
I Thought I Could Handle It...



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-07-2019, 01:46 AM
He was bored. He didn't want to play with his siblings. With the exception of his brother Tornadic, the others were too whiny and annoyed the heck out of him. He was near the den, just kind of wandering around and sniffing randomly as he tried to get a feel for who lived in the pack. Of course, it didn't help that he didn't know who was who yet since the pups stayed in this corner of the territory, but he didn't mind too much. He just wanted something to do and had half a mind to wander towards the borders to see if he could find anything interesting there. His dad said he had an uncle that lived here, the Viceroy. But Tyto had yet to meet him...a shadow swept past him, causing the pup to look up towards the sky as he saw a huge bird circling overhead. It was big and brown, almost blocking out the sun as he heard it screech. His gaze followed it, wondering what the heck it was. He was still new to the world, sheltered within the pack. He'd yet to learn what was safe, and what was dangerous.

He didn't know that the bird circling above would be dangerous.

Shrugging it off, the boy continued. He moved towards a tree, sniffing around at its base when he heard something above his head. Peering up, he spotted a large nest in the tree, and peering out of it was a fluffy head. He cocked his head to the side as he looked at it, brows furrowing as he tried to figure out what it was. It had a beak...was that a bird? He had seen small ones flitting about recently, and this one was just a little bigger than the small sparrows he usually saw. The baby hawk chirped at him, and the boy took it as a cue to bark back. A growl rumbled in his throat before he started barking at it, the boy jumping up to place his paws on the trunk as he started jumping up and down. The chick threateningly squawked at him, its big black round eyes brimming with both curiosity and annoyance as he continued his noisy onslaught. There was no way he'd be able to reach it like this...he dropped back to all fours for a moment as he tried to figure out a way to reach it.

The moment he stepped out from the cover of the tree, he heard that screech again. The boy barely had time to look before a flurry of flapping got closer, and sooner than he could blink, he felt sharp claws catching on his back. He yelped with surprise and pain, his fur fluffing up in terror as he fled beneath the tree and huddled against the trunk. What in the world was that!? He tried to peer past the branches of the tree, but could only see the light of the sun shining through. The chick in the nest peered at him again, chirping as if it were laughing at him. He stared daggers at the baby hawk, "What're you laughing at!" He shot, wincing at the pain he felt on his back. Taking a peek at the damage, he realized it was just a single cut just behind his shoulder blades. He huffed as he stared back at the open ground, wondering if the large bird would come after him again if he tried to make a run for it. Then he realized...he was the alpha's son! He could take on that big dumb bird!

Deciding to prove he was just as tough and as strong as his dead, Tyto readied himself. He took a deep breath, a determined look in his eyes before he shot out from under the cover. He glanced up at the sky, watching the bird circle overhead a couple of times before it let out another screech and dove at him. He squared up, getting ready to try and bite it once it got close enough. The bird came closer...closer...closer...and when it extended its legs, he saw the huge talons on it. He gasped. Suddenly this wasn't such a good idea...

The hawk was nearly upon him, and once it nearly was, Tyto dodged and fell to the ground. The bird slammed the ground rather hard, and as soon as he got up, the bird got up. It hissed and screeched at him, flapping its wings at him as it slapped him around. He yelped, caught off guard by the sudden attack. He rolled and tumbled as he tried to get away from the death bird, and while he was focused on trying to stay out of reach of those wings, it took back to the air for another assault. Tyto took that cue to try and race away back to safety. He frantically searched for a safe place. He was too far from the den to make it back in time, he was sure. So his only other option was to get back under the cover of the trees. He turned on his heel, racing towards a different tree this time, and just as he was nearing the cover of its branches, the hawk swooped down and scored him one last time. He yelped out in pain as he started to cry from the searing pain in the middle of his back. Talons had slashed his back, making him bleed and tearing the skin open.

Out of reflex, he quickly turned his head and wildly tried to bite it before it took off back into the air. He managed to pull a few feathers, but nothing that really hindered let alone did damage to his assailant. Dropping the hawk's feathers on the ground, he huddled against the tree trunk, shivering with pain as he started to cry. "Daaadddyyy!" He cried out. This had been a very bad idea...but at least he had successfully escaped. Now he was just afraid to try to get back to the safety of the den...



03-07-2019, 02:05 AM

The woods accelerated the twilight, shrinking what would normally take an hour into just a few minutes. When the young Lord entered on the rutted path, carefully avoiding the puddles on the ground, god forbid he will dirty his silk fur, the light had faded so little he didn't even notice the difference. It wasn't a long trek, it was muddier for sure but it would get him home earlier that on the normal trail. His bi colored eyes adjusted slowly to the encroaching gloom and it wasn't for a couple of several moments that he realized the sun wasn't penetrating the leaves like it usually does and everything was a hue darker than it should be. It was during that time that he young pup picked up his pace but only a little time passed before it was undeniably dark, he could no longer avoid the ruts and his ankle twisted painfully when he made a mis-step. The trees had become silhouettes, the air was colder and the gaiety of the woodland had been replaced with a sense of isolation. Soon the path and his own feet melted into blackness...And auditory system caught on a few shifting noises towards his right. He did caught a familiar scent and he did remember these were the packlands however he also did remember hearing the story about a bear attacking not long ago. What if a rogue bear roamed around? Who is there? he mused softly in his boyish tones. Calling out towards the creature in what some could call a suicide mission.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.



4 Years
03-07-2019, 06:29 PM

He ran toward the cry of his son with all the ferocity and speed of a stallion, his paws beating against the forest floor as if it were a drum. As he caught the scent of blood his heart began to race, his eyes widening as he drew closer and closer to his weeping child.

“What happened?!” He demanded frantically as he burst onto the scene, all but ignoring the other pup that had arrived. He nosed his son over and licked at the scored lacerations on his back, trying to keep panicked whines from escaping him. “What were you doing out here? Where’s your mother?” He asked, crouching low to meet his son’s puffy eyes directly. There was little doubt in his mind where she was, most likely under the dark male she had brought with her, but in spite of how much Leera angered him, he never once held any resentment for his children. In his mind they were his more than they were hers.

He felt Hannibal’s failure to find a healer for them now more than ever, and as his heart thundered with panic he reached back in his memories to think of what his child would need to heal properly and avoid infection.

"Talk"  Thought "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
04-02-2019, 10:28 PM
He huddled against the trunk of the tree, bleeding and in pain. As fearless as he tried to be, he was too scared to try to return to the den. He wasn't sure how long he waited (it wasn't that long, really), but he felt like he'd been sitting there awhile as he tried and failed to find the courage to make a break for it. Relief somewhat washed over him when he heard a boyish voice close by, and when he was just about to answer, his father thundered into the clearing and headed straight towards him. "What happened?" He questioned as he closed the distance. Tyto didn't struggle against his father's touches, and instead leaned into him and buried his face into his fur. Would he be mad at him for having come out on his own? He didn't think he was that far from the den and just wanted to explore a little by himself. But maybe that had been a bad idea...

His father continued to ask him questions as he lowered himself to look him in the eye. Sniffling, Tyto forgot about the other voice as his ears fell back while trying to find his voice and quiet his crying. "S-She's by the den I think..." He wasn't sure. After he snuck away, he wasn't sure if she stayed by the den or noticed and was now trying to track him down. "I-I just wanted to explore a 'lil bit on my own, and a big bird with giant claws attacked me! My back hurts, dad!" He whined, small body shivering as the pain coursed through him and the blood trickling down his sides. He had never experienced pain like this before, and for a moment, he thought he might die!

His eyes widened at that sudden thought as his gaze frantically sought out his fathers and he quickly huddled against him again. "Am I gonna die!? He cried out, his tears returning as he thought about it.



04-09-2019, 04:44 AM
The young Lord would approach the commotion with heavy and slow steps, he knew better than to disturb a parent trying to comfort his spawns and therefore he remained several tails away from them, facing Tyrannis back. Bi colored gaze fell upon a familiar pup, and if he was not mistaken, as if that could happen, he was the pup that he faught at the play date. He was always eventually right and a quick wiff of the gentle breeze would confirm his theory. It was him!

He could not tell for sure from the distance but from what he gathered from their conversation, it would seem that the pup was under some sort of attack. Wait a minute, he was attacked by a bird? He tilted his petite reglia towards the left, confusing through crossing his mind as he could not grasp it around this situation.  It would seem that he finally got what he deserved. Divine interjection or justice, either way the pup had to be taken down a notch or two. He sat down on his haunches and clearedhis voice, making his presence known if it has not already. Are you alright? he steadied his tone as a eyebrow would arch in question towards the two of them however his question was directed towards the pup and if the other could see the mockery in his gaze, so be it.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.