
lemon and mint



8 Years
02-04-2019, 11:22 PM

Hannibal rested within the depths of his den. Three little balls of joys rested at the cusp of his belly. Banshee, Recluse, and Mordecai. The male silently listened to their tiny breaths and idle mews. A smile was stained upon his pale lips as his head rested upon two front paws. Thys was off stretching her legs after a few long days of nursing and nurturing. The delivery was risky and put a lot of stress on everyone but thankfully they call came out safely. He worried for the runt but the male had faith in his spawn. The three nestled pups were of strong blood and hadn't a doubt in the world they would bring him pride. It was insane how much they took after both of their parents. Recluse was the closest to Hannibal while Mordi was much more like Thys. Banshee was a lovely mix of the rich brown tones and a dappling of albinism. All three was unique and he was pleased to say so.

The male's thick tail curled up around his rump as his eyes flicked around the den. Every now and again one of the pups would stir and the beast would coo them back into their puppy slumber. It was the late afternoon and assumed Eulogy would be by soon with some food. Hannibal's belly rumbled every now and again. Due to the pups arrival he hadn't gotten much sleep lately and his eating cycle was all jumbled up. Thus, he eagerly awaited Eulogy's arrival. The servant had been obedient to say the least. A little twinge of doubt filled his mind as he thought over the babe. She was incredibly good at her duties and didn't dare dis obey. It was almost too good to be true. Yet, he allowed the doubts to leave his mind as he looked over his delightful spawn. The three pups were the only thing that mattered now. They hold the key to the rise of the Klein Empire.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-05-2019, 12:00 AM

her master was correct in assuming that the servant was on her way yet again with another meal. She wouldn't need to take more trips this time since she had snagged her master and Nephthys an entire boar. It wasn't the largest but it was much too big to be carried by her. She dragged it towards the den with determination. Like hell she was going to be late with a food delivery. She would rather not suffer the wrath of hannibal for such a thing. So she dragged it rather viciously though silently.

She made it to the den's entrance and she paused to ensure that no wayward pups were in the way or that the pair of parents were in the way. She did want to learn some stuff for her own survival but she dared not ask. The pig was about thirty pounds and she took hold of its leg once more to drag it more. She entered rump first and used her rear paw to swipe the pelt she had made a doormat out of, out of her way. Then the task continued. She pulled like a pup playing tug of war until it was near enough to the bed to be tasted by any inside it. She then moved, grabbing fish bones and other things of trash away. She took them out to drop them in a place they could decay away from the den then made her way back inside. She gently fixed the pelt she had moved aside and sat at the den entrance. Her eyes looked to the sleeping forms of the pups, but she quickly moved her gaze to hannibal. She was looking to see if she was dismissed or if he had anything further.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



8 Years
02-05-2019, 12:59 PM

Rustling filled the males perked ears as Eulogy grew closer to the den. Instinctively the beasts hackles raised in natural defense of his offspring. Anything and anyone other then Thys was a threat within the depths of his Wolfish brain. Hannibal’s head raised as bicolored optics narrowed. He assumed it was his servant bringing food and his belly was thankfully but the sounds were much different then normal pad falls. He refused his curious notions to get up in order to refrain from disturbing the beautifully sleeping pups. Thankfully his assumptions were confirmed as the rear end of his tiny slave wiggles it’s way into the den. His lusty eyes took note of her form before settling on what she had managed to bring from the food store. Joel’s salivated as he observes the freshly killed Boar in delight.

Hannibal was rather pleased with Eulogy’s determination. A gentle grin swept across pink lips as he offered a quick nod towards the thin creature. He looked over her terribly skinny figure with a little “tisk” coming from between his white fangs. As she looked down to the pups his long tail flicked and his eyes moved towards her own. ”Tear me off a piece and have some yourself. You are beginning to look sickly skinny.” He did not want a servant that was hard on the eyes. It would ruin his aesthetic. Hannibal’s voice was low to not disturb his snoozing offspring.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-05-2019, 01:29 PM

his lost filled gaze upon her form was something that did bother her, though it probably shouldn't have. It was nothing new to have lusty eyes on her, since she in fact had been a slave used for the whims of men's hunger for sex. Yet it still was unpleasant to her, with memories of the carnage upon her body. She had been taught to just lower her head though and let them do as they needed. She had her own method of blocking it out as well.

Her eyes moved to the floor in front of him to avoid his eyes. She knew she was well underweight, but it was of little consequence to her when it kept everyone from accusing her of stealing food and punishing her. She was almost relieved to hear his orders. Silently she stood and moved towards the boar. Sh took hold of the ankle and ripped it away as carefully as she could manage. He'd probably want a bigger peice for himself, but would his mistress be pleased that he was allowing her to eat before she did. She almost felt like she was going to be punished by the woman for this.

As soon as she had the leg free she moved gently placed it between his forelimbs. She then moved back to the boar and looked it over. She should probably take a section of it with more fat and gristle than anything else, she was after all just a slave. Better parts should be left for him and nephthys. She settled for stripping away the flesh from the cheeks and the gut of it. She was quick to do so, not wanting to be told to stop because she was taking her time now. She could remember the last things she ate but this was definitely better. She'd been living on bare minimal scraps when there was any left from when she cleaned Hannibal's den from the parts they didn't eat. She was sort of sneaky about it though, only doing so when he dismissed her. Though she hardly ever saw them not finish a meal. They were getting fat while she withered away.

If only she'd been born on the other side of things. But she was born from a slave and she was not allowed such priviledge. As soon as she was full enough she moved from the boar. Her ears pinned and she sat again. Her eyes stayed off the man but on his spawn. She couldn't deny they were beautiful but she knew they'd grow to be monsters.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



8 Years
02-06-2019, 10:44 AM

Hannibal watched as Eulgoy dismantled the Boar. His belly rumbled and jaws salivated. It seemed the small babe was rather good at what she did and he was glad Eulogy did not need much training. So far the two servants Erovrare had were already submissive to the point in which they hadn't need to worry. Eulogy had enough eyes on her that if she attempted to run it would be her own demise. Tyranis would have her killed and Hannibal would execute it with ease. For her own sake the albino devil hoped she remained well behaved. The male was no murderer nor was he some cruel psycho. He took no joy into ending the life of another but if it had to be done then so be it. He lacked sympathy in that way and for anyone that crossed him it meant bad news.

As the Boar's severed leg was placed between his paws the male began to rip at the flesh. Hannibal was careful to not disturb the sleeping pups but did not hesitate to devour the flesh of the dead animal. Involuntary growls bubbled from his chest as he continued his feast. After a minute or two he spared a glance towards Eulogy was was picking at the left overs. "Have you had pups before?" Upon their first meeting the brown babe spoke of being a breeding bitch. Who knows if she ever actually conceived offspring? That could just mean her slavers used her for pleasure and that could easily lead to offspring. Hannibal had not thought of breeding with his servant. His paws were currently full with Thys and the pups. Obviously with his lusty gaze he could not deny a carnal desire but he was also not very picky.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 11:37 AM

she sat watching Hannibal devour his meal, refusing to meet his eyes though. His pups slept but soon she knew they'd grow hungry and restless and only nephthys could fix such a thing. Her ears pressed back as he asked if she had ever had pups before. Last spring she had had her mother to help with contraceptives and things that would cause her body to not allow for pups. It was an underhanded thing to do but she didn't want to have pups for someone she didnt love.

"No, though I do know the touch of men, and their vicious lust." she spoke the word lust with a different tone but the rest was quiet. Her voice was croaking slightly from misuse. She clearly had a feeling of hate for the touches she had suffered from her past masters. She looked away watching the world outside as she remembered the feeling of being raped. If only she was able to tell them no, only that would of landed her either dead or seriously injured. She suspected now her weight may keep her from conceiving. It was fine with her though. She would rather not conceive for someone she did not love. Though she also knew if hannibal wanted her to he might turn relentless and she would be forced to.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



8 Years
02-12-2019, 12:01 PM

With the hustle and bustle of pups the male had little desire to knock up another babe for at least a few months. Hannibal wished to provide undivided attention to his pups and his rank within the pack. There was not room for much more nor would he push himself. Though, if something happened then so be it. He was not much a planner and usually acted on his random whims of lust or excitement. His mind was constantly going in every which direction on what to do with power and the urge to gain more.

Hannibal watched his servant pathetically pick at the bad bits of the Boar. All was well until she opened her slender mouth to respond to his simple question. All he desired was a yes or no but she came forth with an explanation. He took her words a undesired judgement flung in his direction. The male's lips curled up, exposing his hefty teeth, and his hackles bunched up as well. A low growl emitted from the depths of his horrific throat and his gaze could murder. "You dare judge others for their natural desires?" His voice was hushed but dripping with toxicity. "You have no right, slave." He leaned forward careful to not disturb his precious offspring, "Leave now. I will find you later and show you there are consequences that come with an unruly tongue." Once Thys came back from a walk he would track Eulogy down to put her in her rightful place.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-14-2019, 02:38 PM

He'd forgotten that she'd come from a place where she lived in fear consistently and where a man's anger was torn from her flesh in one way or another. It didn't tanlke much to have her shutting up. Just when she had been starting to actually enjoy Hannibal as her master he went and did this. Her ears pinned as he growls and fear was in her eyes. His movements brought her to  her side with her tail tucked and leaning away from him. Her eyes closed as she pressed the top of her head to the ground. She was shaking and her eyes were ready to let tears out. Apologies would not be strewn out though, her trauma from before teaching her not to open her mouth but to help and scream from pain.

His words registered almost too slow. Leave now. He was going to add to her scars it seemed. She rushed for the exit of the den, her stomach brushing the ground and tail tucked. Fear. That was the perfume she wore now. It never took much and she was fearing for her life. He'd never even considered that maybe she had a good reason for her disdain of sex. Tears welled up and she didnt stop them as she dashed away for her den. It was her only comfort in the moment. That she had her own place to go to when the world was too much. As soon as she was there she curled in on herself and shook. She awaited the punishment, its severity only making her fear more. Her mind conjured up several different ones he could make. Shed seen so many done to others. Blindings, ear removal, bone breaking, toe removals, tail docking, and even the most vile of them all, rape. She hoped he just chose one of the maims. She could take those so much easier than the rape. She buried her head in her own frail form. The anxiety was making her sick to her stomach. She fought so hard to keep everything down, but to no avail. She hurled the contents of her meal into the snow beside her. She was a shaking crying mess. Hannibal had been the cause of this and was the reason. No more was he a great master, but just as bad as those before. If not worse for not just taking the punishment from her then and there.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]