that he would take her offer and seal the deal as only he could. It was a sick situation that she was trapped in, but maybe she could enjoy it a little bit. Who knew, maybe she could enjoy it a lot.



07-27-2013, 12:13 AM


Rightful submission would begin to coil her persona, towers flicking with recognizable ease as the lady would seem to grow comfortable within her new skin. His skin. He owned her now; she would be placed proudly upon the dusted shelves of his pride, a glistening trinket to pleasure and polish until he grew jaded and moved on. Though for now, he would stroke her surrender with arrogant paws, warp his spine around her sinew as he claimed her as the first dame of his empire. Perfect. Her bargain-making would encourage a flutter of muse, it seemed she believed she still had a say in the situation. Honestly, the angel had been sure she had wrapped her cranium around the imposing proceedings by now, though apparently her intellect still failed her. ?Of course,? lies would froth from eager lips, and although her request was not one Isar would bother to argue, the truth within his language would remain minimal. Tongue would again reach forth, brushing the wired hairs of her hips before he would take a step away from the lady, feeding his conceit with the finalizing mirror of her outer being. ?Come, plaything, let me show you your new life,? extended tail would twist angelically about his pallid form, turning his body back the way he had come, pushing against her side with authoritive direction.

OOC/ guuurl, Isar is King of Glaciem now, so I've just pretended as if he were this whole time- for ease of plottage. ;D Let me know if thats not okay. <33


07-27-2013, 10:36 PM


Syne felt little comfort in his consenting to her terms. She realized he would probably have said anything to get her to go with him. It was a harsh reality she had been thrown into. She had no idea what to expect for her future or what would happen to her. Minutes ago she had come to explore the island, and now here she was, being led off by her new... what did she call him? Alpha? Owner? She honestly didn't know.

With a firm press to her side he was leading her away to join his "kingdom". So this is how her new life would begin. She had to look on the bright side of this to keep herself from going crazy over all of this. She had a new home, a strange twisted one, but a home none of the less. She was going to have her own family, even if it was with this strange, dominating brute. Despite this situation she was in, her spirit wasn't broken and she was determined to find some light in this. She followed his lead obediently, ready to see where her life would lead.

Ooc: bahaha totally fine with me guuuurl.
- exit Syne? -
