
Must be rough



3 Years
04-16-2019, 02:46 AM
Verias knew that he'd been quiet since arriving. It'd only been about a few days since he had even arrived. Kesali was land he was new to and while he seldom had seen Branch since then Verias figured he'd get himself out there into the world. Ardent obviously was filled with wolves much larger than he, fighting skills that he had never seen before. One could not learn unless they practiced and that was exactly what the black male was going to do. He'd heard that this was called the battlefield, so this was where he'd search out a good sparring opponent. Hopefully, the bigger the better.

Standing on the bloodstained ground he lifted his head in a howl. Summoning strangers to come spar with him. Nothing too dangerous, at least he hoped so. He knew life could be cruel and it was survival of the fittest in the end. Yet he was hopeful that a wolf that was respectful enough to simply spar with him would be available. While he could seek his own pack mates out, that was not as interesting as it would be with outsiders.



6 Years
Dire wolf
04-21-2019, 11:32 PM

Their wound had scarred just as it had been expected. Melanthios breathed in and out in a calm succession with their fiery gaze scanning the bloodsoaked terrain for unfamiliar faces. Their previous days had been spent healing and now that they had, well, it was time to get their act together and begin searching for more sparring partners. They refused to get lazy… and they knew the only way they would find themselves content is with their body in motion. Fighting with like breathing to them… natural. Perhaps a brutish routine to most… but Melanthios wouldn’t have it any other way. One didn’t need to kill or scar another to feel satisfaction in battle either.

Hearing a howl calling for a challenger Melanthios wasted no time in changing course for the one that called. They weren’t sure what to expect, or whom they’d find, but they were still satisfied when they saw the potential opponent. Melanthios had learned to never underestimate smaller wolves… even those as small as their cousin Gavroche. They smiled, red-orange eyes shining with delight as they called to the stranger during their approach.

“Greetings. You have called and we have come.” Mela smiled. “We are Melanthios Kedieo, child of Phoenix and Einarr and grandchild of Lady Keno.” They dropped into a more defensive stance, dipping their head to their opponent. “Whenever you are ready. May the Goddess smile on you.”




3 Years
04-22-2019, 10:13 PM
ooc: spar begins paragraph 2

Verias' eyes opened wide, a massive wolf came to him. They were taller than Branch in a way, as the small black wolf stood he was in awe of the other. What beautiful red fur, covered in scars and age tacked onto this experienced being. "..I am Verias Cornwall, Son of Hentrietta and Levi Cornwall. Brother of Theo and Aria." he didn't know why they had introduced themselves in such a matter but he felt that it'd be respectful to answer back the way he had. Seeing as they had set their defenses than he supposed that he would make the first move. Nodding his head, he began to spread his limbs to begin.

Verias rolled his shoulders inward as he spread his limbs out equally to start. His scruff scrunched to protect his neck as he tucked his head into his body to protect his throat. Verias' golden eyes squinted into slits, only a sliver of his yellow hue let the opponent know he was watching. As he pulled his lips back his muscles around his face tightened, this would hopfully make his muzzle harder to hold onto. With his ears he pinned them to the back of his skull, making sure his tail was aligned with the rest of his body for balance. Verias' toes spread into the terrain, his stomach muscles tightened and finally, he kicked off his back legs to start. Heading head first into Melanthios.

Keeping his wits about him Verias opened his jaws and tilted them to the right. Aiming for and attempt at Melanthios' left shoulder with Verias' own momentum trying to throw himself into the larger wolf. Verias was hoping for a firm hold, but one could only do hoping in a fight. With his front paws slightly lifting from the ground he used his left to attempt to kick out Melanthios' own left wrist. He tightened his stomach muscles to keep balance. His back legs buckling and his shoulder with his scruff still primed to prepare for any oncoming attacks. He had never fought against a wolf so big, so the outcome he could only imagine.

TLDR: Verias aims his jaws for Melanthios left shoulder, uses left paw in an attempt to kick out Malenthios' left wrist/ankle.

Verias vs Melanthios for SPARRING
Round 1/2
Height 36"
Build Heavy