
It is Thyme



4 Years
Extra small
01-20-2019, 02:00 AM

She had known it was coming soon. She was swollen like a deer carcass in water. Her ankles were swollen and her instincts were to bed down alot more now. It wasnt her first pregnancy so she knew the symptoms meant it could be any day now. She had asked rhyme to send solitude for rhythm. She hoped no one would mind the healer staying in the pack lands as her guest. She was growing anxious in the den. It was large enough to house almost four rhymes easily but she needed some air.

She emerged slowly and barked for imperia. The pregnant raven had been left in charge of watching her in case Rhyme was not immediately able to get to her if the event happened when he was out. And at the moment he was out. She knew she was safe here in the Rapids though. She had been told of the slaver in the thicket so she was not allowed there for some time until shaye allowed it again. Though she often wanted to at least meet the man and ask him a few questions.

Once she heard imperia above her she started her wobble. She walked along the river, towards Rhyme's boulder. It was becoming her favorite place to sun bathe, though the snow often made it colder than she liked. She lifted herself to the boulder and sat carefully. The pups were definitely large. She had done her best to count them and she knew at least three were there.

She sat there for a while just listening to the water as it ran under the ice. Then she gave a yelp. This time it wasnt a kick or anything normal. Her ears pressed as she clenched her teeth. Not a Braxton hicks that was for certain. She knew this pain. It was a contraction. As soon as it let up she was up and moving again. Her form gently sliding from the rock. "Imperia get Rhyme." she moved carefully and as soon as another contraction hit she was stopping. She had heard the raven take off and leave her so she was alone. She had not put her cloak or bag on, knowing they would get ruined and in the way when she gave birth. She made it back in time to need to lie down. Only when she was inside did she do so. She was fighting for comfort though. She wasnt the type to call for anyone though. She had a slave for too long before so she knew that calling could bring disaster. Her baser instincts were taking over and they were to protect her children.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 11:40 AM

The day was cold, snow covered the ground. His mind had been preoccupied, but he no longer held the gaping hole in his heart. Rhyme no longer felt drawn to the bottle, he felt his strength and confidence return. He had much to look forward to, and in only a few days the slate alpha would welcome his children into the world. The happiness at being able to claim all of them almost made him glow.

He wouldn't let the thoughts distract him though, his icy paws carried him over the snowy paths that marked Abaven's border. His eyes were pealed for danger, knowing they were about to enter into vulnerability. He would have to push himself harder in the first few weeks of their young lives. Rhyme would die before he allowed harm come to his offspring.

He was buried in his thoughts and duty, all of his attention focused on the potential danger lingering outside the border. This caused him to jump slightly when Imperia cracked impatiently at him from a low branch. Rhyme whipped his head around to look at her form. She would be laying any day now, and only one thing would have brought her to him now. His mouth dropped open and the alpha rushed towards the way she had come.

She landed on his shoulder, less gracefully than if she weren't full of eggs, and the two of them rushed back to the maple tree. Rhyme had hoped his mother would have arrived by now, and if he weren't so distracted he might have worried for her safety.

With little time in between Rhyme appeared at the entrance of the den he'd helped Tana to construct. Imperia returned to her cozy nest as he slipped inside, finding the mother of his children struggling with comfort.

With out hesitation he came to her side, curling around her as he offered what comfort he could. "Are they coming?" He asked nervously, never forgetting the tragedy that could strike them. He pushed those dark thoughts from his mind, everything was going to be okay.




4 Years
Extra small
01-21-2019, 11:42 AM

It seemed like forever to her, but Rhyme finally arrived. He was quick to curl up to her and try to offer her comfort. Yet any form of comfort would be hard to find until everything was over. The contractions were becoming closer together and more uncomfortable than the last. 

He asked if they were coming and she answered as best she could with a nod. She had moved onto her side now and things were uncomfortable but this was the most comfortable position. She was in for a long day at this moment. 

She felt one contraction start and she didn't hesitate. She started pushing. If she didn't do this now their children might die and she wasnt about to let that happen. It was almost like forever before the first was out. 

She curled and grabbed the pup and began cleaning it, but something was wrong with it. It didn't stir. It was large though. It should be making noise by now. She had it cleaned and she could tell it was a male. Why wasnt he crying out? She tried harder, cleaning him more thoroughly. She was doing everything she could at the moment. Why was he not breathing?

Her mind didn't understand. "Rhyme, he's not breathing." there was distress and panic in her voice. He couldn't be dead, he just couldn't. He hadn't even had a chance to live. 

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 11:43 AM

Rhyme had been there to help with the birth of his half siblings, he knew vaguely what to expect. This was much different though. Tana's life was in danger, their pups were in danger, and he wouldn't relax until it was all over and everyone was safely nursing. Tana didn't answer his question with words, but he hadn't really expected it either. Rhyme just tried to be a stable rock for her to hold on to. He had already worked with Vail to stockpile herbs they might need, they were ready.

He wished his mother would appear. She had much more experience and if anyone could keep them all alive it was her. He reached down to nuzzle Tana softly as she cringed and contorted. Rhyme didn't realize he was holding his breath until the first appeared. He was dark, and his skin pale. He didn't make any noise as Tana saw to him. Rhyme suppressed his own distress as Rhythm appeared in the den and Tana cried out to him.

His heart thudded heavily in his chest as Rhyme followed his mother's instruction as she tried to take control of the situation. He didn't want to acknowledge what was happening in front of him. He wanted to panic but held on to hope. He might be able to save this little one, but what if all of them perished in her womb with out taking their first breath?




13+ Years

Treat 2019
01-21-2019, 11:46 AM

She didn't arrive as quickly as she wanted to, but Solitude was doing his best. His mate was to lay soon, and he was as preoccupied as she was. Eventually she crossed over into Abaven and the white raven brought her directly to the old maple tree. She coul already smell birth and made her way inside.

She couldn't see what was going on but the distress in Tana's voice painted a clear picture. She steeled herself emotionally. "Rhyme, take the babe." She started as she settled down beside Tana. "Stimulate his lungs, try and rid his airways of obstruction." The task might not work, but Rhyme would have his attention occupied and Tana wouldn't be able to hyper focus on her potential loss. She turned back to Tana.

"Do you feel another contraction?" She asked softly, knowing they were working on borrowed time. They needed to get the babies out quickly. There was too much room for complication. She placed her paw gently on the round side Tana presented. There was movement, if they were lucky there would be live pups today.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



4 Years
Extra small
01-21-2019, 11:47 AM

She hadn't heard Rhythm center the den, her focus solely on the silent child between her fore legs. When she spoke it startled Tana, moving herself as close to Rhyme as she could at the moment. She was panicked for a long moment until the voice and scent connected in her head. She really didn't want to give up on the boy in between her legs. 

Though when Rhyme took him away she suppressed every instinct that told her to take him back and focus on him. She had felt the crushed bones in his body and she was aware there was nothing she could do to help him, but she held onto hope that Rhyme would get him breathing. 

Rhythm asked her a question and she had to tear her head away from the direction she knew was her child from the sounds of Rhyme's tongue against her son. Contractions, right. Did she feel one yet? She almost said no but then she felt the squeeze of her abdomen just as Rhythm put her paw to her swollen belly. Right she needed to push, and trust Rhyme would rouse their son. 

She started pushing again. Only to have to stop while the next was halfway out. She was panting by that time. This one had to be bigger than the last. Once another started she was forced to finish pushing it out. She was quick to grab this one as well and clean him. Definitely a boy. And this time he was vocal about his dislike of being cleaned and removed from the warmth of her womb. It was a relief to her. She nudged him towards her teats then, satisfied with him for now. 

One more. She remembered Vail's count easily. But she would have to wait for another contraction. 

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 12:05 PM

Rhyme did as he was told, though he could tell Tana had no desire to give him the lifeless pup. He was so tiny and limp. His breathing increased as he felt a surge of adrenaline, his tongue rasped over its tiny chest. It was not moving. Rhyme couldn’t give up though. He tried to rid the babe’s nose of liquid and gunk but even after his little mouth was clear he still did not move. Even being laid on Rhyme’s warm forelegs he could feel the heat leaving its body.

Rhyme focused entirely on the tiny child on his paws, barely comprehending the birth still going on beside him when the cries of the second child reached his ears. A strong voice that wasn’t quieted until given food to soothe him. Rhyme’s heart was breaking as he continued desperately to bring life back into the tiny pup. "Come on. Come on." He whispered, real fear gripping him as his hope swiftly drained.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
01-21-2019, 12:24 PM

As Rhythm asked her question Tana would go into another contraction. The old healer was patient as the woman labored and the next pup appeared. She felt relief at the sounds of strong lungs. She sighed softly as Tana did what she needed to, cleaning him of the sac and nuzzling him to her side. Rhythm perked her ears back towards Rhyme and what she was quickly considering a lost cause. She couldn’t focus on him though.

"You’re doing well, Tana." She told her softly, putting her paw back onto her belly. There was a bit of movement beneath, and Rhythm suspected at least two more within. "Rhyme, turn him over and try the other side." She told her son, worrying his efforts would prove fruitless. The firstborn wouldn’t make it through, but she wasn’t ready to call it yet. "You’re half way through, Tana." She told her more softly as she put her attention back on the mother. Rhythm was trying to stay detached for the moment, she would celebrate her grandchildren when they were completely out of the woods.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



4 Years
Extra small
01-21-2019, 01:21 PM

She could hear Rhyme as he tried to save their son. Her ears pressed back. She didn't want to believe it that he was dead. He was not going to die if Tana had anything to say about it, though in all reality there was nothing she could do.

She listened to Rhythm. Halfway. She knew that though didn't she. Her contraction came in it's own time and she focused on pushing again. This one was larger too. Not as large as the brother at her teat but large enough to dwarf their first son at least. This one came and she was quickly growing tired. She grabbed it though and brought it closer. She focused on cleaning it. Female. One son and one daughter then. The girl was fast to scream out her duress like her brother. She cleaned this one and nudged her in next to her brother. She was tired.

Her head played then next to the still child on Rhyme's legs. She hoped he could get the pup to move or something. She just wanted to sleep now though.

Another contraction came though to her surprise. And with it came a tiny thing. She wasn't even aware that it had existed in her womb. She went for it and brought it to lay on her own legs. She cleaned the smallest tiredly. This one refused to make noise as well. "Not again." she refused to give up. She cleaned the babe more furiously. A female. A runt. Most females probably wouldn't have fought as much for the runt to live but she was not about to give up on any of them. She had been a runt and knew they could come with problems but she didn't want to just let her cease to be.

It took harsh coaxing but finally a squeak came from the babe. It was less than her siblings but it was enough to ensure they all knew she had survived. She had fight in her Tana could already tell. She nudged her in with the others and laid her head back down. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. A lot had happened this morning. She was waiting for their first still though. They had three on her teats and the last she desperately wanted to be able to put with them. For them to be all safe and sound. The healer in her knew though.

"Stop Rhyme..... It's not going to work..... I'm so sorry." she knew the moment he didn't cry out. It was a lost cause to worry over one. He had been crushed by the two bigger ones in her womb. She had felt the broken bones and knew, she just had hoped. Her exhaustion was evident in her voice.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 01:49 PM

Rhythm told him to try the boy’s other side but he was realizing she was only offering advice for his benefit. The child was born bead, nothing he could do would change the fact. He continued his work though, desperate to hear him cry. He felt his own eyes fogging, but he wouldn’t give up yet. Tana continued with her task, and again a strong set of lungs burst forth. He renewed his efforts with the sound of new life. Two. Two healthy pups.

He should have given up by now, soon he’d be licking the soft fur off its body, but this was his first born and he couldn’t give up on him. The limp body remained still, and Rhyme fully realized he was never going to take his first breath. His tears flowed over as he heard Tana struggle and declare her despair. Another stillborn? He couldn’t help himself as he looked over to the tiny child. She was the smallest and most precious thing he’d ever seen. She was streaked black and white, with a mottled little nose. He couldn’t lose her too.

Finally Tana coaxed out a squeak and he felt a sigh of relief fall from his lips as he returned his attention to the boy at his paws. He knew with certainty he wouldn’t make it back. Tana confirmed his suspicions quickly after. There was no need to continue, he was gone. Silent tears fell from his eyes as his head fell to Tana’s. He nuzzled her, wanting to share his misery with her. He tried to focus on the three healthy babes at her side, but his heart broke for the boy on his paws. "I’m sorry, Tana." He whispered back, taking his own share of responsibility. If he hadn't given in to his urges that night.. the boy wouldn’t be dead but they wouldn’t have the three healthy ones either.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
01-21-2019, 02:00 PM

Rhythm continued to over ‘see’ the birth, though Tana seemed to know what she was doing. The second was born swiftly, her strength obvious as she cried out almost as loudly as the first live boy. Rhythm was confident in the two of them surviving, but then the last one arrived. Rhythm felt the similar pang of worry as she withheld her first few cries. She remained silent though as Tana did what she needed, stimulating the girl’s tiny chest until she whimpered weakly. Rhythm couldn’t see her but she suspected she was much smaller than her siblings.

As the last was nuzzled to her belly Tana gave the final call to their firstborn. Rhythm felt a prick in her own heart, but she had gone through much loss in her life and knew they should focus on the living and not the dead. He hadn’t known pain and passed on into the void before he’d been born. She sighed softly, hearing the tears in her son’s voice as he mourned the tiny babe. She gently took the limp form from Rhyme.

"What will you name them?" She asked softly, trying to get the new parents to focus on their living children instead of the stillborn in her arms. She didn’t take him away yet though, hopefully a formal burial might help them to move on.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



4 Years
Extra small
01-21-2019, 02:48 PM

Rhyme finally gave in and let their first son die after she said to. He was never alive, she had to remind herself of that. His apology was not needed, it wasn't his fault. It was all hers. She had been born a runt and if she just hadn't been born this wouldn't be like this. They wouldn't have the heartbreak of a stillborn child. But then again they wouldn't have these three live babes at her side.

Rhythm took their dead child and she lifted her head. Her rear leg came up and folded to hide her other children for the woman. Everything in her mind said she wouldn't harm the children but Tana had been betrayed once before. If sacrifices were needed they could look elsewhere if Tana had anything to say about it. She also wanted the dead one back, she knew it was written on her face. Though the only one that would see it was Rhyme.

Names. They needed names. But she wasnt sure just yet. She turned her head to Rhyme to "see" if he had a clue as to what they should name them. "Go ahead and name them Rhyme." she nuzzled his cheek, trying to get him to focus on their live babes.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-03-2019, 07:25 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2019, 07:26 PM by Rhythm.)
Rhythm could sense the new parent's sorrow as they grieved the tiny boy. She sighed softly as she nuzzled his cooling body and asked her question. Tana asked Rhyme what he wished to call them. Rhythm offered the tiny body back to his mother, knowing she would have wanted to say goodbye if he were her own.

Surprise flashed across her features as Rhyme named the firstborn after her own father. The man had crossed long ago, and if his spirit lingered would be waiting for the tiny pup beyond. She smiled at the thought as Rhyme continued, naming the first two live pups and giving Tana the ability to bestow a name on the last.

"Nice strong names." She whispered, knowing she was privileged to be here with the two of them in these intimate moments. Rhythm decided to busy herself with gathering what herbs would be good for Tana after the birth. She didn't think the woman had over bled. With care she nudged the chosen herbs closer to the exhausted she wolf before working on helping clean the den up.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-03-2019, 07:27 PM
Rhyme heaved a heavy sigh as his mother took his son from him. He allowed her to with out protest as he tried to focus on Tana. She looked defensive, and even pulled her leg around the three little bundles nestled at her bosom. With out the first pup's weight weighing on him his attention shifted to the pups eating greedily at Tana's side. He let off another soft sigh as he accepted their reality. Three healthy bouncing babies that would go on to grow big and healthy under their care.

The biggest, a dark colored boy with bright blue stripes down his back. The second a similarly dark colored girl with dainty white paws and silvery markings on her face. The smallest, the one who had irrevocably stolen his heart, a teeny tiny little girl with a whole lot of fight. He couldn't take his eyes off them as their grandmother asked their names.

He thought for a long moment as he looked them over again and again. Tana was giving him reign to name them. "The first boy," his voice broke as he looked to the limp body that Rhythm carefully transferred back to Tana as she finished her good byes. "Darilnor, after my grandfather." He looked to Rhythm. Her father's name would grace the stillborn boy who hadn't been given a chance to live. He forced his eyes back to the squirming babes. "The second, Noir." He dubbed his first living son. The first of his name. "Our first girl, Theory." He muttered, unable to rid the grief from his voice. The last was most like her mother. "You should name the last." He told Tana, nuzzling her cheek softly. Glad to have her to share in their sorrow.