
Dragon vs Justice



03-14-2019, 09:39 AM

As the match before concluded, the maimed loser was rushed from the ring and a trio of coydogs quickly scrubbed the blood from the circle and laid a new layer of sand over it for fresh footing. Nitro perused the remaining contestants, then picked out Dragon and Justice. "All right, ladies and gentlemen," he called out to the spectators. "Who's excited for the next match in the HARDCORE division??" He waited while the roar of the crowd swelled and faded while he led the pair up to the ring, then gestured for quiet. "You know the rules by now - stay in the ring and remember that the winner gets to leave the loser with scars to remember them by! Why don't you go ahead and get us started?" he added to Dragon.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-14-2019, 03:54 PM

Dragon was rather enjoying this event so far, although he couldn't see the fights, he could feel the excitement in the air and he could hear the other participants going at it as he walked through the crowd. His jaguars flanked him like a couple of bodyguards, but even they were more relaxed while walking through the sea of bodies. Dragon's head tilted towards the sound of the head honcho, Nitro, called for the next match to begin. At the prompting of his companions, he followed to the ring where he would start another fight. Only this one was more serious than the last two. He was aware of the stakes here, and he didn't mind it in the least. After having lost his sight, he didn't feel like anything after that was much of a loss.

As he stepped into the ring, the vaguely familiar scent of his opponent swept over him. It took a moment for the masked warrior to recognize it, and when he did, he could only grin. Well, well, well...wasn't this a coincidence? It seemed he had been paired up with his cousin, the very same one that had blinded him a couple of years ago. "So, we cross paths again eh?" He chuckled at the irony of it. She had taken away his sight, and he had taken her brother. Though Valor hadn't been forced to stay after fact, he had no idea where his young cousin had gone off to. He always thought that he had returned to Celestial after Dragon had given him the freedom and choice to choose where he wanted to stay. But Valor also hadn't ever really said what he wanted to do..."How's your brother?" He asked curiously, not knowing that Valor had just up and disappeared instead of going back to Celestial...

Whether she chose to respond or not, Dragon readied himself for the fight to come. He held no ill-will towards Justice, but there was always the possibility that she still held resentment for him. Whatever the case, he would do his best just like he would against anyone else. Hackles raised along his spine, legs spreading equidistant apart as he settled his weight evenly upon them. Tail flagged out to align with his head as it lowered over his throat. Shoulders rolled forward to protect the side of his neck and lips lifted to bare his fangs. Likewise, both Kimahri and Shiva bared their own fangs, a threatening hiss emanating from both of them as they prepared themselves for the fight.

Dragon took a moment to decide his first move, and then he was ready. Kimahri took the lead on this, the male jaguar taking off from his position on Dragon's right as he bounded towards Justice, seeking to close the short distance between them. The feline unsheathed his claws as aimed to come head on and slightly towards Justice's left side. In the blink of an eye, he launched himself at Justice with forelegs extended in an effort to bring his claws down upon the left portion of Justice's upper back and shoulder, seeking to rake his claws down and grip should he manage to succeed.

While Kimahri was charging, Dragon too, was in motion. He charged head on and slightly to his left (Justice's right) as he listened to the pounding of Kimahri's feet on the sand. The adrenaline was surging through him, the male eager for the fight at hand. He aimed to slam the point of his left shoulder into Justice's throat in an attempt to knock the breath from her and maybe even knock her back. The masked male then tilted his head to his right, seeking to score his fangs across the right side of Justice's face like a vice. Top fangs sought to slice the skin over her right eye while bottom fangs sought to slice upwards near her muzzle. He wasn't going to try and blind her, oh no. He didn't wish that upon her. But he would, at the very least, try to leave his mark with a multitude of scars.

Dragon vs Justice for HARDCORE MAIM: Facial Scarring
Round: 1/?
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: N/A
Defensive Accessory: Dragon Armor
Companion 1: Kimahri
Companion 2: Shiva
Mutation: N/A
Disability: Complete Blindness
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: N/A


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-17-2019, 01:27 PM


Justice was excited for her next match, trotting up to the group to take her place among them with a fierce grin. But when she was picked out of the group and stepped into the ring to see her opponent, her face lost the grin, expressionless except for the fire flickering in her purple eyes. Someone who knew her well might have seen the muscles in her jaw clenched, might have known that she was standing a little too stiffly for her normally relaxed attitude, but she was holding herself in check quite well. It was, after all, a tournament.
she greeted tersely. But his faux-innocent question about her brother, who was missing since Dragon had kidnapped him so long ago, fanned the flames into full blown rage. "Like you don't know, you bastard," she snarled, barely restraining herself from leaping forward. Her muscles quivered in protest, but she hadn't been given the first move and she wasnt going to break the rules for Dragon. She knew that was why he had taunted her about Valor, because it would throw her off. She couldn't let it.

His jaguars hissed at her, and she snarled back at them, dark hackles rising. He had picked up a second cat somewhere, and given how difficult the fight had been against just one of them she wasnt sure how it would go against two, even with Dragon not having his sight. He was wearing a strange leather... hood, almost, which would make it a lot more difficult to land a bite around his head and shoulders.

Dragon and the male cat both made their move, the jaguar leading and Dragon following slightly to one side. Given the possibilities, Justice elected not to get clawed up by a jaguar, and sprang sideways to her right, avoiding the claws but bringing her into a collision with Dragon despite her effort, his shoulder glancing along the muscle of her left shoulder. His bite, aimed for the right side of her face instead tore open a gash along the left side of her face. Pivoting to face his left side so she would be able to defend from his teeth rather than neatly presenting herself to be hamstrung, she sidestepped left to try to bring his flank within reach and lunged forward, attempting to slam both shoulders against his unshielded flank while her jaws reached for his tail, fangs aiming between the vertebrae in a bid to cut the tail short. She had felt guilty about the results for last guy, but Dragon, he had taken her brother away from her. He deserved to lose something too.

JUSTICE vs DRAGON for MAIM (docking tail)
Round 1/2
Size: medium
Build: heavy
Offensive Accessory: N/A
Defensive Accessory: N/A
Companion 1: N/A
Companion 2: N/A
Mutation: N/A
Disability: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Advanced
Specialty: N/A




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-19-2019, 09:29 PM

He was unaware for a moment of which direction Justice had moved to. That is until they collided and his shoulder slammed into her. He grunted, the male feeling that his shoulder might bruise, but that was a given when he was trying to use his body as a battering ram. He was satisfied, at least, that his teeth had managed to connect with her face and tearing what he could. Though he refrained from lingering too long in his position. He kept himself in motion, though not quite fast enough when he felt Justice's shoulders slam into his left flank. Funny, a similar thing happened in his previous fight...maybe it was a trend. Whatever the case, he used her attack to his advantage as he once again, let the force of it push his hips away from his opponent and propel him forward. He didn't go completely unscathed from her teeth, though. He felt her fangs clip his thigh, tearing away some fur and moderately lacerating it.

Snarling from the potential of having an even bigger bruise (and more because of the force of impact), Dragon aligned himself with Justice's rear end (nose to tail) and dove down towards Justice's hind legs. He aimed to throw his shoulder points on either side of her butt (or somewhere around there) in an effort to buckle her legs (or make them sieze), head twisting towards her hind left leg in an effort to grab it and grip it. Simultaneously, he reached forward with his right forepaw as he sought to yank her leg towards him. All the while, Shiva was planning her move. The jaguaress rushed in, closing distance as she sought to come at Justice from the front. With fangs exposed, she sought to leap at Justice's, claws extended to get a grip on either side of the she-wolfs shoulders as her fangs reached for her face in an effort to cut it up and leave behind some lasting new scars.

Justice was smart, Dragon knew that. He never took her for an idiot, and he was sure as hell that she was out for his blood. Though he couldn't help but think for a moment what the hell she meant by "Like you don't know." Hadn't Valor gone back home? The thought was puzzling, but he didn't think about it for long. He doubted she'd give him the chance to speak after this, but hey, he was a patient dude.

Dragon vs Justice for HARDCORE MAIM: Facial Scarring
Round: 2/2
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: N/A
Defensive Accessory: Dragon Armor
Companion 1: Kimahri
Companion 2: Shiva
Mutation: N/A
Disability: Complete Blindness
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: N/A


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-22-2019, 06:16 PM


Dragon managed to leap forward as she hit him and spun to face her hindquarters, but Justice knew better than to turn her back on an enemy, so she leaped to follow him, spinning around a common axis like a dog chasing its own tail. Unfortunately she, not used to fighting multiple opponents, wasn't keeping track of his jaguar pets as well as she should have, and as she pivoted the female came rushing in towards what would have been Justice's front. With only a split second to react Justice couldn't avoid the jaguar, so she turned a negative into... something only slightly less negative, choosing to gather herself and turn the pivot into a hard shoulder throw, seeking to slam her shoulder into the smaller creature and bowl it over and out of her way. Claws that were meant to grip both shoulders slashed into her right shoulder, fangs aimed for her face lacerating her neck high up in the right side of her scruff somewhat back from her ears.

With the jaguar's attack arresting her movement, she wasn't able to follow nose-to-tail along Dragon's path, but neither were her hindquarters anywhere near where he was attacking so his attacks went awry. Justice, frustrated, snapped her jaws at the left side of his face, aiming to slash along the jaw line from his ear down, knowing that with the jaguars in the way she was unlikely to get close enough to obtain a grip so she settled for lacerating what she could reach.

JUSTICE vs DRAGON for MAIM (docking tail)
Round 2/2
Size: medium
Build: heavy
Offensive Accessory: N/A
Defensive Accessory: N/A
Companion 1: N/A
Companion 2: N/A
Mutation: N/A
Disability: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Advanced
Specialty: N/A


The Judge


04-02-2019, 03:45 PM

And the winner is...

JUSTICE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. DRAGON's maim is successful.


Dragon: 338.8
Justice: 271.15

- Judged by Nyx



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-01-2019, 12:11 PM

They fought their hardest until the coydog called an end to their fight and proclaiming him the victor. He uttered a sharp bark to his companions, telling them to back off while he did the same. The fight was over. Panting, he licked his lips and proudly raised his shielded head. His estranged cousin had fought hard and put up a good fight. "Well done," He offered a small grin before rolling his shoulders to try and loosen up the tension that had gathered in his body.

He dipped his head towards her in a polite and respectful manner before turning to go, but just before he did, he turned in her direction once more. "I'm sorry for everything. I hope one day you can forgive me." Whether she chose to or not, he'd probably try to seek her out later to see how she was doing. How her family was. If Valor ever returned and all that. With a final nod, he turned and left.



Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-16-2019, 10:09 AM
Blood dripped from her face, her shoulder, her neck and stained the sand beneath her red as she backed away at the coydog's shout. Panting and still bristling with fury and fueled entirely by adrenaline and rage she might still have gone back after him if the two jaguars flanking Dragon hadn't instilled her with caution. As it was she returned his grin with a flat stare, and his parting words drew from her chest a bubbling snarl through the mask of blood that sheeted her face. "Fuck you, traitor," she snarled after him. "You dont get forgiveness after what you did to my brother." Turning on her heel she stalked out of the ring, the pain of her injuries awakening through the adrenaline and throbbing in time to the pulse of her fury. It didn't bother her that she lost, especially since the bastard had two jaguars fighting his battles for him, but it made her determined to come out the victor next time they met.