

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-25-2019, 05:38 PM

With Ace gone, and things in regards to her pack mates calming down, it only left Ty to be her main focus now. She asked Rhyme to take Leera home, which took Rhyme out of the scene, and brought Leera to the safety of her pack. She had asked Ty to step away with her, and took her loyal pack member with her.

She moved through the battlefield until the noisy crowds were just a quiet din somewhere in the background. She didn’t leave the battlefield entirely, knowing that Tyranis still had a man in a fight, just not with a member of her pack, and nothing she could or would step into. Not going too far gave him the chance to head back if it sounded like anything was going south.

She wasn’t sure exactly where to go from here, and as they were walking, took a minute to look over to Ody. “What’s your take on all this” she asked quietly, wanting his opinion before they came to a stop and started this ‘meeting’ with the other Alpha.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-25-2019, 07:17 PM

Odysseus' characteristic frown deepened as Shaye asked his opinion of the situation. To put it was complicated. Far too complicated for him to feel comfortable presenting his thoughts to his alpha on such short notice and with so little information. But that's exactly what he was going to do.

He felt Olafur's fingers tighten on his scruff and knew the macaque was equally displeased with the situation.

The titan sighed before rumbling back in a low voice meant for Shaye's ears only. "We are outsiders with very little information to work with and a scene so chaotic I still don't quite understand all that was going on." Odysseus paused to consider all that he had learned about Leera and Tyranis - which was admittedly very little. "These are what we know to be facts: Leera came to the battlefield in support of her packmates and it was only once she was accosted by Acere that she changed sides. We can only speculate as to her motives. Was she a captive and cowed into supporting Evorare today or did she come of her own freewill? Is she a vixen with ulterior motives? None of this we know."

"We know she claims that Tyranis is a danger to her and possibly to their children. We know that her fear seemed genuine." He paused again and then slowly parted with the words, "And we know Tyranis came to the battlefield covered head to toe in ichor and proclaimed himself to be a lightning demon knowing full well that he would be seen and judged by outsiders."

Alright, time for his opinion. "This is my opinion: Tyranis' behavior didn't strike me as the behavior of a sane man and for that reason I'm inclined to believe Leera." Was this a perfect assessment? No, not even close, but he had been presented with fragments of information and expected to intuit it what was best for an entire family. "We also have the dependency of the pups to consider. Will Tyranis suckle them at his belly if that is what they still require?"

Odysseus shook his head in exasperation and then glanced back in the direction of the crowd. Of course he couldn't see them anymore, but he knew they were there. "It is my opinion that Leera keep sole custody of the pups until we've had time to make more sense of this problem." They needed to speak to Leera, to see what her plans for the future were. If she was just using them as a launch pad to put distance between herself and Tyranis for no other reason than that she was done with him then they would be incurring the wrath of another pack for nothing. "By siding with Leera we will no doubt be putting ourselves at odds with Tyranis and his pack.'s my opinion that if Abaven is the pack I think it is we are morally obligated to accept that risk."

  "Odysseus" and "Olafur"  

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.



4 Years
02-25-2019, 07:46 PM

He followed the two wolves from a distance. Under the coat of bear’s blood the wounds on his shoulder and hip burned with livid flesh he’d had no time to clean and in all likelihood had infected with his attempt to cover his injuries.

The two came to a stop and he resolutely fought the temptation to collapse in that instant from exhaustion. He would be judged here, the fate of his children would be decided, and he risked never seeing them before he even learned who they were. In favor of the snake whore who had mothered them. He knew his chances were slim; custody rarely fell to fathers, but he was ready to fight to the death, if only because death was preferable to never seeing his children again.

“Let’s talk then.” He said, attempting to keep the edge of pain from his voice as he spoke. He was going to die here, and he had come to accept that.

"Talk"  Thought "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-25-2019, 08:03 PM
She winced at hearing Ody’s words, because it rang true to the sentiment of the pack she had created. He was right, that if they decided they needed to fight for the pups, that she would stand up and do so. Her instinct to protect was too strong for her too turn away once a situation had been revealed to her. “Thank you Odysseus” she said softly, both for his support and his words.

When Ty reached them, she glanced up at the Erovrare pack leader, and couldn’t hold back a soft tsk. It was her first time seeing him closely, mostly because she had been avoiding looking too long at the blood-soaked wolf. “Perhaps we should walk a little further, until we find a source of water”
She looked up to the sky and let out a soft, calling howl. She waited a moment, before WInter appeared in the sky above them, and dived down to look expediently as Shaye. “I need Trillium, Lambs ear and Wintergreen from my stores, can you fetch them please?’ she requested of the bird, who took to the air immediately to fetch the skills. She was lucky her companion didn’t mind occasionally being used to fetch and carry. “You don’t need to hide your wounds here, Tyranis, I won’t take advantage of them is that why you rolled in the bear?” foolish she thought, but kept it between her teeth.

She got up to start walking again, listening this time for water. “I used to be a healer, I can patch and talk at the same time” Ody was also a healer, so perhaps it would end up being him patching and her talking, but she wouldn’t ask him to touch the bloodsoaked wolf unless he volunteered. “Sounds like things are tense in regards to your pack right at this moment. After some time to think, I’ve come to a suggestion I can make. How about Leera and the pups stay in Abaven for a few weeks well things blow over in Erovrare. It gives them time to wean off her milk naturally and be at a stage where they can be independent from their mother. They’ll be safe, and I promise my protection over them from all that might threaten them” even Ace, though she didn’t say it. “After those two weeks, we can reevaluate the situation. I won’t take claim to them over those two weeks, they would be boarding with us, and you can visit them under supervision. Could you agree to that, Ty?”


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-25-2019, 08:48 PM

As Tyranis approached Odysseus studied him carefully. He didn't know what to make of the man and his current condition but he was inclined to not think nice things. Any man who considered himself a demon (or the son of a god for that matter) was not a man that should tasked with childcare. Now, whether or not Tyranis genuinely believed himself to be a lightning demon was debatable. Odysseus hoped what he'd seen was a performance; a misguided attempt to instill fear into the hearts of his enemies. But what was hoped for and what was reality were not always the same.

Odysseus remained silent and unmoving as Shaye and Tyranis spoke, and as Shaye made it clear she intended to treat Tyranis' wounds. He would give aid if it was asked of him or if Tyranis seemed receptive, but not a moment sooner. There was still the very real possibility that Tyranis would react badly to what Shaye was asking of him and Odysseus wasn't about to let his alpha get blindsided by an attack.

He liked Shaye's suggestion. It struck him as a decent compromise that would allow them to get a better understanding of the situation they'd found themselves in. The deal would allow Abaven to take back their support of Leera guilt free if she was found to be disingenuous and it would strengthen their resolve if she was found to be truthful.

  "Odysseus" and "Olafur"  

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.



4 Years
02-25-2019, 09:04 PM

He closed his eyes and opened them slowly, knowing what his answer would entail and what would happen next, although he ached with exhaustion.

“I’m afraid not.” He said calmly, finality creeping into his voice. “I’ve had quite enough of my own family turned against me. Acere, my brother, two of my sisters from both sides of my family. I would prefer my children didn’t add to my growing list of enemies.” He said, his eyes downcast unable to meet hers or her companion’s. “Leera has worked against me from the start, breeding discontent through every member of my pack that had even the slightest doubt in me, even my sister Thora. I’m afraid to leave them in her care for two weeks, I’m afraid of what they’ll turn into hearing that their father is a monster.” His voice cracked slightly, his jaw clenching tightly.

“Whatever she has said…the children are strong enough to be away from her now, I feed them myself constantly.” He gave a bitter hollow laugh “She even left our children in the care of your Eulogy while a bear came into our borders, and made way toward our denning site. Had I not stayed behind while the whole of my pack left to answer this…Sham of a challenge, all of our children, both mine and Hannibals, and your Eulogy would be dead by the time whatever of us remains returned.” His voice was growing heavier with his explanation. “I came to this place, marked in blood to hide my fresh wounds, intending to bring my people home. Instead I risk losing my best warrior and my children.” He said.

His hips dropped out from under him and fell to the ground suddenly, his shoulders beginning to shake. “I can’t bare to think of what will happen, surrounded by so many who would have me dragged across Boreas by a team of bulls.” He said, attempting to keep his voice steady against the fear that threatened to overcome him. “Thinking that they are half monster themselves…” He shook his head and lifted his hip to stand again. “I would not do the same for Leera, they would know only how their mother loved them, and only left them against her own will…But please… I need you to understand… I cannot let her corrupt them against me the way she has corrupted so many that are dear to me.” He exhaled slowly, having said his piece, now he was at their mercy.

"Talk"  Thought "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-25-2019, 09:21 PM
The wolf collapsed dramatically in front of her, wailing about how his entire pack had turned on him, and how he knew, he knew that Leera would turn his pups against him, given the chance. She left out a soft sigh, and looked down at the male, "This isnt helping your wounds" she said, matter of factly.
"Two weeks is a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, and I almost asked for a year" she told the man, quite fed up with the scene he was making. "I'm trying to come to a logical, fair compromise here. Two weeks isnt going to develop their mentality for life, and I'll be on stand by well they are in my pack. If I hear her raving about how terrible you are, I will know shes theatrical and take that into consideration as a mark against her."
They hadn't found water yet, and she waited to see if the male would get back to his feet so they could keep walking

Ody was hanging back, close enough to lunge in if needed, but not close enough that a surprise attack could be taken against him. She noted his weariness, and understood it. Ty did seem to change moods at the drop of a hat.
"This is my offer, if you can not accept it, offer me one that we both can."


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



4 Years
02-25-2019, 10:07 PM

He clenched his teeth. It was over. He knew from her tone she had decided the fate of his children long before she offered to pull him aside. She had heard too much about him from others to ever be in his favor. He knew Leera well enough to know her manipulative nature, with her black male at her side, surrounded by siblings who hated him and an uncle that wanted to see him suffer by whatever means, two weeks would be more than enough time to convince her that he was a raving lunatic, just as they saw his father.

“I…Will not use Eulogy as a bargaining chip.” He said resolutely. “Had I even known she was a Destruction, we never would have kept her as we did. ” He sealed his fate. Eulogy knew only anguish and hate for his pack and Hannibal, Shaye would never hear a kind word said in his favor, and she would keep his children from him.

“Two weeks of not knowing what is happening to my children…You may not believe that anything will change in them, but if they were yours…If you would give anything for them, risk everything for them, and know that you risk never seeing them again would two weeks truly sound like a mercy? Would your own words suffice? Or would you anguish at every hour apart and worry yourself to death like I will?”

“Talk to my brother Cloud, talk to my eldest son Astraios, talk to the other children in my pack if you don’t believe me… Send someone to live in my lands and trust their report, but don’t ask me to be separate from them and risk losing them forever on the word of a woman who would turn them over to my uncle of all men without hesitation.”

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-25-2019, 10:47 PM
He didnt seem to have any desire to continue walking, and she was losing hope that they would find an easy means to clean his wounds. As they where talking, Winter had made the trip, quickened by the ability to fly. She nodded her head in thanks to the bird, as she deposited some herbs by shaye, and took to the sky once more. "May I?" She asked the alpha as she prepared the herbs.

He wasnt making a scene so much now, but still speaking his side. "I told you I have no qualms with you visiting the children under supervision." She explained patiently to the man. She wasnt sure if his claim on all his family hating him was truth or not, he did seen to be getting into the drama of it earlier, and now that he was calmer he spoke of family members that she would get a good impression from. "I will gladly speak to them, and understand who you are from further vantage points. I'm not here to prosecute you, and I have no desire to hurt you. I just want to understand the situation, and help both sides as best I can" she explained, more gently now.

She could feel Odys silent supportive presence beside her. He had said his piece before hand, and didnt seem to desire speaking up now. She trusted he was forming an opinion of everything going on here, and she would be able to use him as a sounding board later.

"I appreciate that you wont use her against us, it speaks volumes right now, especially since I imagine you feel like your backed against a wall." She allowed sympathy to creep into her eyes as she looked at the Alpha. She might have no patience for drama, but his honest plea held more stock to her. It didnt sway her, she had promise Leera protection and that meant finding a peaceful path for her children as well. She had no desire to Rip them from Ty in the doing, and she truly was trying to find a peaceful medium. "How about you let me see to these wounds before they get infected?" She ventured, the herbs ready to go.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



4 Years
02-25-2019, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2019, 11:30 PM by Tyranis.)

He looked at her wide eyed, his expression still anguished, his ears pulling back unsure if it was some kind of veiled threat. In the short time since he had raised his pack he had become the king with a thousand enemies, all of them poised to take something from him and leave him a hollowed corpse. The woman he had mated had taken an active role in plotting his downfall and more than ever he wished he had washed his hands of Ruina when it had fallen instead of taking up the demon’s crown, if only to save himself the pain he was in now. Losing everything, being picked apart like carrion by a thousand vultures that he should have seen circling miles before he died. He turned his head away with a sharp whine and hesitantly backed away from her and the other male.

He wished Kai or Cloud had followed them if only to be a shoulder to help keep him standing. He looked back the way they had come, this was just the first of many battles he would be in, and he was tired. So tired. If Hannibal lost he would need to fight to reclaim him, if Acere made good on his threats the separation would only be convenient to steal his children away, just as he had stolen away Actea and Ignis. Chaos at his borders was just another threat he would have to deal with, and still looming was the Klein occupation within his pack.

“Would… You let my son keep watch of them? Rather than her?” He asked hesitantly.  He was going to lose them no matter what it seemed. They were going to be taken to Abaven. “And they’ll fall in the rapids like your sisters did at that age” His mind hissed and he shut his eyes firmly against the intruding thought. How could she truly think his pups would be safe around a man who would do anything to hurt him? Did they believe Acere so much? Did they not know how many times he had broken oaths once they no longer suited his desires?


Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-26-2019, 12:32 AM
He backed away from her, instead of getting her see to his wounds. She looked at her what she had prepared as it stood before her and let out a soft sigh, knowing there was no point in pushing the matter. She just hoped he had the common sense to get himself checked out by a healer as soon as he could. She tucked her herbs to the side, not wishing to waste them.
"I would accept your son accommodating them and assisting in their care on the condition he starts no trouble" she allowed after a moment. Not knowing who his son was, but seeing it was the only way she would get anywhere here. He seemed very reluctant and distressed at the idea of anyone taking his children for any period of time.

The worst part was, as a new mother herself she understood. If she was in his coat she wasnt sure what she would do. It made this whole situation terribly hard, and she couldn't help but curse ace a little by putting her in it. Because of course, now that she was here, she needed to make sure that all parties where ok. She had granted Leera sanctuary, and she couldn't separate her from her children. She didnt want to separate ty either, but she could hardly clone the kids and give them to both. She needed to closely examine the situation and help both parties come to a conclusion. She just didnt know how right now.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



4 Years
02-26-2019, 04:04 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2019, 04:04 PM by Tyranis.)

“Just…Promise me they’ll be safe.” He said, his voice thick and raw. Something told him things were only about to get worse. He wanted to fight but everything had gone out of him, and he ached all over. He felt hollow and still had to face whatever became of Hannibal. It was all too much. He wondered briefly if Hannibal, should he remain with them, or perhaps after he fought to reclaim him, would help him, or if his woman was too tightly bound to Leera.

“Come for them…After all this…Let me say goodbye.” He choked. He couldn’t look at her. He felt small and hopeless, and knew that he would be thought of as a coward for giving his children over without a fight, but he had made so many enemies already.

“I need to see to my man.” And like a wraith he turned away from them and walked back toward the brawl with his head low, still wounded, still caked in frigid blood, and now more empty than he had ever felt before.

-Exit Tyranis-

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-26-2019, 04:15 PM
"I promise you this" she said solemnly. She would protect the kids and Leera both, she would have Ody help her keep an eye on them, as well as her raven companion. Ty would have his older soon doing the same. These kids would have a great many eyes upon them.

She felt like a right ass as she watched tryanis walk away, his rejected, sad form slowly moving as he made his way back to the fight. She watched him a moment, and when he was out of earshot, she turned to Ody and looked at him with a mixed expression. "I found it hard to tell his sincerity, his responses changed a lot in a short amount of time. What did you gather from all that, and do you think I made the right decision?" She asked him softly, rather sorely in need of advice right then. She trusted Ody, and hoped his advice would help to settle the million thoughts churning wearily in her gut.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
03-03-2019, 08:39 PM

Odysseus took his time in answering Shaye. He kept his eyes on Tyranis' retreating form. Waiting, watching, as the tall male grew smaller and smaller, and then disappeared into the crowd. At last he sought out Shaye's gaze.

He began with the easiest assessment. "I believe you made the right choice."

As for Tyranis' sincerity... "The Tyranis we just saw may as well have been a different man than the one at the fight." It was hard to believe a man could go from spitting fire and promising hell to little more than a husk of a man in a matter of minutes. But his children were on the line. "It's possible that he believes his situation is hopeless and thus feels hopeless." The next words he chose with care. "It's also possible that he has chosen to act this way in order to gain your sympathy. The charges leveled against him paired with his behavior back there don't paint him in the best of light."

Odysseus shrugged. "How well do you know him? I suppose if I were you I would ask myself which version of Tyranis most closely aligns with the man I know."

  "Odysseus" and "Olafur"  

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-04-2019, 07:24 PM

Her diplomat was silent beside her, and she felt his presence like a steady weight to lean on. She took no offense when he didn’t reply immediately, a glance told her that he was watching Tyranis’s retreating form, and it was easy to guess that he was assembling his thoughts.

He agreed with what she had done here, and she was glad that at least one person had confidence in her actions. Odysseus then went on to weight Tyranis’s actions, pointing out that it could have been justified, or it could have been staged. It was hard to say with any certainty. That was about her assessment, and she wished Odysseus had been more confident in his ability to read the man then she was.

“To be honest with you, Odysseus, i’ve never met the man before today.” It was safe to say she didn’t know him at all, and had no experience to draw upon. “Rhyme has meet him once before, he came to our borders to.. Reminisce old times, he said Bass had once promised him leadership of the pack, and that those he had a grudge against no longer lived in Abaven” that whole thing had left her a little confused, and she was certain she didn’t know the whole story about it. Still, she passed on the little tidbit to her diplomat. “All I really know about him comes from Ace, who I want to trust, but has already proved that his judgment is blind when it comes to that man.” her sigh was sad and weary, she still had to clean up her pack in the midst of all this. She had not just the mediation between parents to deal with, but also the actions of her own.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.