
I Can Lift You Up



2 Years
Dire wolf
03-11-2019, 06:19 PM

He had spent well over a year in Boreas and although he missed his home dearly he had come to love the savage land and its people as his own. Never once had he forgotten his mission and had in fact made greater strides than he expected in his short time on the continent. His oath to Philomena and the slow gathering of his siblings and mother had brought him closer to avenging his father’s honor than he had ever anticipated. Now at the beginning of his adult life, no longer the gangly disproportionate mess of an adolescent, he knew it was time to advance.

He called for Torin, the primary alpha and sat, hoping to swallow whatever lingering nerves troubled him until the male arrived. He had never spoken formally to Torin, only heard him speak at meetings, this would be his first introduction to his leader and his farewell to Lirium. He supposed he should have felt some guilt over that fact, but his mission was far too important to him, and he had come too far

speaking Thinking  you



7 Years
Extra large
03-11-2019, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:53 PM by Torin.)

Torin was tired, he was starting to pick up his duties in anticipation of Frostbite stepping down, in truth it wasn't that much more work so much as he felt like he was pushing himself further... He felt like he had to. There were other things too, he knew that his nephews and nieces... niece he corrected himself in his mind, were old enough now to take on full ranks within the pack. He needed to talk to them about that, especially Blaise and Priscilla, they hadn't been particularly active within the pack even before their sister passed; now even Celestin was more distant though he knew part of that was the grief.

He didn't have much more time to consider though as he heard a summon lifting in the air. His work was never done. This one he recognized vaguely as Pegasus. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to the young man himself, though he'd seen his nephew and the boy spending much time together. That and the fact Frostbite had been willing to accept the yearling in to the pack led him to believe he was a good enough kid.

With a sigh the man eased his limbs into an easy trot towards the young man. His tail lifting slightly as he approached though he kept his expression, easy. Though he didn't quite manage a smile. "Pegasus, right? He triple checked, even though he knew the young man couldn't be any one else. "What can I do for you?"

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Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
Dire wolf
03-11-2019, 07:45 PM

He dipped his head in greeting to the man and met his unexpectedly distant expression with a genteel smile. “It is, it’s good to finally meet you.” He said, his voice now the deep baritone of a man of his size. “I wanted to talk to you about my place in Lirium.” He explained, his eyes remaining steady on the male and addressing him directly.

“In truth I only joined Lirium without the intention of staying, it was dishonest of me. You might have heard from others among your ranks that I come from another land.” He explained. “I came to Boreas for a very specific purpose and now it seems that I will be close to fulfilling that purpose. I would like your blessing to leave, so that I might do what I came here to do.” He said steadily, attempting to keep the quaver from his voice.

speaking Thinking  you



7 Years
Extra large
03-11-2019, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:53 PM by Torin.)

Torin nodded as Pegasus introduced himself. He settled upon his haunches before the younger man. He got the notion that whatever the reason for this call it was important to Pegasus but he wanted to help ease whatever tension the young man was feeling.

He listened quietly and carefully, letting Pegasus speak until he was certain the young man was done and then waited a bit longer. Allowing his swirling thoughts to order themselves. His first thought was of his nephew, wondering if the rainbow boy had been told; if he had would Celestin also follow after Pegasus? Next was the realization that without Pegasus the pack was left even more defenseless than he'd ever realized, his nephew and father would be the only dedicated fighters yet.

But under all that, resignation. He wasn't about to stop a young driven man from seeking out whatever goal he wished. He nodded slowly. "I would be lying to say I wasn't at least a little disappointed." He admitted, speaking carefully. "However if there are other things you feel you must do I will not deign to stop you." He watched Pegasus for a moment, then the tiniest of smiles graced his face for the first time. "If you ever find you're in need of a place to return to, or even stay for a night you'll always be welcome here." He chuckled lightly as he spoke the next few words, "And I doubt I'm the only one who feels that way." He fixed Pegasus with a pointed look.

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Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
Dire wolf
03-11-2019, 08:51 PM
He felt heat rise to his cheeks in an instant, certain of Torin's implication. He cleared his throat, and looked away, suddenly embarrassed.

“Yes well…As I’m sure you know, Célestin and I have become close friends since I arrived here.” More than friend he reminded himself, more than brothers even, the way he felt for Célestin exceeded every known bond he could think of between two men. It had in fact been why he had dragged his feet for so long leaving Lirium, even now as impassioned as he was about completing his mission the thought of leaving him behind made his heart ache.

“He knows I’ve been planning to leave for a while, but he hasn’t given any definite answer on whether or not he’ll join me.” He said, feeling the words leave him more than speaking them.

“I know you’re related and it is ultimately his choice, but if he chooses to join me, does he have your permission to leave as well?” He asked a chill of fear settling into the pit of his stomach. He wasn’t sure that he could take on a family of monster wolves without Célestin by his side, even if he had a legion of wolves at his back to help him. At the same time there were so many reasons Célestin might choose to stay; with the recent death of his sister he knew it would be selfish to ask him to leave the rest of his family and the only home he had ever known behind.

speaking Thinking  you



7 Years
Extra large
03-11-2019, 09:57 PM

Torin watched the Male carefully, had he misjudged the relationship between the two young men. To him they had seemed as close friends, attached near the hip maybe but then what did he know about most relationships?

As Pegasus blushed though Torin was suddenly struck that their relationship may have been more, he wasn't anymore likely to force his nephew to stay than he was Pegasus, that would have gone against everything he felt the pack stood for but if he wasn't misreading the situation that only made him less likely to try and stand in his nephew's way.

Celestin is too excitable for his own good, he often rushes into things without thinking them through and he could benefit from a firm but kind hand to help guide him. But he's also firecly loyal, kind to a fault and passionate. I have no doubt he'll apply himself 100% at whatever it is he wants to do." He paused for a moment. "He's also old enough to choose his own path. I'm sure he'll be an asset to anyone he befriends, wherever he chooses to go."

He was only partially surprised that his nephew hadn't yet given Pegasus a definitive answer. He could see whatever the young man was planning would have been an adventure that would have enticed his nephew but the death of his sister was no doubt filling him with doubts.

""He'll have a place here just as you will if he chooses to go with you. " He thought for a moment, then fixed Pegasus with a very pointed look. "We Adravendi's take care of our own, we take in those that have proven friends and we don't forget who our enemies are." It was a slight threat, if his nephew got into trouble of his own volition Lirim wasn't going to jump into to save him but if it turned out this Pegasus was taking advantage of the good will of the rainbow boy the retribution would be swift. He hoped it wouldn't come to that. He wanted to trust both Celestin's and Frostbite's judgement about the young wolf; he also hoped that if it turned out his speculation about the relationship between the two young wolves was true that there was no ill will in Pegasus' heart towards the other boy. Still he allowed the smile to return.

"I trust that when the time comes he will know where his heart lays." He paused again, eyeing the younger wolf. He was bigger than Torin but in his frame and his face Torin could see how green he was still. "If there's anything you need before you leave please do not hesitate to let me know. We want to help smooth the transition as much as possible. If there are any supplies or information you're looking for we'll gladly provide anything within our means."

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Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
Dire wolf
04-26-2019, 11:00 AM

Torin described Célestin to a T and he felt his heart thud in his chest as everything he had come to love about the rainbow backed boy was laid out before him. He found himself straightening slightly at Torin’s veiled threat, but took no animosity from it. Instead he looked at the leader and in a calm and earnest voice told him “I would never let any harm come to him.” And felt the matter had been settled.

Torin went on to offer him supplies and information, and although Peg felt he knew enough about the Abraxas to justify charging at their gates he supposed the chance to learn any new information or at least affirm what he already knew would be welcome.

“I’m not sure if you know anything that could help me but…I came here seeking vengeance against a family that wronged my father, if you know anything of the Abraxas family I’m sure it would be helpful.”

speaking Thinking  you



7 Years
Extra large
04-29-2019, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:52 PM by Torin.)

Torin couldn't help but smile as he watched Pegasus rise to his challenge, his tone so full of earnestness and his gaze even. Torin trusted the young man's response, if he was lying he was a better liar than most but Torin found himself wanting to believe him. He knew he was going to be more than happy to let his nephew go with Pegasus. That easy feeling would be short lived however as he listened to Pegasus again. His expression dropping into a rock hard mask, not to protect himself but to protect his nieces and nephews.

When he spoke next his words were careful and restrained, though there was a strain in his voice. "I've only come across that name once or twice." He said, meeting Pegasus gaze, feeling the intensity of his restraint leaking through. "I learned only a little bit ago that there was a victim of one of their family members, he raped one of the women in the pack." He wouldn't mention the impish wolf they'd accepted into their ranks. He wasn't about to put own of their own in danger like that, even now he stood by his choice to allow the tiny man into his pack. As he spoke the next few words he felt his gaze intensify and his voice growing more strained. "My sister Jewell was that woman. I had always known that the act had been done but not who had perpetrated it." He paused for a moment wondering if Pegasus knew of the circumstances of Célestin's birth. He remembered the terrible outcome of the reveal of their birth, his thoughts diving towards Navea and his fear that she died thinking she was hated. He grimaced the tears that threatened him away, he wondered if he was about to do the right thing. "Célestin's mother. That man is technically Célestin's father." He felt a bit of a threat sneak into his tone, leaning onto the previous threat as he spoke again. "Neither he nor any of his siblings have ever met their father and they have been raised in the values of my family not that of their father's." There was a slight growl to his tone, he held only contempt for the man that had sired his nieces and nephews but he also wasn't about to let anyone think less of them for their mistake of a father. They were gifts to the pack and he believed each of them had just as much kindness in them as their shy mother. "He is an Adravendi through and through, no matter what actual genes he carries."

He watched Pegasus carefully, his eyes narrowing slightly. He searched for any sign that this boy he'd just watched claim he'd protect his nephew was about to change his mind about that. If he was than Torin would chase him out right then, by himself if he had too; he wasn't about to let his family be put in harms way from some child's foolish hope for vengeance. But the way he saw it, as much as it would no doubt tear up his nephew it would be better for Pegasus to find out now and give Torin the chance to intervein then for Célestin to be left without backup when Pegasus eventually found out.

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Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
Dire wolf
04-30-2019, 01:25 PM

As Torin spoke he found himself distancing the inevitable truth as much as he was able. Surely the rapists by get had been an older litter?  Surely it was coincidence that his mother had been raped and he had told the gilded man that he was a product of rape? As  Torin laid out the truth bare Pegasus felt as though he had been dropped into a frozen lake. Célestin was one of them. For a moment he could only look at the silver alpha in awestruck horror. He had always been taught that a man’s blood was just as important as how they were nurtured. Would he continue to believe that now? He desperately wished he wouldn’t.

His mind combed over his interactions with the motley boy; how physical they had been, how close they had become. It matched the pervasive and beguiling nature his father had warned him about, but Célestin would never do that to him. Would He? No. He affirmed to

His mind reached back further to the day he found and comforted Célestin after a nasty fight with his brother. His own words echoed back to him then “You're...One of the best wolves I've ever met in my life actually...” Was that suddenly untrue now? He closed his eyes tightly, sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his eyes opening and meeting Torin’s Bi-colored gaze.

“This changes nothing. I swore I would never let any harm come to him. I meant it.” The firm assurance was just as much for himself as it was for the alpha. In spite of how deeply he hated the Abraxas he could not bring himself to hate Célestin, and would instead add the rainbow boy's pains and debts to the mounting vengeance he sought.

speaking Thinking   You



7 Years
Extra large
05-06-2019, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:15 PM by Torin.)

Torin watched with narrowed eyes, unspeaking as he allowed the emotions of this reveal play out in front of him. Even when he was unsure of the thought process of the young man he watched, trying to keep the edge from his form but he wasn't sitting comfortably anymore. He could tell that Pegasus was struggling through something and he could only begin to understand what it was the damned family had done to elicit such a response.

Finally, Pegasus screwed his eyes shut and Torin allowed himself a moment to lean back, watching as the young man opened his eyes and met his gaze. He found conviction there and when Pegasus spoke he nodded, allowing himself to visibly relax. "Okay." He breathed, nodding.

Torin breathed a sigh and for a moment closed his eyes. Then he opened them again. Allowing a small smile to creep across his mask, more in an attempt to ease the situation than anything else. "I'll trust that." He said, his voice even. "And I still promise if you are in need of anything we will do what we can to offer our aid."

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Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3