
I am Not My Own



07-09-2013, 03:09 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 03:09 AM by Song.)

She had been searching for the signs almost since the very moment she had thought there to be a possibility of pups in her future. Ever since the day in the meadow with her beloved, she anticipated the first signs. Only days later, and she felt the first symptoms, she was undoubtably pregnant. Her heart started to flutter as her hoped were confirmed, she was going to bring Cherokee's children into the world. Excitedly she squealed and instinctively started searching for her mate.
In the early morning hours she knew her best bet was to search for him in their den. She imagined he was right where she left him, but suspected that since the sun was starting to now show its face he would be thinking about wakefulness. She padded back to the den, having left early because of her first taste of illness. She prayed that the sickness would not last, she would need all the nourishment she could get. She had to notify her sol as well, maybe Jupiter would be able to find a moment for her.
Her path was ended at the entrance of their home, or at least where they slept. It was plenty roomy with a small entrance. Big enough for their growing family. She smiled joyously as her form slipped easily into the inner sanctum. She molded seamlessly into Cherokee's side, unsure if he was waking or not. He would be now, she nudged his neck lovingly as she whispered into his ear, "Oh my love, wake for me." She sighed happily, "I must tell you of my discovery."



07-09-2013, 02:27 PM

The obsidian knight had been settling well into his new home, thanks to Song of course. She had made the transition from rogue to pack wolf all the much easier, with her infectious happiness and willingness to show him around Ludi. It was a beautiful place and Cherokee had spend much time with his new wife simply familiarizing himself with the lands that he would call home and hopefully the lands that he would soon raise a family of his own in.

Dark chest rose and fell softly, the large man still in the clutches of sleep, lids twitching atop his closed mismatched eyes, audits flicking idly atop his skull. Morning was creeping up on Ludi, the sun's warming rays seeping into their chosen den, warming up the floor of his den, bringing about the first stirrings of the brute. He would've ignored them and continued on sleeping has his wife's silhouette not pressed into his, her muzzle burying itself into his neck as she whispered to him to wake, news the reason for her waking of him. Dark lids fluttered, audits rotating to attention, skull raising off his paws as he turned towards the sound of his wife's voice, a yawn splitting his jaws wide before he shook it off, blinking repeatedly as he focused on Song's figure. I'm awake, I'm awake. He rumbled sleepily, pressing his muzzle to her forehead with a gentle kiss, groggy mismatched gems searching for her own mismatched ones. What is this discovery that you speak of my little dove? He murmured, fighting the grogginess as he struggled to focus on his wife, sleep murmuring in his ear for him to fall back asleep.

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07-09-2013, 11:56 PM

Song watched as Cherokee slowly slid into wakefulness, his head slowly rose as a yawn took over his face. She couldn't help but to think fondly of him, his adorable smile and wonderful presence. She always felt safe and comfortable around him, he was one she could completely be herself around. She had a rough time figuring out who she was supposed to be. For the first two years of her life she couldn't comprehend. There were always lessons to attend to, always learning how to run the pack. Now though, she knew she could feel herself becoming... herself. She wasn't an alpha in training, she was Song; the wife of Cherokee and a healer of Ludicael.
His gentle words interrupted her scattered thoughts, and her heart started fluttering at his kiss. She was able to find his sleepy gaze, her excitement too intense to feel the pull of rest. He was so tired in comparison, she smiled because it was time to wake him up. She licked his nose and voiced, "Oh, my love, you're going to be a father."



07-10-2013, 12:08 AM

If she was coming to wake him, obviously it was because it was something important. Usually if she wanted to talk to him and he was asleep, she would simply curl up beside him and wait until he woke up in his own, but this morning it seemed she could not wait. His ivory forepaw was raised rubbing at his eyes to try and wake himself up more when Song spoke up. Oh, my love, you're going to be a father. His paw froze mid air, mismatched gems blowing impossibly wide. Had he heard that right? Fa-Father? Did you just say I'm going to a..father? He stumbled over his over his words, unable to believe what he'd just heard. A father?! He was going to be a father! And Song was going to be a mother! They were going to be parents! Cherokee sat before Song, a stupid shocked expression taking hold of his dark fa?ade. Father. Children. A family. His own family. Holy crap.

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07-10-2013, 12:32 AM

Song drew back a bit, her giggle filling the air. His expression was priceless, and she was glad she would be able to keep the memory of it with her always. She shook her head at him playfully. "Of course you silly! Did you think our romp in the meadow would not have consequences?" She smiled at his goofy self, her head finding its way once again to his chin. Her mouth suddenly unable to form words, the wonder of what had come to be sinking in. She moved her head to look back at her abdomen curiously, "They're in there right now, Ro. Our babies." Her smile widened as she thought about the future. It looked so bright.



07-10-2013, 01:04 AM

A father. Cherokee was going to be a father. A father. As in, he was going to have daughters and sons with his DNA, little mini hims and little mini Song's running around. As in, he was going to have a family in his new some. As in Song was pregnant with his children. Their children. Their family. How incredible was that? Of course you silly! Did you think our romp in the meadow would not have consequences Her musical voice broke him from his thoughts, an idiotic grin spreading across his dark lips as his mismatched gaze focused on the beautiful face of his wife. I mean, I figured there was a possibility...But I never thought it would be this soon... He trailed off, disbelief coating his words. Song was pregnant. They were going to be parents.

His attention danced over to her abdomen as she glanced down at it curiously, explaining how they were right inside her tummy. Muzzle lowered towards her abdomen, dark nose poking it gently. Hello my little babies. I'm going to be your daddy soon. He probably sounded like an idiot talking to his wife's belly, but he was just so fascinated with the idea of becoming a father. He never thought he would get there so soon.

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07-10-2013, 01:21 AM

Creating them had been pleasurable, but now the hard work would start to set in. Her body would have to help them begin their development, there would be many long weeks ahead of her. She was incredibly grateful for her mate, she would not have been able to get through with out him. Even now the excitement was giving way to nerves. She had to keep calm, the less stress she experienced during the pregnancy the better. Pups did better in a stress free environment, so that was what she was determined to give them. Only the best environment for her little brood.
Cherokee moved to nuzzle her not yet swollen abdomen. They would be able to see them soon enough. One thing she was not looking forward to, getting bigger. Maybe they'd be small and it would end up being hardly noticeable. She could only hope, "They're going to be so wonderful, just like you." She happily licked his nose, her multicolored gems glittered with excitement. "Everything is happening so fast. But I'm glad. I can't wait to meet them."



07-10-2013, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2013, 12:45 PM by Cherokee.)

Making their babies had been the easy part. Now it was time for the actual work to begin. It was going to become endless nights of staying up to watch the children, having to attend to their every need, but that was once they were born. Until then, his priority would become Song. He would have to spend every waking moment with her from now until their children were born. He couldn't risk something happening to her and their pups if he was away for even a second. He was going to become like her shadow, always by her side, always watching her. He would probably get to the point of annoying her with his presence all the time, but he would take it all in stride. As long as she was safe and healthy, then he would annoy her until the end of time. Her safety and the safety of his pups were his priority now and nothing was going to keep him from making sure they were safe.

They're going to be so wonderful, just like you. Everything is happening so fast. But I'm glad. I can't wait to meet them. He leaned up to nuzzle her, burying his face into her neck, rumbling with content. I think they're going to be more like you my little dove. You're going to be an excellent mother, I can see it already. He pulled back, a loving smile tugging at his inky lips as he pressed them to his wife's forehead in a soft kiss. How he loved this woman.

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07-11-2013, 12:31 AM

The next few months would take a heavy toll on the she wolf, though she was completely unaware of how much trouble she would eventually be having. She would need all of the help she could get, and Cherokee was just the wolf to be there for her. She knew he'd do everything she asked of him, and then some. She couldn't be more satisfied with the one who became her mate, it seemed like he had been made for her.
His voice was muffled through her fur as his voice wafted up to her, his praises filling her with pride and confidence. She was worried about her try at motherhood, what if it turned out she wasn't any good at it after all? She would have to keep the doubts behind her, they brought about worry and stress, the exact feelings and emotions she wished no part of. Cherokee would help with that aspect as well, his words were always encouraging when they were directed at her.

She closed her eyes as he offered her a kiss, butterflies stirring in her tummy. She couldn't believe how much she adored Cherokee, and was so thankful he was hers forever. "With you as their father how could I be anything else? They're going to be beautiful." She smiled dreamily as images of their adorable little ones danced in her head. "Should we think of names yet?" The innocent question was voiced with enthusiasm as she realized she would have to call them something. Song and Cherokee junior, though tempting, didn't seem like the best options.



07-11-2013, 02:00 AM

The idea of a family, of Song's pregnancy was very fine and dandy, but the obsidian brute knew it wasn't going to be a pretty ride. At least not for his wife, since she would be the one carrying their children inside of her for the next month. He felt rather guilty that she was going to be taking the brunt of the entire thing, though a part of him was secretly glad that he wouldn't be the one having to expel their children painfully from his body. Despite that, Cherokee was prepared to do whatever he needed to do, no matter how crazy or insane it sounded, to make his mate's pregnancy go smoother. If that meant going nights without sleep, going out at all hours of the day and night for the most absurd cravings, then he was most definitely ready. He was in it for the long haul, no matter how tiring it was going to be.

With you as their father how could I be anything else? They're going to be beautiful. Should we think of names yet? His own idiotic grin spread across his ebony kissers at her question of names. She was rather excited about their future children obviously. Just like their mother my little angel. As far as names...I mean I wasn't necessarily thinking about them right now, but if you want to brainstorm some names, I'm game. Obsidian plume wagged gently behind sable haunches, mismatched gems intent on his wife's own azure and gold ones.

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07-11-2013, 11:54 PM

She didn't know what the future would bring, she could only hope and pray that everything would turn out how it was supposed to. She wished she had paid more attention to the pregnancies she had witnessed, their information or what she gathered of it was particularly invaluable now. She had seen a few different examples in her mother's pack, some very pleasant and some were not so much. She tried not to think about the later of these, it got incredibly scary and in reality she wasn't actually ready for it yet. She stopped suddenly as the thoughts burst into her mind.
She had never felt fear such as this before, the flash of memory was startling. A pale she wolf with blood covering her den, and the three lifeless lumps that were scattered around her. Shivers ran up her spine, she had suppressed the memory once she had retreated from the scene. Now it came back to her, as vivid and awful as the first time she encountered it. The shaking was obvious in her limbs, she looked to Cherokee with a look of terror as the memory washed over her. She knew she would be scaring him but words were unable to fall from her lips. She took in deep breaths trying to calm herself.
She had to get out of the den, back out into the air she was too cramped it was too much like that day. The smells came back to her, the metallic tang of blood mixed with that of birth and death. She coughed and started to sputter, retreating from Cherokee's warm grasp and quickly back out into the open. She burst into the sun taking deep breaths as the memory finally faded. Her head was down, close to the earth in case she decided to try and lose the contents of her stomach. She whined a bit as the fear settled in her, with a quick turn of her head she searched for her mate with mismatched eyes, his comfort everything she needed. "Cherokee, I'm so scared," she whispered to him.



07-12-2013, 12:51 AM

He had expected an immediate barrage of names, not the quiet silence that followed suit. Song was never quiet; it was completely unlike her. Dark brows furrowed, creasing over ivory jade and steel pools. Something was wrong. He could see the sudden stop of all activity, both physical and mental, and a faraway look take a hold of her topaz and sure gems. What was she thinking about. Obsidian muzzle was lowered, mismatched gaze trying to find his wife's but she wouldn't meet his. She was somewhere else, somewhere other than their den. Before he could ask what was wrong a flash of fear took hold of her eyes and she looked towards him with a look he had never seen and he wished to never see again. She was breathing deeply, as if trying to calm herself. Just as he was leaning to try and comfort her his wife began spluttering and coughing, backing away from him, burst from their den. His heart rose up into his throat, his blood freezing in his veins. Song!

Limbs unscrambled themselves from the black knight as he rushed outside to his mate's side, his throat constricting around the lump in his throat. What was going on with his wife? Why was she acting like this? She kept her head low to the ground, as if in case her stomach decided to turn itself inside out. Cherokee, I'm so scared. He moved in front of her, lowering his muzzle at her level, worried dual-toned eyes trying to meet hers, muzzle bumping hers gently. My little angel, what's wrong? Why did you run out like that? And why are you scared? Talk to me please... Uncertainty was clear in his voice was he crooned to his wife, trying to keep his anxiety over her outburst to himself.

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07-12-2013, 01:06 AM

Just as she knew he would be, his presence was at her side. Concern look all over his confused face, she pulled her ears back as her senses returned to her. Her breaths coming in easier as the vision dripped away. A panic attack, caused by a memory she had though so skillfully masked. His nose touched her own in an affectionate manner, she pushed her body closer to his. The close contact helped almost as much as retreating from the den had. Why those memories had suddenly ripped through her she didn't know, but she was glad to rid herself from them.
She rested her head against his, actually able to fully calm herself. She sighed and tried to explain what happened, "When I was training with my father.." her voice slipped, "When I was training with my father a she wolf experienced a traumatic birth. I didn't even remember it until a few seconds ago.." She whimpered and lowered herself back to the ground. "They didn't even take their first breath." Her voice was low, and dark.



07-12-2013, 01:20 AM

He never wanted to see her like that again. It wasn't anyway that she was supposed to be. It scared the large man to his core. He had never seen such a terrified look from his wife before and he never wanted to see it again. It was a look so haunting, it causes fear to grab at his own heart, consuming it until his touch with Song broke off its grip. He moved himself close to Song, tucking her smaller ivory crown beneath his own, holding her against him, feeling a calm take over her at his touch. When I was training with my father..When I was training with my father a she wolf experienced a traumatic birth. I didn't even remember it until a few seconds ago..They didn't even take their first breath. His body instinctually followed Song's as he moved down towards the ground with her, curling his massive body around hers, cocooning her in his grasp, salmon tongue lapping gently at her white cheek. Our children are going to breathe. They're going to call out for you and laugh and cry and live my little dove. Don't worry your pretty little head, I'm going to take care of your and our children. I promise. His voice was a quiet whisper as he tried to reassure his new wife that nothing was going to happen to their children. They would completely fine and healthy. There was nothing to worry about.

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07-12-2013, 01:44 AM

His movement mimicked her own, enveloping her smaller form, a protective barrier against everything that was out to get her and their unborn pups. She sighed and pushed herself against him, no more would those thoughts trouble her. She just had to trust that her mate would keep her safe. She knew he would. His tongue was brought her her cheek for a comforting cheek, she was able to smile at his touch. It was his words that brought her peace.
No worries, just as she had thought earlier. Calm thoughts, be in the present. She couldn't do anything about the past but the future was totally blank. Their pups would live, they would be beautiful and healthy and theirs. "You're right, I don't know what took hold of me." Her heart ached for the long forgotten pups, and the yearn to have her young by her side grew stronger. She just wanted them safe with her.



07-15-2013, 02:44 PM

He was her body guard, the physical barrier that separated her from the rest of the world. As long as he was with her, then nothing was going to happen to her. He would sacrifice himself before he let anything or anyone hurt his little dove and the babies growing in her belly. She was his entire life and now the children growing in her womb were a part of his life and he would do everything and anything to give them the best life possible. You're right, I don't know what took hold of me. He pressed Song to him, dipping his chin against her neck, burying his muzzle in her beautiful ivory fur. Don't worry about my little angel, you're fine now. We're fine now. Everything is going to be fine. He would make sure of it.

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07-15-2013, 07:02 PM

Cherokee was the comfort she needed in her time of trouble, even if they had only been memories the fears was incredibly real. Fear as well as the danger was very much there and looming before her. He would make everything all right, everything that was in his power to do she knew he would do. His protection would always be there for her and the tiny being inside of her. She and their father would need to care for them totally, their new full time job was parents. New life was coming into Ludiceal, she hoped she'd be able to let Jupiter know before it was too late.
The words he uttered unto her made her worries dissipate, the memories faded quickly as she snuggled closer to her mate, he had her and everything was going to be fine. Not only fine, things were going to be wonderful. Their babies would be absolutely beautiful and healthy by the time they were born, and she could hardly wait. "I really can't wait to meet them." Her smile was all for him.



07-16-2013, 12:34 PM

He still wasn't sure what exactly had happened with his wife or what had upset her in the first place, but he wasn't too concerned. What mattered now was that whatever had been upsetting her he had managed to shoo away from her, to bring her back to her normal self. It was something of a frightening feeling to know that something, that memory or whatever it had been, could upset his mate so much. He just hoped that none of those types of memories would be making appearances ever again. She couldn't be stressing out about things that were most likely not going to happen. It wasn't good for their children. As she began to regain her calm about her, he could feel his little ivory dove snuggle in close to him, which made him curl around her tighter. If he could've, he would've molded her body, babies and all, inside of him and kept her there until it was time for their pups to be born. But since he couldn't, this was the best that he was able to do for the time being. Ivory and obsidian ears rotated forward with attention as Song smiled at him, excited to meet their unborn children. You and I both my little dove. Salmon tongue slithered out from his cavernous jaws, fawning over his wife's muzzle in loving kisses. She was going to be the best mother their children would ever know.

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