
Nobody's Home



07-16-2013, 10:57 PM
Treading quietly, the ghost-like female exhaled softly, her breathe soft and even. Her tail was low and swaying with her gait, ears layed back in a relaxed manner, and eyes glazed. She had been this way since Eos had won that match. She hadn't the heart to join Glaciem with the new leader, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to follow Gargie to another land.

Slowing as a vast expanse of water unraveled before her, dark gaze took in a depressing sight. It was Ranikem, a male she had met on her travels to Ala, after the explosion. She had been overjoyed to befriend him, as he was quite smart in the art of fighting, yet lacked the speed that the she-wolf had. Head lowering, maw parted, lips pulling back into a grimace, the alabaster wolfess let out a low snarl. She was alarmed, for this brute had been exactly that, a relentless force who used brute strength to win battles. She never thought he could be taken down.

Yet, here he was, broken and bloody on the ground, stomach ripped open and intestines looking like they were dragged about. Blood pooled around his stomach, and his right hind leg was hanging by a few muscles, it was sickening. The left was barely there, as the flesh was almost all torn off, and chunks were scattered nearby, under a small, stunted tree. His front paws were both twisted at odd angles, and his whole body reeked of death. The stench surrounding him was not only of blood, or his, it was the unmistakable smell of a female. Young, and ready for a fight, it seemed. Yet, the scent was somewhat stale, so Feather shook her head, as she cautiously padded closer.

Skull lowering again, her ears swiveled towards him as she stared hopelessly at his body. It was so mutilated she wouldn't have been able to tell it was him if it hadn't been for his untouched face. She peered at his blank golden eyes, that stared ahead into nothingness. His soul was gone, she knew, and that was what caused her to hurt. She growled, her hackles rising, claws flexing into the dirt, and head lifting to let out a mournful howl, before she looked down again, a venomous tint in her gaze.

"I will make sure whoever did this pays, Ranikem. I swear upon my soul, they will regret it. I will find them, and challenge them. And I will win for you." She had loved him, yet had never acknowledged her feelings until now, as she surveyed his dead figure. She had always believed it was but a crush, and disregarded the feelings as silly, and stupid.

"I'm sorry. As will they be." Her fangs glinted in the fading sunlight, and her pose was scarily similar to her father's when he had mercilessly killed Feather's first actual crush, even though they had been young. It would be a disturbing sight for any who had met Feather before, and knew her naturally sweet and caring disposition. This was her losing it, this was the final straw. Nobody was home anymore.


5 Years
Athena I
07-16-2013, 11:20 PM

It was no secret that the timber-hued fea had a broken mind. Her memories were a jumbled mess, split in two from a severe head trauma the day her family had been murdered. She liked to think that she held herself together for the most part and with Gael's help she was making new memories to fill in what the old ones left out. But when she saw the pale wolf standing over the beaten and bloodied body of a wolf she saw what it truly meant to be broken.

She had been taking a short break from Gael and Valhalla, giving her new friend and hopeful new pack a little space, and was visiting a few places in Alacritis that she had yet to see. That's how she ended up in the Fontamo Bay, drawn here by the beautiful scenery. Her ears had caught the pained howl that echoed though the air, her curiosity and concern driving her to come to the aid of whoever had called. What she walked up to was a shock. The body laying torn apart on the ground was almost too beaten to be recognized as a wolf. If it wasn't for the untouched face and staring, empty eyes she wouldn't have been able to identify its species. Standing over this mess was a pale fea, her hackles raised and teeth bared, seemingly furious at the sight of the murder.

Meili carefully padded closer, still keeping her distance in fear that the fea would attack her. She examined the scene, noticing that the female didn't have the telltale signs of a fight, nor blood covering her that would certainly have been had she brutally beaten this wolf. Her ears folded back and she watched the female with concern, wondering if she had known this victim. If she had that would explain her reaction to the scene. Keeping her voice calm and gentle, she asked, "Excuse me? Are you okay? Do you know what happened here?"




07-17-2013, 12:07 AM
Skull snapping towards the sound of another wolf, Feather surveyed her with a cold, hard gaze. Her tone was filled with pure hatred, anger at whomever had dared to injure Rani. She loved him, truly and deeply, and her feelings that were revealed were painful. "No, I'm not. One of my best friends has been murdered in cold blood. I have no idea why, but I do know one thing. They will pay."

Blinking slowly, she swiveled her head, peering down at the harsh scene. "I loved him." He voice sounded broken then, in that moment, and she had to fight hard to keep in the dry sobs that would take hold of her body if she gave in. She refused to show weakness, as she would prefer to fall back into the deep darkness she had found herself in when traveling with Phocas, as he had taught her how to be heartless, and fight for what you believed was right, no matter if you were actually wrong.

She was going to become that again. The cruel, evil, stone-hearted monster who killed others and kept their carcasses as prizes, eventually eating them. She wouldn't eat Rani, yet she would be sure to give him a proper burial, or at least the best she could while in this hazy state. She wasn't sure where to start, or how to with this bystander, yet she headed for the chunks of flesh, tenderly picking a few up and pulling them to his body. She layed them next to him, stepping back and surveying him again, trying to decide what next.

She glanced at the other wolfess out of the corner of her eye, before fixating her dully burning gaze onto his stomach, gingerly prodding the intestines back towards their proper place. She knew she would have to wash up after this, but it was worth it. She needed this before she went off to find his killer. She was still seething, yet she did it silently, the rage rolling off her pelt in waves, an angry aura hovering around her. She snapped her head yet again to the other, snarling low, "Well. Why don't you help me? I want to bury him properly, then it's off to find whatever low life did this."


5 Years
Athena I
07-17-2013, 12:25 AM

The small fea's heart ached for the fea, even though she was mildly terrified of her in this rage. To lose someone dear to you was hard. To lose someone you loved was even worse. But to lose someone you loved and to find them in this bloody mess? She couldn't imagine the strain the fea was under. That was something no wolf should ever have to experience.

Meili watched in horror as the woman started picking up the pieces of her lost friend and tried to put him back together again. She was frozen with shock, her wide, teal gaze watching and unable to look away. The whole scene was gruesome and gory and made her stomach turn. She almost couldn't take seeing the fea poking the brute's intestines back into place. It was an awful sight that Meili knew would be ingrained into her memory for a long, long time. Suddenly the fea's emerald gaze burned a hole in her as she asked Meili to help her, though Meili had a feeling that it wasn't so much asking as it was telling her to quit staring and help. Mei blinked and silently nodded, having no words for the enraged woman.

She padded over to an unidentifiable piece of the brute and gingerly picked it up between her teeth, carrying it back to the fea and setting it down. She lifted her teal gaze to her crazed emerald one, saying, "Tell me what you want me to do." She'd do as the pale-hued fea asked, if for no other reason than to help her on her way and to keep the fea from turning her rage on Meili.
