
i'm gonna kill the bear



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-21-2018, 08:11 AM
Gwen raised her head and sniffed at the scent. She'd been preparing for the bear hunt as much as she could based on the suggestions she'd gotten from the hunters, and from the scent she'd caught it was time to put those preparations into action. She regretted that Brandr wouldn't be around to see the plan put into action, but this was a job for the fighters anyway. She'd rather not see the young father injured because he wasn't used to something that was hunting him while he was going after it.

Gwen quickly dropped her patrol and went to Aurielle's family cave system, where she'd been storing the spears she'd been working on making. Long, straight branches and saplings snapped off and the ends carefully chewed into a vaguely triangular, thick point before being sanded on rough rocks until they reached the perfect shape and sharpness before she'd fire-hardened them in the fire there. She grabbed up the hide-wrapped bundle containing them and slung the strap around her neck to rest on her shoulders, one bundle on either side like panniers.

Calling out to Aurielle to let her know first what she was planning - Aurielle might or might not sit this experimental fight out so that there would be someone to guard the pack, since Gwen planned to try to do this more than once this year - she quickly exited and headed towards the border. Stopping, she howled, a call for the pack's other warriors. As many as possible would be needed for this, but she hoped not to leave the border entirely undefended either. The pups knew that their jobs would be to remain on sentry duty while most of the adults were gone and they should be heading to their posts now. She herself turned without waiting and set out at a mile-eating lope for the direction she'd scented the bear.

It was a long journey, but she'd planned for that. There were actual panniers with big woven baskets enough for every adult in the pack to carry two or four baskets worth of meat, and adding travois they'd be able to each carry enough meat and hide that they'd be able to carry most, if not all, of the bear's remains back to the camp. It would be a tiring day killing and then butchering the animal but a worthwhile one, she thought. With her having the spears to set up she hadn't grabbed any of the panniers even for herself, but she had prearranged for Justice to bring hers so it would be all right.

She was surprised at how cold the cracked and shifting hills were when the trail went hot enough that she knew she'd caught up to the bear's whereabouts. Certainly cold enough that no matter how long they took to divide the meat it would not go bad or attract insects. Scavengers, maybe. They might end up with a few coyote and wolverine hides to go along with the bear.

She took her time while she waited for the rest of the pack to catch up to stick the spears into the ground at a sharp angle, carefully smashing rocks in around the base to make it all but immovable. She made a curving line of them, a bristling forest of sharpened spears pointing in one direction - where they would lure the bear. The rest of them she set aside for wolves to grab as weapons, because if you were close enough to bite the bear, it was close enough to crush you. The wooden tipped spears probably wouldn't be enough to do more than cut and irritate the bear, not cause real major damage with the sort of force a wolf could use, but irritating it was exactly the best thing to do.

Satisfied all was in readiness, she sat down to wait.

OOC: Participation is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED for all warriors. Each round will only be up for a couple days so it can be finished before the 1st. Although you can only get the double skill points for posting in it before the event ends, it's still a good amount of fight points without the double skill points so I want to see people putting in the effort to get the points. Loners can jump in for a share of the meat as long as you don't hold up the thread. Everyone has 48 hours from now to get their character in before the next round!



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
12-21-2018, 08:21 AM
Justice had been carefully storing the herbs she'd gathered that summer with Ara that had been drying in the cool dark cave she'd claimed for herself back in the main camp. She hadn't been sleeping in the cave system since her mother died, she hadn't been able to shake the anger and hurt. Maybe now that she was finding her own way in life she would be able to forgive her mother for letting herself sink into depression and leave her children lost and alone.

But her head came up at the sound of Gwen's call, and her muzzle gaped in an eager grin. Yes! They were going after a bear! Setting aside the herbs where they wouldn't get ruined she raced for where the panniers were kept, slinging a good amount of them over her back. Stacking up the baskets like that was awkward but they were quite light when they were empty so it wasn't much of a burden. Itt was likely someone would forget theirs, so she was bringing extra besides hers and Gwen's.

Bursting out of the cave, she broke into the traveling stride of a wolf, following Gwen's fresh trail. Mile after long mile she followed, through several western lands and into the south. Finally completing the journey, she slowed at the sight of the bristling forest of spears. Dang, that was pretty intimidating. She shrugged out of the panniers a distance away where they wouldn't get wet or trampled on, and grinned at Gwen. "You ready for this?" She certainly was.



5 Years
12-21-2018, 09:37 PM

He was getting ready to head out on a hunt. He had been working on hunting everyday, hoping to get prepared as much as he could for the winter. They needed to stock up to ensure the pack could survive. Winters here were milder then in the north and east, but they still could get bad weather. He knew that it was better to be prepared then to scramble last minute and risk being out of luck. Preparations were important and he was doing his best to do his part for the pack. Just as the male was about to set off a call rang out from Gwen. He knew she had been planning a big hunt, a bear hunt. He wasn't sure if he was ready to handle something that big, but the male wasn't going to stand back and let his pack mates be killed. He was uneasy about the hunt, but he knew he would have to go. It would take a good group of them to try and get this creature successfully and the meat and hide would be of great use to the pack.

Quickly he shifted his pace, headed back to where she had been storing her supplies and slipped on one of the panniers. He could see Justice a distance ahead, quick to fallow Gwen. He himself make a quick pace hoping to get there within good time and he prayed that the other members would join them, what they had left that is. He was quiet as he moved, the gears grinding within his mind as he tried to think about how this all could go down. He tried to remain positive and collected as he approached his pack mates, eyes alert and looking around to make sure the bear wasn't stalking them. He stopped by the other baskets and shimmied his off his back before walking over to join Gwen and Justice. Looking to the both of them it was easy to see that Justice was eager and ready. It lightened his mood to see the grin on her face.

His eyes then trailed to the spears sticking out of the ground looking them over and wondering what the full plan would be for this assault.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-04-2019, 11:17 PM
Gwen had taken one of the sharpened wooden spears in her jaws, testing the heft of it, when the laden warriors appeared. She dropped it to smile at them, though her heart fluttered in concern when she realized it was only the two of them. She had counted on there being a couple more, at least, particularly among the younger adults, and wondered if maybe she should call it off. But the opportunity was too rare to pass up, and so much preparation had already gone into it. They may not get a second chance if they didn't go after this one. "Justice, Laisren," she greeted, showing nothing of her misgivings. "I scented the bear nearby here, near enough that we won't have to drive it far." She picked up a loose spear and trotted over to drop it on the bare ground a good ways before the forest of spears before she spoke again to detail the plan.

"I was hoping there would be more of us so we could split into two groups, but we will have to work with what we have. All three of us will need to track the bear and herd it back this way however we can - bark at it, howl, annoy it into charging at us and follow us, or chase it this direction if it chooses to run. We will bring it to bay against the spears, and each grab one of these loose ones to jab at it from a distance. We don't want to get too close, or it can catch you and pull you close to bite and crush you, so though it will be awkward to hold the spear and attack, don't try to attack it without them. We will try to drive it over backward on top of the spears if we can, or harry it into charging towards someone behind them, and impaling himself onto one." The plan had a lot of variables, and she'd really have preferred to have two separate groups, but this would have to do. She swept the two of them with a calm gaze that betrayed none of her worries. "Be careful. Bears are unpredictable. We can't plan for certain what this one will do, so be aware and be ready to change tactics as needed."

She took a deep breath, then firmed her jaw and with a decisive nod headed off down the bear's trail.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
02-27-2019, 02:57 PM
Justice couldn't stop grinning in excitement as Gwen spoke, setting forth what details she had for a plan. It sounded like they'd mostly be winging it, which certainly suited Justice just fine. Gwenevere always seemed like a woman with a plan though, so it was obvious that the less-than-certain plan didn't appeal to her though she remained calm and collected as she spoke. Justice hefted the spear between her teeth as she listened. Ok, annoy the bear, poke the bear with sticks, chase the bear and be chased until they get it back here, then knock it over backward onto the spears or get him to chase them into one. Simple. Easy-peasy. She tossed the spear up and caught it, flipping it back over her back to lean it against her shoulder. "Got it, boss," she drawled, then reached back and picked the spear back to follow at her heels, throwing Laisren a wink as she did.

The rank scent of bear surrounded them as they followed it's trail, and it wasn't long at all before she heard it's snuffling ahead of them. Gwen hadn't been kidding when she'd said it was close by. She shifted her grip on the spear's handle to get a better hold on it, then sank her teeth into the rough wood.

Her sight of the bear raised her brows though - this was no black bear like she'd expected of the cautious secondary alpha, but a full-on adult grizzly. Gwen looked taken a-back as though she hadn't expected it to be a grizzly either.... maybe they'd followed the trail of one bear only to accidentally come across a different one by coincidence. Justice eyed the bear thoughtfully, but then looked closer. One rear leg was definitely misshapen, like the big bruin had been badly injured inside the limb. A broken bone that was in the process of healing wrong, maybe, or torn muscles. Definitely a weakness, though, one that they could exploit. She caught Gwen and Lais' attention, waggled her hindleg then gestured with the spear toward the bear to indicate what they should be looking at. Maybe if they focused on forcing the bear onto that leg it would give out on him and send him crashing onto those spears of Gwen's.



5 Years
02-27-2019, 09:08 PM

Lais quietly looked to the both of them before focusing on Gwen as she acknowledged them. She mentioned bear was thier target today and he felt a little uncertain. No doubt the three of them were good fighters, but just three of them taking on such a large creature. It was risky and he wasn't sure if it would be worth it. He didn't want either of his pack mates to get seriously hurt. Both of them didn't seem to show concern so Lais nodded to the plan and going over to pick up his spear, fallowing behind the both of them. He was quiet while his eyes and ears remained alert. The stench of the bear was strong and he knew it wouldn't be long until they reached it.

When he could hear the bear huffing nearby his grip on the spear grew tighter and he loosened up his muscles. Before the sight of the bear came into view. It was a rather large grizzly and the uneasy feeling came back, but he quickly pushed it aside. He couldn't let his emotions and worries get in the way, especially if they were dealing with this dangerous thing. He wanted to ensure he could try his best to protect the both of them and keep them from suffering any major injuries from this.

His attention drew to Justice as she motioned to one of the legs. Lais focused on that leg and spotted the misshapen limb. It was defiantly a weak point they could use to their advantage. The tall male nodded letting her know quietly that he saw what she was looking at. He quietly moved around the two and moved to be between them and the bear, pushing forward closer while he watched the large creature. He would stop a few yards away and once he did, the bears eyes caught sight of him. Lais' lips peeled back around the spear and he snarled at it, staring it in the eyes and challenging the bear. It huffed at him and simply stared. Lais quickly did a bluff charge towards it and it raised up on it's hind legs. When Lais moved back the bear went down on all fours before roaring and charging. Lais quickly kept back tracking keeping his distance but trying to ensure the bear kept moving towards him. When it would stop, he would bluff charge again getting it worked up to charge towards him.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-25-2019, 12:45 PM
Laisren was the first to engage the bear, charging and harassing the bruin into charging after him back down the path toward the spears. Justice grinned around the spear in her mouth. When it looked like Laisren needed a break, Justice darted in, stabbing at the bear's side with the spear. It was just a minor wound for a creature that big, but it hurt enough that the grizzly turned on her with a roar of pain, and she was able to continue luring it. Then Gwen did the same, and suddenly they were in the clearing with the spears stuck in the ground. A little too suddenly, and in just slightly the wrong position - Gwen stumbled a little on an extra spear that had been left down for them to grab at need, and the bear hit her hard with one paw. The older warrior rolled with the strike to get out of the way of the charge, and Justice was quick to dart in between and stab her spear at the bear's face, catching it in the open mouth and getting it's attention towards her. The bear roared, sending a gout of blood spattering over Justice's dark pelt, and charged her again. Step by step, she led the bear to where it's back was to the spears, so that Laisren would be able to join her in stabbing at it and forcing it up, up onto it's hindlegs, where that one bad leg wouldn't be able to hold it so it would go over backward. She couldn't risk glancing over at Gwen to see if the older warrior was ok - she'd have to trust that she was, and that Laisren would be there when Justice needed him.



5 Years
04-25-2019, 01:18 PM

His attempt at making the bear charge worked, and he tried his best to lead it towards the spears. Justice would soon draw the bears attention, continuing to coax the bear in the direction they needed it to go. It gave him a much needed break and he was quick to get out of the way and ready to jump back in. Gwen went at it next and Laisren remain prepared to jump in. Gwen would stumble and take a hit and Lais would be right in Justice's heels as she stabbed the bear to get it to focus on her. Once the bear was in a good position Laisren joined in jabbing the bear It wanted to charge, but him and Justice kept going at it until the bear forced itself onto it's hind legs. While it was almost standing Lais added insult to injury and harshly stabbed the bear's already bad leg making it fall sooner. It roared as it went backward, slipping off the side and falling down towards the spears.

Soon there was silence and the dead bear was stuck into many of the spears that had been set up to kill it. His eyes looked to the bear's still angry gaze before he looked to Justice and offered her a grin. They had done it, just how Gwen had wanted them too. He then would drop his spear and head over to check on Gwen before they would get the bear cut up, put into the baskets, and carried home.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]