
Caricature of intimacy



7 Years
02-04-2019, 05:27 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 06:21 AM by Nephthys.)

Dance with the Devil

It is time. Whether or not the bronze Goddess was mentally prepared to expand her bloodline, physically, her abdomen was greatly distended to create space for the developed fetuses residing within her womb, convulsions wracking her interior to indicate that her pregnancy was swiftly drawing to a close. The unpleasant sensation that abruptly consumed her fragile being was one that the vixen had never previously experienced and thus, when the pangs began to strike, fluctuating in intensity from her swollen abdomen, the woman felt panic wash over her in rivers. She knew then, instinctively, that in mere hours, the new Klein and Ithuriel additions would make their arrivals – with or without her compliancy. Distraught pants cascaded jaggedly from the babe’s velvet lips, hung awry with the pained expression contorting her beautiful features as brief whines slipped involuntarily into the cacophony of her hysteria. Serpentine limbs propelled the wench to the den the ivory beast prepared for them during the earlier stages of her pregnancy, faltering in stride with each strained step she took, incessant barks mingling with her sobs to wake the bastard who had placed her in such a vulnerable state and who was sleeping a short distance away and hopefully will wake up soon as she had demanded of him. They were his children too, after all, and she knew he wanted to remain a permanent part of their lives, and since they agreed to a year of their lives spent together – it was a choice she had made clear to him and a choice she would not sway from. Dainty paws flexed as the woman pulled her mass further into the den she would be confined to for the next several hours, halting before she laid her swollen bodice on the ground, as an abrupt howl split her clenched jaws in summon to her dearest Leera and their High Lord, inclined to invite them to witness as their youth were presented to the earth, hoping at least Leera would provide her with the comfort she knew she needed. They have not found a healer yet and this was a dangerous situation; there was no one to aid her deliver and they might lose some of them. Panic rose through her mind like a disease as the moment of truth washed over her in tides once again. She needed Leera. Out of all of them she had at least some experience. Once her beckoning howl had concluded, the woman took deep irregular breaths and pain evident in her countenance as further contractions afflicted her interior, urging for her to begin the process. " No. " came the rapid breaths of a woman in tremendous amounths of pain. She would refrain from it, allowing pain to dominate her serpentine body as she waited for her dear friend.

html by castlegraphics; art by wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years
Extra small
02-04-2019, 01:23 PM

Nephthys' calls pierce the stillness of the air and Leera wakes with a start, knowing almost for certain that those frantic tones meant the children are coming. The wolfess wastes no time in uncurling from her den of warmth and darkness, moving with haste to collect the ginger herbs that she'd scavanged just days before. Ginger will help with the pain, and seeing as this litter is Nephthys' first, the pain will be unfamiliar and overwhelming.

Leera takes the ginger between her teeth and slips from her place in the packlands, weaving quickly through the trees until she comes upon the bronze queen's den, where she can hear the rapid breaths of her dearest friend somewhere deep inside. "I'm here," she crones, entering the den and immediately dropping the ginger root near Nephthys' muzzle where it lie panting. Leera settles near the laboring woman and noses her prickled fur gently, examining the shape of her abdomen and the rhythm of her breathing. "Eat the ginger, my dear. It'll take away some of the pain. It doesn't look like the children will be long now." She watches Nephthys, knowing that it will soon be her in this same place. Leera noses the ginger closer to her friend, helping to feed it to her should she accept it, and gently licks Nephthy's cheek.

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-04-2019, 01:46 PM

She had watched from afar as the pregnancy progressed for her master's mistress. She'd served her like Hannibal asked but she had kept her interactions limited to delivering food and anything else she was asked. Nephthys had yet to stop her to yell or anything so Eulogy kept her distance otherwise. She had been ordered to not speak unless spoken to so she did that. She had a fish for nephthys and a hare for hannibal as she heard the howl. She knew the direction and that the pups were due soon so it did not come as a surprise to her. She kept her pace and came to a pause outside.

The fish was fresh and the hare still warm enough to make her mouth water. Yet she knew better. Her ribs still protruded, maybe worse than when she had been brought here by hannibal. She watched as a female went inside the den and Eulogy wasn't sure she should enter at all. Hannibal's den was not a strange location for the slave anymore but she wasnt sure of the two women without her master near. Maybe she should just leave the meals outside in the snow for them. But then again hannibal might have her tail for that. She slowly crept inside, her head down and tail tucked. She  was quiet and quick as she went about her duties. She laid the hare at hannibal's bed and the fish out of the way but close enough for Nephthys to be able to reach it when she was done. She knew she would likely not receive a dismissal from either today so she quickly made for the exit, only to stop next to it and sit. She kept everything submissive about her, careful not to anger either woman. She had to admit that she was curious about the little ones. She also had a hope that maybe she might get to hold one once the ordeal was over. Though she wasn't so stupid as to believe either parent would allow her near them, since she was just a slave and might corrupt their hearts with softness.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



8 Years
02-04-2019, 06:08 PM

The call sent shivers down his chilled spine as the phantom patrolled the border. Hannibal had anticipated the arrival of his spawn for days now and was riddled with joy as the time finally came. As soon as her shriek of panic filled his idle ears pale pads fell upon the earth and carried his monstrous form through the territory. Thys' location was clear as the direction of the call was towards the river bank within the forest. She had been lingering close to the den more often due to this exact situation. Hannibal had worried if she strayed too far the pups would have come in an inopportune moment and cause issues. The thoughts of what their glorious offspring would look like or bring to these miserable lands haunted his every thought. Both of the parents were beautiful specimen and have countless mutations. Hannibal is albino and his father melanistic. Thys has both genitalia and plagued with a serpentine tongue. Both were unique but also blessed all the same.

Hannibal arrived not long after Leera and Eulogy. His Bond Servant was just leaving to sit outside the den as he let forth a gruff grunt. Dominance poured from his form as he completely ignored Eulogy to greet the woman within his den. His pelt was chilled and his nose frosty thus he felt comforted by the warmth of their home. It seemed she had just began labor and he silently hoped it would be short for all of their sakes. Leera offered the babe some ginger and he was thankful to say the least. They lacked a true healer but he figured the cream gal was experienced enough to help the delivery. "It is time." Husky vocals filled the air as he sat near the head of Thys but not hovering to give her some needed space. Sounds of panting and moans filled his ears. His usual abrasive behavior was left at the door of the den for this was a matter of life or death. Would the heirs of the Klein Empire survive birth? "Leera, do I need to do anything?" He figured he wasn't going to be much help but would offer anyways. His eyes moved back and forth from the two powerful women.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



7 Years
02-05-2019, 04:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 06:56 AM by Nephthys. Edit Reason: spelling mistakes )

Dance with the Devil

The pain of labour was a prison for her mind. In that jail cell of fear and confusion the time passed without her being able to keep track. Her stomach tightened, she heard her own sobs of pain without being aware of making any of them. "You came." she panted towards the ashen woman. She laid still as the ginger was administered to her and tried her best to chew upon the herb her dear friend provided, waiting for the agony to subside.

A second contraction came that dominated the autumn babe entire being. In those moments, for those seconds that stretched into infinity, there was nothing else. When the pain passed it was only for a minute or so and she breathed with closed eyes, unwilling to re-engage with life outside of her own body. The room might as well have been empty for all the awareness she had, though the babe caught the quick and rushed scent of Eulogy and wondered for a mere nanosecond what the servant was doing here, she was not sure but she could swear that her throat gave small growls the moment the scent hit her, a protectice mechanism for she was in her most vulnerable state that she had even been and in her mind anyone else was a threat to her beloved new born heathens. Yet even when they did talk, touch, gain her attention she found it so hard. To reply she had to find herself from the deepest recess of her own mind and drag herself forward, to use her voice, open her eyes. Her whole organism was screaming at her, it was telling her that is was time, time to push. "Hannibal." she panted, sobbed. She wanted to tell him, tell him that there is a chance their pups might not survive without an actual healer. "Our spawns...they.." With a guttural grunt she pushed with all the strenght left in her reptilian bodice; ripping, tearing open, flesh on flesh, one push was enough. Without any further effort one of the devil spawns slid onto her elongated tail, that was deliberatly placed under her frame, between her back limbs. There was elation, a girl at last, and in seconds she was there, eyes closed, blind, crimson liquid covering her tiny frame.

html by castlegraphics; art by wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
02-05-2019, 01:39 PM

Tyranis arrived, fashionably late as always to the birthing of his Taskmaster’s whelps. He sat stoically at the mouth of the den, his eyes narrowed as the woman writhed and shrieked. He recalled Aranea’s birthing and felt a tremor of rage climb the back of his neck. He fully expected the cubs the woman birthed to be writing masses of tumorous flesh and was less than pleased when the first of their litter was pushed into the world, whole and healthy with the exception of an unnaturally long tail.  “A freak like it’s whore mother.” Tyranis thought spitefully still reeling that Hannibal had more of his pack aligned with himself rather than their leader, but kept his expression measured and controlled.

Leera seemed to be attached to the brown woman which only nettled him more. Thoughts of Leera brought him to thinking of his own hearty stock of cubs that would soon grace the earth. They would need to learn the faith of the demons soon to avoid being mislead toward disloyalty and weakness.  “Soon.” Tyranis thought, his sight drifting to the side before he returned his attention to the scene before him. He thought instead of Hannibal’s cubs learning the ways of the demons and putting their loyalty in the High Lord rather than in their own father and felt the small tug of a smile at the corners of his lips.

Speaking  Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



5 Years
Extra small
02-05-2019, 02:18 PM

The bondservant is second to arrive, but Leera pays no mind the the emaciated girl as she lingers awkwardly, away from the two women as she should. There is no sympathy in Leera's heart for the servant: this is a heirarchy and these sort of things are bound to happen. Either way, she's far too focused on the delivery of Nephthys' pups. She's pleased that the birthing woman takes the ginger without a fuss, swallowing the herb between fits of writhing and whimpering.

Next to arrive is Hannibal, the concerned father of the children, and Leera greets him with a short nod and a gentle smile. She moves to the side of Nephthys in order to allow him space. "I'm afraid not," she answers him, but her attention is fixed on the laboring woman. She nuzzles Nephthys' earthen fur. "What's left to do is to wait. Her body knows what to do."

Leera doesn't look up when the unmistakable scent of Tyranis rolls through the den. She knows he's watching, his stoic silhouette spotting in the corner of her vision -- after all, these are his Taskmaster's children. And then, it happens. In a heap of warmth and pain, the first child is born. Leera's heart squeezes, and she licks the pup gently as it rests upon her mother's tail. "A daughter," she announces, her voice filling the stillness of the den. But she knows there may very well be more.

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-05-2019, 04:21 PM

Hannibal arrived and she pinned her ears at his dominance. Of course it was an intrusion. She had overheard the small thing about ginger though, so whatever it was could be used for labor pains. She should be moving away, but she is transfixed with the hope of seeing the children born. The way Nephthys is writhing in pain has the servant uncertain, she knew giving birth could be painful but this seems excessive, is it because she is not a full female? Or is it because the woman is birthing spawn much too big for herself?

She notices as Tyranis enters and she lowers her head more. She has half convinced herself that somewhere in him is potentially Destruction blood but he is cruel in his own way. Soon though the attention is back on Nephthys as she squeezes the life out of her womb. She was careful to not touch the high lord but she does her best to get a look past the forms of leera and Hannibal. She couldn't see so she slowly backs out of the den. Then with that she is moving away, towards her own den. She knew when she overstayed her welcome and she wasnt about to stay any longer.



[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]



8 Years
02-05-2019, 07:02 PM

The moans and groans of labor filled his alert ears. Hannibal's eyes were wide with worry as the den heated up considerably. Crimson blood painted the dam's beautiful mahogany fur as well as the bed below. His tail flicked ever so slightly in sheer anxiety. The male was deeply concerned with both Thys' safety and the pups she bore. There were to be no lives lost on that night and he was to be sure of it. Nephthys had to remain alive to do only what a mother could. If she passed the only other option for milk would be Leera who was ready to burst within the next week or so. But, he did not want his pups feeding from another bitch. Thys was their mother and she was strong. Hannibal peered down at the temptress in awe and nearly missed Tyr's entrance.

The scent of his alpha made its way to his pink nose and the beast flicked a glance towards the mouth of the den. A single nod was seen towards the High Lord before his attention returned towards the writhing babe below. He had never witnessed birth before and it was devastating to say the least. He was not sure if it was always so horrific or perhaps the lithe femme was just too thin to push out pups. He clenched his jaw as words sputtered from the panicked woman's jaws. Hannibal merely shook his head and finished her own sentence, "Our spawn will be strong, love." It was the first time he used such an endearing word towards the serpentine lady. It just seemed to roll off his tongue. But, he gave the words little thought as the first hearty push was made. Suddenly a beautiful brown pup was shoved into the world with instant healthy yelps. A generous grin of joy swept across his lips as he eyed the tiny form upon the long tail of her mother. He chinned up with a proud look upon normally cruel features. "Our firstborn daughter." His eyes flicked towards Thys' own with excitement. He only assumed there were more to come but offered plenty of encouragement.

"" action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



7 Years
02-06-2019, 02:41 AM

Dance with the Devil

The pain was more intense than anything the autumn babe had ever imagined. Why the fuck no one told women it was this horrific. Nothing could be more brutal, not whips or chains. The den was only a few meters, her closest ones melting into the background as if they weren't even there. Is there anything more isolating than intense pain? Doesn't pain lock us in as effectively as any prison? After, when her first daughter was born, it was as if only sunshine existed the world, as if all the earth was ushered into harmony. Upon hearing the yelps, fiery orange orbs gazed upon her tiny frame, a new consciousness, perfect and reaching out for their love. In that instant she knew she would do anything to protect her child and she had a feeling, judged by a brief glance, that Hannibal was feeling the same way. "She is beautiful." she panted, the pain slowly fading for the mere moment. Her gaze locked onto the magenta hues of her friend, Leera.  Offering the ashen woman a tired smile, the tip of her tail brushing ever so sightly against her and Hannibals front limbs.

Though her belly is large she’s still skinny really, her reptilian form and her two genitalia does not help her with anything in labour, if anything, they cause more pain for the babe. Another contraction hit her like a hurricane. From her face everyone can tell she’s fighting hard to regulate her breathing. Panting. Chest raising and falling repeatedly as her own body orders her to push, to realease and so she does. Strenght, power, they mold into one as push after push their second born was brought onto this world. Another beautiful girl, the spitting image of her father, mirroring almost every detail of his pigmentation; only a notch smaller than their first born daughter that kept mewling and yelping through the whole ordeal. A both strained and joyous smile spread across the babes exotic visage upon gazing onto her two beauties. The first one a miraculous and fascinating combination of their pigments and the second one a mimickry of her father.

The third and last contraction was not as powerful or as hard however, if you were to ask her, it was the most painful due to her strain, her body temperature was high and she had also became dehydrated. You could see that in her eyes, on her frame, could hear her too. She’s panting like her guts were being ripped out with a blunt instrument even against the winter wind outside that threatens to rip the limbs from the trees, especially the young ones. After another few pushes, finally, the third and last spawn escaped her womb and encountered the warm air of their den and different scents that were now surrounding them from worry and love and fucking exhaustation. The third cub was much smaller than his two sisters, he was the runt of the litter, the weakling with a pigmentation much closer to Thys and her heritage though his father ivory tendrils made an impression on him as well. Worry overcame the babe upon seeing his size however she knew it her heart that they will become strong, all of them. They are of strong blood and they are the heirs to two thrones. The Goddess had gave the ivory brute two Queens and a King for their bloodlines. Fiery optics locked onto his bicolored ones. "Name them, beloved." she hissed, barely managed to maintain her timbre from her rapid breaths. Their gallant ways of speaking has increased however she bore no second thought. She asked this of him as a final criteria of their pact, of their agreement. He was their father and there was no way out of it now. For neither of them.

html by castlegraphics; art by wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years
Extra small
02-10-2019, 03:23 PM

In the very end, there are three. Three children to Nephthys' name, and Leera looks over the each of them carefully, making sure everything looks right and none are needing special attention. The last of them is smaller than the previous, a little boy, but Leera does not worry for him -- many children are born tiny but grow into fine soldiers, scholars, and kings. Perhaps if the third child had been born to anyone but Nephthys and Hannibal, she might worry, but she knows the two parents are strong and therefore it is not possible for the offspring not to be.

"You did well, flower. Congratulations," cooes Leera into the new mother's ear, moving away a few inches afterward to allow room for the father to see, touch, love. Her own eyes sparkle with pride at the squirming babies, and her heart squeezes gently with some sort of strange emotion as she watches the interaction between her best friend and the newborns.

Nephthys prompts Hannibal to name the cubs, and Leera holds her breath quietly. She watches him expectantly, for these will be the names that she will know for the rest of her years. At least, she hopes she will. It isn't uncommon for mothers to want to keep their children away from the care of others -- in fact, Leera has done this before -- but a part of her wishes she'll be able to help out a little.

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



8 Years
02-12-2019, 11:41 AM

Hannibal silently watched the birthing of his beautiful offspring. One after another came forth demi-gods and goddesses. The three delightful beings that would grace the world with little crowns. The albino sat tall with a proud smirk and wide eyes. The first was a hefty girl and plenty healthy. As the second came his lips turned into a beaming ivory smile. The tiny pup shared the same lack of pigmentation as Hannibal himself. Albinism swept across her newly born form with tidbits of charcoal grey to expose her true colors. He leaned down to nudge Thys' cranium with his nose with silent encouragement as she began to contract some more. Yet, it seemed as though she was a professional at this point for the third came forth with ease. A boy that happened to be much smaller then his sisters. Pale eyes swept over his three lovely pups before looking towards Leera as they were offered congratulations. "I thank you for your help, Leera." He could see the ashen babe being a friend to their family for years to come.

Promptly the labor exhausted mother sweetly commanded the naming of their offspring. Hannibal nodded firmly as he eyed each individual pup. He believed in strong and remarkable names. If these pups were to rule one day they needed commanding names to be remembered by. The proud father looked down to the first girl, "Banshee." A mythical name of a screaming soul crushing demoness. His eyes then moved to the albino girl with a flick of his tail. "Recluse." A name dedicated to his own struggle with the sun. A Recluse spider hides in the day and hunts at night. Just as this pup would grow up to be. He then looked to the last and tilted his head. Hannibal had many names picked for his offspring but as he stared at the last and smallest pup it was an internal struggle. Yet, not before long a nod could be seen. "and Mordecai." A name not so riddled with demons but strong and handsome.

"" action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



7 Years
02-16-2019, 03:46 AM

Dance with the Devil

The cinnamon babe could  describe falling asleep as like being caught in a carousel of thoughts. Every idea, notion and event from her day would replay in her mind, demanding analysis before she could be allowed to sleep. However after the sever pains of labour she went through, after the hours of exhaustation she suffered she could not think anymore, she could not feel much around her of even see or hear. The voices and figures were drifting in and out of her conscience. Fiery optics managed to gaze upon the three devil chops that were released from her sinful womb upon the world; all of the were equally beautiful and from the moment the babe locked her lenses on them she instantly felt a sensation of adoration toward them. They were hers and she was them. They belonged together like yin and yang, sun and rain; there could not be one without another and yet she was not one of these mortals that had a hole in their hearts that could only be filled by spawns. No. She vowed to still take care of her own business however, for now, they were her priority and she was sure the same was for Hannibal. They will have their paws full. She felt the blackness come over her just as Hannibal finished to name the runt of the litter. Like a blanket, but not a blanket of warmth but a blanket of coldness making her shiver. But somehow it's making her eyes feel heavier and heavier. She finally close her eyes finally sending her into a dreamless sleep.

exitus via sleep

html by castlegraphics; art by wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years
Extra small
02-16-2019, 07:21 PM

She crouches in the den which is alive with the promise of new life. It fills the compact air, floating and seemingly touching the hearts of all who crouch there with her. It is interesting, too, to see how the birth has softened Hannibal, and when the mismatched brute thanks her she closes her eyes and nods, smiling gently. "Of course," she whispers before falling back to the shadows, watching over the young ones like they are her own kin.

Eventually, sleep would overcome the beautiful new mother and Leera would choose to wait a while longer, keeping her attention on the writhing babies in case either whimpered or strayed too far from the warmth of their mother's teats. Banshee. Recluse. Mordecai. In that moment, she decides she will protect them like her own. Nephthys deserves it; they deserve it. Hours pass before Leera finally, unwillingly uncurls from the darkness of the den to seek out her own thicket, where she'd spend the rest of the night in the silent comfort.


speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



8 Years
02-19-2019, 09:00 PM

Hannibal watched as his fiery companion drifted off to sleep. The female body was a pure wonder to the male. Despite Nephthys' abnormalities she had done something only a creature of her capacity could. The serpentine babe gave brith to a blossoming and bright litter of powerful demi-gods. They radiated with purity and light. His heart was full and his skin warm to the touch. His thoughts brought forth a very gentle twinkle within his gaze as he watched the beautiful children breath at their mother's belly. Perhaps one could see his pale optics water ever so slightly but he would soon flutter the twinge of tears away as he swallowed audibly. He held no sadness but sight of his newly birthed blood made his heart do leaps and bounds.

Mordecai, the smallest, was struggling to get comfortable as he was being squished between the two other larger pups. Hannibal leaned downward slowly to very gently nudge Banshee over enough to give the smaller male room to cuddle. A tiny smile fell upon his pale lips as he moved away to look over Leera. They both seemed content within the warm den. Their tiny family grew that day. Not only did pups join their inner circle by Leera did as well. At first Hannibal had no ounce of trust for the mahogany pointed temptress but with look within those magenta eyes was of no snake. She was just as happy as himself which brought forth an even larger smile to the demon's lips.

Not before long Leera made her exit and he assumed Tyranis would as well. With a tiny sigh the male moved to lay behind Thys with his belly to her back. Despite the match of their size he was the bigger spoon. His head flopped down upon the earth and he laid in simple thought. Every now and again his head lifted to take a peek at the pups. They would not go far if they woke up, plus the little mews would be enough to alert him of any tiny problems they may have. As the night went on the beast drifted in and out of sleep along side his beautiful family.

-exit via sleep-

"" action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.