
face the consequences

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-02-2019, 03:09 PM

Rhyme shuffled his way deeper into Abaven’s territory. The threat of the slavers was gone forever, they had crushed them into the dust. Along with the atrocities that had taken place he was weighed down by the latest meeting with his… with Valentine. Rhyme was no longer an Imperialis. At first the thought had destroyed him, and he couldn’t shake the sting of it. He felt unwanted and like a failure. He wasn’t good enough.

His tail flicked in irritation behind him as he scored the ground with one pale paw. Rhyme grit his teeth and felt himself sinking into the deep dark hole that had opened at Darilnor’s death. He felt more lost now than when he’d been taken as a slave. All he wanted was to be alone, and as he found a nice thicket to curl up in Rhyme let himself get lost. More than ever he wanted to partake in that forbidden drink, to enjoy the inebriation that had gotten him into this mess to begin with.

He screamed out in silence, not wanting to draw attention to himself but feeling unable to vent his frustration. He didn’t want to accept his reality. Rhyme let his head fall onto his paws as his brows knit in pain and frustration. He was lost and letting himself go to the darkness. What else could he do?

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-04-2019, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2019, 07:31 PM by Shaye I.)

She found him in the snow and the darkness, the whites and blacks of his coats where like the winter frost and shadows. She almost missed him entirely. She felt him, more then saw them, that familiar weight of his presence on her heart, that both lifted her spirits and choked them. It was safe to say she was still very much confused when it came to this man. She wanted to love him, but she was not so certain she wanted to love him in that way it brought about too much pain and confusion.

Pain, and confusion, like the type she saw against his expression as she got closer. She could see the silent pain in the shadows of his eyes, and the haunted lines of his face. That, more than anything, is what kept her on the path towards him, instead of leaving him be, as she might otherwise have done.

Instead, she settled in beside him, quiet, and silent, through she doubted her presence went unnoted. She curled up a foot away from him, resting her head on her paws as she surveyed him, holding tightly onto her silence. It was enough that she was here, he would know what that meant, and that if he spoke, she would listen.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-07-2019, 03:38 PM
Rhyme wanted solitude, and would have preferred Shaye continue on like she might have done were he better at hiding his emotions. He wanted to come to terms with being stripped of his name alone. The slate alpha was going through more than that though. His dream, one that had helped him through to keep pushing through while a slave, was over. His underlying goal since puphood, unattainable.

He couldn't allow his life's mistakes to flee his head. Rhyme had allowed himself and Rhythm to get captured all those years ago, and it had taken him the majority of his life a slave to get them out of the situation. He'd never have been able to rid the slaver's pack from the face of the earth on his own, and his presence seemed negligible with the army Valentine had amassed. Valentine had done everything while he'd been here playing alpha. Rhyme felt himself agreeing with his father's decision. He was a failure, and he'd never live up to the high standards set.

Shaye lowered herself to the ground, careful to allow his personal space. He couldn't face her, and didn't move as she remained silent. He felt his brows knit in frustration and the last thing he wanted was to take it out on her. "I'm not fit for company right now, Shaye." He told her quietly, his voice in more control than he expected.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-07-2019, 03:50 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2019, 03:51 PM by Shaye I.)

She looked at him through the corner of her eyes, rather then full on. She could sense the black cloud around him, and amassing, seething thing that housed his emotions. She didnt know what was wrong, only that something was amiss. There was no easiness to his expression, only deep thoughts and sorrow. She let her gaze drift to what was in front of her, the pack lands, laid out and white, visible in the darkness with the aid of a few simple stars. Memories or her childhood could run rampant on a night such as this. If she let them. She wasnt inclined to do so, some things where better left alone.

When Rhyme did suddenly speak, his words weren't terribly surprising. A wry smile touched her lips, a little amusing a little bitter. "Nor am I, but such is the way of life. Sometimes, it's better to be alone together." She looked at him fully them, tracing the lines of his face with her eyes. seeing the heaviness there. He had come back recently from the slavers, and could only guess that not all things had gone as well as they first seemed. What she would give sometimes to know his thoughts, to hear the inner workings of his mind. Sometimes, his actions left her feeling like she did not know him at all.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-07-2019, 03:51 PM
He couldn't bring himself to look at her, and remained still as she shifted slightly. She kept herself at arms length, and unsurprisingly did not honor his request for seclusion. The way she answered him though, was enough to bring his gaze to her. Rhyme wanted to be consumed in his own misery, but he didn't miss the emotions lingering in her voice. Shaye's eyes were already studying his features, and he'd made little attempt to hide the way his body spoke his emotions.

Rhyme let himself wonder for a brief moment what she saw. He didn't know anymore what he saw in himself. His fragile pedestal he'd been held up on for so long had collapsed. Was his effort worth anything?

"Not always." He replied darkly, debating about outright sending her away or moving himself before he succumbed and continued. "I don't think I've seen you unfit for anything." Rhyme tried to press her lightly, not wanting to outright ask why she felt flustered. However, if she was going to continue this conversation he'd rather the topic avoid himself. He didn't feel close to ready to speak about the turmoil within.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-07-2019, 04:01 PM

The hopelessness in his eyes wasn’t new, she had seen such emotions run rampant on his face before. In the past, when he had spoken about the slavers, or the miseries Tana had gone through. When he spoke about the wrongs in the world, she had seen that hopelessness inside of him. In truth, that had been a part of his charm, it had encouraged her to think how badly he wanted to change things. Just as she did, to put these ideals to something more.

The hopelessness was different this time, there was no anger to accompany it, no fire, only defeat. What had happened to him. A quick rack of her eyes across his body would find no new scars or injuries that might account for his pain. This was a wound of his heart. “I’ve been unfit for a great many things in my life, and I’ve failed a lot of people” she stopped herself there, eyes drifting, downcast. “You don’t need to tell me what’s wrong, i'll be here regardless” she told him, and settled her head on her paws, and indication of settling in to stay, despite the coolness of the snow beneath her, or the darkness of the night. She wasn’t going anywhere

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-07-2019, 04:19 PM
He didn't think that he could believe her when she mentioned the times she had been unfit or failed someone. Rhyme's ears perked slightly at her words, but she didn't go on to elaborate. His gaze lingered on her form as she settled down to get comfortable, letting him know verbally that she wasn't going anywhere. He sighed internally. The part of him that was ready to give everything up wanted to shoo her away so he might wallow in his sorrow alone. She was too strong a figure though, and even here in the quiet she lent him her strength.

Rhyme had to move on, had to keep going. If he stopped he would quickly be swallowed by the darkness. He didn't know if he'd be able to surface again if he succumbed to its pull. His worth was in question, his abilities doubted. What use did Shaye have of him now, broken and nameless. He would be the laughingstock of his whole family and he felt like there would be no redemption.

"Your time is too valuable to be babysitting me." he told her, unable to hide the bitterness in his voice this time. He knew he couldn't hide his emotions from her, she knew him too well. Hopefully she realized his sourness was not directed at her. "I'm sorry, it's not you.." He made himself trail off. How was he supposed to vocalize his failures?

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-07-2019, 07:26 PM

She often found herself wondering how things would have turned out, if they hadn’t been related, if he hadn’t been kidnapped. If he hadn’t tried to catch the eyes of so many girls. There was so much depth to him, so much kindness in his heart and passion in his eyes. She could have fallen for someone like him, really, truly fallen. Circumstances had forced her to keep a little bit of herself apart, and for that reason, she had not been wholly devastated when she had seen that now was not the right time for them. Instead, it just left her feeling hollow, a sad little feeling of loss. It was enough that she could push it aside and continue to work alongside him, even if things were not the same.

So she would glance up at him from where she had pillowed her head, and force herself not to dwell on ‘could have beens’. Not the easiest of feats, but worth it.

“You are my Alpha Partner, I will always have time for you Rhyme. Besides, its night, Epitaph is with the kids, the pack is quiet. There is nowhere else in the world I need to be, or would rather be, then here” she told him firmly. “I figured it wasn’t me…” she also trailed off, the gentlest prompting she could, without actually asking him what was wrong.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-07-2019, 07:46 PM
He was her partner, and that was one reason his failures hurt so bad. Rhyme felt like he wasn't equal in this partnership, all he could see was Shaye pulling them along by her determination alone. He was just useless baggage. Instead of being heartened by her words he only wanted to sink deeper. In a million years he would never deserve her.

Rhyme didn't miss her gentle prodding either, and he felt an odd relief that she didn't take the blame upon herself for his mood. He wasn't about to get rid of her anytime soon, and she had already said she wasn't going anywhere if he was ready to talk or not. As soon as he brought the words to his throat the raw pain of it returned with a fury. His father didn't trust him, and he was nameless. Shamed.

This time he cried out as the wave washed over him, a muffled whimper as he wallowed in his weakness. He wanted to disappear and be no more. He wouldn't have his burdens any longer, the pain would be gone. Darilnor would be waiting.

"I.." what did he say? How could he begin to express what he was going through. "Its gone." he muttered into his paws, eyes closed as he attempted to keep his breathing even. "He took my name, and with out even laying eyes on them he took their name. He continued, knowing he was being cryptic as his words jumped around. He wasn't even sure if Shaye was following. "I am nothing. he hissed as he felt the dark tendrils of his storm cloud gripping him tightly.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-07-2019, 07:57 PM

She looked up at him in surprise when he spoke, confusion clear in her eyes. took his name? what ever did he mean. But as she continued to look at him, to hear the pain, and understanding would begin to dawn. His name… his father's name, his family's name. A name his children now could not bear. She feel disgruntlement rise inside of her at Valentines actions (Because who else would have done this?) but it didn’t last long, before she shook her head. “You are a lot more than a name, Rhyme. You are perseverance, determination, a pillar of strength even if you yourself dont realise it. You can make your own name for yourself, without his judgment holding you back. You are welcome to the name ‘Destruction’, which is just as much your heritage. You are welcome to the name ‘Abaven’ which you are helping me turn into something more. Or take a name of your own choosing. You are your own man, Rhyme.”

She said softly, rising to her feet and stepping closer to him, seeing the pain in Rhyme’s eyes, and loosing a little more of her respect for Valentine. That emotion had always been a little rocky, a little unsure. A part of her would always see Valentine as selfish, and more so now than ever. “Whichever name you take, it will be your legacy, it will be what you make it.” she whispered



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-07-2019, 08:27 PM
Shaye's voice was soft a sweet as she answered him, though no amount of sugar speaking would remove the wound that scarred him. He swallowed hard as she told him who she saw, and who she knew him to be. If he could trust anyone it was Shaye, but she didn't see through the facade. He wasn't any better today than the day he'd escaped the slavers. He was no better than the man who followed his commands blindly, and was only useful in being used. Rhyme couldn't create anything on his own. He was a leech.

His alpha partner continued to try and convince him otherwise despite not being able to hear his self defeating thoughts. She tried valiantly to build him back up, but he only wanted to topple. She moved closer and he opened his eyes weakly, surprised at the fire in her gaze. Wouldn't it have been better for her to banish him? To see the weak link he was and to be rid of him?

Though he couldn't bring himself to believe her speach she did reintroduce hope. He could forge his own legacy, one separate from Valentine's closely guarded title. He managed to keep her gaze, the potential rising in his chest and the storm clouds brushed away with her strength.

Rhyme remained silent as his eyes slipped from her face to the white of his paws. A few moments ago he wouldn't have had the strength to go on, but Shaye pushed him. Forced him to move and keep going. To remain still meant death. "My whole life." He started, feeling tears sting his eyes. "I wanted him to be proud of me." Again he was that tiny timid pup between Valentine's huge paws. He knew he would never get the satisfaction of those words. "Is anything I've done worth feeling pride about?" He questioned himself more than Shaye. His confidence was broken, his pride crushed. Rhyme felt worthless.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-08-2019, 01:29 AM
She spoke with certainty, because she had never seen Rhyme as Valentines child. She had seen him as his own man, who stood on his own feet. He had chosen Abaven when he found his freedom, and he had earned the position of Alpha partner beside her. He had stood up for Abaven, and he had fought their battles together. She did not see him as the child of Valentine, she saw him as Rhyme, the Alpha of Abaven. A man in his own right.

His words where heartbreaking, and they spoke of loss and regret. She wanted to banish the tears from his eyes, and help him prove to himself that he was more. She brushed apaw against his cheek, gently wiping away a crystal drop that had fallen there. She knelt down beside him, her face before his. “Right now, he has made you a chastened child. Stand on your own feet, make something of yourself that is wholly yours, and face him as an equal. Do this if you wish to earn his respect, do this even if you do not. You are not a boy in his shadow, you are a man, a leader of men.” her eyes on him where serious, assured. It didn’t matter her own doubts about herself, her worries, her heartbreak. What mattered was Rhyme, and what he was feeling right now. “You stand up for what’s right. You have created children that you love, you stand for a pack that will be a beacon of hope. You have faced down crocodiles and bears. You have the mettle of a warrior, and I am proud of you.”


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-08-2019, 04:50 PM
He felt her paw against his cheek, brushing away the pain filled tear with gentle care. Rhyme opened his eyes to see her there in front of him. This vulnerability was part of the reason he was in this mess to begin with, but he couldn't bring himself to regret the closeness they shared. What else could be done to him now if he gave in to his weakness? Rhyme steadied his gaze as he lost himself in her eyes.

Shaye's words were strong and pointed, he couldn't argue that he was indeed reduced to a errant pup. However, that wasn't the path ultimately meant for him. He was just as much Abaven's leader as Shaye was. Rhyme was his own man, not just Valentine's son. He blinked away his pained tears and grasped tighter to the strength she dredged up from deep within him. He had conquered bears and crocodiles, what was losing a last name compared to that? He experienced great loss in his life, and he was about to give up everything because of a boyhood dream.

"I am proud of you."

Shaye broke through to him then and a heavy sigh filtered through his lips. He had to pick himself up by his bootstraps and be the strong pillar that his pack and his children needed. Rhyme couldn't afford to wallow in his self pity, there was too much at stake for that. He lifted himself from the earth and shook off the funk that clung to him. He couldn't forget the pain that lingered, but he could be stronger.

Rhyme looked back at Shaye, unable to mistake the hope, strength, and love she poured out for him daily. Something he took for granted. "Shaye," he whispered her name as he closed the distance between them. "Forgive my weakness." he asked as he aimed to push his muzzle into the fur at her neck. If nothing else he had to push himself for her and for his children. They were the ones that mattered.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-09-2019, 03:11 PM

She could see that her words where having their desired effect. They chased away the tears and brought hope to eyes that moment before had been sunken, devoid. She offered him a smile, feeling her own spirits rising at seeing the difference in him. It reminded her that, no matter what they where going through, they where in this together.

He nuzzled into her neck, and she allowed it for a moment before she pulled away. She leaned forward and brushed a soft kiss across his brow. "Theres nothing to forgive" she told him, her voice gentle yet firm. She settled back on her hunches, finding the shape of his eyes in the dark. "I feel like it's been a long time since we had an alpha catch up. Anything new happened on your watches?" She asked, turning the conversation softly now that Rhyme had found peace. He knee he could always talk to her, and she felt she had helped to remind him of that today. If he wanted to speak further of his fathers actions, he could.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-09-2019, 03:39 PM
Rhyme pulled back from their embrace only a fraction of a second after Shaye, she knew him too well. He pushed lightly against her forgiving kiss as she absolved him of guilt. In his opinion she was being too forgiving with him, but maybe that was his wounded side talking. He didn't sit back on his haunches as she did, but remained standing as she steered the conversation in a completely different direction.

His gaze lingered on the horizon as he tried to shift gears. "I had productive talks with Lirim's alpha, Frostbite. He would like to keep friendly terms, and sounded interested in trading teachings." He started, remembering briefly their conversation. "I didn't get anywhere talking to Chaos, and the likelihood of anything positive happening between Abaven and Legion is even less now." The pang of loss bubbled within him again as he mentioned his paternal side of his family. He sighed heavily again.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-09-2019, 03:47 PM

He stood, towering above her as she sat on her hunches. She smiled into this dual-toned eyes and considered his words for a moment. “It would definitely be good to head to Lirim and sort out a trading agreement, then” she agreed, pleased with his progress there. What he said about Chaos did not surprise her in the least. “We don’t have anything they want.. If we could find something, we might have some chance of building something with them, or at least, ensuring they wont turn against us” she mused out loud, tapping her tail through the snow in thought, before shaking her head and letting out a sigh. She doubted they would find such a thing easily.

“I’ve accepted a few wolves into the pack - Storm, who once lived here, through she is now very old and frail. Brandr and Corentine, as well. They both are hunters” She glanced back up towards Rhyme, a slight smile on her lips. “Abaven continues to grow” she said, a hint of pride to her tones.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-09-2019, 04:05 PM
Rhyme was glad to have been helpful in extending their relationship with Lirim, Frostbite seemed to be a relatable wolf. He had recently become a father as well. They had more chance of developing a beneficial relationship with Lirim than Legion, not that Shaye was expecting any different the tone of her voice and the content of her speech only confirmed that. He nodded in agreement, other than strained familial ties there was little common goal, and downright resentment. If you were an Imperialis you were supposed to hate Abaven.

He pushed them from his mind again and focused on the good news Shaye shared with him. Abaven continued to grow, and they had new hunters now. Rhyme would have to make time to meet their new pack mates. He returned her smile, feeling his confidence trickle back. Abaven was flourishing under their care, and that was nothing to be ashamed of. "They have a great alpha to thank for that." He teased her with a hint of a smile. Shaye really was the catalyst for becoming one of the largest packs in Boreas.