
Take me down, Take me up


07-10-2013, 02:42 PM

He had lost his home twice, maybe he should just go to Valhalla? But then he would end up following his brother around as usual. As soon as Dragneel was starting to like thinking for himself he was thrown back into a ravine again. Wanting nothing more than for someone to tell him what to do and for him to make them happy. The runt stood at 24 inches in height no taller, and along with the fact that he could fight just didn't do it unless commanded to. Dragneel's unsettling red eyes looked around, he had heard if you waited here, someone would come to take you to their pack. Dragneel at this point didn't know where else to go, he didn't care who took him in and he'd be just as happy if he were to be made into a slave. Valhallans could come claim him, but he'd still end up trying to follow his brother around since he was so insecure about the whole thinking for yourself thing. He gave a heavy sigh, the male having dark coated fur brownish red in color natural, but still dark. Along with a long scar across his muzzle his back claws on both legs were missing never to grow back again since his fight with a bear. His wound from his brother still hadn't healed leaving his right leg with long thick teeth marks in them. Though they didn't hurt at all anymore.

Dragneel raised his head and let out a howl, nice and clean to let all the wolves here know he was here. Those who were ready to take him to his new home were welcome. So he sat back his red eyes looking about the barren place. Who would come to take him away, from all sensibility now. From all of his behaviors has he had tried his hardest. The ex tortugan lowered his head and closed his eyes this was his fate so be it, things were hard for him to think now.




3 Years
07-12-2013, 04:26 PM
After discovering Tiresias on the Battlefield, Kamala had been given a favorable impression of the place that she had normally avoided with all of her heart, leaving the recruitment to her father and brother. Kamala had had no interest in this bloodstained land. And yet, after the first time she'd visited, it hadn't been half bad. So when she approached these lands again, she expected something similar to happen. She knew that there were vicious creatures stalking this bloodsoaked plains, but Kamala didn't intend to run across one of them. And if she did, well, she was sure that there were plenty of wolves out there. The battlefield was never empty, and someone would come to her aid or distract any vicious wolves.

So Kamala strode into these lands with confidence. When a howl echoed, summoning any wolves who might appear, Kamala adjusted her path without second thought, gray tail swishing easily behind her as she approached the strangle wolf. "Greetings, sir." Her voice was as polite as ever as she padded up to the strange male, hesitating a few steps away to see how he would react to her appearance. Would he attempt to attack? If so, Kamala would be beating a hasty retreat. But if he was seeking to be claimed or anything similar to that, Kamala would certainly be willing to stick around. Especially if he was as polite as Tiresias was. "What is it that you desire?" The inquiry was carefully phrased as Kamala examined the tiny male, trying to gauge if he was a threat or not. He certainly didn't seem to be, but looks could always be deceiving.


07-17-2013, 11:16 PM

Dragneel's ears rose to the female, she was quiet pretty in his opinion. She smelt of the kingdom pack as well. What would they do to him there, he had no clue, honestly he didn't care. His tail flicked as he shyly pressed his ears against his skull. His mouth turning dry as he dug his front claws into the barren dirt. Dragneel wasn't quiet sure what he was doing, but now he was just looking for a home that would take him. His red orbs looked up at the girl as he splayed out on his stomach. Forepaws forward, he gave a small innocent look up at her. "I wish for nothing more than a home. My name is Dragneel Tokoto." He spoke in soft tones as he looked at her.
This was his behavior to be afraid of others, to be afraid of what he may do to them when he thought for himself. He would force himself to learn, for his brothers sake. Who knew, someplace like this could tear his heart out so lightly. It was like the world wanted him to suffer, it made him want to cry dearly, but he kept it inside of his small scarred body.




3 Years
07-20-2013, 12:13 PM
Dragneel Tokoto. It was not a familiar name, but Kamala inclined her head all the same. "My name is Kamala Tahir-Mathias. I am the Grand Duchess, or beta, of Seracia. I can tell you about my pack, if you would wish." If he was seeking a home, she could offer him some information about hers. And if he was not interested, he would be allowed to continue on his way, unmolested by Kamala. She would not force him to join her pack. There was no place in Seracia for wolves who did not wish to be there, in her mind. It didn't make sense.

So with a twitch of her tail, Kamala examined Dragneel thoughtfully, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Dragneel Tokoto." She added that a moment later, slightly belatedly, a smile crossing her features as she examined the small male. It wasn't a particularly common sight to see a male so small, but there were scars littering his form, hinting at the fact that the had been in many battles. Perhaps he truly was a dangerous wolf, despite his small size. He would be welcome in Seracia no matter what, however, as long as he was interested in joining.