
Oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
04-05-2019, 06:59 PM

The young woman woke that morning with a flutter in her heart. She had still yet to talk to anyone in the pack about Osiris… but she had promised her friend to do so. The female breathed out a sigh, gaze shifting up towards the warm sun rays lying across the landscape. At least it was a lovely day, she thought to herself. It was spring too, her season of heat, and officially the young woman was just that; an adult. It was hard to believe that she had already lived so long… and yet here she was. She was a young adult and the fact she had to start being responsible weighed on her shoulders.

Priscilla hummed softly to herself in thought. There was so much she should do, could do, but… where did she begin?

Her gaze pulled towards her mother’s den and Priscilla hesitated. She hadn’t spoken to the woman in forever… and she didn’t feel like she was ready just yet to do so. Her sister’s death was no doubt hard on Jewell too… even if she hadn’t planned for them… surely there was still some sort of love in her heart for her children, right?


Priscilla pulled her sights away from it and headed deep into the territory of the willows. She didn’t know who she was going to run into today but… hopefully it would make for a good interaction!




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
04-10-2019, 03:15 PM

Well, it was safe to say Zell was losing his sight in his damaged eye. Without a healer to look at it and his stubborness to seek help from a different pack, the old man decided to deal with it. His left eye was no longer swollen, but his icy blue eye was clouded. The scar left behind by the predator he'd fought had managed to leave a nasty wound at the time, and the result...a deep scar and a blind eye. Surprisingly, he didn't mind as much as someone else might. He had made it this far, eight years old and his old lifestyle had finally caught up with him. He had been tired of sitting around in Lirim with nothing to do, and of course the day he decided to go out, he got in a fight and got wounded. He didn't dwell on it, however. He would continue his patrols of the border (even though nothing ever happened), and continue his life. Sometimes though, he longed for a different life. One where he could do as he pleased without consequence. One perhaps...where his son wasn't the alpha.

He was proud of Torin for his work, however. While he wasn't as supportive as he should have been, he didn't wish for Torin to step down. He was simply tired of their strained relationship and constantly butting heads, but he didn't know how to fix it anymore than his son probably did. Zell knew he was a stubborn old fool, and old habits died pretty damn hard. Perhaps it would be better for him to live the rest of his days elsewhere...but he wasn't so sure.

Lost in thought, he accidentally crossed the path of one of Jewell's kids, and by the time he realized it, it was too late. He paused as he pretty much stepped in her way, his fur rising slightly with apprehension. Was this the part where Jewell came running at him and make good on her promise to fight him if he came near her kids? He wasn't afraid of the little rainbow bitch, and he secretly hoped she would so he would finally have a reason to knock her on her ass and teach her a lesson.

Even with that lingering in the back of his mind, he held no malice for her children. "How ya doing kid?" He questioned, though his voice lacked any unkindness. He carried a neutral tone. A neutral stance. He knew this girls sister had died not long ago, and while he would never admit it, he had visited her grave and mourned the loss. She was a child, after all. Born and thrust into a world deemed unfit and unfair to its inhabitants. Though perhaps if he had been allowed around them more, she might still be alive.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
04-11-2019, 11:42 AM

Priscilla was surprised when another crossed her path. She skidded to a halt, her brows going up with surprise. She knew him -- Torin’s father… her grandfather. A male that her mother didn’t like very much, not that it was her fight. She didn’t even know why they didn’t like each other… Was it because of them? No, she thought to herself. If that were the case then he wouldn’t be talking to her now in such a neutral tone. The female eased out of her tense position and relaxed some, offering a small smile to the cream and red male.

“I’m doing okay.” She said softly. Her bi-colored gaze was drawn to his eye though she didn’t say anything about that. Instead she focused on keeping up a conversation with the other. “It's nice to finally talk. She knew her mother probably wouldn’t want her saying such things… but right now Priscilla was unsure where she even stood in Jewell’s life. Why should it matter what she thought then?

“I’m sorry… about mother.” Why was she apologizing for her? It wasn’t her fault Jewell and Zell bumped heads. “You… fight right?” Her words remained quiet. “Would you mind teaching me sometime?” Her thoughts were still on the day she had helped with the big cat that had crossed into Lirim. She had reacted more on instinct than anything… and she didn’t want to get caught off guard again.




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
04-28-2019, 01:52 PM

The girl seemed to tense as much as he did, his trained eye noticing her posture as well. Though it didn't last for long after he greeted her and he could see that she started to relax. His ears remained tuned to his surroundings, however, just in case her mother decided to try and bite his ankles or something. He listened quietly as the girl said she was doing okay and that it was nice to finally talk. While he wouldn't admit it, deep down he thought so, too. He nodded and uttered a soft grunt. “I’m sorry… about mother.” His ears perked as he focused on her. He knew how much she and her siblings were probably affected by Jewell's actions (or lack thereof) and her paranoia that everyone and everything was out to get her. How she seemed to blame them for everything and not herself. At least, that's what it looked like to him. He probably would never know the real truth about Jewell, and frankly he didn't care. But the kids deserved better than a mother who showed time and time again she was nothing but unfit.

"It's not your fault, kid." He said softly. He didn't blame her for anything. Especially her mothers actions. What caught him off guard, however, was her question. He thought about it for a few moments. And ultimately decided he wasn't going to push his feelings onto them. Nobody else was teaching them, so he might as well do it. "I do. And I can, if that's what you want to do."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!