
Hand in hand

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-29-2019, 02:48 PM

The two weeks had come to an end, and Shaye had reached her decision. It had been a hard two weeks for her, and she had sought to retrieve facts where she could. In the end, she knew there was really only one conclusion for her to come to.
Tyranis was approaching from outside the pack lands, and Leera from inside of Abaven, the pups were out of the picture for the moment, so that she could speak to both parents in peace.

She waited until both wolves where before her before she spoke. "I've come to a decision - my conclusion is that I can not be this intimately involved in a decision over the lives of yourselves and your children. Both of you will find peace and neutrality in Abaven if you come to seek it. You have both been steady and mature over these two weeks, and I hope they have given you both time to calm and reflect on the future of your children. Leera I've seen you care for your children without telling too much of one side of the story, allowing the children to continue to love both of you. Ty, you have been patient and trusting in leaving me with the safety of your children for this time, and I trust that both of you can continue to be so mature and steady moving forward. What I can offer you is my position as intimidatory as you sort this out together as adults. I can offer some suggestions - shared custody week on week off until the children are adults, for example. If you find a solution that involves abaven and works for both you, I promise you my cooperation." She sat on her hunches and let the two parents take the floor.

This was about them, and she wanted to see them both take the reigns. But she would also standby, to offer both of them support, and to remind them that they had an audience, in the hopes it kept things civil. Well she didn’t wish to interfere any further, she might be sorely tempted to if she found one parent was willing to compromise and another was not, and it wouldn’t be in favour of the stubborn party.

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



4 Years
04-30-2019, 07:03 PM

It didn’t seem to Ty that Shaye intended to keep her nose out of what was a private affair between himself, his children, and his pack member but he would let Leera speak her piece. She cowered behind Shaye still and he would allow her to do so, but refused to let his children be passed back and forth like parcels to suit Shaye’s desires. If he needed to he would fight for them, but for now he simply sat and waited. She had aligned herself with a man that betrayed him and hadn’t waited long enough to give birth before throwing herself at another man, her guilt was as plain to him as the chocolate pointed markings on her body. He sat still, back straight, his recent wounds still visible on his chest and simply waited.

speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



5 Years
Extra small
05-02-2019, 07:06 PM

There is no guilt that lies in her eyes.

She stands with Shaye, tall even in her smallness, neutral, ears pulled slightly back as she watches Tyranis. He appears much older than he had the last time she'd seen him, like the two weeks have drained every ounce of life from him. He looks injured. He looks defeated.

Meanwhile, Leera has created a new life for herself and the children in Abaven. Despite her initial begrudgement, the pack has offered an abundance of things for her do to, and she has offered her paw in everything from crafting to hunting. During this time, Shaye and her companions have been especially friendly, and the pups don't seem to mind their displacement much anymore. "Lightening King," she mulls eventually, when the air becomes quiet. Her voice is low, sultry, strong, like she's been waiting for this. Her eyes lie on him, her tail flicks wordlessly. "Have you nothing to say?" Or have you lost yourself...

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-07-2019, 05:33 PM

speech Thought You

Cloud trailed behind his brother a little until they got to Abaven's borders. He took a seat beside him as he listened to Shaye, his ears pulling back slightly. It seemed she still intended in some form, to keep her nose in business where it didn't belong. It wasn't nor shouldn't be her decision or call on what happened to his brothers children. His nieces and nephews. He sat quiet for a moment, noting his brother decided not to say anything. And it wasn't until Leera spoke that he summoned his voice.

"Given the circumstances, I don't blame my brother for not speaking right away." Tyranis had been stripped of his children for what felt like longer than a couple of weeks, after all. While Leera kept custody of them. It wasn't fair for his brother to have to suffer the consequences for the actions of others, and Cloud had had enough of this. Despite his usual attitude of letting his brother take the reigns, he couldn't stand by anymore.

His gaze turned to Shaye then, "As per Erovrare's laws, children born to the pack are to remain in the pack. It isn't fair to force them to go back and forth every week for the next three seasons. And to me, it doesn't seem like you're thinking about how this might affect them, or whether they even want to be in Abaven." He had found Theta outside of Abaven during the two weeks, and she had been clearly displeased with being forced to stay there. His niece had even told him she practically hated it there...and it was likely that some of her siblings might feel the same way.

"These affairs shouldn't have concerned you, but since my uncle is a part of your pack, here we are. For what reasons he sought to challenge for them in the first place, I don't know. But to attempt to force an agreement on your terms isn't right." Shaye could argue with him all day if she chose, but the truth of the matter was she really didn't have a say in what happened to them. He supposed if they had to challenge for them, they would. But their supposed goal was to handle this peacefully...

Astraios I


2 Years
05-09-2019, 03:55 PM
He knew she was seeking out the kids and finding out their opinions. He also knew that his you ger siblings where sullen and unhappy that they where being carted around to abaven like a sack of meat. He didnt know what opinion she had reaches, but she called for her father and for leera. He found himself drifting closer to them. He hear shaye speak of the parents choosing, and he got the impression that she didnt really want to be a part of this. His father didnt speak, but cloud did - pointing out that the kids belong to erovrare.

He had spent his time in the pack watching over his siblings, ensuring they where fed. He had spoken a little to leera, but he hadnt managed to convince her that his father wasnt all that bad.

Perhaps he would have a better shot at shaye. He had spent a small amount of time in her presence, and had mostly been quiet, but he had also showed her his best face. He had fetched and carried, and cared for his siblings as best he could.
Maybe she would listen to him, maybe she wouldnt.

He stepped into view, placing himself a little between ty and shaye, but to the aide. "The kids are miserable here in abaven. You've seen it, in their short responses, and angry eyes. They want to go home. Maybe its not perfect anymore, and they cant have leera and ty, but they can still have the pack they where born in. The pack can provide for them, give them training and raise them well. He raised me, and did I turn out that bad?" The quiet boy managed to mold his expressions into a smile. The reason he was broken had nothing to do with his father.

"Perhaps, when they are a year old, they can make the decision themselves to pick a parent. Until then, we can offer them a stable environment, a family. It's hard that they cant have leera too, but it's not so bad an option. Dont you think?" He asked shaye softly,


Astraios is broken, mostly mute, with a death wish

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-09-2019, 04:26 PM
She sighed, looking to the three men that looked at her imploringly. She heard cloud speak, and then rai. She listened, and understood where they where coming from. "In truth, my decision was that I should not be interfering in this argument between parents. My wolf challanged for them, but whatever his issue is with you, I do not share it. You arent a foreign elemnent fighting for what isnt yours. I am the foreign one here. The kids are yours, ty. I should have stepped back at the start when I reigned my warrior in. I acted in knee jerk reaction, without knowing the facts. I'm sorry leera, and your welcome to stay in my pack. We can talk more on this later if you like" she hoped the woman could forgive her but she had a feeling this was the only right answer.

She sighed softly, but she knew she couldn't stay in the middle of this. If she fought for the pups, against their own father, it would mean war. There would be no peaceful life for them. And when it really came down to it, did she have any right to bar him from his kids? Him barring leera was his choice, and she hoped she could work with the woman to find an answer, but that was q future problem. Here and now, the kids where his. She stepped back, giving him the floor to call for them.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.