
Just like Mom and Dad



3 Years
04-25-2019, 12:25 PM

Lucine Scylding

Today she was on a mission, an very important mission. Like both of her parents she was striving to become a very skilled hunter and today she was heading out solo. Looking to bring down a animal on her own and to hopefully make her parents proud of her progress as a hunter. The pack territories had been too populated with wolves to find any larger sized game so she knew she would have to go into unknown lands to find something decent. Once she was a good distance away the girl lowered her nose to the ground and began to search for a trail. It took her a while and a decent amount of travel before her nose would pick up a fresh trail and she would maneuver her form to fallow it. As she moved, she was careful of where she stepped. She avoided twigs and dry brush in order to remain quiet as the trail grew hotter. When the scent was strong enough she began to stalk, eyes focused on the world ahead of her as she scanned for movement. Ears pointed forward listening for the sounds of the herd ahead of her.

Then they finally came into view, a herd of whitetailed doe and fawns grazing near the lake. Lucine remained at a distance as she looked over the group, surveying the ages and the health from what she could see. There was one doe that was bigger then the rest and as Lucine watched her she could tell that it had to be a much older doe. She didn't limp, but her gait was a tad bit stiffer then the others and she seemed much more alert then the younger ones. Lucine knew she wouldn't be a good target. She may be older, but without an existing injury this doe would put up either a fight, or be off before Lucine would even get the chance. The doe was constantly eyeing the world around her looking for any potential danger. Her gaze moved to the fawns watching them move to and from the sides of their mothers. They all seemed to stay close, close enough that if she aimed for them she would have to worry about the mothers coming in to protect the young. Though the fawns were an easy target, this time they were too close to their mothers and none of them strayed far enough to cut them from the herd.

Lastly she gazed on the younger does, only four of them and most had fawns at their sides. As she looked each of them over she grew more frustrated, in their prime with no injuries. She could go for one of them since she herself was young and had the energy to spare, the fawns which wouldn't go far would just be a bonus that would be taken down after the mother was killed. She kept scanning and caught the site of a fifth young doe on the outskirts of the group. Eyes focused on her to realize she was limping heavily, her injury on her left rear leg. Somewhat fresh marks on the leg indicated she was attacked recently and the lack of a fawn by her side gave Lucine the idea that her young was taken from her. She could barely put weight on that injured leg and the doe looked pretty miserable. A leg injury was detrimental to this fast moving creatures and it would be difficult for her to keep up with the herd. If Lucine didn't take her another predator would and this was the target Lucine chose for her hunt.

She quietly moved, heading to the right before she would quietly move forward and closer. She positioned herself behind the injured doe and towards the back of the alert doe that was the oldest in the group. She didn't want a chance for the older doe to alert the rest of the herd and make them bolt before she could get in a good position. Low to the ground she would move, but would stop each time a doe would look in her direction. It was important for her to be completely still so that the deer wouldn't catch her movements. She was patient and took this process slow knowing that this part had to be done right or else she could loose her chances. When she felt she was close enough she readied her body to surge forward, leaning back to put some spring in her back legs. She waited, and waited, making sure everyone's eyes were off her general direction. Then without warning she surged forward and lept springing herself off the ground, opening her jaws, and tilting her head tot he left.

Her jaws clamped around the thicker part of the does back left leg and she dug her teeth in. The doe bleated out in pain, though her herd was already bounding away from the scene and leaving her in the dust. Snarling Lucine shook her head back and fourth digging and tearing into the muscle of the leg to further damage the limb. The doe tried to run, but the lack of the fourth limb combined with Lucine's weight slowed her down. Then Lucine would let go before spring forward again to get in front of the doe, whipping her form around and lunging towards the doe's neck. The doe would attempt to rear and try to smack Lucine with her hooves, but would collapse backwards, unable to balance herself on one limb. Lucine snapped her jaws around the Does neck and pushed her further back, slamming the doe into the ground, on her back. Lucine held on, clamping down to close off the windpipe or to sever the artery within the neck.

With time the struggling doe slowed and then stopped struggling at all, but Lucine knew better then to let go yet. Then the doe's body went completely limp and slipped onto it's right side. She waited a few minutes longer before she leg go and stood back to look at her kill. A wide grin spread across her face and her tail happily wagged at her success, knowing her mom and dad just had to be proud of this!


Any of her family is allowed in her threads regardless of the tag