
Forgive and forget and die


07-11-2013, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2013, 05:48 PM by Thane.)
The brute stood on the edge of the cliffs with his fur blowing in the breeze. The offs were high and he dared to look over the edge and below. It was a big drop to the bottom and he wondered what had drove him to come here. Thane looked above as he watched his companion circle the sky. No doubt Cyril had spotted a piece of prey. Aqua blue eyes averted to the ground as he looked at the flowers that had came with Spring. The male had followed his paws to wherever he desired to be now. And what better place to be rather than a place to see everything? The Bruce's aqua blue gaze looked to the horizon as he looked at the tree tops. But below the off tree were no tree tops but more dirt and stone. Still standing at the edge of the cliff calmly and peacefully did he close his eyes and relish the gusts of the wind and breeze throughout his dark fur. The man knew he should go home soon. Even being out for a short time made him worry about his family back at Valhalla. He didn't like being away from them by sometimes adventure called once in a while. And besides, this was his first time exploring again by his choice. His and Ookami's children were almost yearlings come August and he needn't worry too much right?

Shaking his head did Thane's white lined ears perk up as he heard an eagle's cry. The make then watched as his companion and best friend dove down into the treetops. Thane smiled as he watched his friend disappear. The fact that they had just eaten brought a chuckle from the man. Taking interest once more in his surroundings did the brute take a few steps forward. Look down the cliff did he do as he imagined the drop. With a shudder running up his back did the man step back. Looking over the edge of a cliff could sure name a wolf's heart race.

"Come I say to the windy days. Blow through my fur and send my mind astray. Even try to blow my feet away. From under my to my dismay. But-" he said before suddenly forgetting the last words.

Strange...he would usually know the entire thing. Maybe it was one of those things he said when he was younger. Probably taught to him by his father for all he knew. With a sigh did he sit there and try thinking about it. Thane was determined to finish the sentence and he wouldn't stop until he remembered.


07-11-2013, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2013, 09:19 PM by Hureia.)
The dame had followed her brother to the cliffs. She hadn't really spoken to him out of pure jealousy. What had she become? She had become a monster. Hureia was always one to help out her brother and be there for him. But it seemed as if he didn't need her anymore. Foolish she ever was to think that. He was her brother for the stars sake! The femme's aqua blue gaze soon caught sight of something black, Thane. He was her opposite in pelts but similar in attitude and thoughts. Sure she had been a bit bitchy...well a lot recently but...yeah she wasn't going to finish that thought. But she wouldn't admit to herself that she rather enjoyed the sight of her nephews and niece. Surely children of her own would be welcome one day if that's what the stars would bestow upon her. But they already had and he had died, taken away. Of course she had never told her brother. Stupid, stupid why was she getting so difficult?

With a huff she appeared out of the blue and had aught her brother saying something to the open air.

"But my heart may never be blown away." she said with a small smile before walking up next to her brother. She wondered what he was doing up here.

Surely it was a nice view but she wasn't very keen on heights. In a small greeting she nuzzled his neck before sitting beside him, like they used to. Hureia felt like her old self was dead. And a new creature had formed after all the things she had done or thought she had done.

"I-I'm sorry. I owe you an apology. There are many things that I myself haven't told you." she said.

"when you asked me if I fancied anyone and I said there were two? I only mentioned Octavian...and now I know that he is dead. So is our child that I have never told you about either. But that other wolf I love is still alive. And in my mind I know I can't love him....and I know he won't love me back in the way I do..."She said as she stood up and started to walk to the edge of the cliff.

The dame looked her the edge as she tried to spit out the last words.

All her life the femme had loved her brother. All her life she was afraid she would reveal it. She had Ben promised herself never to tell him how she really felt. She promised herself this! And here the dame was telling him. Hires had been afraid of the disapproval of their parents. The disapproval of their pack mates. And now that they were all gone she thought maybe she had a chance. But no, her brother already had someone he loved. The jealousy came back up as the same jealousy she had felt with Amber. But now the dame is dead along with everyone else. But maybe she's still alive...if so then to hell with her. But if the dame was alive still then the dame still walked around with the Tsarev name Hureia and Thane's parents had bestowed upon her. But then again everything was her fault. Thane had PTSD because of her. Octavian loved her because of her. She had brought a son into the world and failed as a parent, that speaks for itself, because of her.

"You..." she said as she finished her sentence finally.

"I-I love you Thane. As my brother and then more than that....but..I have always loved you." she said as she turned around to face her brother and see his face. And as she did so her hind paws slipped on the edge.

With a yelp the dame was pulled down by gravity as her was came out and scraped on the dirt and dust. A whimper emitted from her maw as her hind claws scraped against the dirt.


07-12-2013, 08:17 AM
Thane turned his head to the side as he heard his sister finish the phrase. A smile appeared on his maw as she did so. With his aqua blue gaze on her she nuzzled his neck before sitting down beside him. Then suddenly she seemed a bit skittish. What was wrong with his dear sister? White lines ears perked up as she said sorry and that she hadn't told him stuff. Dark gray paws shifted as Hureia mentioned her lovers. Why was she bringing this up now? Bit no interruptions were made. She even said something about a child with Octavian? Did the brute really have a nephew? But she stood up and walked to the edge as she thought about her last part. Her other lover who she was taking a long time to say.

Suddenly as his sister whipped around to say you as in him her hind legs fell back. She said she loved him as a brother and more. And she said she always had? Thane felt oblivious to everything but then the dirt beneath her started to crumble

Aqua blue eyes watched as his sister was then pulled down and he thought she would fall down the cliff! With a swift lunge towards his sister he scrambled to the edge in an attempt to save her. As soon as the male arrived the dirt beneath his paws gave out even more which had caused him himself to slide off the cliff. A yelp escaped his maw as Thane was falling until he grabbed onto his sister's tail. The brute dangled in the air with his jaws around Hureia's tail. But his jaws were slipping and he didn't want to hurt her.

"Hureia...hang in there..." he sad feebly as he held onto her tail.

"You won't be able to hold both of us. You're shlipping. I have to let go. Or we'll both die."

Thane didn't dare look down or below him. He knew he had to let go to save his siter. If he didn't then both of them would possible die on this day.

The male's maw was slipping down his sister's tail. No doubt it hurt. And soon enough he tasted blood. He had to let go now. Thane kept on believing there was another way. But there wasn't. He was dangling there and thinking about his family. His sister, his mate, his sons, and his daughter. The brute didn't want to end it this way. The brute didn't want to let go. But he would have to...

Closing his eyes did Thane release his sister's tail as let out a scream as he plummeted down the cliff.

As he was falling his fur blowed in the wind and t felt like he was flying.

Then soon enough the brute landed with a sickening crunch. With a pained groan the wolf painfully turned around to look upwards. He...he was alive? Thane couldn't move that well since moving hurt his left hind leg. With the movement he did to look over the edge the brute growled in pain. But when Thane did get to look he saw that he hadn't fallen all the way. Better falling half way and breaking a leg than falling all the way and breaking everything right? But then if he fell all the way he would be dead. With a grunt the wolf pushed himself closer to the wall and lay there.

All he could do now was let out a howl for help.

Painfully yet swiftly did Thane move to his side and raised his head to their. He bellowed out a pained howl for help as he watched his sister's legs dangle over the edge of the cliff. She was slipping. Despite the loss of him hanging from her tail she still couldn't pull herself up.

White was seen as Thane focused back on himself. He blinked but the whiteness went away. He felt sick and dizzy and couldn't hold his upper half up. Slumping to the ground of the piece of rock that jutted out where he had landed the brute lay there hoping both of them would make it through the day; or at least live to see another one.


07-13-2013, 04:45 PM
OOC// Squall to the rescue!! Just as planned hehe ;D

Dirt and dead foliage crunched under the tri-colored mans paws, the sun beating down on him through the gaps of the trees above him. So peaceful it seemed here...alot more so then where he had been previously. He had been looking for a place to rest, after walking for miles and miles into the part of...Alacritis, as he was told. Little did he know his world was about to change, drastically. Icy orbs set forward, ears twitching around as he kept an ear on his surroundings. He hadn't a clue where he was now, or even if this was pack territory, but he trekked on nonetheless. Scents began to whip all around him, carried through by the wind. He wasn't sure which direction it was coming from, but he guessed there was a wolf or two somewhere around here.

The man stopped, finding a promising place to rest near a large shady oak. He sniffed around, readying himself to lie down for a well deserved rest. Then, something pierced the silence of the forest. A cry for help? Squall turned in the direction of the call, perhaps he had imagined it? No. Another call split the air, following the first echo. Instantly, he spurred into action. His paws carried him across the ground, black pillars charging him through the brush like a locomotive. Tail flagged behind him as he bounded over shrubs and ditches, following the calls. After a quick minute, he broke through the treeline, the calls leading him to a cliff face. There he saw a white head, dangling over the edge. Eyes widened, feet carried him faster until he reached the creature.

Sliding to a stop, kicking dirt past the hanging creature, he lunged forward and grabbed onto her scruff. Blue orbs caught another figure near the rocks below, ears flattened to his skull as he pulled back with the full weight of this woman. Teeth sunk into flesh, and he pulled her up with a heave and a grunt. Luckily, he had long legs to help with traction and balance out his weight, otherwise they'd both go over, probably to meet with the other one below. He snaked her body over, dragging her a few feet away from the edge before releasing her from his grip. He then went to look over the cliff face, to the creature that was sitting down below. Peering over, he stared at the black and grey mass lying on the ground. Glancing back at the dame, he figured one of them must've tried to help the other but failed. Returning his attention to the male, he called out."Are you alright?"

Speech, Thought, You


07-13-2013, 05:16 PM
The dame dangled on the edge of the cliff. She looked on at her brother as he then came forward to help her. Aqua blue eyes averted to the side as she saw the dirt beneath them begin to crumble.

"THANE!!!" she screamed as he himself fell down the cliff.

But then a shooting pain throughout her tail meant that her brother was hanging by her tail. But he was still alive at least. Yet they weren't out if the woods yet! She struggled as her paws started to slip. The dame's claws left marks in the dust as she began to slip. She couldn't hold both of them!

She listened as Thane told her to hang in there. Next he said he had to let go or they'll both die. Tears appeared in her eyes but she blinked to keep them from blurring her vision. Hureia then yelled as the weight she felt hanging from her tail disappeared. Black lined ears flattened against her head as she listened to her brother's screams.

She yelped as she heard his body hit the ground. But
How did he hit the ground so soon? It was a long way down. The dame didn't dare look in fear of what she would see.

Soon enough a brute appeared out of the foliage and ran towards her. Aqua blue eyes widened as she then closed them. All she saw were Poxiterso's jaws wide and gaping lunging towards her.

"No!" she screamed as she shivered.

The dame opened her eyes so she wouldn't see the smug looking faces of Octavian and Pontifex as she looked to the right. They watched as their father "killed" her. They didn't do anything! A part of her wished she was the one who fell down the cliff instead of her brother. But when she opened her eyes the brute had grabbed her by the scruff. He had dragged her to safety before peering over the edge again. She heard him call down and ask if her brother was alright. Tears welled up in her eyes. She let out a sob; he probably wouldn't answer, her brother was dead. Or at least she thought so.

OOC:short crappy phone post


07-13-2013, 05:53 PM
The brute lay there in the dirt with a sharp pain in his back left leg. Thane looked up and focused his aqua blue gaze on his sister's dangling legs. Either he was hallucinating or imagining things because he saw Hureia's hind legs disappear. Did she manage to pull herself up? Or was someone there to help her?

"Help..." he feebly said as he tried to stand up.

Thane lifted his front half as he looked up once more. Aqua blue eyes settled on a brute that was peering over the edge asking if he was alright.

"No, I'm not." he said through clenched teeth.

"At least I'm not dead though."[/b he said

The male leaned up against the wall as he tried to stand up. A small growl emitted from his mouth as the pain went up his leg. The brute saw stars again as he moved more.

With a huff he collapsed once more onto the ground. Thane's Wes searched for a way up to where he had fallen from. The rocks on the side sort of lead back up to where he had fallen from, if he could walk.

An eagle's cry rang throughout the air as Cyril swept down towards him.

[I]"Master Thane! Are you alright?"
he asked with concern in his voice.

Through gritted teeth he replied to his friend.

"think I broke me leg...can't walk...hurts like hell." he said

Cyril nodded before flying up towards the other two wolves and crying out to them.

"help him, call help! Perhaps if a healer is nearby? I think his leg is broken." the eagle spat out before flying back down to his master.


07-13-2013, 06:52 PM
The brutes ears perked when he heard the reply from below, thank god he was alive! He felt relieved, though not sure why considering he didn't know who the hell this was. His features brought on more seriousness when he heard the male say that he wasn't okay. Looking closely, he could see blood on the rock, and the brute looked like he was in serious pain. Also the fact that the way he moved brought a fresh wave of agony each time he tried. Ears flattening, he looked around to see if he could try and get down to him. Not far to his right there was a somewhat steep path, but it seemed climbable. The only thing it seemed to him, was that it would take a bit of time to get the brute up there...if he couldn't walk, then Squall would have to carry him. He was sure it'd be a challenge, but something he could manage nonetheless.

His brown head followed the bird that flew up past him, ears catching the sounds from the creatures beak. A broken leg? Damn...that would be harder. If the man was in a lot of pain, a broken leg would only add to the difficulties...but he'd have to deal with it if he wanted to get off of this cliff. Glancing around towards the white woman, he asked "You, do you know of a healer in these parts? The one down there, he needs one, bad. He looks really beat up, so I need you to find a healer while I go get him. Understand? Otherwise, he'll die without help. Now go!" He ordered her, as he swiftly turned and galloped to the steep trail without waiting for an answer.

Paws slid under him as he followed the steep path, loose stones rolling under his feet to the ground below. Peering over, he shuddered. A wolf would surely break more then just his leg if it fell over the edge...The thought scared him, but he knew that he had to keep going. This was a life or death situation, and he'd be damned if he let this creature die. Unsocial though he was, he didn't have a heart shut off entirely from the world...after meeting the cub Augustus, he felt a little more thankful that there was probably a plan in store for this tri-colored soul. Determination etched him like the carvings in a cave, he moved his body sideways to get better traction with his feet. Still a few yards to go, he pitched forward and side hopped down until his feet finally hit solid rock. Looking up towards the path he just came from, a grim look overcame him. It would take a lot of time to get him back up...but it was possible to do it.

Turning around, he made a quick trot to the fallen mans side. He came up cautiously, for he knew that pain could make anything snap. But would this fallen soul try to harm him while he was trying to help? Only the gods would know. If he did try to hurt him, then Squall would take any blind punishment till he got him to safety. It was the least he could do in this life. Sniffing at the mans leg, he glanced at him, "I'm here to help, don't worry, I won't harm you."

Speech, Thought, You


07-14-2013, 02:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2013, 02:03 PM by Hureia.)
The dame's aqua blue eyes widened as she heard her brother answer. Thane was alive!?!? She stood up abruptly and ran to look over the edge. She saw her brother laying there. And next she watched Cyril fly up and say he had a broken leg. How were they going to get him back up here? Soon enough did the strange brute tell her to go get help. With hesitation she took a few steps backwards. Hureia didn't want to leave Thane here, she wouldn't, couldn't!

Why not just call for one? She thought. With a shrug the dame ran out into the forest and stood for a moment with her black lines ears perked up. There was no way she could have ran to a healer. How would she be able to find one if she didn't know where one was?

Lifting her muzzle to the sky the femme let out a howl for help. Hopefully a healer nearby would hear the distress in the howl.

Running back to the strange brute who had saved her and to where her brother was down half the face of the cliff.

"I called for a healer, hopefully one would have heard my howl. If not then....I don't know." she said softly and in a calm tone yet with concern

With a small whimper the dame peered over to look at her brother. He seemed to be in pain, she hoped help would come soon.

OOC:short crappy phone post for Hur Hur.


07-16-2013, 04:02 AM
Nodding, the brute had made it safely down to the fallen male. He frowned though, trying to figure out how he would get him up to safety. The brute looked like he couldn't walk without collapsing in pain, so it was clear he wouldn't be able to walk up the path even with Squall's was too steep for the brute. Looking back towards the path, and then up the cliff face, he wondered how this guy hadn't snapped his neck. It was still a long way down, and this would take quite a bit of time alone...but even if another did show up to help, there wouldn't be enough room for three wolves. Squall's own paws were barely clipping the edge as he stood near the grey beast, who was backed up as far away from the edge as he could get. Ears flicking with frustration, his gaze burned on the still form. At least this creature was still alive, even if not he would have still come for the body.

Clicking his teeth together, he decided to pull the male up onto his back. Even if it pained the man, he would have to deal with it till they got to the top. "Alright, I know this may hurt. But if I don't get you up there, you'll die here. A healer should be here soon, so the sooner I get you out of here then the sooner your pain can be eased. I won't leave you stranded here, even as a stranger it would be cold-hearted of me to leave you to die here. If not blood loss then starvation, and that would be cruel. Bear with me okay? This won't be easy...But I'll get you out of here, I promise." He told the man with reassurance. He had made a promise, something he hadn't done for...well, years. But he needed the man to trust him if he were to have a chance at saving his life.

Squall leaned down and picked Thane up by his scruff. He stopped to think for a moment, then figured that he'd have to do a quick pull and slide. He grasped the brutes scruff in his teeth, then he snapped his head as high as he could, jerking the mans body with the motion. He knew it would hurt the man with his injury, but it was the only option he had since he didn't have room to slide his body under the males weight. There was absolutely no room to back up, so this was the only way. As soon as the brutes body was lifted off the ground, Squall had quickly slid his body forward, bracing his legs for the weight of the male to fall on his shoulders. He grunted, this guy was heavier then he looked...with an effort, the tri-colored knight shifted his body position and heaved his shoulders up to better position the mass upon him. With a foreleg, he grasped Thane's foreleg, and pulled him forward so that he was position like a cape upon his body. Taking a deep breath, he began to carefully walk to the path, the males back paws dragging slightly on the ground. Looking up, he gritted his teeth as he began the difficult climb.

Rocks and gravel slipped under his paws, causing him to stumble every so often. His legs strained against the weight, but he was determined to get this fallen soul out of danger and to the help that would come soon. He gritted his teeth, sharp stones dug into his pads as he pushed all of the weight down. Claws dug into the earth, claws cracking as the weight forced them to splinter against the stones in his path. Blood trickled from the cuts, but he simply held it in and continued on...
Audits perked forward as he saw that he was nearly there. After several grueling minutes, ticking by what seemed like hours to the exhausting male. A half hour passed, and he was nearly at the top now. Legs shook with the dead weight of the beast on his back, he felt like a sled dog pulling a full load through the thickest snow. He knew he'd have to get something to patch up his pads, he could feel the skin tear more and more with each step. Debris stabbing into his open raw wounds without mercy. Sweat began to stain his coat as he surged forward, shoulders pounding his legs into the ground. With a few final efforts, his forelegs found purchase at the top of the slope, back legs slipped slightly but he quickly regained. He was at the top, there was no way he was about to slide back down now! With a snarl, he lunged forward, collapsing in a side roll as his body flew forward, throwing the male forward a foot or two. Both heathens lied side by side, Squall gasping for air as he lied on his side, tongue hanging out and paws bleeding heavily. Made it! I'm gonna be sore for days...I'm gonna have trouble walking least he's somewhere where help could reach him... He thought tiredly.

He lifted his head enough to glance towards the white femme who he had saved earlier. His head fell back down in exhaustion, eyes closing to rest as he tried to ignore the pain that began to slowly ebb into his body.

Speech, Thought, You



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2013, 01:50 AM

Erani was gathering again, herbs for pain relief, plants for cramps and fevers. Her tail swayed absently as she wandered along, her jaws full of plants. Then her head jerked up. A howl. A call for help. There was an inflection that reminded her of Thane in that voice, though it was feminine. Immediately, she turned and broke into a quick, long lope toward the call. When she arrived, she found Thane, a female that looked like his opposite in coloration but held the same eyes, and a male marked in browns and cream, sporting blue eyes.

Thane lay on the ground, one leg hanging at an odd angle. The strange male lay exhausted nearby. Thane was her immediate concern. The break was bad, and she wonderede how she would be able to fix that out here, without the work she?d do being ruined on the trek home. He couldn?t stay here. She padded forward, setting her herbs down and running her muzzle along his form, sniffing lightly and listening to his body, letting it and his scent tell her what was what. Bruises, from the scent of blood under the skin, and that leg. The leg was the worst of it that she could see. ?Thane, how is your breathing? Does it hurt to take deeper breaths?? She didn?t inquire as to how he?d gotten into this shape. Stories could come later.

She made her way to the leg, studying it. On closer inspection, it was a clean break. The only broken limbs she?d ever treated were Blitzkriegs? mangled paw. It had been a tricky spot, and despite her best care, Blitz had never been able to rest his full weight on the appendage. But he?d been able to run, other than that. A leg would be interesting. The best she could do now was to give Thane something to numb the pain. She went to her herbs, picking out a plant, or rather, the bark of a plant. She set the willow bark in front of the Delta. ?Chew this, swallow the juices. It?ll be bitter, but it will numb the pain.? It was a healer?s command, one even Alpha?s obeyed. Sitting back, she watched him until she could deduce the effects.

Tail flicking she went to the leg again. Gently, she arranged it so that it lay straight. If she could properly bind the limb into place, she?d be much less grim about this. The other two wolves were fully ignored while she worked on Thane?s leg.


07-22-2013, 10:56 AM
The brute blacked in and out from pain as he was laying on the ground then being carried by this mysterious brute. Next thing he knew he was back on the peak with his sister and the male. Blacking out once more did he let out a groan as a familiar voice piped up. Erani was here, what a relief. He listened as best he could as she asked him if it hurt when he took deeper breaths.

"No..." he mustered as he lay there in semi-consciousness.

Then she pushed some herbs toward him and said something about chewing and swallowing. White lines ears perked up as he tried to catch the full of what she had said. With a sma nod the brute leaned forward and licked up the herbs. He chewed on them and grimaced at the bitter taste. When there was no more flavor left in them Thane went to swallow the remnants. But when he did he they only reached the back of his throat before the male coughed them back up.

"Guess I wasn't supposed to swallow the leaves." he said with a small chuckle in a raspy tired voice.

Aqua blue eyes looked around for the healer until a piercing pain went up his leg. He screamed before growling at the pain and reached forward to bite down on a stick that was laying by him. After she had put the bones in place he guessed, the man lay there waiting for any other orders or statements. Thane had no idea what to do now. And there was no way anyone was going to get him to stand up now. Not unless if he had to of course.

OOC:ignore phone post errors


07-23-2013, 03:49 AM
The warrior jerked up when he heard a cry. Whipping his head up, he eased a little when he realized it was just the man he had just rescued. Ears flattened to his skull, the sound of cracking bones as the healer shifted his leg sent a shiver up his spine. That was something he never wanted...the warrior rose on unsteady limbs, wincing and biting his tongue as his open pads made contact with the grit of the earth. He'd leave these two be in peace so that the healer could properly tend to him. His injuries weren't as he decided not to mention his own injuries. Blood trailed each paw print as he made his way over to the she-wolf he had previously rescued. Tail flicking behind him, ears rotating her way and back towards the other pair as he approached. Shoulders slumped forward and head was low. Not because of anger or wariness, but from exhaustion.

He approached the distraught femme, sitting heavily in front of her by a few feet. Paw pads throbbed painfully with each heart beat, but he simply gritted his teeth and ignored it as best as he could. "You're lucky you didn't meet the same fate as your friend...otherwise you'd be down there as well. The same luck that had me in the right place, at the right time." He told her. He sniffed away some dust that had stored itself into his nose, and fixated her with his icy gaze. Waiting an answer.

Speech, Thought, You


07-23-2013, 12:02 PM
The dame lay on the dirt. Her aqua blue eyes still wide with shock. She watched as the brute who had saved her carried her brother back up to their level. She listened as another wolf came into view and started to work on Thane's broken limb. Her black lined ears plastered against her head as she heard him scream. Hureia didn't want to hear it, didn't want to hear him in pain. Even this was her fault, if she hadnt had fallen he would still be alright. Soon enough the man who had saved them came over to her and lay on the ground as well. He said she was lucky that she didn't meet the same fate as her brother who he called her friend.

"my brother." she corrected in a soft tone.

"He's my brother." she said.

The dame looked up at him as he talked about luck. Luck? She had had no luck. Perhaps this was the only thing of luck she has ever had.

"Thank you for saving me and my name is Hureia, Hureia Tsarev." she said to him.

"what may your name be so Incan thank you by name?"

The femm lay there and turned her aqua blue gaze back to her brother. It is good he did not die. Thoughts of what he would have left on this Earth almost made her shiver. His children would be fatherless, his mate a widow. And he was so close to actually dying. Yet there Thane was, being tended to by a healer.

The female looked back at the brute who lay in front of her. She looked into his own gaze and offered him a smile. This was a nice man, hopefully this wouldn't be the last she saw of him. Perhaps he could even become a friend. Hureia didn't think she his any friends. Did she?, she didn't. Maybe she had to go out there and start her life again. Start anew...and leave everything behind.

OOC:ignore phone errors


08-13-2013, 04:29 AM
His eyes followed the girl in front of him. She seemed to be really worried...Probably about her friend... He thought to himself. He shifted into a slightly more comfortable position, and after several moments a soft voice reached his ears. "My Brother...he's my brother." His icy gaze turned to her, as she then looked at him.

"Thank you for saving me and my name is Hureia Tsarev. What may your name be so I can thank you by name?" Squall blinked slowly at her after she spoke, glancing over at the injured male that was being tended to. Looking back at her, he replied "My name is Squall can call me Squall. And...there's no need for thanks. I'm sure any wolf would have done the same thing as I." He told her, dipping his head respectfully. He bent down to lick his sore and bleeding pads. trying to sooth the pain that pounded there. When he looked back at her, and at her brother Thane...he thought. His brows furrowed...there was something about the pair that...reminded him of someone. But he couldn't quite figure out what. Ah, perhaps he would remember some other time, or maybe it was just his imagination. Either way, it pricked at hid mind like a thorn.

"You are very both could have ended up dead. You should be more careful next time." He told her in a stern voice. He didn't mean to sound like he was lecturing her, it was just the way he spoke. It wasn't everyday he went out of his way to help strangers...but his heart was too good, too noble. Sometimes, anyway. He couldn't just let a distressed wolf in danger alone. Ellone had taught him better then that. He would be no better then the most cold blooded killer if he stood by and did nothing. It...just wasn't like him.

Speech, Thought, You