
Let's Go A Little Harder


03-28-2019, 10:34 PM

Félicien had enjoyed the little tournament at the end of winter… it had been a nice in a way… and not so nice in others. He realized with loss that he had lost the sharpness of his skills. He realized, with a saddened heart, that he was finally old. That before he knew it he was going to fade out of the world. Even still… the male knew… he was going to make Somnium work for his spirit.

Féli took a breath of warm spring air. He was still sore from the tourny, his body protesting as he moved along. At least the warmer weather was more forgiving than the cold. He was sure the coming winter would be even harder… but… he shook his head.

No, no giving up now.

He found himself alone in the East, traveling under the light of dawn as he sought out a new place to work on training. He was determined to not let old age beat him… or his worsening vision. So long as he continued to manage to see blurred shapes, colors, and silhouettes of the things before him he’d be fine.

An ear twitched as the old mercenary heard something in the brush. Though his eyes were failing him his hearing was still on point. He turned, calm but on guard as he waited to see what stranger approached him that morning.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-12-2019, 04:29 PM

The eastern lands were a lot easier on her bones, and the elder Ancora was pleased with the choice of land they had decided to settle in. The nook was a beautiful and popular place and always full of activity. She strolled through the territory with Tan gliding quietly above her. A small smile graced her lips when she thought about the recent tournament. She hadn't been a participant, but a spectator. Her son had done well in the tournament, even with his blindness. Of course, he had help from his companions and that fancy new suit of armor he had. She was proud of him for overcoming his doubts that had come with the blindness, and she could see he was coming out of that shell he had hid behind since.

Tan uttered a low call, warning her that someone was nearby. Upon detecting the scent, however, she recognized it. It was someone she knew. Continuing forward, she emerged from the foliage to find the old man close by. "Felicien, it's a surprise seeing you again." Her words were warm, the old babe glad to see a familiar face that wasn't her own family. "How have you been since last we met?"



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


05-13-2019, 02:17 PM

Félicien dipped his head as a figure bearing a familiar scent emerged from the bushes. “A surprise to see you again as well, Avalon.” The male lifted his muzzle and attempted to focus on her form. It was getting harder and harder with each day to make out the appearances of those around him… he didn’t doubt that he was on his way to full blindness. It frustrated him more than the mercenary cared to admit. But worse yet were his failing fighting skills. What did he have, if not that? He gave a half-hearted chuckle and shrugged, letting his guard down around the woman.

“Alive.” The single word left his lips. “That tournament they held at the end of winter… well, I participated.” His gaze turned skyward, silver orbs partially covered by white film. “I was in two fights. Lost them both.” He tsked. “I’m losing my edge.” He eased to the earth and shook his head.

“I never told you much about myself, Avalon.” Félicien continued. “Then again… I wasn’t expecting to be the one out of my group of friends to still be around after all this time. Alone.” There was a heaviness in the old man’s heart though he didn’t show it on his face. He kept it hidden well.

“Fighting was like breathing to me. As a youth I was a mercenary… but even then…” The man furrowed his brow. “Few were close to me.” Félicien let out a quiet sigh.

“I haven’t seen the two I was closest to in, well, years. The only two to make it to this land.” The man let out another half-hearted chuckle.

“This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. I should have died long ago on the battlefield.” The french man growled lightly. “Mais le destin est une maîtresse cruelle. {But fate is a cruel mistress.} He turned his gaze back towards Avalon.

“But enough of this dreary downcast talk, oui? What have you been up to, Mademoiselle?”




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-13-2019, 04:35 PM

“A surprise to see you again as well, Avalon.” She noticed the way he seemed to try to focus on her, and as she took another step closer to get a better look at him, noticed the familiar white tinge over his eyes. He was going blind. Not quite fully yet, but she could tell he was getting there. She supposed she had been lucky that she hadn't inherited her mothers early blindness. But the hip problems that plagued her father and the larger Ancora's had been coming around on her. She had started feeling it over the last winter and she knew it wouldn't get any easier from there. “Alive.” Came his response to her question. She tilted her head slightly as he went on to explain he had participated in last winter's tournament. She nodded slowly as he told her about the outcomes of his fights.

She frowned a bit. She had thought about participating in that tournament, but she knew she was far too old to fight anymore. She decided to retire in some form. To retire from the field and pass down what she knew to the younger generation. She was well past her prime and had been for years. "My son, Dragon, participated in that tournament. He won every fight last I heard, but I didn't stay till the end. But...he's years younger than I am. Blind, but younger still." She sighed softly, "We're not as young as we used to be, Felicien." She said it softly to him. She had come to accept that long ago. There was the chance he did, too. But sometimes denial liked to rear its head.

She sat and wrapped her tail around paws as he told her more about him. True, they didn't know much about one another but it was never too late to learn. She remained quiet as he told her a little about his past. How he never thought he'd make it this far. Things she often thought about, too. She hadn't seen half her kids for a long time, and her heart ached. Gryphon. Kharnage. Lykos. Charm. Arke. Afrit...only Dragon and Okami were left. And even then, Okami had been scarce for some time, too. Then...that he should have died long ago on the battlefield. She didn't know when or where she should have died. There were times many years ago when she had been a slave that she wished she had died so she didn't have to endure it anymore. And then even the time she nearly walked off a cliff and Bass saved her because she felt she wasn't worth anything after being abandoned by Newol, and the way she had told Vereux that she didn't think she loved him like she thought. Both times she had felt terrible...and she still regretted what she had told Vereux.

Foreign words touched her ears then, distracting her from the thoughts that threatened to sadden her. She didn't understand it, nor did she really recognize what language it was. But he decided to change the topic, and she was grateful for that. "I am sorry, Felicien. Perhaps it might not be all bad, though. Where one chapter ends, another begins." Her words were meant to be encouraging, but she wasn't sure how effective they might be, if at all. "I wish I could say my life has been spectacular lately, but truth be family has drifted apart. I only have Dragon, and Okami, and Greed and his mate left. I've been a rogue since my son lost his pack, and it's not a lifestyle I like very much. I'm old, Felicien. At some point I wish to retire in a pack where I might be able to live the last of my days in peace and without worry." She breathed deeply, realizing she might have said too much that wasn't exactly...cheery. But who else to tell? "I'm...sorry. I suppose it's just my old lady mind," She chuckled softly. But inside, she was afraid of dying alone.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


05-23-2019, 02:31 PM

Félicien furrowed his brow as Avalon commented on what he had to say. She had a family… a son who was doing well despite his blindness. A younger wolf, sure, but that didn’t exactly make him feel better. His age frustrated the man. Lack of being able to do what he used to. Perhaps, had he come to accept it, things would be different. But it was hard… it seemed his largest battle right now was within himself.

The monochrome male tried to focus on her words and fight the doubt creeping up in his head. As she finished the male closed his eyes, seeming in thought, before he spoke again. “A smaller family is still a family, Avalon.” Guilt gnawed at him. “The two I mentioned before... I suppose they were as close as I had to a family.” Félicien shook his head.

“They started families and I… drifted apart. I’ve been alone for so long I don’t really remember what being around others is like.” He opened his clouding eyes and gave a sad smile. “I used to love being alone… but maybe it’s just an old person thing but I’m starting to like it less and less.”

The man looked to Avalon again. “Can’t really say packs were my style either. I’m not really one for authority.” His smile faded. “Won’t say that part of me would change too easily, either.” He let out a soft sigh. “However… living alone at this age presents a new realm of dangers.” He paused for a moment, flicking an ear.

“How about a suggestion?” He presented the words in the form of a question. “If you wouldn’t mind some additional company I could travel with you and whatever family members are by your side. At the very least until you find that pack you’re talking about. From there… well, we’ll see?”
