
A Chat About Healers



07-12-2013, 09:49 PM

Cormalin?s nose stung. ?Ouch! Erani, your claw poked it!? One eye, the golden one, opened, while the other remained clamped shut against the sting. His sister was applying a poultice, and the astringent properties of one of the plants? juices was stinging the wound on his nose. He?d have a new scar when the gift given to him by the grey male who?d attacked Rayne, one of Valhalla?s few healers, healed. He noticed Erani?s raised brow point, and closed his eye.

Soon, the ministrations of his sister were finished, and he stepped back. ?I need to go talk to Chrysanthe. Or should I call her here? She might want to see Rayne.? He made his way to the den mouth, and waited for his sister?s reply. He had a great deal to tell the Alpha female that was like a niece to him, and a daughter to Erani. He wondered how they could reward Obsidian for her part in defending Rayne. What did you do for a horse?

Obsidian was a faithful friend, and he wanted her to get something out of helping Valhalla. She was a wonderful pup sitter, and he knew she wanted offspring of her own. Perhaps they could find her a stallion? He bit back a laugh at the thought. He had a feeling that if there were any horses out there, they?d take one look at a wolf asking them to meet a friend, and run for the hills.

He wanted to speak with Chrysanthe about training the healers to fight for themselves. In a war, Healers that could defend themselves, and any injured wolves would be an advantage.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-12-2013, 10:06 PM

Erani raised her paw and gently tamped the poultice of healing herbs into Cormalin?s nose injury. Smelling would be an interesting To his complaint, she gave him the ?Healer Look? and he closed his eye again. ?Quit being such an old baby, you big Beta. I?m just about done.? Her admonishment was given in a gentle teasing tone, but her look was quelling.

Satisfied that he was fully treated, she rose to her paws and went out to lap at the pool beneath the running spring, letting her paws wash off in the water. Then she returned to the den, settling beside her brother as he asked if he should call Chrysanthe. ?Hmm, I think you can call her here. The children are out so this will be a good time to speak about this incident. She should see Rayne, and get an account. Rayne?s coming out of the worst of the shock. So yes, Call Chrysanthe here.? Erani nodded to her brother, and made her way to Rayne?s alcove to peer in. For now the female had been sleeping, having been given a mild dose of Valerian to help her sleep off some of the shock.

She sat, watching the white healer, monitoring the breathing and watching for any signs of problems, while she waited for Cormalin to call and Chrysanthe to arrive. She was still furious, still ready to bring justice to the grey male who?s attacked Rayne. Rayne, a sweet healer who wouldn?t harm a fly if she could help it. Someone who couldn?t fight back. It made fire lash through Erani?s chest to think of it.

Her head turned away to gaze about the main den room, eyes glazed with icy anger, trying to force the fury away. A clear mind was needed right now.



07-12-2013, 10:26 PM

Cormalin nodded, then stepped out of the den and padded down the ravine, tail swaying, nose stinging. Reaching the end, he lifted his head and gave a long howl, asking the Alpha to attend. Justice would be dealt to the grey male for his attack on Rayne. An attack on one member was an attack on the entire pack, as close a family as the pack was.

His call tapered off and his head lowered, and he winced at the pulse pounding in his nose. That male had landed the blow well, and he?d been lucky that he?d jerked away in time to avoid a fatal hit. All in a day?s work. The injury was worth it since they?d stopped Rayne from being seriously injured. Or killed.

Cormalin sank to his haunches and pressed his ears forward to listen for Chrysanthe. There was much to discuss.



07-17-2013, 07:10 PM
Cormalin was an impressive beta to say the least - more active and attentive than she could have asked for. The alpha's ears pricked, hearing said male's call, and she wondered just what had happened to create in him a call so serious. The female knew that this was business, and important business at that - she wasted no time in responding to him and promptly heading in his direction. When she got there, her gaze flicked from her mother and then back to her beta. Why was Erani here? Had Cormalin been hurt? She didn't smell much blood, but of course that could be due to her theta's quick reaction to any sort of injury. "Is everything alright?" she asked, waiting for one of the two to explain what was going on. She would be patient, sitting in front of Cormalin but in a position that she could see Erani too if she decided to be the one to speak. She could only hope that no one had been hurt, but she had a somewhat grave feeling about this small meeting.


07-18-2013, 11:13 AM

She slept. Erani had given her something that had made her so sleepy, and she was to far to exhausted to fight it. She vaguely remembered returning to Valhalla, returning to Erani's den. It was all like a dream. A terrible dream. A nightmare. The massive beast with murder in his deep blue eyes. The terror of knowing that she was going to suffer and being unable to do anything about it. Then two more wolves had appeared, followed by the thundering of hooves. She couldn't close her eyes without reliving every moment. A muted howl dragged her from her dreams. Eyes fluttered open, looking around her for a moment, trying to gain her bearings. Erani. Cormalin. White paws came into view. Turning her gaze upward, two toned gaze settled on Erani, anger radiating off her. She lifted her head, but otherwise stayed laying down, knowing Erani wouldn't let her go anywhere.

"What's going on?" She may have been sleeping but she could tell something what wrong. Eyes searched the healers face, finding only fury. It was different from the time her anger had been directed at Rayne. It was more...murderous. Cormalins scent was still strong in the den. She hoped he wasn't hurt. Pulling her front legs out from under her, she pushed herself up into the sitting position, ignoring any protests that may come from the older healer. Sore muscles protested, a frown tugging at her mouth. She could see the dirt that clung to her legs and undoubtedly the rest of her ivory pelt. She didn't like it, she liked keeping her pelt clean. For now she had more pressing matters. Audits pushed forward, waiting to find out what was going on, why the air around them was so heavy.

"speech" thought



07-18-2013, 09:58 PM

Chrysanthe was swift in coming to the summons, as always. She was a good Alpha, he thought for the millionth time, attentive to her pack, and quick to respond to a call. He bowed his head in greeting as she arrived, nose still throbbing. ?For now, everything is fine. Earlier today, however, we encountered trouble, in Fern Gully. Shall we go inside? Erani wants you to look at Rayne.? He rose, tipping his head in a nod toward the mouth of the ravine., as he turned, he continued, giving his report of the incident.

?Earlier today, at around noon, Erani and I were out on a walk, she was trailing Rayne on a whim. Rayne may be able to tell you how this began, but we arrived on the scene in time to stop a grey male, a rogue from seriously harming Rayne. He had attacked her, and by his scent, he meant to?? He trailed off a moment, brow points lifting as he glanced at the young Alpha. ?Erani had me circle around behind and she struck from the side. Rayne was knocked to the ground, and Erani believes she may have struck her head. I came in from behind. I managed to injure the male, and keep him occupied while Erani protected Rayne.

?Obsidian has a part in this as well. If not for her, we may have had a harder time getting the male to retreat and leave. She came in, and charged. Her attack served to confuse the male, and dissuade him from sticking around. He fled soon after. We came straight back to Valhalla afterward. Erani gave something to Rayne for shock and to make her sleep awhile. My only injury is my nose, and as you can see, my nose has been tended.?
He dipped his head. A gruff from his sister made an ear flick.

?We would like to start training the healers to fight as well as their regular duties. The next time a wolf wants to go after a Valhallan healer, he?ll get a rude surprise. That?s Erani?s hope. The healers that don?t wish to train to fight, need escorts.? He looked over at his sister, who sat at the mouth of the ravine. Her eyes still looked glazed with ice, but she was listening, before she went back into her den, a sign to bring the conversation inside. ?Rayne is inside, if you want to see her and get her side of the story.? Luna?s teeth, his nose was throbbing.



07-23-2013, 05:07 AM
She herself had little to fear when she went out. Besides being rather large, she was a young lupine with expanding fighting experience. It would be a foolish move to attack her. Yet not everyone was a battle ready Adravendi, and it seemed that the wolves outside of Valhalla were now set on proving such.

Yet Rayne had not been so lucky in her wanderings. She had been attacked, and would have been raped had Erani and Cormalin, as well as Obsidian been there to help her. Chrysanthe inwardly paled, her blue eyes widening a fraction at her surprise before narrowing in disgust. Who the hell would do something like this! And to a wolf that belonged to a pack no less! If she ever got a hold of him he would be sorry, that much was for certain.

Chrysanthe had no qualms about wrapping her teeth around his balls if it meant that he would never harm another female like this again. "I am glad you were there to save her." Her gratitude was evident in her voice, and she let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding in. "Yes, you have a good point - our healers would do well at the very least, knowing their basic defenses." The alpha would be happy to teach them herself. Soliel, Rayne, and Erani were her healers thus far, and she knew that her mother was not without the ability to protect herself and others if need be.

The woman listened intently to Cormalin's explaination, and nodded before following him into Erani's den. She peeked in quietly, not wanting to disturb the dear, yet she would have to - because her record of this horrid happening was more important than anyone else's. "Rayne." She called out to the white lupine, "Would you be alright with talking about it?" She wanted to know as much as she could.

If she could find the male that had hurt her, she would make him pay for what he did.

She also wanted to know whether she was alright. Should she be too frazzled to think back on what had happened to her, Chrysanthe would drop the subject entirely.


08-05-2013, 01:41 PM

Rayne. Her name turned her attention to her Alpha as she entered the den, followed closely by Cormalin. "Chrysanthe." She dipped her head to her Alpha, staying respectful as always. The next words that left the Alphas dark lips stilled her. She wanted to know everything. Every little detail of what happened. Ears reflexively pinned against her ivory skull. "Uh y-yes I suppose." She spoke softly, gaze dropping to the den floor.

Her eyes clouded as she thought back, reluctantly letting the memories wash over her. "I was visiting Fern Gulley, looking for herbs. I was alone, and then the air changed, like when a predator sets his target on his prey. He...he approached slowly, wanting to know if I wanted company. When I tried to leave, he kept blocking me in, and went I ran he tripped me and I lost my balance." She looked at none of the wolves that stood before her, her gaze was far away, lost in the horrors, her heart raced, pounding in her chest. "I have never seen such cold, cruel eyes before." Her voice was a whisper, gems turning to Chrysanthe.

"He was much bigger than me. A vibrant silver coat, his muzzle was darkened, along with below his eyes, eyes as blue as the ocean." A soft sight slipped past her lips. She was suddenly exhausted again, like she had just ran for miles. She struggled to keep the depression from her eyes, the terror. She simply wanted to sleep it all away and forget about it.

"speech" thought