
Can't get you off my mind (Miharu)


07-16-2013, 09:57 PM
The ivory woman had come to the island to try and get the odd colored man off of her mind. She thought the long swim to the far island, called Silver Island, would help but it hadn't. The swim hadn't been easy and some of the fish annoyed her as they swam around her legs and occasionally nibbled at her toes. Luckily none of them had been big enough to actually eat her.

When she finally got to the island's beach she lay down in the warm sand to dry off. That had been a bad idea though as she was now itchy from all the damn sand in her fur. Growling and grumbling she shook the sand from her pelt until she itched no more. When she was finally free of all the itchy sand she looked from one end of the beach to the other, wondering silently if there was anything big enough to eat within the forestry.

Up the beach she went until she was in the shadows of the trees and on she continued for an hour or so before a young buck, with velvet still hugging his antlers, caught her attention. So, there was life on this small piece of land apart from the greenery. Her mouth watered but the buck had spotted her long before she had seen it, and before she could even move to attack it, he was off.

Putting her talents of hiding her sent and herself to use, she tracked the buck as well as she could. It had taken her a little over two hours to find the delicious creature again and this time it had no idea she was there. It only took her a few minuets to get close enough to pounce on it. Her paws landed silently, the jewelery hanging from her neck didn't even make a sound, as she moved through the shadows into the perfect pouncing position. She was a spy and there for a master at masking her sent and hiding herself...however hunting was not her strong suit. Sure she was built to force things to the ground and that she was good at no matter what she was doing, but her perfect position and an actual hunter's perfect position were two completely different things.

Out she sprang at the young buck, and a purchase was made...but not on anything vital. She always managed to do that, get close enough to think she could grab its throat but the moment she jumped out she would only lay a purchase on a leg or a shoulder. She knew she should get some one who was actually skilled in ambush to teach her to become a hunter, a true assassin. The wolf that came to mind, ever since she had met him, was Miharu. Always Miharu. Don't get her wrong though, she is excellent at sneak attacks and she meant what she had told the man when she met him. If she had wanted to attack him, he never would have known she was there till she wanted him to...the only bad part about it was she could never get the initial strike perfect. She had never had any training except for fighting to keep herself alive, the basic hunting skills and how to be a master spy and a master spy she was.

Her jaws had clamped down on the bent of the bucks right front leg. It tried to kick out at her but she gave it a quick and hard jerk, snapping it like a twig. The the young deer reared up and as it came down May dodged its one good front leg, but the moment it hit the ground she took it out from under him. As the buck face planted May slowly crushed his wind pipe with her jaws.

The blood on her tongue didn't make her as cruel as the blood of a wolf would. This was food, not a toy to torture and rip apart for fun. That would be done much later. With a shake of her head she easily broke its neck. With the snap the memory of Miharu with his victim reached her thoughts and she smiled.

Today she wanted to share her meal with him. Today she would stop trying to forget about the man who interested her so and call him to her. She drug the kill to the edge of the forestry, where she had arrived at, and from there is where she called him. When her voice stopped she sat down and waited for him.