



8 Years
02-18-2019, 09:29 AM

Nephthys was watching the the pups which gave Hannibal some time to get out of the pack lands. Lately everything was really exhausting the beast and needed some sort of outlet that didn't involve hostilities. Thus, he found himself exploring as he did when he first arrived to Boreas. When he was a rogue the male was constantly on the move and on various explorative adventures. Now, he was plump and mostly stationary. Healthy of course, but just well fed and not as mobile. It was freeing to explore on his own. Of course he cannot wait for the day he can take his pups out of the den and teach them every inch of the lands, but that will have to wait a bit.

Hannibal found himself in The Orchard just as the sun was setting. He remained snug to the trees despite their barren winter state. The sun was going down but it's last rays were still harsh on his skin. Lately the burns weren't so horrible due to it being mostly overcast and he was getting acclimated to a truly nocturnal life. His albino jaws parted for a moment and stale scents of prey and Wolves filled his senses, unless someone was down wind he was pretty much alone for now. Hannibal's dreadfully pale gaze flicked around the wildlife with a purity one would normally not witness. It was the simplicity of his curiosity. No lust nor hatred. Just the willingness to succumb to the nature and beautiful sights to see.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-19-2019, 06:58 PM
Riva wasn’t normally out of the pack lands this late if she could help it. She had gotten turned around trying to skirt around all the packs that seemed to litter this territory like burs, she stumbled upon even when she was trying to avoid them. She managed to keep far away from their borders, scenting them from a distance and changing routes. She discovered one had set up shop in the Alabstrine Shrine and soulless forest, and another set down roots in the Range and an adjacent territory. It was madness now to get to the swamplands, where she often found herbal treasures.

She was making her way through the Orchard, medicine bag over her shoulder, with a few freshly picked herbs creating a pleasant scent around her. She found herself crossing paths with another wolf, whos pink-white fur struck her as a misfortune, especially in this winter season. The sun must glint off the snow and hurt their pinkish eye, and burn their pale skin. Indeed, she could see evidence of such a sunburn as she approached.

Not one to walk passed someone she could help, she angled her path closer to his, and stopped a polite distance away. “Excuse me sir, I couldn’t help but notice you have a few burns, I’m a healer and dont mind taking a look at those if you have the time.”



8 Years
02-19-2019, 08:35 PM

The winter had to be the heathen's least favorite season. The snow was indeed a pest and the cold did him no good. The sun beamed down upon the white blankets and reflected back to both his pale optics and his extremely sensitive skin. As of right now he had a mild burn, nothing in comparison to times in which he ventured into direct sunlight for minutes at a time. Hannibal had been rather careful as of late and was only a brighter shade of pink. Sure it was a weakness to be tainted by albinism but the male got over such a factor early on in life. He was blessed with a developed physique and a silver tongue which enabled him to get by just fine.

The wind brought forth frost as well as a pretty unfamiliar scent. The male opened his jaws only slightly to allow the scent to flow into his mouth. Hannibal took in the feminine scent that also held significant notes of herbs. She also seemed to be from a pack in which he recognized from also living in the south. Yet, he held little knowledge of the Wolves that resided there which would cause the male to proceed with caution as their paths crossed. Not before long his odd gaze fell upon her dark form. A little grin stained his lips as he observed her satchel as well as the bow on her leg. From the looks of it the babe seemed to be crafty which perked his interest. Judging by her pack and the thick herbal she may also be collecting flora as well.

Pleasant words filled his mismatch ears and the male stopped his steps as she did. Hannibal was not out to creep anyone out nor did he feel the need to get any closer to the unknown pack Wolf. Despite her offer of healing she could have malevolent intent. His eyes aimed to connect with her own after a moment, "Healers are hard to come by in these lands." Perhaps thats because they were all pack Wolves and he hadn't encountered them yet, but in general his statement stood true to his worldly experiences. "Do you have any experience treating sun burns?" Hannibal was not denying her offer but he wished to divulge in a bit of conversation before handing over his precious bodice to her foreign paws.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-19-2019, 10:22 PM
She was surprised at his comment, through she did her best not to show it. Easily half the wolves she had met in this land where healers, and most of the wolves in her pack had at least a rudamentory understanding of the art. When she considered it, it came to mind that the times she had run into healers was when she was exploring areas with herbal bounties, so perhaps the paths they took factored into it all. Nonetheless, hearing this made her want to help him even more. It was very likely he knew no remedy for his ailment, and she couldn't stand for that. "I didnt realise we where a novelty" she commented, a light smile crinkling the corners of her expression.

When he expressed a little caution, she could u derstand completely. They where strangers, and he had no idea if she truly knew what he was doing. "I've only treated it once before, but I have crafted a salve for this very purpose" and she was very excited to test it, but she politely left that part out.
Humming quietly, she nosed into her pouch and set before her a jar, some some lambs ear leaves and a small, smooth stick. She popped open the lid with her mouth, inside one would see a golden liquid I fused with traces of leaves and small jelly lumps. It had a wonderful scent to it, and a healer might be able to identify the complaints as honey, alo vera, and crushed marigold petals.

She used the stick in her mouth to scoop out some of the liquid and placed it on the lambs ear. "If you want to place a small amount of this on an easy to reach burn, you cna see for yourself my skills. If it passes your examination, I'll happily apply it, give you the jar, and let you know how to find me if you wish for more. How does that sound?" Her smile was there, honest and sweet as she played this out to him, something had he benefited from completely well she asked for nothing in return.



8 Years
02-20-2019, 09:10 AM

Hannibal was pleased she took to his concerns. Wolves were far too trusting in these regions which was why he had a growing number of servants under him. With herbology came the art of poisons and for all he knew the bow adorned babe before him could be some sort of assassin. He may be a tad bit dramatic but once she shows him a bit of a demonstration or explains a few things he would be willing to try whatever she has to offer. If he could find a cure to his everlasting issues with the sun his quality of life would go up seamlessly. The albino listened to her supple verbiage in response to his comment on the rarity of healers. Hannibal offered a grin and a nod in response before quietly watching her next actions.

The beast was shocked to see her skills with opening the jar and utilizing the stick. He hadn't ever thought of using such tools to his advantage and likely never would. But, what really caught his attention was the salve that was now on the leaf before him. Her suggestion was to rub some on his skin himself to get an idea of what it would do. Hannibal leaned downward to get a good sniff of the salve and he did recognize the smells of honey and aloe. The pale male perked up a bit and gazed in her direction. "My mother was a healer and she often rubbed aloe on my back to soothe the burns. They were especially bad when I was young and did not realize how horrible the sun actually was for my skin."

Hannibal pushed away the thoughts of his rightful home before moving his black paw to the salve. He dabbed a toe into the solution before moving it to the top of his white paw. With care the beast patted on the salve before moving his black paw back down to the earth. Pale eyes curiously observed his albino paw as if something magical would happen. But, he did feel a significant soothing and cooling sensation. His eyes flicked back to the stranger with a simple smile. "That feels lovely." His tones held no venom as he was truly grateful for the babes aid. Despite his usual abrasive attitude he had a love for those that held bounds of knowledge. Intellect was something he could really appreciate much more then a silver tongue or sharp claws. "If you wouldn't mind my back is rather bad due to the winter season.. A bit of this would go a long way." The phantom lowered down onto his haunches to sit.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-20-2019, 01:02 PM
He explained how he had faired as a child as he reached down to shiff the lead before him. It gave the much smaller wolf a chance to see the top of his head, and clicked under her toungue as she saw more of the damage. "I'm not surprised. I'll have to devise a sunscreen for you. I dont have what I need on me, but it shouldn't be too hard to make a salve..." she trailed off in thought, considering what she might need. "This one has honey which is well known for its ability to boost healing, and a few marigold leaves, which is used more for burns then sunburn but I've found it beneficial." She could go on when it came to herbs, and let herself fall silent, the same gentle smile on her expression as she watched him dip into the leaf and smear a little on a burn.

They waited a moment, staring in curiosity at his white paw in what could almost be a comical moment. Her with bright curious eyes, and him with experiance. When he gave the ok, she moved forward, expertly smearing more of the salve onto the lambs ear before pulling out others. She got to work, gently placing the smears lambs ear onto different parts of his body. She worked quickly and cleanly, her paws light in his coat, and actually touch was minimal, it was clear she knew her trade well. "The lambs ear will keep the salve clean and keep it on your fur until its had a chance to dig in and work" she explained, grinning up at the tall wolf once she was done. He was a spotted mix of herb by the end of it, and smelled absolutely wonderful.
"It will take me the night to create the sunscreen. Would you like to wait well I worked, or come back here in the morning tomorrow?"



8 Years
02-20-2019, 04:55 PM

Hannibal was more then grateful for bumping into such an experienced healer. The way she worked with the salve and herbs brought forth simple interest and curiosity from the usually abrasive male. He listened intently as her delightful tones fell into his ears and soon her gentle touch against his sore back. The babe was quite a bit smaller then him therefore she got to his head or upper back he'd lean down for ease of access. Hannibal's tail flicked to tuck around his paws as the woman began to speak of sunscreens. Leera had mentioned some oils one that helped prevent burns but perhaps this healer would have a much more easy trick.

As he was finally covered head to toe with lambs ear and goop the male felt ridiculous. His eyes narrowed for a moment as he dared not move. It felt as thought she had put wet paint all over his fur and stuck feathers to him. A little chuckled was emitted as he looked her over, "I feel like a whole idiot." More laughs came forth, which this may be the first time since being Boreas that he actually experienced laughter. Though, his thoughts moved back to the healer as she proposed some options to him. With a quick nod of his head the male gestured onward. "I will wait here so your masterpiece is not wrecked." He then lowered down to lay upon the earth, very careful to not move too much.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-20-2019, 06:19 PM
She managed to keep in her laughter, no point offending her poor patient. She had managed to keep his fur lying the right way for most of her application, but despite her best efforts the salve still poked some fur in the wrong directions. He looked very adorable with a mawkawk, but it was probably better if he didnt know that.
"You only look like half of one"
She teased back, but there was a gentlest in her tone that implied she couldn't say an insult with any bite, not even to tease.

"Good plan"
She agreed, and left him to it. She would spentld a few hours out, she made her way back to her pack lands, and went through her herbs. She cracked the coconut she was saving to experiment with later, having heard speculation that it protected one from the sun, among other herbal benefits.

She sniffed it curiously, lamenting its use. It hadn't been easy to haul back home. Excitement replaced that emotion in moments and her tail wagged freely behind her as she scooped some out, placed it in q jar and mixed in her oil preservative. She gave it a lick and judged it the right measurements. Next, she added in some raspberry seed, knowing its use in skin care. After experamenting on her own cost and playing around with measurements, some hours had passed before she returned to him.

She found him sleeping where she had left him, gentle snores rising from his chest. She laughed softly, free to do so with him asleep. His mawhawk was a little tousled from having his head down. She had never seen an adult wolf look so.. well.. adorable. Surely he couldn't be the kind of wolf that could hurt a kitten.

She crouched down on her hunches before him, and gently batted his nose with a paw, a gentle attempt to awaken him.



8 Years
02-20-2019, 06:31 PM

The goopy beast had managed to fall asleep while left alone. It seemed with all the commotion of pups as well as crazy ladies he had grown quite tired. His dreams consisted of nothing more then fairy tails. The girl that was helping him seemed to be one of the more kind hearted creatures he had encountered to date. There was no disturbed look in her eye nor was there the need for blood. Just sheer curiosity and excitement to assist him. Hannibal needed a Wolf like her in his life to keep the horrors and evil thoughts down a notch.

Hannibal was surprised to be booped awake. A paw met his two-toned nose and his pale gaze fluttered into view. His haunting gaze swept over the younger Wolfess as she sat before him. Hannibal licked his lips to slick away any drool before raising his head. "Oh.. I must have dozed off." A chuckle left his lips and he grew flushed ever so slightly. Was Hannibal Klein blushing? Who would actually be able to tell due to the fact that fur covered his cheeks. His eyes aimed to connect with her own as he raised a curious brow. "Did you manage to whip something up?"

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-20-2019, 07:45 PM
The man awoke to see her there, and looked at least a little surprised. Perhaps more to the fact that he had dozed, then that she had awoken him. When he asked if she had managed to create comething, her tail picked up behind her in a happy wave. "I did indeed" she informed him, reaching into her sachet to lift out the newest jar between her teeth. She was running out of these, and was weary of the day she had none in which to contain her creations.
"Take a whiff of this"
She opened the jar and set it in front of him, the scent of coconut was subtle despite being the main ingredient. She had guessed that the male didn't want to go about his life smelling tropical from this day forth.

"It works as a rub you'll need to coat your lighter fur in" she explained, taking a look at him with a gentle hum. She gently pried up one of her lambs ear and inspected the skin beneath. The alo vera had soaked in, and the honey remained in sticky patches. "If we washed this off we can see how easy it is for you apply to sunscreen yourself. If you have trouble with it I'll have to go back to the drawing board" she explained, excitement leaking into her voice. She didnt sound perturbed at all about starting from scratch. She was simply eager to test her newest creation.



8 Years
02-20-2019, 08:07 PM

It was evident the young babe was excited. The tone of her chipper vocals and the wagging of her dark flag. Though, his attention was quickly ripped from her form to the jar that she gripped with her teeth. Where did she find these odd things anyways? It would be a question for a later date for they were both rather excited to experience the new solution to his sun problems. As the lid was popped open he leaned down to sniff the aroma that came forth as she commanded. Hannibal looked back up to her with a smirk, "That smells great." The beast raised his head again as she inspected his body while prying one of the lamb's ear off of his sensitive skin. He wasn't aware of what she was doing but the cool sensation fo the brisk air hitting his honey coated fur was enough.

Hannibal thought over her words with a simple nod. There was a river not too far from their locations which would make the washing of his fur easy. But, it was also rather cold out so it would be a bit tricky to not completely saturate him with freezing water. "There is a river close by where we can get my fur at least a tad bit washed out." Even if they washed off just a portion of his back they could try the sunscreen in a smaller patch of skin. The male started to get up but cocked his head to the side. "I will need help getting your special leaves off my rump." Another chuckle could be heard as he remained laid down for her to have a good reach.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-20-2019, 10:23 PM
It was good that he enjoyed the scent, if the sunscreen was a success, it could well become a part of his aroma. The night had progressed greatly at this point, and it had to be some time in the early hours of the morning. There was not even the hint of birds calling their greetings, and the world round them seemed eerily quiet. Riva knew that if she stopped and sat still for too long, she would begin to fade. She wasn’t accustomed to keeping these sort of hours.

He indicated a greater knowledge of the territory then she possessed, when he told her about the existence of a stream. Always a good thing to know, and would indeed help them now. Unless, of course, it was frozen over.

“Of course” she agreed as he pointed out his well-covered coat. She set to work, gently nipping each leaf and discarding it. It was contaminated now with dead skin, and wouldn’t be of any further use to her. She admired the skin underneath, but decided that with how long it had been left untreated, he would benefit from another treatment later on. The few hours he had slept with it would do enough good for now, and she was eager to move on to the sunscreen. “Alright, your all clear” she promised him.



8 Years
02-20-2019, 10:45 PM

It was fairly easy for the man to navigate the south. Due to the numerous amount of panels inhabiting the region there weren’t many lands left to explore. The Orchard was popular due to the promise of nature and it was so close to water it became a great place for traveling Wolves alike. Though, hopefully the water he spoke of was not frozen over for that would call for a rather annoying situation. He was rather enveloped in this woman’s healing and was riddled with anticipation for the sun screen. Perhaps if it works he could get some for Recluse as well, who was his albino daughter.

Leaf after leaf his back became bare. After a few moments of proper inspection it seemed he was in the clear. At this point the male had become use to the goopy mess on his skin but was still unaware of the Mohawk. Hannibal offered a grin in her direction before standing once again. One after one the phantom dramatically stretched his legs before looking down at the babe. “Follow me.” The male would set off towards the stream with lodersate strides so she could keep up. His legs needed a bit of movement after all that testing.

Finally he made it to the stream and to his pleasure it was flowing. Obviously it was still quite cold but it wasn’t frozen. So that was something. His pad falls stopped and his head turned to look for the bow adorned gal. “So, I don’t want to get completely soaked. I fear that would lead to many more health problems. Perhaps I could just wash off one of my legs and provide that as a clean slate for your new goop?”

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-20-2019, 10:54 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2019, 10:54 PM by Riva.)
HIs mohawk wobbled as he climbed to his feet, and the healer worked hard to turn her laugh into a grin, one that could be seen as returning his own as he smiled down at her. She remembered just how tall he was as she stood in his shadow, her petite, black form could be considered lost in the darkness he cast.

He told her to follow, and kept to a pace that her smaller legs were able to hold to. They reached the stream in no time at all, and both were pleased to see that it was still flowing. She nodded her head in agreement when he spoke. “I wouldn’t recommend a full dip regardless, and good call. I’ll clear off a portion of your white forepaw, and we can apply the sunscreen, you can let me know in a few days how effective it’s been” she explained her thoughts. With that said, she waited for him to bring his paw closer to the water, and brought out a tight bundle of moss from her bag, which she dipped in the water and scrubbed gently down his leg, cleaning it with minimal water. She blotted his leg dry, and rubbed some of the newly made sunscreen onto his leg. “How’s it feel?” she wanted to know, she wanted to know how it would dry in his coat, she wanted it to blend in and smooth out in his fur, not crust and cause a nuisance.



8 Years
02-23-2019, 09:17 AM

As they made their way to the stream the male stopped at it's edge. Her intellectual verbiage hit his ears and a grin could be seen. The large male enjoyed the fact that he could speak to the smaller female without any flowery flourish nor venom. Just pure words with meaning. It seemed she completely agreed with his former statements and Hannibal offered her a gentle nod. As the babe was giving his leg a moss bath his eyes were on her facial features. "It seems through all of this we haven't had the chance to exchange names." The male aimed to connect his eyes with her own, "I am Hannibal Klein, by the way."

Soon the obsidian gal was applying the sunscreen and his eyes moved down to the leg in which the focus was on. It first it just felt a little heavy with oils and goop. He could even be seen giving a gentle shrug. But, after only a few moments a bit of redness appeared. His pink skin was becoming even brighter in color as tiny bumps appeared. The beasts eyes went wide as he gave her a glance of fear. The bumps came with a significant itch cause his skin to burn. Hannibal's heart began pounding as his flurry of words came forth, "What has happened?!" He did not think she poisoned him for with his simple knowledge from mother it seemed he was having an allergic reaction. But his worry was well placed. the itch was traveling and his leg began throbbing ever so slightly. "Please rinse it off!"

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-27-2019, 10:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2019, 02:47 AM by Riva.)

He meet her eyes with his, and she glanced up into his duo-tones irises, pausing for a moment to offer the handsome wolf a grin, a grin that turned into a laugh when she realised the meaning behind his words. She had gotten so caught into her craft, that hours had gone by and neither of them had taken pains to introduce herself. Hannibal was showing himself to be the one with manners of the two of them. “Hannibal, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Riva… Nightingale.” she was always a little reluctant to give away her last name. She had been born an orphan, and was still piecing together her heritage. All she knew was that she didn’t like what she had found so far. She had been raised with rigid structure by a healer, who hadn’t been gentle on her, and had pushed as much healing knowledge as she could into the young woman before abandoning her at one year of age.

His sudden words of outrage caught her by surprise, and she jumped a little, her attention flying back to his leg with a gasp. Thats was distractions did for her! Dammit. She began scrubbing at his leg, taking off the sunblock coating she had placed there, her own heart hammering. Expression was wiped from her features, leaving them blank. She grabbed for a paste that contained stinging nettle leaves and orange peel. Instead of in a jar, this was carefully packed into a leaf, which she whipped out now and began to place on the infected area. She padded down the skin with it, before turning back to Hannibal, her expression still carefully natural. “Open your mouth” she instructed, she needed to see how bad of a reaction he was having.




8 Years
02-28-2019, 02:31 PM

Hannibal was not aware of being allergic to anything. Occasionally he would get a bit itchy here and there but it was nothing live hives or swelling. Thus, as he witnessed his formerly white limb go red with hives and swell ever so slightly his eyes were wide with fear. Perhaps this was the first time a true amount of worry filled his heart while residing within Boreas. Nothing had tugged at his heart in such a worrisome way until now. With something so foreign and unknown he hadn't an idea how to handle it. Suddenly he felt a distinct tightness in his throat and his breathing got shallow. Each breath with met with a soreness in his upper back. His tongue went wet with saliva as the worry bubbled in his belly. As the babe ordered him to open his mouth Hannibal instantly did so. As she would peer inside it would be evident the reaction was causing swelling of his throat, his eyes were puffing up slightly, and his entire leg was covered in the horrible rash. But, thankfully as time passed the swelling did not close his throat up entirely and he was still able to breath. The reaction was bad but not life threatening and hopefully Riva would have a solution. Or was this her plan? "Can you help.. me?" Words came out as a panting gasp and he tried to focus on allowing the air to bi-pass the swelling and enter his lungs.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
03-03-2019, 06:39 PM

She examined his throat, and would take note of the swelling, the puffiness of his eyes and the fear that they held in them. “Just breathe normally, your okay, it won't get any worse then this.” she promised him, knowing that if he started to hyperventilate, things would go a lot worse. He sounded afraid as he asked for her help, and the look she gave him in return promised that everything would be okay.

She spread some of the paste across his tongue, letting the antihistamine roll gently down his throat. As she re-examined his leg, she would see that the swelling had already started to go down. His body was accepting the herbs she had given it. She let out a soft, relieved sigh that trembled a little more than it should have. She might be greatly experienced when it came to healing, but she was still just a young wolf. She had no one now to look up to for answers if things went wrong.
“Your suppose to tell a healer if you have allergies.” she told him, keeping her voice soft, and non accusatory, because she knew if she didn’t put in the effort to do so, she would have yelled it.




8 Years
03-07-2019, 01:38 PM

Hannibal was unaware of his allergies. The most he had put on his skin was aloe vera to soothe burns that were already there. Thus, as his throat tightened and his skin grew red the male was shocked just as much as the woman before him. Her soothing tones met his mis match ears and he attempted to calm down a bit. Hannibal was no healer but he figured panic would only make things worse. His worried gaze swept over her form as Riva examined the rash. Washing it off with the cold water did well to maintain the hives but they would not cease so soon. It would likely take a while to rid the male of all the side effects.

Her next tones hit his ears a little snort could be heard. Despite all of this the beast was still a harsh creature. Hannibal had warmed up to the young girl and offered her plenty of respect but even though her tone was relaxed a bit of annoyance made it's way to the surface. "They do not give you a list of allergies upon birth." Hannibal's words were spat out with venom, a very common tone for the male to use but it was new to their relationship. He took a moment to reel in his negative emotions for she had done nothing wrong and it was not fair to get so feisty so soon. "Perhaps I need to sleep this off.." With a scratchy throat and inflamed leg the male wanted nothing more then to close those dry eyes to soothe his agitation.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
03-07-2019, 04:32 PM

She had given him what medicine she could, now it was just a matter of time for his body to reduce its reaction. She breathed out softly, trying not to let her relief show in the gesture. For a moment there, she had experienced panic in a way her mentor would have have given her a tongue lashing for. It was different when it was your fault she should have administered a smaller amount and waited to see the effects. Not just slathered it on like there was no tomorrow. As she expressed her annoyance via a sharp tongue she should have kept reigned in, Hannibal returned the favour.

She flinched in surprise at the venom and barely concealed rage in his tone, before he pushed it down once more. It was a side of him that was completely at odds to the gentle knight she had begun to imagine him as. As quickly as this darker side of him was unleashed, he bottled it down once more, and mentioned sleep. She took a calm breath, and agreed with him. This had frayed both their nerves - that was all.

“I wouldn’t wish to leave you alone until I know for certainty I won’t need to administer any more antihistamine. But I agree that sleep would good for your body right now. Would you allow me to stay near by?’ she asked gently.
