
a breath of fresh air



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
03-12-2019, 05:56 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2019, 05:59 PM by Kai.)
Kai Jarvela was one hundred percent trespassing right now.

Part of him figured Tyranis wouldn't mind, but then again he'd had limited experience with packs and he had a feeling his followers might be a little... less impressed with his sneaky arrival than he hoped. That was why he was traveling in the dead of night, and luckily the sky was mostly obscured by dense clouds, announcing a storm coming before the end of the night. It'd taken him a bit of searching to find Tyranis's scent, since he'd been rather vague about where he'd laid down his pack's claim, but once he caught wind of it he found it impossible to let go. He missed his friendly quite dearly and much had changed since he'd seen him last. He couldn't know that far more had changed for Tyranis; the two tusks sprouting from his upper jaw, not fully grown and rather impressive if you asked him, were definitely something he thought might catch him by surprise.

Though excited to find him, another much smaller (and hardly noticeable) part of him was anxious that his arrival wouldn't go over well. He didn't give a damn about the rest of his pack, truthfully, or what they thought of his presence here... but the thought of disappointing Ty didn't exactly please him. Either way, it was too late to turn back now, and he was thoughtful and quiet as he slunk through the forest. The fog here hung low to the ground, obscuring nearly everything along with the darkness, and the thick moisture in the air made it difficult to get a good grasp on his scent. Either way, he'd press on, the fluttering anxious excitement only growing when he got a good whiff of him. His pace picked up as he tried to maintain that sneaky pace, not wanting to go noticed by other Erovrare members - only Ty.



4 Years
03-13-2019, 01:49 PM

Ty slunk through the shadows, tailless, broken, and bereft. Everything had fallen apart in the span of one season and he had never felt more alone or hurt. He wandered like a wraith, his head only rising as he detected the presence of someone or something else lurking in the fog. A tight snarl rolled up his throat and in an instant, he kicked off the ground, ready to sink his teeth into whoever or whatever dared to intrude on his sulking.

He charged through the fog, his eyes catching the sight of tusks in the moonlight and determining that his fight would be against a boar. It wasn’t until the wind changed and brought the figure’s scent to him that he stopped, frozen in place. “Kai?” He called hesitantly, his voice a harsh rasp. He stepped closer to Kai and in an instant became aware of just how bad he looked. His fur was in complete disarray from neglect, his coat had faded to a dull gray rather than its usual stormy slate, and his eyes were puffy from far too many attempts to keep himself from crying. He looked Kai over in the moonlight, his only friend outside of his family and the only man he had ever trusted completely, and felt his legs give out from under him, his hip falling gracelessly to the ground. “Oh Kai…” He moaned despondently and just as he had on the stormy night they had spent together Ty felt the hot tracks of tears rolling down his cheeks.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
03-13-2019, 06:46 PM
Briefly, the last time he'd seen Tyranis ran through his head. Kai had been at the rather ridiculous gathering when Ty had been challenged, though he'd grown quickly quite bored of the melodramatics and he'd slipped away before the other man noticed him - and likewise, before Tyranis had lost his tail. Quite a few questions rattled around in his head (though most he doubted he'd voice, when he finally say Tyranis). His rage hadn't gone unnoticed to Kai, even despite how far he'd been from him that day, and though he wondered about his mental state it also wasn't really his business to pry. He had limited experience with such things, and truthfully he was more so interested in simply enjoying his time with him rather than musing over any concerns he might have.

He heard a rustling up ahead, and hoped desperately it was Tyranis rather than one of his pack members. Kai froze, squinting through the fog and trying to make out the snarling figure - but before long Tyranis appeared, hardly visibly in the dim moonlight, but he couldn't mistake him for anyone else. Instantly he began to grin, his tail wagging slowly behind him. It took him a much longer moment to realize that Ty wasn't in the greatest shape, though it was hard to discern much from his position and the dim light. "It's me, in the flesh," he quipped, his voice lighthearted and playful. "I'm surprised you recognized me with these-" his thought was cut off abruptly when Tyranis crumpled to the ground, and his smile drooped. Even an idiot could notice the pain in his posture, and it definitely perturbed Kai. Not that he was good with this whole.. emotions thing.

He was crying, almost immediately, and Kai was stunned into silence for a long moment. All he could do was pull Tyranis close to him, pressing him tight against his chest. "What's going on? Does this have anything to do with that... giant gathering a few weeks back? I'm not sure you saw me, but I heard someone call for you and showed up. I didn't stay, though. What happened?" He had yet to see Ty's injury, the night too dark to really get a good look at him, and he was focused on his unsteady breathing and trying to hold Tyranis close to him. Concern was etched into his voice as he pulled back and tried to get a better look at him.



4 Years
03-14-2019, 01:08 PM

“Kai…It’s all gone so wrong. So horribly wrong.” He croaked, clinging to the larger male in an attempt to bring him closer. “First my uncle labeled me a traitor, then my father went mad, then my mother practically disowned me, then that man Hannibal…” He trailed off from his rambling, and simply clung helplessly to Kai like a bat on a wall.

“My mother said my life would be full of paranoia and that my own people would turn on me, and Kai she was right!” He barked, his shoulders starting to shake. He didn’t even care enough about the red male to comment on his supposed victory, and while the loss of his tail had been a blow to his pride it had fallen short on a growing list of reasons for him to be miserable.“A woman bore my pups in Winter, she convinced Shaye to take them from me…Kai…Kai I’ve lost everything!” He wept, the totality of his loss hitting him with each passing word. He wanted to go back to Autumn; when he and the steel colored male had danced under the rippling lights of the north, when all had been going well for him, before Hannibal proved himself to be a traitor by using his rank to suit his own needs and fill his ranks with his supporters.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
03-28-2019, 09:06 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2019, 09:07 AM by Kai.)

Kai was not a protective wolf, at least when it came to those close to him, but he felt a sudden surge of indignation toward whoever had done Tyranis wrong. He watched as his posture slumped, noting the pain in Ty's eyes even under the cover of the nighttime fog. It struck him suddenly that most of their encounters were like this - in poor weather, under the dim moonlight, and he wondered if he ought to make a point to change it up next visit. But most of his attention was on his words, on how he explained how things had gone wrong. His uncle had betrayed him, his mother had disowned him, his father had gone crazy. Kai's brows furrowed as he listened to what Ty had been going through.

He'd lost everything, even his children. Ty had children? There was so much he didn't know about him, and vice versa, but that fact caught him by surprise. It caught him equally by surprise that those same children had been taken from him. He felt that same spark of indignation return, a slight frown tugging at his lips - he let Ty unleash his pain on him, his muzzle tucking him close against his chest. "I - I'm sorry. You've been through so much," he said finally, unsure what other help he could be to him. "But you'll figure it out. You always do." He remembered some of the other things Ty had told him about his history and what he'd gone through to get where he was now. Surely he had a plan?  Kai was quiet for a moment as he considered it. "Please, tell me if there's anything I can do to help. Anything at all." He didn't know who had taken his children but if he needed a hand getting them back.. well, Kai was up for a challenge, He pulled away slightly, giving Tyranis a serious, thoughtful look.



4 Years
05-01-2019, 12:04 PM

He melted into the embrace, moving his head to rest against Kai’s throat if he allowed him and taking a deep forlorn huff of breath. “I don’t even know if there is.” He muttered. “The woman who bore my children threw herself down at the mercy of Shaye and Rhyme, convincing them I was unstable.” He explained quietly.

“Shaye thought it would be best to have them removed from Erövrare and brought to Abaven.”

He tucked his head lower with a sharp whine, his ears pinning back as he choked on a sob. “What if she convinces Shaye to never let me see them again?” He left the question open and hanging in the air like a flayed corpse, ominous and consuming any hope that might have been left in him.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
05-05-2019, 11:56 AM

The feeling of Ty's snout against his throat was welcomed, and eased his own slightly frazzled mind. Kai wasn't good at dealing with emotions, even from those closest to him, and the faint prickle of anxiety that this sort of reunion evoked within him was far from ideal. He continued on, explaining what exactly had happened.. that his kids had been brought to Abaven. Was that such a bad thing? He'd been born in Abaven, and so had Tyranis, if his memory wasn't mistaken. He'd been allowed to leave, and surely his kids would be given the same liberty.. right? He knew little of how packs functioned, and perhaps Abaven was different now than it had been during his brief stay there, he couldn't be certain.

"If she does that, then you'll just have to take them by force, won't you?" Kai suggested tentatively, but calmly. He wasn't sure what being a father was like, but he couldn't imagine the thought of his own children being torn from him. Ty's emotions seemed much less over-the-top, the more he thought about it, and he held him closer to his chest. "I'll even fight for them," he offered after a moment. Not because he felt any true obligation toward Ty, or his kids.. but the thought of waltzing into Abaven - he doubted anyone would remember him, especially as he was now with his tusks, if anyone remembered him at all - and fighting for a bunch of kids seemed just ridiculous enough to please him.