
Bellamy {Pack} Interest Check



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
02-05-2019, 11:36 PM
So who wants to see Gavroche toughen up and lead a pack? Anyone? Me? Okay!!

So uh... have a thing. This is based off a religion I have offsite for my main world so I'd be tickled pink to share it with ya'll!


I reach for the moon… but I’m too busy gazing at Stars…

Bellamy is a pack based on the religions of Foi and Majofionism that the Kedieo bloodline believes in. In these religions, and within the pack, balance is the key to everything. No good without evil, no light without dark… you get the point. Because of this pairs of two, and particularly twins, are seen as a blessing within the pack. Bellamy tries to lead a more neutral pack life, being one that is more interested in maintaining relations for trade and training rather than warmongering. At it base, well, it’s a rather average pack… nothing too special.

At least until you delve into the deeper parts of the pack, such as lessons in the lore and religion of Foi and Majofionism. Storytelling is a big part of the pack and unnamed divinities and heroes can make their way into the tales. Think of a kind of Greek story sort of feel… where a hero can interact with the God and Goddess or the Divinities…

So let’s get more into the nitty gritty of the religion, shall we?

Foi’s God, Goddess, and the Divinities

Nox -- The Allfather and God. He resides over Destruction and such.

Celeste -- The Allmother and Goddess. Resides over resurrection.

Charis and Akakios -- The Divinities of Life. They reside over all living things and their laws.

Chrysis and Erebos -- The Divinities of Death. They reside over the underworld. Erebos takes care of the evil / darker souls and keeps them in line while Chrysis watches over the more lawful ones. Theirs is a place so like the land of the living some may not even know they are dead.

Reflected Memories and Abyss -- The keepers of memories and lapse thereof. They are the lore keepers of the world and all its inhabitants.

Time Warp and Fate -- The keepers of fate and time, a brother and sister pair that break the main flow of things. They both can reside over each other's areas to a degree, however.

The Elementals of Majofionism

Seethe -- Female -- The Fire Divinity. A creature with a massive temper and flame patterned coat. Wolves who follow this path are quick to act and can tend to be ruthless, damaging all in their path. Those who tend to be more chaotic, or even evil, will fall under the rule of this beast.

Hush -- Female -- The Wind Divinity. A creature that can be as finicky as the wind in temperament that bears a wispy, silvery coat. Wolves who follow this path tend to lean more towards middle alignments. Not necessarily good nor evil… but not going to panic if a mistake is made. Neutral alignments tend to fit well here. They are the more passive of the group, however, and tend to not bring about battles or conflict unless it is a dire need.

Serene -- Male --  The Water Divinity. A creature that is calm and collected with a coat that shimmers with beautiful colors under light. Wolves that follow Serene tend to be more of the benevolent type… though be careful not to make the water ripple. They might be calm and collected but that doesn’t mean they can’t fight!

Vale -- Male -- The Earth Divinity. A creature of earthen coloration and a rugged coat. Vale is a creature that is much like Hush in the fact it can go either way with its temperament. But unlike Hush Vale will react more strongly, letting emotions rule it’s decisions. Alignments that are more neutral but with stronger beliefs, or more likely to shed blood or act more strongly in general, tend to fall under Vale.

Heros and other Divinities?::

Feel free to make up your own idea for Foi! I’ll be making / buying some designs for Kedieo adoptables. It’d be awesome if some of them made their ways to the pack!  

But yes… some ideas I also had were…

-Sub “elements” or beings under the Elementals {Lightning under Fire, Poison under Earth, Ice under Water, Dreams under Wind, etc}

-General stories! Stuff like the wolves who ascended to their place in the stars with the Gods and Divinities after performing noble acts… or those who fell into the darkest place of Erebos’ domain for dark, heinous acts…


More Info

Nox and Celeste are mates. They are the first to have been in Foi and are the parents of the Divinities and Elementals. The Divinities are all sister and brother pairs. The way they are listed above are with the female first, male second. Each works together to help maintain balance in their designated areas.

Twins in the religion, particularly a pair with a female and male, are seen as the greatest of blessings from Celeste herself. They will be raised together and seen as destined for great things regardless of the path each takes.

All wolves who follow the religion of Foi give thanks to the Earth, The Gods, The Divinities, and the creatures around them. They respect life, for all life was created by Nox and Celeste, who shaped the world in their image.

The Elementals, the youngest of the Divinities, branch into their own sub religion. They are the ones that show themselves in all things on earth through, you guessed it, the elements! Each wolf who follows Foi and or Majofionism tends to pick a lead element that represents their personal beliefs or mindset that also tends to tie into their general alignments~

Those who ascend go to a place among the stars with Chrysis and the rest of the Divinities / Gods. Those who fall go to a place beyond the Hellgates where Erebos keeps the souls of the damned.

Pack Ranks

Tier 1::
Lord / Lady [Alpha Primary]
Grandmaster [Alpha Secondary / Battle Master / Tactician]
Scion [Heir]

Tier 2::
War Monk / War Cleric [Head Healer]
Trickster [Head Hunter / Messenger]

Tier 3::
Paladin [Fighters]
Cleric / Monk [Healers]
Dancer [Hunters / Messengers]

Tier 4::
Trainees [Apprentices]

Tier 5::  
Kids {Subrank of Princess and Prince for children of the Lord/Lady}

Tier 6::
Tainted [Traitors / Enemies]

Working together the Lord, Lady, Trickster, Grandmaster and War Monk / War Cleric they make up a council that governs the general well being of the pack.

Osiris I


4 Years
02-06-2019, 08:08 AM
I'd be interested in joining ^-^ Definitely sounds unique <3


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-06-2019, 11:04 AM
Interested owo


02-06-2019, 12:20 PM
Interested!! May be a good place for my starry girl when I get her profile redone