
madness is sanity



4 Years
04-20-2019, 11:31 PM


Humanity, a great race that once ruled these lands with the intention of forcing nature to bind and bend to their every whim. Digging up the earth's soil and cutting down its trees to create a world more convenient for their daily tasks; they destroy without remorse and kill in cold blood. Tails have been told that they even kept wolves as company, or used them as tools, machines, to aid in their hunt for food, in travel, and even in battle. They used the lifelong loyalty of a canine to, once again, manipulate for their advantage without regards to the innocent creature. Stories of the two-legged land walkers always ruffled his fur the long way; making him grateful to know that the stories are either made up to satisfy a young pup's curiosity or that they no longer wonder this great land. Although, a certain part of him wished to understand which assumption actually fell into the realm of truth; perhaps that’s why he’s here, dragging himself through a body of water to reach a piece of land that may or may not hold the exact answers for something that he is secretly obsessed with.

Large, heavy paws dragged the large, dark, and drenched body from the jaws of blue water onto dry land that he never appreciated more than he does now. Once four legs stood sturdy on the island base, Maddox gave his body a vicious shake to help rid his black pelt of the heavy feeling the water left in its wake. Irises finally got the chance to observe what the land has to offer. Nothing spectacular jumped out at him, making disappoint evident to his mind. With already low standards, Maddox pressed forward with the thought that he traveled all the way over here, he might as well explore and see what this island has to offer.

While the weather was relatively pleasant, he could feel a sort of thickness in the air; maybe it was because the land was surrounded by a body of water that caused a bit of sultry air? It was particularly uncomfortable as it was annoying, not to mention the nasty little flying insects that wish to flutter around his being, attracted to his warm and damp fur; their little bodies finding themselves in his nose, eyes, and ears. If he had the power to extinct any creature in the world it would be these nasty little gnats, their existence a waste of space. Large cranium shakes within every ten seconds, it seems, the effort to ward off the flying nuisances only seemed to give relief during the action, only to cause him to groan with his failed efforts.

In a desperate need to get away from the buzzing of bugs, the black wolf picked his pace up to a steady trot. His movement’s fluid, but his steps heavy with the weight of a large body, causing more force and less grace in his stride. Eyes searched left, right, up, and down in hopes to find something of great discovering, each glance coming up empty making him wish more and more that he would have to stay in an area with less water and even lesser bugs. In a fit of irritation, his mind told him harshly that if his adventurous side wishes to wonder squash it appropriately. Maddox couldn’t bring himself to disagree with the thought of seeing his current state.

His pace slows to a walk as he twists his head around to look back in the direction he came from, debating rather or not he should just turn back and stop this ridiculous hunt of his. Before he could debate on the matter anymore the feeling of nothing under his left foot left him dumbfounded for a brief second before the sensation of falling washed over his body, creating dread. In an ungraceful and slightly painful tumble, Maddox found himself at the bottom of a hole. Skull shakes to rid itself of a dull throb; eyes adjusting over the newly found cavern in the ground, Maddox found that he for one, isn’t dead, and two, the hole didn’t look like a normal hole. It was lined with old stone that was brittle and cracking in some areas, as well as steps leading out of the small cavern; they didn’t look the bit trustworthy.

Maddox found his footing before wandering over to the steps, carefully climbing their base. Once out of the crater, he turned his body to look at the hole only to catch the sight of a large…. Something. It’s body overgrown with vines and bushes, nature taking back control of the once damaged area. With the use of caution, the brute moved over to the large piece of structure, only to be slightly confused as to what this thing was. In the back of his head, he could hear some of the stories his grandfather told him about the two-legged beasts. It was said they lived in hand made structures, almost like a den of some kind; Maddox wondered why they needed such a large space to sleep in.

Yellow orbs glanced around the piece with interest, his body, and mind wishing to enter the den, although he doubts its integrity. With great curiosity he moves forward to enter the building, only to be stopped by a rectangular barricade, his black nose sniffed at the odd object before deeming it best not to test how stable the walls are, he opted to find another way in. Slowly, he walked around the building in search of another way in.
