
Where? Diagonally!



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-12-2019, 01:30 PM

Sunlight finally broke free from the clouds and prompted Valdís to emerge from her den. She gazed at the greenery about her, watching as a few drops of moisture rolled off the leaves of the trees. It had rained for most of the night but thankfully there hadn't been any serious storms. The ground was muddy but in time she hoped it would dry out. Valdís shook out her coat and eyed the clouds on the horizon, uncertain if they would build into a storm or if they would simply sail harmlessly through the sky. Frustrated grumbling caught her attention as she turned to see her companion, Jynette, struggling with a large scrap of hide that seemed to be full of something.

She watched the little red fox for a moment before she got up to see what the clever woman was up to this time. "Where are you off to Jyn? Don't tell me you've been pillaging the food stores." The fox released the hide and Valdís watched as a few items rolled out, namely an odd assortment of small bones and river stones. The fox licked her lips and gazed up slyly at Valdís. "I would never! I merely thought that you and I don't spend enough time bonding and I thought we could play a game. Get that brain of yours working."

Valdís chuckled and shrugged. "Fine, fine, my foxy friend. I'll play along." She settled down across from the fox. "How do we play this game?"

The fox grinned and finished unfolding the hide. "Go ahead and gather the stones on your side." Valdís moved to do just that, collecting a number of river stones for herself while Jynette grasped a small stick in between her jaws. The fox moved to a patch of mud that was firm yet still soft. Angling her head she started drawing lines in the dirt until she had a grid six columns across and six rows deep. Then the fox began to collect the small bones into a pile on her side. Valdís eyed the lines drawn in the mud and the piles of stones and bones before she looked back up at the fox, a questioning gaze playing across her face. Jynette grinned back.

"Ok, so here's the game. The goal is to get four of your item in a row. If you do you when the game. I have bones, you have stones. So you want to get four stones in a row in order to win. It can be vertically, horizontally or diagonally. We'll each take turns placing our item on the board. First to get four in a row wins. If we use up all of our item and no one gets four in a row the game is a draw. Make sense?"

Valdís grinned and nodded. A simple little strategy game. Not too complex but they could always develop it more at a later time. "How do we decide who goes first?" The fox grinned. "Bones always goes first." The fox deftly picked up a bone and dropped it in a square near the middle of the board. Valdís thought for a moment before gingerly picking up a small river stone in her mouth and depositing it kitty korner from the fox's stone.

The next move was Jynette's and she placed a bone three boxes away from her first. Valdís countered, placing her stone in between both of the fox's bones, preemptively blocking any chance that the fox had of getting four in a row in that direction.

The fox quickly pulled a similar move on Valdís, blocking her careful set up. She growled softly to herself. "Ok, I admit. This is intriguing. Wherever did you come by this game, Jyn?" The fox grinned, clearly quite pleased with herself but for a moment a look of nostalgia crossed the little creatures face. "My mother taught me this game. We used to play it often, especially when it was raining outside. We'd curl up in the den and play and chat to pass the time. Such simple times. Your move, love."

Valdís nodded and the pair continued to play, the pieces swiftly starting to fill up the board until they each had only four pieces left. Valdís' green eyes scanned the board, looking for some place to box the fox in. She placed her stone and for a moment everything was still. Jynette furrowed her brow as she stared at the board, debating just where to place the next bone. The fox very much wanted to win. It would be embarrassing for her to have introduced this game to the wolf only to lose. She had to admit Valdís was doing far better than expected but she soon saw just the way to win. Grinning, she placed the bone, getting three in a row with one space left open. A space that Valdís would have no choice put to fill and so she did. Valdís swiftly placed a stone to block the fox's row. Valdís grinned but before she could say anything the fox quipped, "I win." She picked up a bone and placed it on the other side of the board where she now had four in a row diagonally. Valdís stared, surprised for a moment, then she grinned and sighed. "Good game, Jynette. How about best two out of three?"

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
05-14-2019, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2019, 07:07 PM by Ásvor.)

Life within Legion had been almost unnervingly peaceful. When she'd first settled with somewhere with Valdis, back when Enrico had claimed the northern lands as his own, she hadn't been so sure such a life would suit her... but now she had to admit, it really wasn't quite so bad. She'd been even more uncertain about their move south across the continent, but she had alarmingly few complaints. The weather was the most major, but the recent rainstorm left her feeling refreshed - it brought a nice chill to the lands (if you could even call it that, compared to the climate she was accustomed to) - and a welcome reprieve from the sweltering summer sun.

She'd slipped out of the den early this morning, feeling restless and wanting to stretch her limbs despite the drizzle that still pattered down on the ground. Her wandering brought her to the caverns at Legion's western edge, which occupied a fair amount of time this morning. Somewhere along the way she'd encountered a snake that so curiously reminded her of her uncle Kapra's companion that she couldn't ignore her - she was even the same color, and her voice was eerily similar. It was a weird coincidence, something she thought only the gods could explain, and she didn't bother questioning it too much.

With her new companion hitching a ride back on her forelimb, coiled somewhat tightly over the upper joint of her left leg and burying her snout in the fur of her neck - she headed back home. By now the rain had ceased fully, though the ground seemed slick with moisture and she felt the damp earth give way beneath her paws as she made her way back toward the den she and Valdis shared.

Upon arrival, she was briefly puzzled to see Valdis and Jynette playing a game of sorts, with drawings in the dirt, and a collection of rocks and bones. Interesting. Quirking a brow, she headed closer to them, grinning slightly at the sight. It took her a moment to remember that the green bush viper coiled around her leg was a new site for them both, and she let her new companion - she'd decided to not-so-creatively call him Jörmungandr, just as Kaprasius had called his snake - slither out, her tongue flicking out as she eyed them both skeptically.

"Don't mind her, Jynette," Asvor started, grining somewhat deviously as she eyed Valdis's fox friend. She wasn't sure she'd ever grow to care for Jyn half as much as Valdis did, but she'd grown used to her presence nonetheless. "She's been given strict orders not to eat you." In truth Jynette was far too big for her to consume, but she didn't doubt the fox might be skittish around her new companion regardless.

She slid beside Valdis, dipping her head and offering her a gentle nuzzle to her shoulder, before glancing back to the game. "What exactly are you two up to?" She asked curiously, cocking her head. "It looks like.. some sort of game?" She wasn't totally sure but it was as good a guess as any.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-25-2019, 03:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2019, 12:52 PM by Valdís.)

Valdís turned her head, attention on the game completely dropped as her lover arrived. She stood and cocked her head to the side as she glanced at the snake wrapped around Ásvor. Ahhh, so she'd gone and gotten her own companion. Valdís grinned then reached out to nuzzle Ásvor. Snake or no snake she wasn't going to let anyone or anything get between her and her girlfriend. Though she did have a bit of jealousy toward the creature for being able to twine around Ásvor so easily, to get buried in her fur and warmth.

Jynette got up and carefully approached the snake, head tilting to the side. "And does your new friend have a name?"

Valdís glanced back at the game then to Ásvor.  "Jynette was teaching me this game. One player is stones, one player is bones. We each take a turn placing a piece on the board and the first one to get four in a row wins. If no one does and we run out of pieces it's a draw. You're welcome to play if you like or perhaps we could go for a walk? I'm also always down for a spar."

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
06-04-2019, 05:46 PM
Asvor's expression widened at the returned attention, noting how easily her focus shifted from the game to her - and though how quickly she abandoned it pleased her, she knew deep down that Valdis was about the only thing that could capture her attention so easily. Even since the day they'd met, when they were young, she remembered being strangely fond of her newest acquaintance, letting her guard down enough to weather out a storm with her... and trust was a rare thing for the Finnvi woman to give so easily. She returned the affection, pressing hard into Valdis's touch, always glad to be reunited no matter how little time had passed between them. For so long she'd only seen her every few seasons, so being around her almost constantly was a change she wasn't taking at all for granted, and she had a feeling she never would.

"Jörmungandr," Asvor introduced her new companion, grinning wickedly as she watched Jynette approach her. Briefly she unfurled from around her leg, tongue flicking out as she tentatively tasted the fox's scent.  "She's not much of a talker. Named her after my uncle's snake, who looked.. quite a bit like her," she explained as she twisted to eye Valdis again, eyes shining brightly. The resemblance was unnerving, but Asvor had been young when she'd seen Kapra and his snake last and her memory likely hazy.

A movement too sudden for her taste from Jynette made her snake recoil, ducking her head beneath the safety of Asvor's leg. The wolf's attention was brought back to Valdis, listening to her explain the game they'd been playing.  "A walk sounds good," she concluded after a thought, deciding the game could be left best as something for Valdis and Jynette to bond over. Asvor couldn't help but feel a similar spark of possessiveness ignite within her at their closeness, and perhaps that was why she'd wanted a small friend of her own, but the feeling didn't feel like the kind of emotion that might make her go unhinged... it felt healthy, forcing her to remember just how deeply she cared for Valdis, and made her wonder if she'd done a good job at showing it.  "There's something I wanted to talk to you about soon, anyway."



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-08-2019, 12:53 PM

Valdís chuckled at the serpents name, a good name indeed. The wind picked up a bit but it felt good. The summer temperatures had been climbing steadily in the south. She'd taken to rubbing against trees and stones to dislodge all of her winter coat as soon as spring hit. Some days she wished she could lose all her fur altogether to cope with the humid heat. Jynette jumped back slightly as the snake recoiled, her nostrils still flaring as she took in the serpents scent.

Valdís listened as Ásvor spoke and she swiftly nodded her head. "Ok, let's go for a walk. Jynette, can you take care of the cleanup?"

"Hmm? Yea, sure. Maybe we can play another round when you get back." The fox moved to begin placing the pieces in her scrap of hide as Valdís moved to stand next to Ásvor. She started walking, heading north. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
06-26-2019, 08:32 PM
The heat of summer definitely left something to be desired - already Asvor was longing for the bitter cold of the summer to return, not that it'd ever be all that frigid this far south. But she was growing used to the wolves within Legion, as small a group as they may be, and in particular to exploring these lands with Valdis at her side. It really wasn't so bad.. even if once she couldn't have imagined such a life - she had no complaints now, though sometimes she worried she was growing too complacent. How long had it been since she'd really spent time worshiping her gods? Perhaps in slowly but certainly bettering herself she was serving them somehow, but she couldn't help the prickling worry that maybe it wasn't enough.

Those were thoughts for a different day though. Slowly she lowered her head as they loped away from her den, nudging her snake friend to slither off from around her neck, and leave her and Valdis to talk privately. Asvor could only hope she'd be able to find her later when they returned, and if not? She'd have to assume their friendship wasn't meant to be.

Asvor moved alongside Valdis, hesitating before speaking. The truth was that she did have a few things she wanted to talk to her about - eventually - but doing so right now suddenly seemed unimportant. "Actually.." she started, casting a sly glance in her direction as they continued on. "I was just hoping to get you alone with me for awhile," she explained with a faint grin, tilting her head to gauge Valdis's reaction.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-12-2019, 08:17 PM

"I was just hoping to get you alone with me for awhile,

Valdís barked out a laugh, letting her weight lean into Ásvor's side just a little more as she reached out to playfully lick at the other's ears. She shot a mischievous grin at Ásvor trying to decide what the other was trying to imply. She had a few good ideas… of course there were still matters to discuss. She pulled away then bounded playfully forward, head turning elegantly to look back over her shoulder. "How about we head down to the creek? It should be running good after the storms we've been having lately." At the creek. That was when she'd bring up the matters she wanted to discuss, namely them. What were they exactly? How serious were they? Valdís had a tendency to be introspective and she knew it was time to turn her attention more to the outside and namely to Ásvor. What were her lovers goals and desires? That was as good a place to start as she could think.

She soon arrived at the creek which was rushing swiftly on thanks to the earlier storms. The dry ground struggled to absorb all the water and so it drained swiftly into the little creek. Valdís sat on the rocky shore, closing her eyes for a moment before turning to Ásvor. "I love that sound. Ásvor? I have kind of a weird question to ask. What do you want for your future?"

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
07-31-2019, 07:11 PM
In Valdis's company, Asvor found herself losing the sharp edge she seemed to be constantly gripped by, which was definitely refreshing; she nodded passively at her suggestion, turning to head in the direction Valdis had chosen. "Sounds like a plan," she finally agreed, after she'd already begun to follow her, picking up her pace to eventually lope by her side toward the rapidly flowing creek. They slowed as they neared it, and for a moment she found her own eyes drifting closed.

The sound of the water beating relentlessly against the rapids was weirdly comforting, in all its intensity, and she found a small smile playing at her lips as Valdis began to speak. "My future?" She reiterated the question, though her own inquiry was a rhetorical one as she paused to consider it. It wasn't that she hadn't thought about it much - she certainly had - but it was something they'd never stopped to discuss. "Besides you, you mean?" That playful look in her eyes returned as she bowed her head, leaning to nip at one of Valdis's forelegs, though soon a serious look crossed her features.

Even if it seemed like an opportune moment to flirt with her lover, that wasn't what Valdis had been asking and she knew that. "I always thought my future would involve bringing glory to the Finnvi name - and to my family's gods. I sometimes worry I haven't done enough, but I wonder if.. instead of being a disappointment, I'm simply serving them in my own ways," Asvor offered, shrugging - her voice had a weirdly thoughtful tone to it, something that was rare to hear from her. "I'm not sure what I see in my future, but definitely you. But perhaps more, too," she shrugged, unused to fumbling for words, but she was struggling to vocalize her own answer. 'What about you? What's in store for us?"



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-03-2019, 03:45 PM

"Besides you, you mean?"

Valdís chuckled and leaned over trying to lick at Ásvor's muzzle. "Obviously, any future where we weren't together wouldn't be worth being around for." While her tone was light in many ways she meant that. She honestly couldn't see her future without Ásvor. She listened intently as the other spoke. Val knew that one of the things that would make her happy would be seeing Ásvor happy. "Maybe you can tell me more about the Finnvi and your gods sometime. What do you think would bring them glory? If there's any sort of rituals or anything you practice just let me know. I'd be happy to help."

When the question turned back on her Valdís fell quiet. She supposed in some ways this was the question she'd been asking herself. She'd never really thought much beyond becoming a soldier and fighting but now she was setting her sights even higher and she knew she'd need support to reach these goals. "Well, I'm thinking of increasing my training in the hopes of making the Mantle rank. It's not only my body I want to condition but it is also my mind. Some day, if the fates smile on me I wish to rank as one of the Alula." It was a lofty goal to try and become a beta of the pack and to do so she knew she needed to invest herself in the pack more and focus on more than just brute strength and battle. She needed to become wise to inter pack relations and grow the side of her that delighted in tactics.

"What do you think? And what about you? Do you have any lofty ambitions within the ranks of Legion?"

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-13-2019, 07:33 AM
It was easy for her to live in the moment and to forget, albeit temporarily, what her life's purpose was. She'd never really been one to believe that pure hedonism was life's main purpose... not that life was all about duty and work, but there was certainly a balance, one that she felt she hadn't quite achieved yet. Perhaps now that they were settled in, now that she had all the support and companionship she needed, she could truly work at not only achieving her goals, but figuring out what exactly they were. Valdis's question certainly made her start to think about it, and she was almost embarrassed she hadn't done so sooner.

She felt a soft sigh escape at Valdis's words. How had she gotten so lucky? "I'd like that," she admitted, twisting her head to nip softly at a patch of fur near Valdis's cheek. Admittedly she hadn't spent a lot of time telling her about her family and their traditions, and truthfully Asvor hadn't participated in any for a long time. It was a good avenue for discussion and direction for them. "If it's at all possible to love you any more than I do, I think you just made it happen," she admitted with a slightly devious grin, despite her serious tone.

Valdis spoke of her own goals, which mostly involved rising within Legion's ranks. That didn't really surprise her, not when she'd always had lofty ambitions. Wasn't that part of what had always kept the two of them apart - their separate goals in life? Valdis had always excelled at everything she'd done, Asvor remembered clearly the stories she'd told every time they'd found one another again.

"Then let's make that happen," she almost purred as she leaned into her, eager to fully support her each and every step of the way. "Whatever it takes." If Valdis needed to train harder, to push her mind as well as her body as she'd said, Asvor would stand by her side and make sure it happened. "Perhaps the rank of Malar is something I could aim for. I just worry.. Legion in general has been quiet, and for once...." she tried to find her words, hoping Valdis understood. "I feel like this is my home, and I'll do anything in my power to ensure Legion's success." The thought of losing this pack wasn't a pleasant one for her, and she was determined to ensure she and her lover had a place here for all of eternity, if that was what they wanted. Perhaps being a stronger member of the pack was precisely what they both needed.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-16-2019, 06:32 PM

"If it's at all possible to love you any more than I do, I think you just made it happen."

Valdís grinned at her lovers words, eyes closing just a little as the other nibbled at her cheek. She'd meant what she said. She wanted to know more about Ásvor and about the things important to her. In truth Valdís had been rather lackadaisical about her own spiritual life. In fact it was hard to say she had much of one. She knew the general tenants of the faith in which she was raised but without sufficient practice it had fallen by the wayside.

"I think Malar is a worthy goal and I too whill do whatever is needed to assist you in this journey, even if I need to capture us a little healer. Or perhaps I can borrow Álarr's cat. That creature seems to have an excess amount of knowledge on the healing arts."

She leaned toward Ásvor. "It has been quiet…" she grinned. "But I bet it won't stay that way." She was glad Ásvor felt Legion was her home because she was finally beginning to feel the same way. She saw a future here, now all they needed to do was secure it.

"Talk" "You" Think