
i always feel like somebody's watching me.


07-02-2013, 03:53 PM

Muscles glided over bone as the brute walked through the wooded area. He'd been walking for so long that it felt like a rhythm had started - one foot, now the other. Large gray paws made contact with the earth and then came away quickly, his breathing was a steady in-and-out mantra. Listening to his body made Slater relax, or maybe it was just the consistency of it all.

Going on in such a way for such a long time might have bored another wolf, but it wouldn't bore Slater. He didn't feel alone. Maybe it was because in some form, he wasn't. Where is the pup, Slate? Aren't you going to find her soon? the voice in his head asked, and Slater shook his head in annoyance. "I know what I'm doing. I'm tracking her down, don't worry about me," he said out loud for what felt like the thousandth time. Slater loved his little voice but its nagging got under his skin every once in a while. "You know, you remind me a lot of every female I've ever known. Not a good thing, Shade." To any outsider, Slater would look crazy, talking to someone who wasn't there. This was his way of life and he would stick to it. Any interference and he'd likely snap.

He shook his matted fur, ignoring the fact that it was dirty and disgusting. Once again he mumbled something to Shade, his ears flattening against his head for a moment before springing back upright. He'd caught a noise somewhere to the left of him and he turned his head to face the source. Slater wasn't the type of wolf that others would want to approach, not by far. "Surely it's someone out for my blood. Extra careful now, Slate," he said, not bothering to lower his voice.


07-10-2013, 07:26 PM

Amaranth was a great many things. Powerful, determined, strong, remarkably durable and if the situation just presents itself, certifiably insane. Shes had random bouts of madness and malice for as far back as she dared to remember. The kidnapping of her younger days, the plundering pain of being raped and used again and again and again... it eventually snapped her mind. She couldn't hellp but be a little crazy.

Orange, gold eyes flickered about, studying the land around her. She was a rogue, a demon hell bent on destruction and chaos, she yearned for no home, only the blood of those that wronged her to stain her tongue. Each touch of her pads was deliberate and measured, her bodice swayed from side to side, deceptive muscle rippling with each step she took. She was scarred up and busted, but she was far from being dead. Cold, calloused eyes glared at the depressing visage before her, the woods were a place of sadness, of regret, these things she bore none of, not anymore.

The scent of another gave her reason to pause. Oculars flickering curiously about the woods, she hunted for this stranger, this creature of darkness. Her direction changed and she followed the scent, perhaps a nice distraction would do her well, she had nearly killed her once mate naught but a scarce few weeks prior... what fun that had been. Curving around the base of a tree, her bodice came to a halt, sizing up the male before her in silence before her lips parted and lyrics spilled from her larynx. ?Something wicked this way comes, by the pricking of my thumbs...? The lyrics fell from her maw in a purr, cold eyes locked upon her target.



07-14-2013, 11:00 PM

To his surprise, the wolf that had approached him was a female. At one time she might have been beautiful but that time was long past. Her body was covered in scars - Slater imagined her to be a strong victor. Something had happened to her to make her that way, that much was obvious. Slater wasn't one to judge, he had enough problems of his own, and he wasn't the most attractive wolf either.

"Wicked? Not beautiful?" he asked, watching her carefully. It wasn't clear if the words were meant for her or not. He seemed disoriented; she had brought him back to the real world and it was a strange feeling. At least it's a lady, Shade said. If a wolf is going to stop our world, at least it's a female wolf. Slater agreed in his head, nodding slightly.

ooc: sorry for the shortness!


07-15-2013, 12:46 PM

Amaranth, that name had become her mantra, the very source of her inner strength, her determination, her drive and often, the pausing of every mental faculty she owned, she loved to dance upon the line that separated madness from sanity and her mind often slipped, giving into her more basic thrills. Teeth gnashing, claws slashing, foam and drool coating ivory pearls and lips... oh she could remember each and every time she had faced an adversary without the annoying persistence of her mind. Orange oculars locked with this stranger, her pelt quivering with a muscle spasm as he held her gaze.

She shifted, paws lifting and replacing themselves in the uneven terrain, she shook her skull and a smile tugged at her inky black lips. ?Beauty? Tis not a word that describes me my dear. What tis your name?? Her voice was a low rumble, never high pitched and certainly never screeching. Her tail complacently lashed back and forth, dusting the backs of her thighs almost with a mind of its own. Was she excited? Irritated? Enthralled? Repulsed? She didn't even know anymore. She didn't try to analyze her emotions, her thoughts, her feelings. Amaranth simply was and that was good enough for her.
