
Abraxas pup for Adoption



7 Years
02-05-2019, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 08:51 PM by Zinnia.)

Typhon Abraxas & Zinnia Wreckage
Note: Click on the names to view the profile

These two are having a litter of puppies! Both Nyx and I are going to be playing a pup and we have decided to put one pup up for adoption. Pups will be born and raised by both parents in Risen empire. They will have the last name of Abraxas and will be raised and trained in their beliefs. To get more information on the Abraxas look here or you need to contact Fox with questions about them or their religion. That is the main info, but there is some additional information below.
  • Absolutely No applications that will have the pup being disloyal to the family or the religion. The pups will be raised to learn Abraxas religion there is absolutely no way they are going to be born hating their family or their religion.
  • No Off-the-wall characters This will include no intersex characters, No cannibalism, or things of that sort. This will also include crazy or off the wall designs as well, neither parents have crazy designs thus the pups wouldn't either.
  • This pup will be reclaimed by Nyx or I if you fall inactive. We arn't too strict but we do want this pup to be active and to interact with it's siblings and other family members.
  • Demonic or God Themed names just like the rest of the family this pup should have a name fallowing the same theme.
  • We do have some designs by the lovely Monster to pick from, but you can also bring your own design as well to the table.
  • Personality should fall neutral to evil. Zinnia is Lawful Neutral, while Typhon is Lawful evil. So anywhere in the middle, but slightly darker aligned is okay as long as it fallows the other requirements.
  • No discounts on height for these guys. Father is 36 inches while mother is 29 inches so they both fall within heights you do not need to pay extra for.

Note: My pup is going to be design number 3, but I'm putting it up here in case anyone wants to do a twin :)

<b>Which design?</b>


<b>Rp sample:</b>



3 Years
02-05-2019, 09:42 PM
Which design? 3
Name: Abaddon Abraxas
Gender: Male
Skills: Fighting & Intellect

Height: 36
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Other: twin power?
Rp sample:



10 Years
Extra large
02-05-2019, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2019, 10:19 PM by Lirika.)

sorry guys, still trying to maintain activity and I don't wanna disappoint D:


03-07-2019, 10:26 PM
Giving a little bump



4 Years
03-08-2019, 09:39 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2019, 03:35 PM by Basilia.)
Which design? 2
Name: Saren (masculinized version of the DnD goddess Sarenrae)
Gender: male
Skills:intellect and healing

Height: 32"
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: Sarens’ pelt is covered in a cream colored white bordering on gray. With brown-gray stripe like markings on his body and solid medium gray facial markings. A lighter snout and stomach with the appearance of being white. This pups’ eyes are an ocean blue reflecting that of both his parents. A height reaching that of 32 inches Saren will be on the shorter side of things when it comes to the wolves of Boreas but not so short as to be endangered by potential spine defects. A build made to endure the hardships of life Saren will have muscles built for walking long distances and carrying many herbs at once.
Personality: Saren is a gentleman through and through. His manners are on point and his moral compass is acutely calibrated. Saren has no tolerance for breaking the rules but can be coerced into it if he believes it's for the better. Finding it hard to have fun even as a pup Saren will prefer quietly studying nature or the stars to rough housing. This pup can easily come off as quiet and reserved, developing a sense for diplomacy and charisma as he gets older.

When it comes to religion Saren will wholly believe it. While at the start he won't be the best at talking about it with others through his lifetime he will develop into quite the evangelist. Speaking about his religion openly and hoping that others will adopt it. He won't shove it down others throats but instead attempt to influence others with his behavior. Showing by example is the best way he knows how to teach.
Other: i should probably learn more about the abraxas religion
Rp sample:
Saren had always found the outdoors to be rather fascinating. He wasn't the exploring type but he enjoyed laying down and watching nature. On this particular day he was laying by the base of a tree trunk watching as the birds flew and whistled and the bunnies jumped and chattered. Days like this were always preferred, with the heat just right and the sun at the right angle to provide a subtle warmth even in the shade.

As Saren laid and took in the day a sudden movement startled him. A brown object blurred past as it fell in his peripheral vision. Jumping up from his relaxing position Saren examined what had just fell. It seemed to be a bird that wasn't having the best of days. Its' wing was at angle that Saren was confident wasn't the angle a birds' wing should be at.

He had a bird with a broken wing and no idea what to do. He knew some healing but that was mainly applied to other wolves. There was a chance that if he tried to help the bird he would only mess them up further, he wasn't used to being super precise and delicate either. What if he ended up killing the bird instead in his attempt to help?

Working himself into a state of panic he started looking around for anything to help. Then a thought occurred to him and he wondered why he hadn't thought of it sooner. He was a descendant of the gods after all, surely they could help him in this instance.

Saren sat down and began to calm his mind, staring at the sky he began to silently pray to the gods and his ancestors. That they would either heal the bird or help him know what to do. He would sit there praying until either the bird healed and flew away or he could come up with an idea that would work for helping the bird. Whichever came first.
Basilia is prone to inappropriate language and violent tendencies, if you stop entertaining her, all bets are off. You have been warned. She also has a Gyr Falcon companion that is assumed not with her unless otherwise stated.



4 Years
Extra large
03-11-2019, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2019, 02:49 PM by Dea.)
Which design? Design #1
Name: Segin Abraxas
Gender: Male
Skills: Navigation & Healing

Height: 45 inches (I have a pass)
Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Appearance: Where to start on this particular piece of perfection? Once the boy reaches adulthood, he will tower over his parents, even as a teen. He follows in the Abraxas tradition, being muscular without appearing bulky, but that definition though... Segin is one of hard musculature and definitely works for his killer bod. There is a stunning beauty in his face and coloration, something that sets the heart to beating in staccato rhythm and causes rank jealousy to arise. Deep mahogany red makes up his base coat, with darker tones of chocolate adorning his points. Along his hips and appearing a bit on his shoulder blades is a brindling of his base color and a dark chocolate color that reaches down his hind legs, stopping just above the bend in his back leg. His coat fades out into white down his midsection, brindling out a bit over his front legs and around the edges of the white until it fades back into mahogany. Segin has white toes on his front paws. His eyes are perhaps the most stunning feature of his coloration, starkly contrasting the dark chocolate of his facial markings. A brilliant, electric shade of jade green stares out to pierce the soul in an icy jab, adding to this effect is the expression of them. No matter how he tries to hide his feelings, they will always show in his eyes.

Personality: While he isn't the warmest of creatures, Segin does care a lot about his family. He may seem aloof and hard to reach at times, but that doesn't mean he has turned away from them, he just likes his alone time. As a pup, this will be seen as shyness, though he is simply an introvert at heart. He can be rather outspoken when he decides to speak, but usually, he is the strong silent type. Tending to internalize problems of his own, Segin truly enjoys his work, whether that be exploring on his own or helping to heal those who need it. He isn't partial to outsiders, but if the price is right he will help them. Segin is a proud creature, though he doesn't wear his vanity on the outside like most, one can see his judgmental thought process in his expressive gaze. There is nothing but respect for his family, but if he doesn't know you he can come off as quite the jerk. His viewpoint on mortals follows his father's, the Abraxas are better than anyone and no one will change his mind. He is an independent boy with a mind of his own, but he shows only respect for his parents and family. There is a wanderlust to him, one that leads him to explore, always looking for better territory for hunting or herb collecting.

Rp sample: Stars. He had only just learned that one could read the tiny pin-pricks of light in the sky, but he wasn't quite sure what that meant. It had been said to him in passing, though he couldn't remember who it was that he heard it from. The young roan pup sat his plump little haunches down and continued to tilt his head at the sky, wondering how one could "read" stars. Segin had the distinct impression that he should have listened harder to what the other man was saying because now he was left confused. There would be time enough to learn tomorrow, a dark chocolate ear slides back on his head as he hears his mother calling him for bed.

How could he be sleepy when there was so much more to learn about the stars and how they could be read? Perhaps his mother could tell him how to do such complicated things, or at least point his young mind in the right direction. Trotting obediently toward the den, Segin crossed the short distance and silently entered the den with a pensive look in his eyes. He would say nothing until his siblings were asleep, not wanting to seem stupid or foolish in front of them. Once he could hear their snores, he nudged his mother awake, " does a wolf read the stars?" It was a simple enough question to ask, but he knew there wasn't an easy answer. If he was going to navigate, he had to learn to read stars, just like the man had said earlier. Otherwise, he would get lost.
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!


03-15-2019, 09:41 AM
This is now CLOSED!

Me and Nyx have decided that Frost will get the third free pup of the litter.

Thank you all for applying!!