
You do what you have to (Pack Meeting)



07-12-2013, 12:57 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The timid little wolf's lips pulled back in a sweet little smile as Awaken agreed aloud that he, too, wished for them to remain with the company and care of the ex-Glaciem wolves. It seemed he had been a part of their band for such a short time and yet he was so close to them, just as much a part of their group was Mercianne herself was now. Which was a miracle in itself because she could still remember a time when she had felt not quite uncomfortable but still on the outskirts of their group. Now she was known at least by the reigning family, as well as a few others, and that was good enough. Along with Awaken's companionship, she couldn't imagine being any happier among these friends and family alike.

"I agree," she answered with a calm, short, resolute nod of her head, getting slowly to her paws as others began to step forward and make their own proclamations about staying with the group, their own loyalties so sound that they couldn't dream of leaving either. It heartened the she-wolf to know that so many others thought the same as she did, and it only made her more convinced that their transition into a nomadic group would be made all the more easy for having such a large band with so many familiar faces.

Somehow she needed to make herself known to answer as well. It would have been so much easier to simply raise her voice so that Gargoyle could hear, but speaking out in front of groups was not something that she was quite comfortable with. With a little glance at Awaken seeking support, she stepped forward and padded quietly, calmly over to where the Chief rested, pausing and listening as the others had their say and waiting for an appropriate gap in which to voice her own opinions. When she finally found one, she quickly spoke up, not wanting her position - or Awaken's - to be questioned. "Gargoyle," she said gently, quietly asking for his attention before she continued, "Awaken and I have both decided we would like to stay with you." There. That wasn't so bad. Feeling satisfied, and happy to still have a home, she smiled timidly before retreating back to the dark male she had taken as a mate, her tail wagging gently as she seated herself beside him once again.


07-12-2013, 03:53 PM


Ocena listened silently to Gargoyle's words, her head tilted upwards and her eyes focused on her mate as he spoke, as he spoke of family and love and then of the volcano. A shudder wracked Ocena's frame. A volcano? No. Ocena could feel terror crawling up her spine, making her skin crawl, and she cast a furtive glance in the direction of the summit, fear flickering in her mismatched eyes. She would stay, of course, stay for Gargoyle, but she would stay in fear. And yet, it didn't seem as if that was necessary. A breath of sheer relief escaped Ocena as Gargoyle spoke of leaving. Thank the gods. She didn't want her children growing up in a place that could erupt at any moment. She never wanted her children to experience the sheer fear that Ocena remembered happening around her. Gargoyle had been there for her, but while her children would have him too, he would be distracted by his pack.

And so, though Ocena was quiet for several moments, she rose daintily to her paws, approaching after Mercianne, and nuzzling Avalon as she stood before her father, "Do I even have to say it? Of course I will follow you, my darling." Ocena's tail wagged behind her as she examined Gargoyle, head tilting slightly. "Is there anything I can do? To help us get ready?" Oh, Ocena was eager to leave, to get away from this volcano that could so easily destroy them, just like that.

TAG: Tortugans WORDS: two hundred and forty eight NOTES: <3

Gargoyle I


07-12-2013, 06:11 PM

The first to speak up was Kaala, well, other than the white pup that Nniotra had decided to bring along. But before Gargoyle could do more than meet her gaze, a shout shook the clearing. Cifer was half gasping, half crying out in fear and denial. Gargoyle was a rare one to plainly show emotion, but even his eyes got larger seeing that display. Crusade was quick to deal the first one who dared say a word against him, however, and then with a polite excusing of herself, rushed out. In the disruption, Gargoyle hadn't heard Ithurial's calls, but he was happy to see her coming in alongside Orica a moment after Crusade left.

The next to speak after that was Midnight, and, had Gargoyle been any other wolf, her loyalty and acceptance would've put a smile on his muzzle. Instead, he responded with a deep dip of the head, touched by her confidence. She was definitely one of the wolves he was more proud about accepting. Then came Eria, a wolf who's acquaintance he had Crusade to thank. And it seemed he would have it longer still.

"Daddy...can I talk to private?" Gargoyle glanced down, his eyes falling upon his elder daughter. He'd forgotten to teach his children proper protocol at meetings, hadn't he? Oh well, could've been worse. Compared to Cifer she was ready to be an interpack dignitary. "During a pack meeting, isn't a good time, darling," he said, lowering his head to her level and his voice to a fatherly whisper. "If you have something you think important on the matter, you can say it to everyone, or you and I can talk together later."

At the call of his name, Gargoyle looked up, his eyes focusing on the quiet healer who'd been sitting next to the green-eyed warrior. He heard her words with an prick of interested ears. "Awaken and you?" he repeated, his voice remaining bland enough to go without obvious insinuation. But he understood. Maybe his words to Awaken had done some good after all. About dang time. "Very good," he replied, meaning it for more than just the fact that they were coming.

A shift of black and white fur to his side procured his attention immediately. Ocena was coming up to him. Here he was just smirking happily on the inside over Awaken and Mercianne and they unconscious display of affection, but as soon as his mate started moving his heart started pounding. He could be such a child sometimes, but he couldn't help it. Lately it'd seemed like he and Ocena had fallen in love all over again, this time even deeper, if that was, indeed, somehow possible. She threatened to bring out that hint of smile that had been lurking on his maw, and by the time she reached "-my darling." she'd won it. Her trusting eyes, her wagging tail, her turned head, who could resist? It took all the strength the Chief had to preserve some level of decorum in public and refrain of pressing his nose into her forehead. Her question about helping gave his mind the logical distraction it needed. "Everyone can help pitch in," he replied, letting his words address all those who would come. "Scouts are needed to head out and find suitable places for camps, secluded enough to give our pack privacy, but plentiful enough to feed it. Those that remain can help our healers collect herbs for the journey, or bring down game to make sure everyone is well fed. And of course there's the youths to attend to." Here he fixed the young 'uns with his gaze, even the one that could no longer see it. "Going nomadic means that they'll need more knowledge of the outside world. Those willing can give lessons on hunting, fighting, healing or experience through storytelling."


07-12-2013, 09:04 PM

Awaken's mind was running through thoughs. Be a sheep? Or step up and be a man? He gave a confidant huff. "Hey, Gargoyle. If i were to take afew men to scout things out to try to find good places to migrate too and maybe even find elk herd patterns, would that be helpfull?" He stepped forward, his shoulders rolling as he stopped. "I think if i were to bring along two others we could cover alot of ground in afew days. Perhaps even find a densite to stay permanantly." ?

Awaken's mind was set. He was going to make the wrong things right even if he died trying and before he died, one thing was certain. His number one goal in life now: Kill Eos. She'd messed with the wrong pack and by far the wrong witch-doctor! ?He was tired of everyone having to suffer for one ambitious wolf. She would pay.?

Memories flooded his mind once more. His evil, demented past self haunted him. The goreing of other wolves. The constant feeling of bones snapping in between his jaws. He sickening laughter he would laugh. The feeling of bringing his own father to the dirt with one move and completely beheading him, carrying the head as a trophy for all eyes to see. The amount of blood he spilled in his time scared him. He scared himself occasionaly. But, he would never become that wolf again. Theres a reason why a rear veiw mirror is smaller than the windshield, because if you look behind you for too long, your bound to crash.

Thaddeus Rogue

07-12-2013, 10:56 PM
Thaddeus Rogue watched as his brother brought the family together, and watched quietly by his mate's side as some of the members responded to Gargie's confession. Rogue was not in the land when the last volcano erupted but he had walked through the destruction after the fact. It was not a pretty, soot covering everything, killing the unlucky few that had not run for the hills. Then watched in such amusement as Cifer ran screaming for said hills, like the world was on fire again, which caused the black and white male to laugh softly to himself as his elder sister ran after him like he was her wayward pup. Ah Rogue did love his family.

Thaddeus grew serious again as Gargoyle went on to say something about scouting and what not, and looked on in shock as his brother did not call him out to begin with. Who was better suited to scout and find a good shelter then he, The Rogue? The only fellow in this ragtag band that had been a traveler since before he left his mother? And besides Rogue bet he knew the land better then all the gathered wolves put together. He smiled as the green eyed fellow said he would lead a group, well he could try. Thaddeus Rogue turned to his mate, gave her a soft kiss on the cheek then moved forward through all the wolves. "It seems my brother, that you have forgot you got a notorious vagabond in you mist. I am wounded," Rogue jested, mischief in his eyes. "Ah, but alas brother, I am willing to over look your oversight and volunteer myself for that of scout. For who knows more about being a nomad then I?" He gave his brother a teasing smile and turned back to his mate. He was worried about her, she would not be able to travel much larger, she was late in her pregnancy and very large. Her stood next to her and nuzzled her face, savoring her scent. "Just tell me when and where brother, I would like to find a new home before my get are born."


07-12-2013, 11:09 PM

It was Desdemona's dueled eyes that watched the steadily gathering crowd, she didn't reply right away, nor did her lover, but such was not her way, especially now, when her words lacked the power they once held. She felt a great many things brewing in her chest and in her gut, and only after the vast majority had gathered and Gargoyle's honorable respect to her and her mates name given, did she finally draw within in her inner self to speak once more. She would not grace the world with falsities or lies. The woman would speak what was on her mind, nothing more and nothing less.

In a toneless show of respect, much as she had done when she first met Gargoyle, she lowered her cranium in a silent greeting, eyes sliding shut and reopening as she did so, she held nothing but respect for the warrior who matched her in height and that respect positively gleamed in the dueled gems that locked within her gaze. She would help him in any way she could, of this she had already decided. ?It is I that should thank you for the honor, Gargoyle. You have proven yourself far more than just the leader of a tribe. As soon as I heal, you have my teeth and claws at your command, along with any warrior that would enjoy a training session.? She paused and playfully nudged her husband. ?And my husband is none too shabby in a fight either.? For the first time since tragedy had seemed to take root in her life, the woman smiled, albeit slight, but the gesture still remained.



07-12-2013, 11:24 PM

Insomnia watched and listed and as the crowd continued to gather the dame listened and thought, studied and went through thoughts and ideas in her brain. She had once been a leader, she had once led a pack of militants, she could damn well help out in this move, how long had she been with Glaciem now? Three, four years? The dame waited until tasks were needed and the smaller fae stepped forward, her twisted pelt of black and white weaving between the crowds, Mahniya had Rogue once again, the pregnant dame no longer needed her assistance.

?Gargoyle...if I may, my age may be increasing but my speed has not wavered, allow me to scout ahead, to make sure the path we travel is safe. Worse case scenario I can outrun any would be attacker, and, if all possible I could even lead them astray. Let the trackers choose our destinations and let me make sure that path is clear.? The woman was determined, she had lost her mate, her pups, her pack and she would be damned before she lost anything more.



07-12-2013, 11:35 PM

He didn't know the king Gargoyle, nor any of his pack mates, but it seemed his wife had come across the man a few times before and that was good enough for the ivory knight. A bow of gratitude was presented to the king as he acknowledged their willingness to help, offering them a place amongst his ranks. Desdemona said nothing to this, simply stepped back to allow the meeting to continue and Demonio did the same, his large frame his wife's shadows as he moved with her, every breath of hers a breath of his.

And then it seemed that the king was bringing his speech to a close, sending out orders to his pack of those with specific abilities to set those abilities to work for the pack. It was then that his wife chose to speak once more, pledging her help towards Gargoyle, as well as his. She playfully nudged his shoulder, bringing a small smile from the ivory man as he looked towards the chief. I'm a born fighter sir, but I can do anything and everything that is requested of me. There is nothing I'm not willing to do in return for allowing us a place with your family. They were going to be alright. He and his wife would rebuild their lives, with this new family it seemed and they would make it.

Talk like this


07-12-2013, 11:43 PM

Mahniya was exhausted, Her fur was ruffled, her eyes slightly drooped, she was tired of this movement, tired of this motion, but she would not complain, she had endured far more harsher times than this and she would endure, she would remain strong. But then... her lover was there and tears nearly flooded crimson hued eyes. Hiding them, she abandoned Insomnia's side to bury her snout in Rogue's chest, he had been gone far too long and she had missed him so dearly! ?My love...? She murmured his name like a prayer into his silky coat. He was home, he qwas safe, he was hers once again.


Gargoyle I


07-16-2013, 09:16 PM

Gargoyle accepted the words of his packmates - including the newest ones, with utmost civility and dignity. ...Even Rogue. The mottled grey male stood tall when the talking of the different parties had died down and he opened his tawny muzzle to answer them all. "Awaken and Rogue are both welcome to lead scouting parties - the more sent out the better, but I ask that no one go alone. Now that we become rogues there is a greater deal of freedom, but also responsibility. This request of mine turns to an order for any of you wolves under the age of a year." Here he eyed his and Cifer's get most strongly. "Any that defy this order...will answer to me." The timber of his voice grew deeper and more dangerous as he spoke. He was in earnest. He would not have the needless deaths of young ones on his conscience. "Of course this doesn't mean you can laze about. Awaken! Perhaps you'd consider taking Cross with you? - We'll need a territory scoped out for each season, following where prey is most plentiful. But we must leave soon. You scouts are to be back in two weeks. At that time we north together."


So with Eve leaving maybe we can just assume that all her characters either never came or changed their minds :/ but meanwhile I'm ending the thread. Everyone can finish up their threads here and do some scouting but then it'll be time to move.

Here is a tentative migration pattern for the rest of this year:

Spring - Soul Sand Cove

Summer - Waterfall Peaks

Fall - Nephilium Island

Winter - Seracia