



4 Years
02-16-2019, 03:18 AM

OOC: Takes place before Ero Challenge~

Pain coursed throughout his throat. Every time he tried to speak, blood would come out more and more. He should have just left that deer and the wolf that took it down go, but, considering it would have been a much easier meal to grab, he should not have underestimated the opponent he was facing. Luckily the bastard had lost an eye as well due to what he had done to him. Trying to catch his breath, he tried to find some possible help in the area before he bled to death. The wound he had sustained was deep, and he would be luckily if he could live through this endeavor.

A body of water happened to catch his attention, hoping somewhere that he could find some help, even if it was with another stranger whom didn't know who he was. To think he knew how to survive a year of his life alone, now he was pretty much knocking on death's door. He let out a gurgle due to the fresh blood, trying to call out to anyone but again, it was a fruitless task which was making things worse. Though he tried not to be too stressed about it, he just lied down as he was losing quite a bit of blood every time he tried to speak or even breath. He closed his eyes, hoping that this wouldn't be the last moments of his life, praying to the gods and goddesses that somebody help him, whether they kill him or help him, anything was better than this situation.




7 Years
02-17-2019, 02:08 AM

The river winds through the forest, welcoming stray flora that comes its way. It is part of this place, integral to life, yet also a thing unto itself. The river is always flowing, taking its willing passengers onward to the great ocean beyond. At the edges it tempts the rich soil to join the cool waters just as much as the humble snow that lies on top and yet the autumn babe was always attracted to it, to the river ferociousness and the way it remains never changing, strong in its path. It was one of these days that she was admiring it when she noticed the strange sounds that came from a relatively close distance. The fur sourounding her neck bristled in agitation fore never in her life had her regal ears been blessed with such horrific sound.

Shivers were sent down the babes lithe, slender spine as mile-long limbs carried her in a hurried pace towards the source. Abrupt halt, fiery orange lenses registered the pool of blood that was before her and in the middle of it was a boy, a man, could not be older than her own age by his physique. The sounds were not of any animal but of a lupine,  one in extreme pain and wounded beyond belief if the blood was something she could go through. Who did that to you? she voiced her question with interest and dare she say the smallest notch of concern tainting her melodious, sultry vocals. She wanted to approach and see with her own eyes from where the crimson liquid was pouring from however Hathor knows that a injured creature is dangerous to deal with. With that taught in mind her muscles tensed and her regalia lowered in order to protect her throat with the fat of her neck as she slowly closed the distance between the two of them.

hear ye' , hear ye'

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
02-17-2019, 02:26 AM

Agony surrounded the young male's throat and body. Despite not being harmed when it came to his legs or any other part of his body, of course it would have to be his throat and vocal cords that took the most damage from the blow. Crimson liquid surrounding him, staining his fur red and darkening other parts of it as he tried to catch his breath, wheezing a couple times as he did so, whining being inevitable. His was too young to die, besides he wanted to see the bastard that caused him to be alone for so long. Though, he had to admit to himself, the wound he sustained was his doing alone and not his father's fault. Saffron eyes were closed as he tried not to succumb to his grave injury, however his ear swiveled slightly when he heard footfalls coming closer to him.

The sound of a dame, voice almost gentle like a rose but still held venom within even if it was not intentional. His eyes focused on her, thinking she was rather beautiful in fact. But, something about her happened to change his opinion on her...the faint smells of the man he hated most lingered within her pelt, and that alone was something he was unsure about. So...was it he found a possible half-blood? She asked him who did this to him, but if only he could respond to her, it was almost impossible as he tried to speak, more blood oozing from his gaping wound.

'Wow...what a wonderful way to die right now...Finding a possible sibling who for some reason my mind finds pretty and being unsure of her intentions. Plus I might not be able to make that asshole pay for the suffering he caused me and possibly her...Wow am I being fucked right now when it comes to life...' He thought, eyes still focusing on her own, giving her an almost pleading glance. He hated looking pathetic, especially in front of girls and family, for family was everything to him and now...he was scared he wouldn't even have a chance to hold a conversation wit her, especially due to everything that happened to him in a span of possibly ten minutes.




7 Years
02-17-2019, 03:34 AM

Oragan lenses in a pool of purple gazed at the wounds, taking a more bold approach towards the male who, seemingly, did not poses any threat. Be still, I will just take a look. came her sultry tone, wraped in honey, attempting to calm the other down. Why did she say that? Why did she do that? It was unlike her to attend a injured individual, specially one that she did not made any acquaintance beforehand. Something about him drew her in, something about him called for her by name. Upon the first glance it seemed that the mud and grit had become enmeshed with raw pink flesh and was spotted with blood. A lot of blood. All of it coming from the same, singular wound. One thing was for sure, it was going to be very painful to clean and the cinnamon babe's money was on it getting infected too.

She was no Healer, that much was true, however in her years as a slave and vagabond she collected enough knowledge to help her get by. Can you walk by the water? her brow was arched in question and after several minuted in which the male voice could not be heared she simply gave a short nod before throwing her regalia back. A soft, harmonious howl escaped her full, succulent lips and within moment a complete obsidian feline approached the two lupines.  Your Ladyship. the dark, edgy baritones of the man greeted the winter breeze in their  wake. Who is this? he questioned stopping dead in his tracks, his glances were exchanged between his Mistress and the injured male on the ground. I found him like this. He needs help. but yet the feline did not move a muscle, crimson lenses gazed upon the vital liquid dripping and gushing from the male wound. You will have to aid him to the edge of the river while I look for some herbs. it was not a request, not a suggestion but a command. It took a moment longer but the feline finally snorted in irritation , clicking his tongue, and came by the males side. Yes, your Highness. he replied shortly, with a bow oh his skull as his Mistress departed into the woods. The obsidian caracal went to gather a few vines that soon will wrap themselves around the lupine ankles and wrists, attempting to clench them tightly within his jaws in order to drag the injured wolf towards the edge of the river came the panting baritones of the caracal, muscles tensing and relaxing, with each single pull; small tremor and shivers, his breath hold as he used all his strenghts to drag the bigger wolf to the source of water. Anger slowly but certainly building within by the time they got there.

hear ye' , hear ye'

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
02-17-2019, 03:49 AM

The melodic sounds of the dame made him feel a little better, but, he wished he could enjoy things and get to know her in better circumstances. Everything about her screamed that she was a part of him, but he wasn't sure if it was by his father or what? Gods knew he hated that man with every fiber of his being as he tried his best to calm down and relax his breathing the best he could despite the blood and his sliced vocal cords. Her howl reverberated into the brute's ears before a wild cat happened to show himself. Great...not only could he move, but now more help was needed for him.

He gave a low, barely functional grunt that was more warbled and deformed if anything. But, he knew things would be much worse for him if he tried to speak or do anything that could cause more issues for the wound and vocal cords. He felt vines being wrapped around his legs as the dame soon walked off to possibly gather herbs.

'You better not decide to lie to your friend there, feline. For you're lucky that I'm in worse shape for I can sense your agitation from here' He closed his orbs once again as he felt the water lap around his body once they reached it. At least it helped cool him down, but the water that surrounded his throat...was not a pleasant or calming experience as he clenched his canines from the pain. 'Holy mother of Gods!'




7 Years
02-17-2019, 04:30 AM

She trusted Alphonse with her life. She even remembers her youth days when she willingly put herself in danger or at risk to see exactly how fast will the feline reach her. He came every single time, no matter where or with who she was and if that made him weary to leave her out of his sight, so be it.

The woods were always a shade brighter after the rain. It was as if the gift of the skies wasn't water, but liquid magic, washing our world to show what was there all along, nature in her in humble brilliance. If she were not battling this race against time the cinnamon babe would even take a moment to admire it however she did not have any moments to spare as of now. The injuries of the male were severe and he was continously losing blood.  How fortunate she was for taking a lessong from Jouko some time ago, she had taught her well, though small she did hold some knowledge over general healing and what herbs she needed to gather.

It was fortunate for her to find the exact tree she has been seeking. A Marcescent Hardwoods, among the Evergreen, this particular tree did not shed its leaves during winter and she started to gather a few leaves the fell on the winter ivory blanket due to the strong winds. She kept them in her tail, supported by their chains, carefully not to rip any fore she needed them whole. The next item in her mind was Horsetail and she knew exactly where to find it but for that she will need to return towards the two males she left unsupervised.

Mile-long limbs carried the babe upon the land in rapid motions, she was almost floating above the ground when she reached them. Her lenses did not lock on them as someone would expect but in this particular case she ignored the two males completely as her eyes scanned for something else; a paricular herb that prefered wet and sandy soil and --- VOILA! there is was in all its glory. One the the fantastic properties of this herb was the binding of wounds and that is what she needed. The babe was no practical healer however she could step in and hold some pieces of the man together until she takes him to a proper healer that will take better care of such a serious wound.

You are doing great. she mused, steadily as Alphonse rolled his crimson optics, offering them enough space to perform. It was quite simple in theory. Before she returned to them she ripped a few piece of the Horsetail herb and brought it along in her jaws, she shall apply it toppically to the wound that has been cleaned by the rivers cold water. After applying the bronze Goddess shall wrap the tree leaves around it, using one of her own golden chains in order to hold it together for the time being. Brilliant. You will be alright.

hear ye' , hear ye'

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
02-17-2019, 04:41 AM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 04:46 AM by Seker.)
The water may have cleaned his wounds, but the bits of cold liquid that surrounded his throat would sometimes go in, so it was a bit difficult for him still due to his already of oxygen intake. The dame had been gone for some time as he had the feline keep him company until she came back. He was definitely a serious brute who might not have taken too kindly to him, but at least it was some form of assistance so the brute wasn't going to be picky in this serious endeavor. All he could hear was the sound of water and the occasional bird or rodent running around in the sand.

Luckily the voluptuous female came back, her eyes quite breath taking up close as he almost seemed lost in them as she seemed to be thinking about what to do with the herbs, ears pinning back as the pain continued, holding still the best he could until she says it was alright for him to move so he didn't disturb her work. Seker didn't even have time to think as he was focused on his breathing and following the dames instructions if she were to give him some. Right now, he would be forever grateful for her aid when it came to his injury. Even though he wasn't one to do this, he would repay her for this debt, especially if his thoughts were to be correct about her when it came to them possibly being blood related in some way or another.



7 Years
02-17-2019, 05:06 AM

It was wth vigor that the autumn babe dragged the injured male from the edge of the river, holding the vines in her jaws and applying all her strenght in each and single pull just like the feline did. Once she put some distance between him and the ice cold water the woman inspected his wound to make sure it was free of any dirt of impurities and to their luck, the water did its job well. Hold on. she mused softly, like a summer breeze, in one of her dulcet sonnates. She was not exactly certain how the Horsetail should be applied, either completely or by being mushed into more of a paste therefore she decided to apply it both ways, that way she will cover all the risks of a mistake. Done, done and done. The male's throat was covered in the emerald herbs but now, the most complicated part was to apply the leaves she gathered and tie them all together with one of her golden chains.

Grab one of my chains. she commanded the caracel, every last bit of dominance strained her voice as the male complied without much questions, just a glare towards his Mistress. He grabbed one of the golden chain that was used to brain her luxurious tail and hold it in his jaws. I am going to need that back. her attention returned towards the wounded lupin in her semi-care fore if we were to be honest, she had no ida if what she did was relatively good enough. He might not even survive or be healed properly due to her limited intervention but this was as good as it got. With a sigh, the woman started to apply more of the leaves; some would stick neatly due to the paste and with some she would encounter difficulty, reason why she had to use her tail to hold them in place.

The easy part was covered, now for the hard one. She placed the chain on the floor horzintally and had Alphonse drag the male by the veins once more and place him right in the middle of it in such a manner that she will be able to bring the two heads together at almost equal lenghts. Are you sure this is going to work, Mistress? Alphonse question her actions and methods with a glance and vocalizing his worries on the matter at hand. No. Now pull. she commanded again, both of them having the head of the golden chain in their jaws, pulling it carefully in a knot that will secure the leaves and herbs in place until they can reach a experienced Healer.

hear ye' , hear ye'

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
02-17-2019, 09:47 PM

Despite all of this, he appreciated the care that the dame was doing for him. It was only a little bit ago that he was living his life as a scavenger, and in one fell swoop he ended up having his throat shredded by an undesired individual. But, then again, in this world, it didn't matter what you did to survive. Someone had to be strong no matter what the odds depending on the situation they were faced with. Plus, considering the brute thought it would be any easy meal...he now learned to never to judge one's fighting skills. If he lived through this he would have to be more cautious and practice more that way he could protect himself and other's around him if he were to ever have a family again.

He could feel the mushed up herbs being applied to his throat. The feeling of it was weird and gross, forcing himself not to pull away or not show that he was appreciative of the aid he was receiving, but he prayed to the God's and Goddesses that he wouldn't have to go through a similar injury such as this again. He was slowly going in and out of consciousness as his golden irises focused upon her. Unable to speak his thanks, he was still showing it by the way he looked at the woman. Even though it hurt once they placed the leaves and chain around his neck, it didn't hurt as bad as when he first received the wound so he would bear with the treatment and accept it.




7 Years
02-21-2019, 03:53 AM

The action was repeated a few more times before the autumn babe was certain the golden chain will secure the leaves and mixture together. They had to move. And they had to move fast. We are going somewhere safe. she panted due to the effort. Her weight would change in order to lean her regalia forward and grab the veins within her murderous jaws. You need a proper Medic to look at that. she voiced her concerns aloud, pulling the veins as she started dragging the wounded, unfamiliar male along the side of the river.  If they could only find someone. Abaven was too far or she could call upon Shaye once again but they would never reach it in time. By the time they reach Abaven they will be dragging a corpse. No, it was not good enough. Leera. Leera could assist her, she seemed to know more about herbiology and remedies than her, after all she did assist her in her birth but she could not call her and risk her leave her new precious bundle of fur behind or with the temperamental High Lord. No, that was not good either. She had to think of something and fast. Before it was not too late.


hear ye' , hear ye'

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together