When they're too good for meow mix
01-05-2019, 11:49 AM
OOC: Mal's fighting a large predator (jaguar)! No more than 3 participants! There will be a two week reply window for each participant each round to ensure the thread keeps moving. After two weeks with no reply it's the next participant's turn and so on until we're done!
Malleus raked a distasteful eye across the mangled tapir corpse at his paws. The body lay on the border between the garden and cedar falls, and was riddled with claw marks. By the drag marks and blood trail behind him Malleus could tell it had been killed on Risen land. It seemed he'd stopped a thief in his tracks. The godling lifted his wary gaze to the trees. The jaguar was close; although he couldn't see it, he could feel it. Malleus retreated into Risen's territory before lifting his head and howling for any of those who had volunteered to help with their predator problem. The call wasn't mandatory and he didn't expect all of the volunteers to drop what they were doing to come help him, just whoever was close and willing. |