
Worry wart express



1 Year
02-05-2019, 02:42 PM
Her mother never once spoke ill of Ty, not even when Thora told her about what was going on. Storm simply said to go back and she would visit to see if she could help. Since Thora had returned home she had been hiding within her den. She was uncertain what to do or how much trouble she may be in. She did leave the pack territory, her brothers pack territory and she wasn’t sure if she would be in trouble for it. She remained close to a lavender plant, hoping to chill out her nerves and put her more at ease. She wished Cloud was around, thinking he would help her calm down some, but she was worried and concerned. She was deeply concerned for her brothers especially Ty uncertain where his pack was going. What plans he had and why he had slaves.

She sighed staring at the wall of her smaller den while she inhaled the scent of the lavender. She wasn’t around to know what exactly had happened with her mother and Ty, she had been a complete hermit since getting back. The young girl suddenly feeling like a complete outcast. Those she had met had been nice, but she could tell there was something different about them, something that concerned her. She curled in a tighter ball wishing she would have refused her mother’s orders and stayed with her, but she was home now and unsure what was going to happen to her.
As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag



4 Years
02-07-2019, 11:24 AM

Tyranis still reeled from the fight with his mother and had broodingly paced his pack border with a seemingly endless scowl as he mulled over who had told his mother of what went on behind Erövrare’s walls. At first he suspected Hannibal with his loud mouth and silver tongue and in the full throngs of outrage pictured a scenario where the pervert attempted to lure his mother into bedding him. He pushed the thought aside furiously and he began to question if Cloud could ever betray him so. The king supposed Cloud would have to have been disquieted with the reformed structure of his pack and told himself firmly that if that were the case Cloud would have said something. Belatedly he realized there was one other person who could have told his mother that he had started to take slaves, someone he had overlooked from Erövrare’s inception. Thora, his half sister, no doubt raised in the good natured ways of the Wreckages under his mother’s wing.

He broke away from his border and ran into the stark white woods, steeled determination on his features as he tracked his familial scent to his half sister’s den. As cold as he had become Tyranis couldn’t convince himself to be fully angry at the girl, she simply needed to learn the way of things in Erövrare, or at least hear whatever lies he told her to settle her into pack life with him. “Thora.” He called gently, his head turned downward as he stood at the mouth of his den. “Could I talk to you?” He asked mindful to keep his tone soft and soothing as if Thora were his own child.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



1 Year
02-07-2019, 11:57 AM

The scent of the plant eased her, relaxing her body and helping to calm her into a state somewhat close to napping. It let her mind become filled with more pleasant memories of when she first moved around the clan, learning what she could from her various cousins and other family members. Happy times spent with both her mother, father, and her two litter mates. It made a smile come to her lips as they would reply within her mind just like a weird flashback. Everything was quiet, peaceful, and she was calmed down.

It only lasted for the time it took for Ty to find her den and though she hadn't heard him approach, him calling out her name made her quickly snap out of her happy place. She stared towards the entrance of her den, shifting uncomfortably as she realized the jig was up. The only reason he could be taking time from his list of duties was if their mom had paid a visit. She wanted to simply pretend that she wasn't here, remain silent and hope that he would simply go away, but she knew she couldn't. She was a part of this pack and had to face up no matter the repercussions that came. Maybe she would be lucky enough that he could clear up all this confusing info she was getting, maybe.

With a sigh she stood from her spot as Ty explained that he would like to talk to her. He didn't sound angry, but she was still weary. She moved from the den, the lanky yearling moving to sit beside the entrance a her silver gaze stared at the dirt before her paws. Should she try to explain? Should she apologize? She wasn't sure what would be the right thing to do at this moment, but she was raised to be honest and that's what she had to stick to.

"I...... I didn't intend to seek out mom...... I just needed someone..... Familiar to talk to." her voice was quiet, unable to look at him.


As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag



4 Years
02-13-2019, 04:17 PM

“It’s alright.” He said reassuringly. “I understand.” He lowered his head to meet her gaze and offered her a kind smile. He would need to approach her gently to earn her trust, he couldn’t risk having any more enemies within his pack than he already had.

“I understand, it must be hard to live in a pack where you feel like you don’t fit in.” He explained gently. “I didn’t fit into my birthpack, and I know what it’s like to feel like you’re alone.” He said soothingly. “It’s true, I don’t call myself a Wreckage anymore, but that doesn’t mean I’ve turned my back on my family, or you.” He said softly, moving to embrace her if she would allow him to be so openly affectionate with her.

“The reason I go by Praetor is because I am my father’s son, and I refused to be ashamed of it.” He said, and it was only partially a lie. He refused to believe that the circumstances of his conception were anything other than divine intervention and that from the day of his birth the ancestors of his father’s lineage had set his destiny on the course to be a great leader.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



1 Year
02-13-2019, 08:22 PM

She was expecting him to be angry, to at least scold her for bringing their mother into this. She didn't feel it was right to bother him with such pesky things and Cloud always seemed so busy. Instead of being met with a scolding Ty met her with a reassuring voice. It was confusing at first, pleasant but entirely confusing. Her silvery eyes looked to him as he lowered his head to meet her gaze.

He went on to explain that he lived within a pack that he felt like he didn't belong in, how he knew what she was feeling. He also told her that even though he no longer went by Wreckage that he didn't turn his back on her. That isn't what the pointed women claimed. She would shove the thoughts back, still believing that he felt his family was important. She felt her family was important and wanted him to show her that he in fact cared.

This was the first time he had embraced her and she found herself unable to refuse. The show of affection was welcoming and helped to ease her anxieties and worries. It did make her feel better and she missed the physical affection that she had before she was turned over to Cloud. Back in the clan all her extended family was freely affectionate with each other even something as simple as a light bump to the shoulder.

What he stated seemed to make sense to her and she didn't feel the need to question him further about the whole last name thing.

"What did you do when you felt you didn't fit in?" she asked him.

Did he have any great advice for her? Or would he explain more about the pack so she could understand?


As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag