
When you hit the Brick wall of Life


05-05-2019, 06:40 PM
*Note: This thread takes place directly close to Kesali's borders

It had been a little over a week now since she had been on her own and things were beginning to wear her down. Finding food was difficult, the small pup had been scavenging and there was never a guarantee she would get something. It had been days now since she had anything to eat and she was starving, her stomach giving her a constant reminder of how hungry she was. She was alone which was also weighing on her, missing her mother and her siblings. Without having them or a den to sleep in she didn't get much sleep, constantly kept awake by strange sounds and the anxiety of that cougar finding her and killing her as well. Today had been a bad day for her. Lack of sleep, starving, and utterly frustrated at her situation along with being emotional left her little form a heaping mess. To top it off a storm was coming and it already had begun to rain.

She was quickly soaked and had tried to take cover in some brush, but was quickly cold from being wet. Shivering she curled tighter and tighter, but she couldn't help but let her emotions finally spill over. She was miserable and with the added frustration she began to cry. Everything today was so overwhelming and it just broke her down. She wanted so badly to be with her mother and siblings again. To be in a nice warm den cuddled up to all the warm forms of her family. To have food being brought to her and have meals regularly once again. She had none of that and to top it off she was scared of this very large world. She would whine and hide her face under her paws as she cried the distant rumble of thunder making her more scared of where she would go tonight.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-06-2019, 03:23 PM
Erystotle had been out on a walk-a-bout when the gentle drizzle started. The boy didn’t mind the rain, and the weather had been getting steadily warmer. He liked the way the cool water saturated his pale coat and soothed his pink skin. The horned boy trotted contentedly over Kesali’s border. He wasn’t kept inside against his will, but it had been explained to him that for his own safety he wasn’t allowed outside the border until he was older. It seemed like a small price to pay for being saved by the pack.

He still felt painfully lonely, and though he appreciated the adults and all the love they offered, they still couldn’t replace his family. Erys missed his brothers, and though he hadn’t cried for them in a long time sometimes he wanted to. As his ivory paws carried him along he thought he had started sobbing. For only a moment though before realizing it was another wolf.

He couldn’t see her at first, but he could hear her disturbed sobs. Erys wanted to see what was wrong. Instead of calling for an adult and staying within Kesali he hesitantly walked forward, searching for the source. Soon his silver gaze fell on her white marked frame. She had similar colored skin to him and tears running down her cheeks. She also looked to be about his age. Erys tried not to get excited, especially since she was crying, but he so desperately wanted a friend like this.

”Hey,” He offered softly, his thin features low as he shuffled forward. ”Are you alright?” Erys didn’t have the forsight to think she would be afraid of him.


05-12-2019, 10:10 AM

She didn’t know what to do, where to go, or even how to make her situation better. She had for the most part went day by day, but she was simply having a bad day today. She was cold and didn’t want to venture into the elements to try and find a den. All the stress she was feeling was heavy on her shoulders and she couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. All of that was put on pause as someone quietly called out. Instantly she silenced, duel gaze darting to where the voice had come from. She had hoped that she was hidden well enough that no one would find her, but this wolf was a pup just like her and was more eye level with her then an adult would be. He was strange and for a moment the pup thought maybe it was a figure of her mind. Mostly white with swirling colors that she had never seen before on a wolf, the horn buds she didn't notice for now because their color blended so well with his mainly alabaster fur. One Blue and one orange eye moved to meet his silvery gaze as he shuffled forward.

Instincts drove her to scoot herself backward, into the brush more, fearful that it wasn't safe, that he wasn't safe. For a moment her gaze darted around expecting to find an adult fallowing him, but when she saw none her attention would turn back to him. Could he be trusted? She wasn't sure what was safe or trustworthy anymore. He asked if she was alright and she would just look at him uncertain what she could really say.

"," she would studder, mostly from being cold but some of it was from fear.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-13-2019, 10:29 AM
Really he only found her because he had heard her, and had he been any bigger he might not have seen her. The other pup’s blue and orange eyes stared back at him as she backed away in uncertainty. He might have done the same thing to Lydia were he more aware the day she found him. He could barely remember the events now, he recovered for the most part and forgot how miserable he had been. Erys watched her look around for something as her eyes left him, and he tilted his head curiously. He stopped his advance, not so obtuse that he couldn’t see how frightened she was.

She answered ‘no’ stammering out the answer as she curled inwardly. Erystotle’s mismatched ears fell to her skull, feeling her pain. A soft whine left him as he debated about rushing forward and offering physical comfort. That’s what he would have sought in her position.

”Can I help?” He whispered as his thin frame sunk closer to the ground. ”Do you want to come back to my den to get warm?” He had been in her position just a short while ago, and put himself in her position with ease. His belly touched the ground and he looked up to her from his paws. His gaze liquid silver as he relived the emotions that went along with losing your family.


05-16-2019, 08:32 PM

The male would stop his advance and her eyes would simply watch as his features softened. His ears would gently fall flat against his skull and a whine left him and he thought over what to do. Could he really be a threat? He was already acting respectful and was still giving her space. Her ears would perk as he would whisper and lowered his frame to the ground. Giving her a more eye level view of his face and his soft eyes. He offered her to come back with him to his den to get warmth and she would visibly shake at the idea.

Warmth, she needed it along with a shelter from this storm. How long it would rain she didn't know, heck it could rain all night. Warmth like she had gotten at home, snuggled with her family. She craved to be warm and comfortable again and as her eyes would study him she didn't find any sign of threat. She would slowly nod her head.

"I'm..... I'm..... Cold... Would like.... to be.... warm," she would whisper.

Cautiously she would uncurl herself and crawl closer towards him clinging to his offer. She didn't want to be alone anymore and couldn't stand being cold anymore.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-20-2019, 07:13 PM
The young Atlas boy watched the girl as she visibly shifted when he mentioned a warm den. She seemed to debate at his offer, her scared dual tones gaze never leaving him as he lowered himself to the ground. He thought for a moment she might deny that too, but her shaking voice was all the affirmation he needed as she unfurled and timidly drew more near.

He was stronger now, though he would never be a towering giant like many of his distant relatives. He was a lot softer as well, despite his odd appearance. He moved slowly, aiming to press himself against her side if she allowed him. Erystotle offered her an encouraging nudge under her chin as he smiled and gave comfort.

”Follow me, you wont be cold anymore.” Even with the summer approaching Erys had been given many furs to sleep on top of and under. Even when an adult couldn’t be with him he was warm. This girl would surely be warm after they got back. ”I’m Erystotle, but you can call me Erys.” He offered as he led her back into Kesali. ”What’s your name?”