
Down to my last teardrop



6 Years
03-08-2019, 08:37 PM

They had been here for a little bit of time now and Corentine had spent her time revisiting old spots and searching for her family. Most of it had been outside of the pack, knowing very well her mother had left with Ty some years ago. What she didn't realize was that Shaye had found her mother and brought her back to Abaven. Corentine didn't know of anything going on around Boreas, since being gone for roughly a year she was out of the loop with everything. She knew Dauntless had fallen, and that was about it.

Today she had decided to visit the old spots within the pack that she was aware of, most importantly the den she grew up within. It was a beautiful spring morning and the sun warmed her dark back as she traveled. Brandr had taken Lucine out for a hunt so she didn't need to worry about how Lucine was doing today. She was headed back to the plains where she grew up and as she neared the den that she was born in a somewhat familiar form began to come into view. She had thought at first it was her imagination until she realized the form wasn't going away and as she got closer her eyes began to show the worry of what she saw.

Her once beautiful mother looked like skin and bones, and even worse her coat was giving a slow uneven shed from it's winter form. Her heart sank and for a few moments she just stopped and stared not sure if it was a good idea to approach or not. She had to, it was her mother and she had to go to her. So the girl pushed forward and when she got to her gave Storm the most gentle nuzzle she could muster, fearing that if she touched her her mother would simply break.

"Mamma what's happened to you?" her voice was all but a whisper as she tried to choke back the emotion threatening to spill.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



9 Years
03-08-2019, 08:54 PM

Shaye had brought her to safety just before the official end to winter. For about a week she spent keeping warm and trying to get some of her strength back. She had not been out an about, she remained in a den resting and eating when Eli would bring her food. She would also continue to use herbs to help ease her pain and to help with her immune system despite the end that she knew was near. She at least had lived to see her sons again and to see Tempest after so many years. She had wanted to go to Lirim to be with her brother, but the night Shaye found her she decided it wasn't in her fate to go. She knew that Abaven was where she would die and without even seeing the daughter she knew was alive and well. She had hopes that coming back to Abaven would mean seeing Corentine again, but after the time she had spent here and with no word she just figured Corentine had moved on.

Today it was nice enough to go out and together her and Eli had trailed the familiar path to the den that was once hers. The den that her first litter was born in. When they arrived and found it old and somewhat grown over, Eli had gotten to work cleaning it up and clearing the debris at the entrance. While he worked Storm laid within the sun, letting it warm her frail form. She hadn't expected to get so lucky, that Corentine had returned to Abaven just as she had. She wasn't aware that fate would bring her daughter back to her side. She wasn't even aware of anything until the very soft and gentle nuzzle came from Corentine, the soft whisper of her voice.

Storm leaned into her touch, tail wagging in happiness as she recognized instantly who was here.

"Corentine," her voice was soft, a smile lighting up her grizzled muzzle. "Join me there is much to say."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



6 Years
03-08-2019, 09:05 PM

Her heart ached and she closed her eyes as her mother leaned into her touch. She was thankful that her mother recognized her, that whatever was going on hadn't taken that from her. Her mother's sweet voice, it was so relieving to hear. It instantly took her back in time, making her feel like a young girl again, sitting with her mother to listen to whatever knowledge or stories she had to share. A soft sigh passed the young female's lips knowing that this time she wouldn't be hearing any stories and the knowledge she would give would be hard to hear. Something was terribly wrong and she didn't want to hear to truth. She didn't want to hear the grave news she felt was going to be told. It wasn't hard to tell that her mother wasn't going to be around much longer, not with how she looked now.

Corentine moved to lay behind her mother, curling herself around the smaller women and placing her head on her mother's front legs. Gold eyes looked to the den as she prepared to hear what her mother had to say, her heart clenching with fear and emotion. Without being able to hold back, tears began to trail down her face and she quietly shook with the emotion she tried do hard to hold back. How can a women so strong as her mother, come to looking as bad as she did currently.

"Can we start with what happened to Dauntless?" voice wavered by the emotion, but she wanted to put the bad news off until last hoping to compose herself.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



9 Years
03-08-2019, 09:40 PM

She was already upset, which only told Storm that her outer appearance was getting a lot worse now. Death was near and Storm was at peace with it. With Death came the lack of pain, suffering, vomiting up her meals, feeling exhausted all the time. With death came peace and she would be reunited with Chin and the members of her family that have passed on. She was at peace with it no matter how hard her kids were taking it. She would see them again, but they would have to live on without her. Most of them aside from her youngest litter already had solid lives, even if she didn't agree with how they were living.

Corentine's sigh made her ears flatten slightly, fallowing the sound of her movements as she settled behind her and her head was placed on top of her legs. As her daughter began to quietly cry Storm couldn't help but nuzzle her to try and comfort her. She knew this was hard, to face that one of your loved ones was dying. Her daughter's request was easy to fill, knowing that there was a lot she needed to know. There was also something Storm hoped that Corentine could do for her, no matter how hard it may be.

"Ty for some reason or another left without word and Cloud had no interest in leading so the pack disbanded," she started.

From there Storm would fill her in on where she wandered, meeting up with Chin, meeting up with Elias who was her biological father. It was a lot of information, but it was just the start. She told Corentine about finding Ty again, how his son Rain helped her get him back on his feet. How she left to go back to her family clan and ended up having a second litter, Corentine's three youngest sisters. How Ty joined Ruina which was raised by thier father and how it fell (from what she knew). Thora was left with Cloud and Ty created his second pack. She even told her the smaller details of when Thora found her and what her concerns were with Ty's pack and how Storm had went and begged him to not be swallowed by the darkness, what he had said and how upset she was.

She told her that Tempest was alive and well and made sure she knew that her uncle lived and thrived in a pack called Lirim. Everything she knew she passed onto Corentine who would soon have an important role. Storm grew quiet for a few moments as she let it all sink in, letting Corentine process everything she had filled her in on. Her daughter was physically calmer now and Storm took in a breath.

"Sweetie...... I'm dying I have tried everything to get better and nothing heals me. I've been having a slow decline for a while now and I fear....... I will not be alive much longer." she told her straight out, not holding back even though Storm knew she would be upset. "I don't want you to hold anything against your brother Ty for what he said to me, he is your blood he keep an open mind and do not let what I told you bother you. He is your brother."

"I will need you to do something for me when that day comes. I want you to find your siblings and tell them of my passing and also go to your uncle to let him know as well." she started, but Corentine stopped her.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



6 Years
03-08-2019, 09:59 PM

Her mother had given her so much information that it was difficult to process. She tried to repeat everything within her mind, to keep it all straight. It would take her a day or two and now that she discovered her ill mother she would be busy, much busier then she had thought. It also made her want Lucine to meet Storm, before she passed on. Storm had a right to meet her grand daughter and to be apart of her life for however long Storm had left. Corentine was able to compose herself as she took everything in, it would all hit her later and she was sure her weakest moment would be when she told Brandr.

Storm then began to tell her to not hold anything against Ty for how he acted. It was her mother's wish and she would try very hard to keep to that wish. Storm also started into what she wanted Corentine to do making this all more of a reality. Corentine gently nuzzled her, stopping her mother from going on about this.

"Mamma we can talk about this later.... This is a lot to handle right now," her voice was soft, somewhat pleading to get off this subject.

She would go over all of that, but for now she wanted to bring her mother back to her den for when Brandr and Lucine came back from hunting. She wanted Storm to meet Lucine today, to spend time with her today, before it would be to late.

"I also have to catch you up on my life." her gold eyes watched as her mother's interest perked. "Brandr and I have become mates and you have two yearling grandchildren. Halation, your grandson chose to set out on his own already, but your granddaughter Lucine is here in Abaven with us. She's hunting with Brandr, but I want you to meet her and spend time with her today."

It warmed her to see the pure joy simmering in her mother's pale eyes, the smile lighting up her grizzled muzzle. Standing Corentine gently nudged her wanting to take their time back to the den, to not have to rush.

"Let's go back to my den and tomorrow we can go over the rest of your wishes if you like," she said before waiting for her mother to get up.

She would turn and wait for Storm to come to her side and she would lead her to thier den.

-exit Corentine with Storm-

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag